Uses of Interface

Packages that use CopyFrom

Uses of CopyFrom in com.sun.syndication.feed

Methods in com.sun.syndication.feed that return types with arguments of type CopyFrom
 Class<? extends CopyFrom<T>> CopyFrom.getInterface()
          Returns the interface the copyFrom works on.

Methods in com.sun.syndication.feed with parameters of type CopyFrom
 void CopyFrom.copyFrom(CopyFrom<? extends T> obj)
          Copies all the properties of the given bean into this one.

Uses of CopyFrom in com.sun.syndication.feed.impl

Constructor parameters in com.sun.syndication.feed.impl with type arguments of type CopyFrom
CopyFromHelper(Class<? extends CopyFrom<?>> beanInterfaceClass, Map<String,Class<?>> basePropInterfaceMap, Map<Class<? extends CopyFrom<?>>,Class<?>> basePropClassImplMap)
CopyFromHelper(Class<? extends CopyFrom<?>> beanInterfaceClass, Map<String,Class<?>> basePropInterfaceMap, Map<Class<? extends CopyFrom<?>>,Class<?>> basePropClassImplMap)

Uses of CopyFrom in com.sun.syndication.feed.module

Subinterfaces of CopyFrom in com.sun.syndication.feed.module
 interface DCModule
          Dublin Core Module.
 interface DCSubject
          Subject of the Dublin Core ModuleImpl.
 interface Module
          Base class for modules describing Metadata of feeds.
 interface SyModule
          Syndication ModuleImpl.

Classes in com.sun.syndication.feed.module that implement CopyFrom
 class DCModuleImpl
          Dublin Core ModuleImpl, default implementation.
 class DCSubjectImpl
          Subject of the Dublin Core ModuleImpl, default implementation.
 class ModuleImpl
          Base class for modules describing Metadata of feeds, default implementations.
 class SyModuleImpl
          Syndication ModuleImpl, default implementation.

Methods in com.sun.syndication.feed.module with parameters of type CopyFrom
 void DCSubjectImpl.copyFrom(CopyFrom<? extends DCSubject> obj)
 void SyModuleImpl.copyFrom(CopyFrom<? extends Module> obj)
 void DCModuleImpl.copyFrom(CopyFrom<? extends Module> obj)

Uses of CopyFrom in com.sun.syndication.feed.synd

Subinterfaces of CopyFrom in com.sun.syndication.feed.synd
 interface SyndContent
          Bean interface for content of SyndFeedImpl entries.
 interface SyndEnclosure
 interface SyndEntry
          Bean interface for entries of SyndFeedImpl feeds.
 interface SyndFeed
          Bean interface for all types of feeds.
 interface SyndImage
          Bean interface for images of SyndFeedImpl feeds.

Classes in com.sun.syndication.feed.synd that implement CopyFrom
 class SyndContentImpl
          Bean for content of SyndFeedImpl entries.
 class SyndEnclosureImpl
 class SyndEntryImpl
          Bean for entries of SyndFeedImpl feeds.
 class SyndFeedImpl
          Bean for all types of feeds.
 class SyndImageImpl
          Bean for images of SyndFeedImpl feeds.

Methods in com.sun.syndication.feed.synd with parameters of type CopyFrom
 void SyndContentImpl.copyFrom(CopyFrom<? extends SyndContent> obj)
 void SyndEnclosureImpl.copyFrom(CopyFrom<? extends SyndEnclosure> obj)
 void SyndEntryImpl.copyFrom(CopyFrom<? extends SyndEntry> obj)
 void SyndFeedImpl.copyFrom(CopyFrom<? extends SyndFeed> obj)
 void SyndImageImpl.copyFrom(CopyFrom<? extends SyndImage> syndImage)

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