Interface CopyFrom<T>

All Known Subinterfaces:
DCModule, DCSubject, Module, SyModule, SyndContent, SyndEnclosure, SyndEntry, SyndFeed, SyndImage
All Known Implementing Classes:
DCModuleImpl, DCSubjectImpl, ModuleImpl, SyModuleImpl, SyndContentImpl, SyndEnclosureImpl, SyndEntryImpl, SyndFeedImpl, SyndImageImpl

public interface CopyFrom<T>

Alejandro Abdelnur

Method Summary
 void copyFrom(CopyFrom<? extends T> obj)
          Copies all the properties of the given bean into this one.
 Class<? extends CopyFrom<T>> getInterface()
          Returns the interface the copyFrom works on.

Method Detail


Class<? extends CopyFrom<T>> getInterface()
Returns the interface the copyFrom works on.

This is useful when dealing with properties that may have multiple implementations. For example, Module.

the interface the copyFrom works on.


void copyFrom(CopyFrom<? extends T> obj)
Copies all the properties of the given bean into this one.

Any existing properties in this bean are lost.

This method is useful for moving from one implementation of a bean interface to another. For example from the default SyndFeed bean implementation to a Hibernate ready implementation.

obj - the instance to copy properties from.

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