Class SyndFeedImpl

  extended by com.sun.syndication.feed.synd.SyndFeedImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
CopyFrom<SyndFeed>, Extendable, SyndFeed, Serializable, Cloneable

public class SyndFeedImpl
extends Object
implements Serializable, SyndFeed

Bean for all types of feeds.

It handles all RSS versions, Atom 0.3 and Atom 1.0, it normalizes all info, it may lose information.

Alejandro Abdelnur
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
          Unmodifiable Set containing the convenience properties of this class.
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
protected SyndFeedImpl(Class<?> beanClass, Set<String> convenienceProperties)
          For implementations extending SyndFeedImpl to be able to use the ObjectBean functionality with extended interfaces.
  SyndFeedImpl(WireFeed feed)
          Creates a SyndFeedImpl and populates all its properties out of the given RSS Channel or Atom Feed properties.
  SyndFeedImpl(WireFeed feed, boolean preserveWireFeed)
          Creates a SyndFeedImpl and populates all its properties out of the given RSS Channel or Atom Feed properties, while optionally preserving the WireFeed for access via the orignalWireFeed() method.
Method Summary
 Object clone()
          Creates a deep 'bean' clone of the object.
 void copyFrom(CopyFrom<? extends SyndFeed> obj)
          Copies all the properties of the given bean into this one.
 WireFeed createWireFeed()
          Creates a real feed containing the information of the SyndFeedImpl.
 WireFeed createWireFeed(String feedType)
          Creates a real feed containing the information of the SyndFeedImpl.
 boolean equals(Object other)
          Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one as defined by the Object equals() method.
 String getAuthor()
          Returns the feed author.
 List<SyndPerson> getAuthors()
          Returns the feed authors.
 List<SyndCategory> getCategories()
          Returns the feed categories.
 List<SyndPerson> getContributors()
          Returns the feed author.
 String getCopyright()
          Returns the feed copyright.
 String getDescription()
          Returns the feed description.
 SyndContent getDescriptionEx()
          Returns the feed description as a text construct.
 String getEncoding()
          Returns the charset encoding of a the feed.
 List<SyndEntry> getEntries()
          Returns the feed entries.
 String getFeedType()
          Returns the wire feed type the feed had/will-have when coverted from/to a WireFeed.
 List<org.jdom2.Element> getForeignMarkup()
          Returns foreign markup found at channel level.
 SyndImage getImage()
          Returns the feed image.
 Class<SyndFeed> getInterface()
          Returns the interface the copyFrom works on.
 String getLanguage()
          Returns the feed language.
 String getLink()
          Returns the feed link.
 List<SyndLink> getLinks()
          Returns the links
 Module getModule(String uri)
          Returns the module identified by a given URI.
 List<Module> getModules()
          Returns the feed modules.
 Date getPublishedDate()
          Returns the feed published date.
 List<String> getSupportedFeedTypes()
          Returns the real feed types the SyndFeedImpl supports when converting from and to.
 String getTitle()
          Returns the feed title.
 SyndContent getTitleEx()
          Returns the feed title as a text construct.
 String getUri()
          Returns the feed URI.
 int hashCode()
          Returns a hashcode value for the object.
 boolean isPreservingWireFeed()
 WireFeed originalWireFeed()
          Returns the WireFeed this SyndFeed was created from.
 void setAuthor(String author)
          Sets the feed author.
 void setAuthors(List<SyndPerson> authors)
          Sets the feed authors.
 void setCategories(List<SyndCategory> categories)
          Sets the feed categories.
 void setContributors(List<SyndPerson> contributors)
          Sets the feed author.
 void setCopyright(String copyright)
          Sets the feed copyright.
 void setDescription(String description)
          Sets the feed description.
 void setDescriptionEx(SyndContent description)
          Sets the feed description as a text construct.
 void setEncoding(String encoding)
          Sets the charset encoding of a the feed.
 void setEntries(List<SyndEntry> entries)
          Sets the feed entries.
 void setFeedType(String feedType)
          Sets the wire feed type the feed will-have when coverted to a WireFeed.
 void setForeignMarkup(List<org.jdom2.Element> foreignMarkup)
          Sets foreign markup found at channel level.
 void setImage(SyndImage image)
          Sets the feed image.
 void setLanguage(String language)
          Sets the feed language.
 void setLink(String link)
          Sets the feed link.
 void setLinks(List<SyndLink> links)
          Set the links
 void setModules(List<Module> modules)
          Sets the feed modules.
 void setPublishedDate(Date publishedDate)
          Sets the feed published date.
 void setTitle(String title)
          Sets the feed title.
 void setTitleEx(SyndContent title)
          Sets the feed title as a text construct.
 void setUri(String uri)
          Sets the feed URI.
 String toString()
          Returns the String representation for the object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final Set<String> CONVENIENCE_PROPERTIES
Unmodifiable Set containing the convenience properties of this class.

Convenience properties are mapped to Modules, for cloning the convenience properties can be ignored as the will be copied as part of the module cloning.

Constructor Detail


protected SyndFeedImpl(Class<?> beanClass,
                       Set<String> convenienceProperties)
For implementations extending SyndFeedImpl to be able to use the ObjectBean functionality with extended interfaces.

beanClass -
convenienceProperties - set containing the convenience properties of the SyndEntryImpl (the are ignored during cloning, check CloneableBean for details).


public SyndFeedImpl()
Default constructor. All properties are set to null.


public SyndFeedImpl(WireFeed feed)
Creates a SyndFeedImpl and populates all its properties out of the given RSS Channel or Atom Feed properties.

feed - the RSS Channel or the Atom Feed to populate the properties from.


public SyndFeedImpl(WireFeed feed,
                    boolean preserveWireFeed)
Creates a SyndFeedImpl and populates all its properties out of the given RSS Channel or Atom Feed properties, while optionally preserving the WireFeed for access via the orignalWireFeed() method.

feed -
preserveWireFeed -
Method Detail


public List<String> getSupportedFeedTypes()
Returns the real feed types the SyndFeedImpl supports when converting from and to.

Specified by:
getSupportedFeedTypes in interface SyndFeed
the real feed type supported.


public Object clone()
             throws CloneNotSupportedException
Creates a deep 'bean' clone of the object.

Specified by:
clone in interface SyndFeed
clone in class Object
a clone of the object.
CloneNotSupportedException - thrown if an element of the object cannot be cloned.


public boolean equals(Object other)
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one as defined by the Object equals() method.

equals in class Object
other - he reference object with which to compare.
true if 'this' object is equal to the 'other' object.


public int hashCode()
Returns a hashcode value for the object.

It follows the contract defined by the Object hashCode() method.

hashCode in class Object
the hashcode of the bean object.


public String toString()
Returns the String representation for the object.

toString in class Object
String representation for the object.


public WireFeed createWireFeed()
Creates a real feed containing the information of the SyndFeedImpl.

The feed type of the created WireFeed is taken from the SyndFeedImpl feedType property.

Specified by:
createWireFeed in interface SyndFeed
the real feed.


public WireFeed createWireFeed(String feedType)
Creates a real feed containing the information of the SyndFeedImpl.

Specified by:
createWireFeed in interface SyndFeed
feedType - the feed type for the WireFeed to be created.
the real feed.


public WireFeed originalWireFeed()
Returns the WireFeed this SyndFeed was created from. Will return null if the original feed is not stored or if this SyndFeed was not created from a WireFeed.
Note: The wire feed returned here will NOT contain any modifications done on this SyndFeed since it was created. That is in contrast to the createWireFeed method, which will reflect the current state of the SyndFeed

Specified by:
originalWireFeed in interface SyndFeed
The WireFeed this was created from, or null


public String getFeedType()
Returns the wire feed type the feed had/will-have when coverted from/to a WireFeed.

Specified by:
getFeedType in interface SyndFeed
the feed type, null if none.


public void setFeedType(String feedType)
Sets the wire feed type the feed will-have when coverted to a WireFeed.

Specified by:
setFeedType in interface SyndFeed
feedType - the feed type to set, null if none.


public String getEncoding()
Returns the charset encoding of a the feed. This is not set by Rome parsers.

Specified by:
getEncoding in interface SyndFeed
the charset encoding of the feed.


public void setEncoding(String encoding)
Sets the charset encoding of a the feed. This is not set by Rome parsers.

Specified by:
setEncoding in interface SyndFeed
encoding - the charset encoding of the feed.


public String getUri()
Returns the feed URI.

How the feed URI maps to a concrete feed type (RSS or Atom) depends on the concrete feed type. This is explained in detail in Rome documentation, Feed and entry URI mapping.

The returned URI is a normalized URI as specified in RFC 2396bis.

Note: The URI is the unique identifier, in the RSS 2.0/atom case this is the GUID, for RSS 1.0 this is the URI attribute of the item. The Link is the URL that the item is accessible under, the URI is the permanent identifier which the aggregator should use to reference this item. Often the URI will use some standardized identifier scheme such as DOI's so that items can be identified even if they appear in multiple feeds with different "links" (they might be on different hosting platforms but be the same item). Also, though rare, there could be multiple items with the same link but a different URI and associated metadata which need to be treated as distinct entities. In the RSS 1.0 case the URI must be a valid RDF URI reference.

Specified by:
getUri in interface SyndFeed
the feed URI, null if none.


public void setUri(String uri)
Sets the feed URI.

How the feed URI maps to a concrete feed type (RSS or Atom) depends on the concrete feed type. This is explained in detail in Rome documentation, Feed and entry URI mapping.

Note: The URI is the unique identifier, in the RSS 2.0/atom case this is the GUID, for RSS 1.0 this is the URI attribute of the item. The Link is the URL that the item is accessible under, the URI is the permanent identifier which the aggregator should use to reference this item. Often the URI will use some standardized identifier scheme such as DOI's so that items can be identified even if they appear in multiple feeds with different "links" (they might be on different hosting platforms but be the same item). Also, though rare, there could be multiple items with the same link but a different URI and associated metadata which need to be treated as distinct entities. In the RSS 1.0 case the URI must be a valid RDF URI reference.

Specified by:
setUri in interface SyndFeed
uri - the feed URI to set, null if none.


public String getTitle()
Returns the feed title.

Specified by:
getTitle in interface SyndFeed
the feed title, null if none.


public void setTitle(String title)
Sets the feed title.

Specified by:
setTitle in interface SyndFeed
title - the feed title to set, null if none.


public SyndContent getTitleEx()
Returns the feed title as a text construct.

Specified by:
getTitleEx in interface SyndFeed
the feed title, null if none.


public void setTitleEx(SyndContent title)
Sets the feed title as a text construct.

Specified by:
setTitleEx in interface SyndFeed
title - the feed title to set, null if none.


public String getLink()
Returns the feed link.

Note: The URI is the unique identifier, in the RSS 2.0/atom case this is the GUID, for RSS 1.0 this is the URI attribute of the item. The Link is the URL that the item is accessible under, the URI is the permanent identifier which the aggregator should use to reference this item. Often the URI will use some standardized identifier scheme such as DOI's so that items can be identified even if they appear in multiple feeds with different "links" (they might be on different hosting platforms but be the same item). Also, though rare, there could be multiple items with the same link but a different URI and associated metadata which need to be treated as distinct entities. In the RSS 1.0 case the URI must be a valid RDF URI reference.

Specified by:
getLink in interface SyndFeed
the feed link, null if none.


public void setLink(String link)
Sets the feed link.

Note: The URI is the unique identifier, in the RSS 2.0/atom case this is the GUID, for RSS 1.0 this is the URI attribute of the item. The Link is the URL that the item is accessible under, the URI is the permanent identifier which the aggregator should use to reference this item. Often the URI will use some standardized identifier scheme such as DOI's so that items can be identified even if they appear in multiple feeds with different "links" (they might be on different hosting platforms but be the same item). Also, though rare, there could be multiple items with the same link but a different URI and associated metadata which need to be treated as distinct entities. In the RSS 1.0 case the URI must be a valid RDF URI reference.

Specified by:
setLink in interface SyndFeed
link - the feed link to set, null if none.


public String getDescription()
Returns the feed description.

Specified by:
getDescription in interface SyndFeed
the feed description, null if none.


public void setDescription(String description)
Sets the feed description.

Specified by:
setDescription in interface SyndFeed
description - the feed description to set, null if none.


public SyndContent getDescriptionEx()
Returns the feed description as a text construct.

Specified by:
getDescriptionEx in interface SyndFeed
the feed description, null if none.


public void setDescriptionEx(SyndContent description)
Sets the feed description as a text construct.

Specified by:
setDescriptionEx in interface SyndFeed
description - the feed description to set, null if none.


public Date getPublishedDate()
Returns the feed published date.

This method is a convenience method, it maps to the Dublin Core module date.

Specified by:
getPublishedDate in interface SyndFeed
the feed published date, null if none.


public void setPublishedDate(Date publishedDate)
Sets the feed published date.

This method is a convenience method, it maps to the Dublin Core module date.

Specified by:
setPublishedDate in interface SyndFeed
publishedDate - the feed published date to set, null if none.


public String getCopyright()
Returns the feed copyright.

This method is a convenience method, it maps to the Dublin Core module rights.

Specified by:
getCopyright in interface SyndFeed
the feed copyright, null if none.


public void setCopyright(String copyright)
Sets the feed copyright.

This method is a convenience method, it maps to the Dublin Core module rights.

Specified by:
setCopyright in interface SyndFeed
copyright - the feed copyright to set, null if none.


public SyndImage getImage()
Returns the feed image.

Specified by:
getImage in interface SyndFeed
the feed image, null if none.


public void setImage(SyndImage image)
Sets the feed image.

Specified by:
setImage in interface SyndFeed
image - the feed image to set, null if none.


public List<SyndCategory> getCategories()
Returns the feed categories.

This method is a convenience method, it maps to the Dublin Core module subjects.

Specified by:
getCategories in interface SyndFeed
a list of SyndCategoryImpl elements with the feed categories, an empty list if none.


public void setCategories(List<SyndCategory> categories)
Sets the feed categories.

This method is a convenience method, it maps to the Dublin Core module subjects.

Specified by:
setCategories in interface SyndFeed
categories - the list of SyndCategoryImpl elements with the feed categories to set, an empty list or null if none.


public List<SyndEntry> getEntries()
Returns the feed entries.

Specified by:
getEntries in interface SyndFeed
a list of SyndEntryImpl elements with the feed entries, an empty list if none.


public void setEntries(List<SyndEntry> entries)
Sets the feed entries.

Specified by:
setEntries in interface SyndFeed
entries - the list of SyndEntryImpl elements with the feed entries to set, an empty list or null if none.


public String getLanguage()
Returns the feed language.

This method is a convenience method, it maps to the Dublin Core module language.

Specified by:
getLanguage in interface SyndFeed
the feed language, null if none.


public void setLanguage(String language)
Sets the feed language.

This method is a convenience method, it maps to the Dublin Core module language.

Specified by:
setLanguage in interface SyndFeed
language - the feed language to set, null if none.


public List<Module> getModules()
Returns the feed modules.

Specified by:
getModules in interface Extendable
Specified by:
getModules in interface SyndFeed
a list of ModuleImpl elements with the feed modules, an empty list if none.


public void setModules(List<Module> modules)
Sets the feed modules.

Specified by:
setModules in interface Extendable
Specified by:
setModules in interface SyndFeed
modules - the list of ModuleImpl elements with the feed modules to set, an empty list or null if none.


public Module getModule(String uri)
Returns the module identified by a given URI.

Specified by:
getModule in interface Extendable
Specified by:
getModule in interface SyndFeed
uri - the URI of the ModuleImpl.
The module with the given URI, null if none.


public Class<SyndFeed> getInterface()
Description copied from interface: CopyFrom
Returns the interface the copyFrom works on.

This is useful when dealing with properties that may have multiple implementations. For example, Module.

Specified by:
getInterface in interface CopyFrom<SyndFeed>
the interface the copyFrom works on.


public void copyFrom(CopyFrom<? extends SyndFeed> obj)
Description copied from interface: CopyFrom
Copies all the properties of the given bean into this one.

Any existing properties in this bean are lost.

This method is useful for moving from one implementation of a bean interface to another. For example from the default SyndFeed bean implementation to a Hibernate ready implementation.

Specified by:
copyFrom in interface CopyFrom<SyndFeed>
obj - the instance to copy properties from.


public List<SyndLink> getLinks()
Returns the links

Specified by:
getLinks in interface SyndFeed
Returns the links.


public void setLinks(List<SyndLink> links)
Set the links

Specified by:
setLinks in interface SyndFeed
links - The links to set.


public List<SyndPerson> getAuthors()
Description copied from interface: SyndFeed
Returns the feed authors.

For Atom feeds, this returns the authors as a list of SyndPerson objects, for RSS feeds this method is a convenience method, it maps to the Dublin Core module creator.

Specified by:
getAuthors in interface SyndFeed
the feed authors, null if none.


public void setAuthors(List<SyndPerson> authors)
Description copied from interface: SyndFeed
Sets the feed authors.

For Atom feeds, this sets the authors as a list of SyndPerson objects, for RSS feeds this method is a convenience method, it maps to the Dublin Core module creator.

Specified by:
setAuthors in interface SyndFeed
authors - the feed authors to set, null if none.


public String getAuthor()
Returns the feed author.

This method is a convenience method, it maps to the Dublin Core module creator.

Specified by:
getAuthor in interface SyndFeed
the feed author, null if none.


public void setAuthor(String author)
Sets the feed author.

This method is a convenience method, it maps to the Dublin Core module creator.

Specified by:
setAuthor in interface SyndFeed
author - the feed author to set, null if none.


public List<SyndPerson> getContributors()
Description copied from interface: SyndFeed
Returns the feed author.

For Atom feeds, this returns the contributors as a list of SyndPerson objects

Specified by:
getContributors in interface SyndFeed
the feed author, null if none.


public void setContributors(List<SyndPerson> contributors)
Description copied from interface: SyndFeed
Sets the feed author.

Returns contributors as a list of SyndPerson objects.

Specified by:
setContributors in interface SyndFeed
contributors - the feed contributors to set, null if none.


public List<org.jdom2.Element> getForeignMarkup()
Returns foreign markup found at channel level.

Specified by:
getForeignMarkup in interface SyndFeed
Opaque object to discourage use


public void setForeignMarkup(List<org.jdom2.Element> foreignMarkup)
Sets foreign markup found at channel level.

Specified by:
setForeignMarkup in interface SyndFeed
foreignMarkup - Opaque object to discourage use


public boolean isPreservingWireFeed()
Specified by:
isPreservingWireFeed in interface SyndFeed
true if this SyndFeed preserves the WireFeed it was created from

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