Package com.sun.syndication.feed.synd

Interface Summary
Converter Interface that defines the functionality to convert a SyndFeedImpl to a real feed (RSS or Atom) and vice versa.
SyndCategory Bean interface for categories of SyndFeedImpl feeds and entries.
SyndContent Bean interface for content of SyndFeedImpl entries.
SyndEntry Bean interface for entries of SyndFeedImpl feeds.
SyndFeed Bean interface for all types of feeds.
SyndImage Bean interface for images of SyndFeedImpl feeds.
SyndLink Represents a link or enclosure associated with entry.
SyndPerson Bean interface for authors and contributors of SyndFeedImpl feeds and entries.

Class Summary
SyndCategoryImpl Bean for categories of SyndFeedImpl feeds and entries.
SyndContentImpl Bean for content of SyndFeedImpl entries.
SyndEntryImpl Bean for entries of SyndFeedImpl feeds.
SyndFeedImpl Bean for all types of feeds.
SyndImageImpl Bean for images of SyndFeedImpl feeds.
SyndLinkImpl Represents a link or an enclosure.
SyndPersonImpl Bean for authors and contributors of SyndFeedImpl feeds and entries.

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