Interface Converter

All Known Implementing Classes:
ConverterForAtom03, ConverterForAtom10, ConverterForRSS090, ConverterForRSS091Netscape, ConverterForRSS091Userland, ConverterForRSS092, ConverterForRSS093, ConverterForRSS094, ConverterForRSS10, ConverterForRSS20

public interface Converter

Interface that defines the functionality to convert a SyndFeedImpl to a real feed (RSS or Atom) and vice versa.

Each implementation knows how to deal with a specific type (version) of a real feed.

Implementations must be thread safe.

TODO: explain how developers can plugin their own implementations.

Alejandro Abdelnur

Method Summary
 void copyInto(WireFeed feed, SyndFeed syndFeed)
          Makes a deep copy/conversion of the values of a real feed into a SyndFeedImpl.
 WireFeed createRealFeed(SyndFeed syndFeed)
          Creates real feed with a deep copy/conversion of the values of a SyndFeedImpl.
 String getType()
          Returns the type (version) of the real feed this converter handles.

Method Detail


String getType()
Returns the type (version) of the real feed this converter handles.

the real feed type.
See Also:
for details on the format of this string.


void copyInto(WireFeed feed,
              SyndFeed syndFeed)
Makes a deep copy/conversion of the values of a real feed into a SyndFeedImpl.

It assumes the given SyndFeedImpl has no properties set.

feed - real feed to copy/convert.
syndFeed - the SyndFeedImpl that will contain the copied/converted values of the real feed.


WireFeed createRealFeed(SyndFeed syndFeed)
Creates real feed with a deep copy/conversion of the values of a SyndFeedImpl.

syndFeed - SyndFeedImpl to copy/convert value from.
a real feed with copied/converted values of the SyndFeedImpl.

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