Implement CaseSensitiveQuery #39
1 changed files with 17 additions and 22 deletions
@ -69,9 +69,8 @@
(defn filter-chod-posts
"Return list of all threads with equal or higher ChoD than requested
READS FROM GLOBALS: watcher.time-of-cache"
[query-vec chod-treshold repeat? board-cache]
[filters chod-treshold repeat? board-cache]
(let [{time-of-generation :time
cache :data} board-cache
guid-fn (case repeat?
@ -82,25 +81,21 @@
;; So we don't have to search thru everything we have cached
needed-cache-part (subvec cache cache-start-index)
;; Here we gonna run fmap but not really
actuall-matches (keep (fn [t]
(let [title (:title t)]
;; Todo: Man, wouldn't it be cool to know which querry matched the thread?
;; Would be so much easier for user to figure out why is it showing
;; and it would solve the problem of super long titles (or OPs instead of titles)
(when (some (fn [querry]
(s/includes? (s/lower-case title) (s/lower-case querry)))
actuall-matches (keep (fn [thread]
(fn [fun]
(when (fun thread (get filters fun))
(keys filters)))
(reverse needed-cache-part))]
;; Finally generate and append GUIDs
(map guid-fn actuall-matches)))
(defn thread-to-rss-item
"Converts cached thread item to feed item which can be serialized into RSS"
[t host board]
(let [link-url (s/replace host "{threadnum}" (str (:no t)))] ;Hardcode emergency bugfix
{:title (format "%.2f%% - %s" (:chod t) (:title t)) ;TODO: Generate link from the target somehow, or just include it from API response
[t host]
(let [link-url (s/replace host "{threadnum}" (str (:no t)))]
{:title (format "%.2f%% - %s" (:chod t) (:title t))
;; :url link-url <- this is supposed to be for images according to:
:description (format "The thread: '%s' has %.2f%% chance of dying" (:title t) (:chod t))
:link link-url
@ -108,9 +103,8 @@
(defn generate-feed
"Generates feed from matching items"
[query-vec chod-treshold repeat? cache board-config self-link]
(let [items (filter-chod-posts query-vec chod-treshold repeat? cache)
served-filename (get @conf/GLOBAL-CONFIG :served-filename)
[filters chod-treshold repeat? cache board-config self-link]
(let [items (filter-chod-posts filters chod-treshold repeat? cache)
head {:title (str "RSS Thread watcher v" conf/VERSION)
;; :link is the homepage of the channel
:link (get @conf/GLOBAL-CONFIG :homepage)
@ -141,9 +135,10 @@
query :query-string
scheme :scheme
server-name :server-name} rqst
filters (make-filters prms)
;; qrs (prms "q")
self-uri (str (s/replace-first scheme ":" "")
filters (make-filters prms f/known-filters)
;; BUG if local fileserver not running -> FileNotFound exception is thrown and it fucks up the feed generation
;; Should be handled because wrong config and thus url generation could do the same
self-uri (str (s/replace-first scheme ":" "") ;
"://" server-name uri "?" query)
board-config (get-in @conf/GLOBAL-CONFIG [:boards-enabled board])
real-chod (try (max (Integer/parseInt (or (and (vector? chod)
@ -187,7 +182,7 @@
;; There shouldn't be any problems with this mime type but if there are
;; replace with "text/xml", or even better, get RSS reader that is not utter shit
:header {"Content-Type" "application/rss+xml"}
:body (generate-feed queries real-chod repeat? (watcher/get-thread-data board @conf/GLOBAL-CONFIG) board-config self-uri)})
:body (generate-feed filters real-chod repeat? (watcher/get-thread-data board @conf/GLOBAL-CONFIG) board-config self-uri)})
(catch Exception e
;; Ex-info has been crafted to match HTTP response body so we can send it
(if-let [caught (ex-data e)]
Reference in a new issue