2024-01-05 01:45:41 +01:00
(ns rss-thread-watch.utils
"Util functions"
;; ===== Generic functions ====
(defn indices
;; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8641305/find-index-of-an-element-matching-a-predicate-in-clojure
"Returns indexes of elements passing predicate"
[pred coll]
(keep-indexed #(when (pred %2) %1) coll))
2024-01-05 14:30:27 +01:00
(defn map-deep-merge-missing
"Merges two maps but only keys missing from first map"
[m1 m2]
(into m1
(for [k (keys m2)]
(let [val1 (get m1 k)
val2 (get m2 k)]
(if (and (map? val1)
(map? val2))
{k (map-deep-merge-missing val1 val2)}
{k (nil?-else val2 val1)})))))
2024-01-05 01:45:41 +01:00
;; ===== Macros =====
(defmacro nil?-else
"Return x unless it's nil, the return y"
[x y]
`(let [result# ~x]
(if (nil? result#)
(defmacro when-else
2024-01-05 14:14:47 +01:00
"Evaluates [tst], if it's truthy value returns that value.
If it's not, execute everything in [else] and return last expr."
[tst & else]
`(let [res# ~tst]
(if res#
(do ~@else))))
2024-01-05 01:45:41 +01:00
(defmacro ret=
"compares two values using [=]. If the result is true
returns the value, else the result of [=].
Usefull with if-else"
[x y]
`(let [x# ~x
y# ~y
result# ~(= x y)]
(if result#