2019-12-15 15:02:13 -05:00

233 lines
9.9 KiB

defimpl Canada.Can, for: [Atom, Philomena.Users.User] do
alias Philomena.Users.User
alias Philomena.Badges.Award
alias Philomena.Comments.Comment
alias Philomena.Commissions.Commission
alias Philomena.Conversations.Conversation
alias Philomena.DuplicateReports.DuplicateReport
alias Philomena.DnpEntries.DnpEntry
alias Philomena.Images.Image
alias Philomena.Forums.Forum
alias Philomena.Topics.Topic
alias Philomena.Posts.Post
alias Philomena.Filters.Filter
alias Philomena.Galleries.Gallery
alias Philomena.DnpEntries.DnpEntry
alias Philomena.UserLinks.UserLink
alias Philomena.Tags.Tag
alias Philomena.Reports.Report
alias Philomena.StaticPages.StaticPage
alias Philomena.Bans.User, as: UserBan
alias Philomena.Bans.Subnet, as: SubnetBan
alias Philomena.Bans.Fingerprint, as: FingerprintBan
# Admins can do anything
def can?(%User{role: "admin"}, _action, _model), do: true
# Moderators can...
# View filters
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :show, %Filter{}), do: true
# View images
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :show, %Image{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :hide, %Image{}), do: true
# View comments
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :show, %Comment{}), do: true
# View forums
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :show, %Forum{access_level: level})
when level in ["normal", "assistant", "staff"], do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :show, %Topic{hidden_from_users: true}), do: true
# View conversations
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :show, %Conversation{}), do: true
# View IP addresses and fingerprints
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :show, :ip_address), do: true
# Manage duplicate reports
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :index, DuplicateReport), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :edit, %DuplicateReport{}), do: true
# Manage reports
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :index, Report), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :show, %Report{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :edit, %Report{}), do: true
# Manage user links
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :create_links, %User{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :edit_links, %User{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :edit, %UserLink{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :index, UserLink), do: true
# Reveal anon users
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :reveal_anon, _object), do: true
# Edit posts and comments
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :edit, %Post{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :hide, %Post{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :edit, %Comment{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :hide, %Comment{}), do: true
# Show the DNP list
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :index, DnpEntry), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :edit, %DnpEntry{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :update, %DnpEntry{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :show_reason, %DnpEntry{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :show_feedback, %DnpEntry{}), do: true
# Create bans
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, _action, UserBan), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, _action, SubnetBan), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, _action, FingerprintBan), do: true
# Hide topics
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :show, %Topic{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :hide, %Topic{}), do: true
# Edit and alias tags
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :edit, %Tag{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :alias, %Tag{}), do: true
# Award badges
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :create, %Award{}), do: true
# Assistants can...
# Image assistant actions
def can?(%User{role: "assistant", role_map: %{"Image" => "moderator"}}, :show, %Image{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "assistant", role_map: %{"Image" => "moderator"}}, :hide, %Image{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "assistant", role_map: %{"Image" => "moderator"}}, :edit, %Image{}), do: true
# Dupe assistant actions
def can?(%User{role: "assistant", role_map: %{"DuplicateReport" => "moderator"}}, :index, DuplicateReport), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "assistant", role_map: %{"DuplicateReport" => "moderator"}}, :edit, %DuplicateReport{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "assistant", role_map: %{"DuplicateReport" => "moderator"}}, :show, %Image{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "assistant", role_map: %{"DuplicateReport" => "moderator"}}, :edit, %Image{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "assistant", role_map: %{"DuplicateReport" => "moderator"}}, :hide, %Comment{}), do: true
# Comment assistant actions
def can?(%User{role: "assistant", role_map: %{"Comment" => "moderator"}}, :show, %Comment{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "assistant", role_map: %{"Comment" => "moderator"}}, :edit, %Comment{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "assistant", role_map: %{"Comment" => "moderator"}}, :hide, %Comment{}), do: true
# Topic assistant actions
def can?(%User{role: "assistant", role_map: %{"Topic" => "moderator"}}, :show, %Topic{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "assistant", role_map: %{"Topic" => "moderator"}}, :edit, %Topic{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "assistant", role_map: %{"Topic" => "moderator"}}, :hide, %Topic{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "assistant", role_map: %{"Topic" => "moderator"}}, :show, %Post{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "assistant", role_map: %{"Topic" => "moderator"}}, :edit, %Post{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "assistant", role_map: %{"Topic" => "moderator"}}, :hide, %Post{}), do: true
# Tag assistant actions
def can?(%User{role: "assistant", role_map: %{"Tag" => "moderator"}}, :edit, %Tag{}), do: true
# User link assistant actions
def can?(%User{role: "assistant", role_map: %{"UserLink" => "moderator"}}, :show, %UserLink{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "assistant", role_map: %{"UserLink" => "moderator"}}, :edit, %UserLink{}), do: true
# View forums
def can?(%User{role: "assistant"}, :show, %Forum{access_level: level})
when level in ["normal", "assistant"], do: true
def can?(%User{role: "assistant"}, :show, %Topic{hidden_from_users: true}), do: true
# Users and anonymous users can...
# Edit their description and personal title
def can?(%User{id: id}, :edit_description, %User{id: id}), do: true
def can?(%User{id: id}, :edit_title, %User{id: id}), do: true
# View conversations they are involved in
def can?(%User{id: id}, :show, %Conversation{to_id: id}), do: true
def can?(%User{id: id}, :show, %Conversation{from_id: id}), do: true
# View filters they own and system filters
def can?(_user, :show, %Filter{system: true}), do: true
def can?(%User{}, action, Filter) when action in [:index, :new, :create], do: true
def can?(%User{id: id}, action, %Filter{user_id: id}) when action in [:show, :edit, :update], do: true
# Edit filters they own
def can?(%User{id: id}, action, %Filter{user_id: id}) when action in [:edit, :update], do: true
# View user links they've created
def can?(%User{id: id}, :create_links, %User{id: id}), do: true
def can?(%User{id: id}, :show, %UserLink{user_id: id}), do: true
# Edit their commissions
def can?(%User{id: id}, action, %Commission{user_id: id}) when action in [:edit, :update, :delete], do: true
# View non-deleted images
def can?(_user, action, Image)
when action in [:new, :create, :index],
do: true
def can?(_user, action, %Image{hidden_from_users: false})
when action in [:show, :index],
do: true
def can?(_user, :show, %Tag{}), do: true
# Comment on images where that is allowed
def can?(_user, :create_comment, %Image{hidden_from_users: false, commenting_allowed: true}), do: true
# Edit comments on images
def can?(%User{id: id}, :edit, %Comment{hidden_from_users: false, user_id: id} = comment) do
# comment must have been made no later than 15 minutes ago
time_ago = NaiveDateTime.utc_now() |> NaiveDateTime.add(-15 * 60)
NaiveDateTime.diff(comment.created_at, time_ago) > 0
# Edit metadata on images where that is allowed
def can?(_user, :edit_metadata, %Image{hidden_from_users: false, tag_editing_allowed: true}), do: true
def can?(%User{id: id}, :edit_description, %Image{user_id: id, hidden_from_users: false, description_editing_allowed: true}), do: true
# Vote on images they can see
def can?(user, :vote, image), do: can?(user, :show, image)
# View non-deleted comments
def can?(_user, :show, %Comment{hidden_from_users: false}), do: true
# View forums
def can?(_user, :index, Forum), do: true
def can?(_user, :show, %Forum{access_level: "normal"}), do: true
def can?(_user, :show, %Topic{hidden_from_users: false}), do: true
def can?(_user, :show, %Post{hidden_from_users: false}), do: true
# Create and edit posts
def can?(_user, :create_post, %Topic{locked_at: nil, hidden_from_users: false}), do: true
def can?(%User{id: id}, :edit, %Post{hidden_from_users: false, user_id: id}), do: true
# View profile pages
def can?(_user, :show, %User{}), do: true
# View and create DNP entries
def can?(%User{}, action, DnpEntry) when action in [:new, :create], do: true
def can?(%User{id: id}, :show, %DnpEntry{requesting_user_id: id}), do: true
def can?(%User{id: id}, :show_reason, %DnpEntry{requesting_user_id: id}), do: true
def can?(%User{id: id}, :show_feedback, %DnpEntry{requesting_user_id: id}), do: true
def can?(_user, :show, %DnpEntry{aasm_state: "listed"}), do: true
def can?(_user, :show_reason, %DnpEntry{aasm_state: "listed", hide_reason: false}), do: true
# Create and edit galleries
def can?(_user, :show, %Gallery{}), do: true
def can?(%User{}, action, Gallery) when action in [:new, :create], do: true
def can?(%User{id: id}, action, %Gallery{creator_id: id}) when action in [:edit, :update, :delete], do: true
# Show static pages
def can?(_user, :show, %StaticPage{}), do: true
# Otherwise...
def can?(_user, _action, _model), do: false