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synced 2025-03-03 17:41:27 +01:00
100 lines
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100 lines
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route = fn p -> Routes.forum_topic_path(@conn, :show, @forum, @topic, p) end
pagination = render PhilomenaWeb.PaginationView, "_pagination.html", page: @posts, route: route, last: true
h1 = @topic.title
/ Header section
=> link("Forums", to: Routes.forum_path(@conn, :index))
' »
=> link(@forum.name, to: Routes.forum_path(@conn, :show, @forum))
' »
=> link(@topic.title, to: Routes.forum_topic_path(@conn, :show, @forum, @topic))
/a href=posts_path(forum_id: @forum.id, subject: @topic.title)
/ i.fa.fa-fw.fa-search>
/ | Search Posts
= pagination
' Started by
=> render PhilomenaWeb.UserAttributionView, "_anon_user.html", object: @topic, conn: @conn
' Posted
=< pretty_time(@topic.created_at)
=> @topic.post_count - 1
' replies
= render PhilomenaWeb.Topic.SubscriptionView, "_subscription.html", forum: @forum, topic: @topic, watching: @watching, conn: @conn
/ Display the poll, if any
= if @topic.poll do
= render PhilomenaWeb.Topic.PollView, "_display.html", poll: @topic.poll, conn: @conn
/ The actual posts
= for {post, body} <- @posts, !post.destroyed_content do
= render PhilomenaWeb.PostView, "_post.html", conn: @conn, post: post, body: body
= if @conn.assigns.advert do
= render PhilomenaWeb.AdvertView, "_box.html", advert: @conn.assigns.advert, conn: @conn
/ Post editability data for JS
/.js-editable-posts data-editable=editable_communications(@posts).to_json
/ Footer section
= pagination
/ Post form
= if @topic.post_count < 200_000 do
= render PhilomenaWeb.Topic.PostView, "_form.html", conn: @conn, forum: @forum, topic: @topic, changeset: @changeset
- else
/h3 Okay, we're impressed
/p You're looking at a thread with over 200,000 posts in it!
/p For various reasons, we'd like to ask you to start a new topic.
/ Mod tools
/- if can? :assist, Topic
/ .block__content
/ input.toggle-box id="administrator_tools" type="checkbox" checked=false
/ label for="administrator_tools" Topic Admin Tools
/ .toggle-box-container
/ .toggle-box-container__content
/ p
/ - if can?(:unlock, @topic) && !@topic.locked_at.nil?
/ => button_to forum_topic_lock_path(@forum, @topic), method: :delete, class: 'button' do
/ i.fa.fa-lock>
/ | Unlock
/ - if can?(:stick, @topic) && !@topic.sticky
/ => button_to forum_topic_stick_path(@forum, @topic), method: :post, class: 'button' do
/ i.fa.fa-thumbtack>
/ | Stick
/ - if can?(:stick, @topic) && @topic.sticky
/ => button_to forum_topic_stick_path(@forum, @topic), method: :delete, class: 'button' do
/ i.fa.fa-thumbtack>
/ | Unstick
/ - if can?(:lock, @topic) && @topic.locked_at.nil?
/ = form_tag forum_topic_lock_path(@forum, @topic), method: :post, class: 'hform' do
/ .field
/ => text_field_tag :lock_reason, '', placeholder: 'Lock reason', class: 'input hform__text'
/ => button_tag class: 'hform__button button' do
/ i.fa.fa-unlock>
/ | Lock
/ - if can? :move, @topic
/ = form_tag forum_topic_move_path(@forum, @topic), method: :post, class: 'hform' do
/ .field
/ => select_tag :target_forum_id, options_from_collection_for_select(Forum.where.not(id: @forum.id).all, :short_name, :name), class: 'input hform__text'
/ => button_tag class: 'hform__button button' do
/ i.fa.fa-truck>
/ | Move
/ - if can?(:destroy, @topic) && !@topic.hidden_from_users
/ = form_tag forum_topic_hide_path(@forum, @topic), method: :post, class: 'hform' do
/ .field
/ => text_field_tag :deletion_reason, '', placeholder: 'Deletion reason', required: true, class: 'input hform__text'
/ => button_tag class: 'hform__button button' do
/ i.fa.fa-trash>
/ | Delete