Liam 87eabaa48f Fix whitespace errors
These were largely found with three regular expressions:
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%> \w+ <
2024-06-01 23:50:59 -04:00

13 lines
514 B

<div class="block" id="imagespns">
<div class="spnstxt">
Interested in advertising on Derpibooru? <%= link("Click here", to: "/pages/advertising") %> for information!
<a href={~p"/adverts/#{@advert}"} id="imagespns__link" rel="nofollow" title={@advert.title}>
<img alt={@advert.title} src={advert_image_url(@advert)} />
Derpibooru costs over $25 a day to operate - <%= link("help support us financially", to: "/pages/donations") %>!