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synced 2025-03-20 18:57:14 +01:00
113 lines
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113 lines
4.9 KiB
<div class="block block__header">
<div class="flex flex--wrap image-metabar center--layout" id={"image_meta_#{@image.id}"}>
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<span class="favorites" data-image-id={@image.id} title="Favorites">
<%= @image.faves_count %>
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<a class="interaction--upvote" data-image-id={@image.id} href="#" rel="nofollow">
<%= if show_vote_counts?(@conn.assigns.current_user) do %>
<span class="upvotes" data-image-id={@image.id} title="Upvotes">
<%= @image.upvotes_count %>
<% end %>
<span class="upvote-span" title="Yay!">
<i class="fa fa-arrow-up"></i>
<span class="score block__header__title" data-image-id={@image.id}>
<%= @image.score %>
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<%= if show_vote_counts?(@conn.assigns.current_user) do %>
<span class="downvotes" data-image-id={@image.id} title="Downvotes">
<%= @image.downvotes_count %>
<% end %>
<a class="interaction--comments" href="#comments" title="Comments">
<i class="fa fa-comments"></i>
<span class="comments_count" data-image-id={@image.id}>
<%= @image.comments_count %>
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<%= render(PhilomenaWeb.Image.SubscriptionView, "_subscription.html", watching: @watching, image: @image, conn: @conn) %>
<%= render(PhilomenaWeb.ImageView, "_add_to_gallery_dropdown.html", image: @image, user_galleries: @user_galleries, conn: @conn) %>
<a href={~p"/images/#{@image}/related"} title="Related Images">
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<a href={pretty_url(@image, false, false)} rel="nofollow" title="View (tags in filename)">
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<a href={pretty_url(@image, true, false)} rel="nofollow" title="View (no tags in filename)">
<i class="fa fa-eye"></i> VS
<a href={pretty_url(@image, false, true)} rel="nofollow" title="Download (tags in filename)">
<i class="fa fa-download"></i> Download
<a href={pretty_url(@image, true, true)} title="Download (no tags in filename)">
<i class="fa fa-download"></i> DS
<div class="image-metabar flex flex--wrap block__header--user-credit center--layout" id="extrameta">
Uploaded <%= pretty_time(@image.created_at) %>
<%= render(PhilomenaWeb.ImageView, "_uploader.html", assigns) %>
<span class="image-size">
<%= @image.image_width %>x<%= @image.image_height %>
<%= if not is_nil(@image.image_duration) and @image.image_is_animated and @image.image_duration > 0 do %>
<span class="image-size" title={@image.image_duration}>
<% dur = trunc(@image.image_duration) %>
<% ms = trunc((@image.image_duration - dur) * 100) %>
<% {mm, ss} = {div(dur, 60), rem(dur, 60)} %>
<%= :io_lib.format("~2..0B:~2..0B.~2..0B", [mm, ss, ms]) %>
<% end %>
<%= String.upcase(to_string(@image.image_format)) %>
<% size_kb = div(@image.image_size, 1000) %>
<% size_mb = Float.round(size_kb / 1000.0, 2) %>
<span title={"#{size_kb} kB"}>
<%= if size_kb <= 1000 do %>
<%= size_kb %> kB
<% else %>
<%= size_mb %> MB
<% end %>