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defmodule PhilomenaMedia.Uploader do
@moduledoc """
Upload and processing callback logic for media files.
To use the uploader, the target schema must be modified to add at least the
following fields, assuming the name of the field to write to the database is `foo`:
field :foo, :string
field :uploaded_foo, :string, virtual: true
field :removed_foo, :string, virtual: true
The schema should also define a changeset function which casts the file parameters. This may be
the default changeset function, or a function specialized to accept only the file parameters. A
minimal schema must cast at least the following to successfully upload and replace files:
def foo_changeset(schema, attrs) do
cast(schema, attrs, [:foo, :uploaded_foo, :removed_foo])
Additional fields may be added to perform validations. For example, specifying a field name
`foo_mime_type` allows the creation of a MIME type filter in the changeset:
def foo_changeset(schema, attrs) do
|> cast(attrs, [:foo, :foo_mime_type, :uploaded_foo, :removed_foo])
|> validate_required([:foo, :foo_mime_type])
|> validate_inclusion(:foo_mime_type, ["image/svg+xml"])
See `analyze_upload/4` for more information about what fields may be validated in this
Generally, you should expect to create a `Schemas.Uploader` module, which defines functions as
follows, pointing to `m:PhilomenaMedia.Uploader`. Assuming the target field name is `"foo"`, then:
defmodule Philomena.Schemas.Uploader do
alias Philomena.Schemas.Schema
alias PhilomenaMedia.Uploader
@field_name "foo"
def analyze_upload(schema, params) do
Uploader.analyze_upload(schema, @field_name, params[@field_name], &Schema.foo_changeset/2)
def persist_upload(schema) do
Uploader.persist_upload(schema, schema_file_root(), @field_name)
def unpersist_old_upload(schema) do
Uploader.unpersist_old_upload(schema, schema_file_root(), @field_name)
defp schema_file_root do
Application.get_env(:philomena, :schema_file_root)
A typical context usage may then look like:
alias Philomena.Schemas.Schema
alias Philomena.Schemas.Uploader
@spec create_schema(map()) :: {:ok, Schema.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}
def create_schema(attrs) do
|> Uploader.analyze_upload(attrs)
|> Repo.insert()
|> case do
{:ok, schema} ->
{:ok, schema}
error ->
@spec update_schema(Schema.t(), map()) :: {:ok, Schema.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}
def update_schema(%Schema{} = schema, attrs) do
|> Uploader.analyze_upload(attrs)
|> Repo.update()
|> case do
{:ok, schema} ->
{:ok, schema}
error ->
This forwards to the core `m:PhilomenaMedia.Uploader` logic with information about the file root.
The file root is the location at which files of the given schema type are located under
the storage path. For example, the file root for the Adverts schema may be
`/srv/philomena/priv/s3/philomena/adverts` in development with the file backend,
and just `adverts` in production with the S3 backend.
It is not recommended to perform persist or unpersist operations in the scope of an `m:Ecto.Multi`,
as they may block indefinitely.
alias PhilomenaMedia.Analyzers
alias PhilomenaMedia.Filename
alias PhilomenaMedia.Objects
alias PhilomenaMedia.Sha512
import Ecto.Changeset
@type schema :: struct()
@type schema_or_changeset :: struct() | Ecto.Changeset.t()
@type field_name :: String.t()
@type file_root :: String.t()
@doc """
Performs analysis of the specified `m:Plug.Upload`, and invokes a changeset callback on the schema
or changeset passed in.
The file name which will be written to is set by the assignment to the schema's `field_name`, and
the below attributes are prefixed by the `field_name`.
Assuming the file is successfully parsed, this will attempt to cast the following
attributes into the specified changeset function:
* `name` (String) - the name of the file
* `width` (integer) - the width of the file
* `height` (integer) - the height of the file
* `size` (integer) - the size of the file, in bytes
* `orig_size` (integer) - the size of the file, in bytes
* `format` (String) - the file extension, one of `~w(gif jpg png svg webm)`, determined by reading the file
* `mime_type` (String) - the file's sniffed MIME type, determined by reading the file
* `duration` (float) - the duration of the media file
* `aspect_ratio` (float) - width divided by height.
* `orig_sha512_hash` (String) - the SHA-512 hash of the file
* `sha512_hash` (String) - the SHA-512 hash of the file
* `is_animated` (boolean) - whether the file contains animation
You may design your changeset callback to accept any of these. Here is an example which accepts
all of them:
def foo_changeset(schema, attrs)
cast(schema, attrs, [
Attributes are prefixed, so assuming a `field_name` of `"foo"`, this would result in
the changeset function receiving attributes `"foo_name"`, `"foo_width"`, ... etc.
Validations on the uploaded media are also possible in the changeset callback. For example,
`m:Philomena.Adverts.Advert` performs validations on MIME type and width of its field, named
def image_changeset(advert, attrs) do
|> cast(attrs, [
|> validate_required([:image])
|> validate_inclusion(:image_mime_type, ["image/png", "image/jpeg", "image/gif"])
|> validate_inclusion(:image_width, 699..729)
The key (location to write the persisted file) is passed with the `field_name` attribute into the
changeset callback. The key is calculated using the current date, a UUID, and the computed
extension. A file uploaded may therefore be given a key such as
`2024/1/1/0bce8eea-17e0-11ef-b7d4-0242ac120006.png`. See `PhilomenaMedia.Filename.build/1` for
the actual construction.
This function does not persist an upload to storage.
See the module documentation for a complete example.
## Example
@spec analyze_upload(Uploader.schema_or_changeset(), map()) :: Ecto.Changeset.t()
def analyze_upload(schema, params) do
Uploader.analyze_upload(schema, "foo", params["foo"], &Schema.foo_changeset/2)
@spec analyze_upload(
(schema_or_changeset(), map() -> Ecto.Changeset.t())
) :: Ecto.Changeset.t()
def analyze_upload(schema_or_changeset, field_name, upload_parameter, changeset_fn) do
with {:ok, analysis} <- Analyzers.analyze_upload(upload_parameter),
analysis <- extra_attributes(analysis, upload_parameter) do
removed =
|> change()
|> get_field(field(field_name))
attributes =
"name" => analysis.name,
"width" => analysis.width,
"height" => analysis.height,
"size" => analysis.size,
"orig_size" => analysis.size,
"format" => analysis.extension,
"mime_type" => analysis.mime_type,
"duration" => analysis.duration,
"aspect_ratio" => analysis.aspect_ratio,
"orig_sha512_hash" => analysis.sha512,
"sha512_hash" => analysis.sha512,
"is_animated" => analysis.animated?
|> prefix_attributes(field_name)
|> Map.put(field_name, analysis.new_name)
|> Map.put(upload_key(field_name), upload_parameter.path)
|> Map.put(remove_key(field_name), removed)
changeset_fn.(schema_or_changeset, attributes)
{:unsupported_mime, mime} ->
attributes = prefix_attributes(%{"mime_type" => mime}, field_name)
changeset_fn.(schema_or_changeset, attributes)
_error ->
changeset_fn.(schema_or_changeset, %{})
@doc """
Writes the file to permanent storage. This should be the second-to-last step
before completing a file operation.
The key (location to write the persisted file) is fetched from the schema by `field_name`.
This is then prefixed with the `file_root` specified by the caller. Finally, the file is
written to storage.
See the module documentation for a complete example.
## Example
@spec persist_upload(Schema.t()) :: :ok
def persist_upload(schema) do
Uploader.persist_upload(schema, schema_file_root(), "foo")
@spec persist_upload(schema(), file_root(), field_name()) :: :ok
def persist_upload(schema, file_root, field_name) do
source = Map.get(schema, field(upload_key(field_name)))
dest = Map.get(schema, field(field_name))
target = Path.join(file_root, dest)
persist_file(target, source)
@doc """
Persist an arbitrary file to storage with the given key.
> #### Warning {: .warning}
> This is exposed for schemas which do not store their files at at an offset from a file root,
> to allow overriding the key. If you do not need to override the key, use
> `persist_upload/3` instead.
The key (location to write the persisted file) and the file path to upload are passed through
to `PhilomenaMedia.Objects.upload/2` without modification. See the definition of that function for
additional details.
## Example
key = "2024/1/1/5/full.png"
Uploader.persist_file(key, file_path)
@spec persist_file(Objects.key(), Path.t()) :: :ok
def persist_file(key, file_path) do
Objects.upload(key, file_path)
@doc """
Removes the old file from permanent storage. This should be the last step in
completing a file operation.
The key (location to write the persisted file) is fetched from the schema by `field_name`.
This is then prefixed with the `file_root` specified by the caller. Finally, the file is
purged from storage.
See the module documentation for a complete example.
## Example
@spec unpersist_old_upload(Schema.t()) :: :ok
def unpersist_old_upload(schema) do
Uploader.unpersist_old_upload(schema, schema_file_root(), "foo")
@spec unpersist_old_upload(schema(), file_root(), field_name()) :: :ok
def unpersist_old_upload(schema, file_root, field_name) do
|> Map.get(field(remove_key(field_name)))
|> try_remove(file_root)
defp extra_attributes(analysis, %Plug.Upload{path: path, filename: filename}) do
{width, height} = analysis.dimensions
aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio(width, height)
stat = File.stat!(path)
sha512 = Sha512.file(path)
new_name = Filename.build(analysis.extension)
|> Map.put(:size, stat.size)
|> Map.put(:name, filename)
|> Map.put(:width, width)
|> Map.put(:height, height)
|> Map.put(:sha512, sha512)
|> Map.put(:new_name, new_name)
|> Map.put(:aspect_ratio, aspect_ratio)
defp aspect_ratio(_, 0), do: 0.0
defp aspect_ratio(w, h), do: w / h
defp try_remove("", _file_root), do: :ok
defp try_remove(nil, _file_root), do: :ok
defp try_remove(file, file_root) do
Objects.delete(Path.join(file_root, file))
defp prefix_attributes(map, prefix),
do: Map.new(map, fn {key, value} -> {"#{prefix}_#{key}", value} end)
defp upload_key(field_name), do: "uploaded_#{field_name}"
defp remove_key(field_name), do: "removed_#{field_name}"
defp field(field_name), do: String.to_existing_atom(field_name)