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defmodule PhilomenaWeb.ReportView do
use PhilomenaWeb, :view
alias Philomena.Images.Image
alias Philomena.Comments.Comment
alias Philomena.Commissions.Commission
alias Philomena.Conversations.Conversation
alias Philomena.Galleries.Gallery
alias Philomena.Posts.Post
alias Philomena.Users.User
import Ecto.Changeset
def report_categories do
"Rule #0: Namecalling, trolling, discrimination": "Rule #0",
"Rule #1: DNP, content theft, pay content, trace/bad edit": "Rule #1",
"Rule #2: Bad tagging/sourcing": "Rule #2",
"Rule #3: Image not MLP-related/obligatory pony": "Rule #3",
"Rule #4: Whining about filterable content": "Rule #4",
"Rule #5: Underage+human/anthro-looking porn": "Rule #5",
"Rule #6: Spam, off-topic, or general site abuse": "Rule #6",
"Rule #7: Above topic rating (NOT swear words)": "Rule #7",
"Rule #8: Privacy violation": "Rule #8",
"Rule #9: Commissions": "Rule #9",
"Rule #n: Spirit of the rules": "Rule #n",
"Other (please explain)": "Other",
"Takedown request": "Takedown request"
def image?(changeset), do: get_field(changeset, :reportable_type) == "Image"
def conversation?(changeset), do: get_field(changeset, :reportable_type) == "Conversation"
def report_row_class(%{state: "closed"}), do: "success"
def report_row_class(%{state: "in_progress"}), do: "warning"
def report_row_class(_report), do: "danger"
def pretty_state(%{state: "closed"}), do: "Closed"
def pretty_state(%{state: "in_progress"}), do: "In progress"
def pretty_state(%{state: "claimed"}), do: "Claimed"
def pretty_state(_report), do: "Open"
def link_to_reported_thing(conn, %Image{} = r),
do: link "Image >>#{r.id}", to: Routes.image_path(conn, :show, r)
def link_to_reported_thing(conn, %Comment{} = r),
do: link "Comment on image >>#{r.image.id}", to: Routes.image_path(conn, :show, r.image) <> "#comment_#{r.id}"
def link_to_reported_thing(conn, %Conversation{} = r),
do: link "Conversation between #{r.from.name} and #{r.to.name}", to: Routes.conversation_path(conn, :show, r)
def link_to_reported_thing(conn, %Commission{} = r),
do: link "#{r.user.name}'s commission page", to: Routes.profile_commission_path(conn, :show, r.user)
def link_to_reported_thing(conn, %Gallery{} = r),
do: link "Gallery '#{r.title}' by #{r.creator.name}", to: Routes.gallery_path(conn, :show, r)
def link_to_reported_thing(conn, %Post{} = r),
do: link "Post in #{r.topic.title}", to: Routes.forum_topic_path(conn, :show, r.topic.forum, r.topic, post_id: r.id) <> "#post_#{r.id}"
def link_to_reported_thing(conn, %User{} = r),
do: link "User '#{r.name}'", to: Routes.profile_path(conn, :show, r)
def link_to_reported_thing(_conn, _reportable) do
"Reported item permanently destroyed."