2020-04-29 22:28:56 -04:00

31 lines
623 B
Executable file

# Always install assets
cd /srv/philomena/assets
# workaround for #31
npm install || (chown -R root:root node_modules && npm install)
# Always install mix dependencies
(cd /srv/philomena && mix deps.get)
# Sleep to allow Elasticsearch to finish initializing
# if it's not done doing whatever it does yet
echo -n "Waiting for Elasticsearch"
until wget -qO - elasticsearch:9200; do
echo -n "."
sleep 2
# Try to create the database if it doesn't exist yet
createdb -h postgres -U postgres philomena_dev && mix ecto.setup_dev
# Reindex
mix reindex_all
# Run the application
mix phx.server