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synced 2025-03-04 01:51:28 +01:00
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48 lines
2.6 KiB
article.block.communication id="comment_#{@comment.id}"
= render PhilomenaWeb.UserAttributionView, "_anon_user_avatar.html", object: @comment, conn: @conn
span.communication__body__sender-name = render PhilomenaWeb.UserAttributionView, "_anon_user.html", object: @comment, conn: @conn
/- if comment.hidden_from_users
/ strong.comment_deleted
/ | Deletion reason:
/ =<> comment.deletion_reason
/ - if can?(:read, comment)
/ | (
/ = comment.deleted_by.try(:name) || 'Orbital Friendship Cannon'
/ | )
/ br
/ - if comment.destroyed_content
/ | This comment's contents have been destroyed.
/ br
/= if can?(:read, @comment)
= if !@comment.hidden_from_users do
==<> @body
= render PhilomenaWeb.CommentView, "_comment_options.html", comment: @comment, conn: @conn
/- if can?(:hide, Comment)
/ .js-staff-action
/ - if !comment.hidden_from_users && !comment.destroyed_content
/ =<> link_to '#', class: 'communication__interaction togglable-delete-form-link', 'data-click-toggle': "#inline-del-form-comment-#{comment.id}" do
/ i.fa.fa-times
/ =<> 'Delete'
/ - elsif comment.hidden_from_users && !comment.destroyed_content
/ =<> link_to image_comment_hide_path(comment.image, comment), data: { confirm: t('are_you_sure') }, method: :delete, class: 'communication__interaction' do
/ i.fa.fa-check
/ =<> 'Restore'
/ - if can?(:manage, Comment)
/ =<> link_to image_comment_path(comment.image, comment), method: :delete, data: { confirm: t('are_you_sure') }, class: 'communication__interaction' do
/ i.fa.fa-times
/ =<> 'Delete Contents'
/ - if can?(:manage, Comment)
/ .communication__info
/ =<> link_to_ip(comment.ip)
/ .communication__info
/ =<> link_to_fingerprint(comment.fingerprint, comment.user_agent)
/ = form_tag image_comment_hide_path(comment.image, comment), class: 'togglable-delete-form hidden flex', id: "inline-del-form-comment-#{comment.id}"
/ = text_field_tag :deletion_reason, nil, class: 'input input--wide', placeholder: 'Deletion Reason', id: "inline-del-reason-comment-#{comment.id}", required: true
/ = submit_tag 'Delete', class: 'button'