Timebase independent video GIF previewer

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@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
defmodule PhilomenaMedia.GifPreview do
@moduledoc """
GIF preview generation for video files.
@type duration :: float()
@type dimensions :: {pos_integer(), pos_integer()}
@type num_images :: integer()
@type target_framerate :: 1..50
@type opts :: [
num_images: num_images(),
target_framerate: target_framerate()
@doc """
Generate a GIF preview of the given video input with evenly-spaced sample points.
The input should have pre-computed duration `duration`. The `dimensions`
are a `{target_width, target_height}` tuple of the largest dimensions desired,
and the image will be resized to fit inside the box of those dimensions,
preserving aspect ratio.
Depending on the input file, this may take a long time to process.
- `:target_framerate` - framerate of the output GIF, must be between 1 and 50.
Default 2.
- `:num_images` - number of images to sample from the video.
Default is determined by the duration:
* 90 or above: 20 images
* 30 or above: 10 images
* 1 or above: 5 images
* otherwise: 2 images
@spec preview(Path.t(), Path.t(), duration(), dimensions(), opts()) :: :ok
def preview(video, gif, duration, dimensions, opts \\ []) do
target_framerate = Keyword.get(opts, :target_framerate, 2)
num_images =
Keyword.get_lazy(opts, :num_images, fn ->
cond do
duration >= 90 -> 20
duration >= 30 -> 10
duration >= 1 -> 5
true -> 2
{_output, 0} =
commands(video, gif, clamp(duration), dimensions, num_images, target_framerate)
@spec commands(Path.t(), Path.t(), duration(), dimensions(), num_images(), target_framerate()) ::
defp commands(video, gif, duration, {target_width, target_height}, num_images, target_framerate) do
# Compute range [0, num_images)
image_range = 0..(num_images - 1)
# Generate input list in the following form:
# -ss 0.0 -i input.webm
input_arguments =
Enum.flat_map(image_range, &["-ss", "#{&1 * duration / num_images}", "-i", video])
# Generate graph in the following form:
# [0:v] trim=end_frame=1 [t0]; [1:v] trim=end_frame=1 [t1] ...
trim_filters =
Enum.map_join(image_range, ";", &"[#{&1}:v] trim=end_frame=1 [t#{&1}]")
# Generate graph in the following form:
# [t0][t1]... concat=n=10 [concat]
concat_input_pads =
Enum.map_join(image_range, "", &"[t#{&1}]")
concat_filter =
"#{concat_input_pads} concat=n=#{num_images}, settb=1/#{target_framerate}, setpts=N [concat]"
scale_filter =
"[concat] scale=width=#{target_width}:height=#{target_height}:" <>
"force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease [scale]"
split_filter = "[scale] split [s0][s1]"
palettegen_filter =
"[s0] palettegen=stats_mode=single:max_colors=255:reserve_transparent=1 [palettegen]"
paletteuse_filter =
"[s1][palettegen] paletteuse=dither=bayer:bayer_scale=5:new=1:alpha_threshold=255"
filter_graph =
|> Enum.join(";")
# Delay in centiseconds - otherwise it will be computed incorrectly
final_delay = 100.0 / target_framerate
["-loglevel", "0", "-y"]
|> Kernel.++(input_arguments)
|> Kernel.++(["-lavfi", filter_graph])
|> Kernel.++(["-f", "gif", "-final_delay", "#{final_delay}", gif])
defp clamp(duration) when duration <= 0, do: 1.0
defp clamp(duration), do: duration

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaMedia.Processors.Webm do
alias PhilomenaMedia.Intensities alias PhilomenaMedia.Intensities
alias PhilomenaMedia.Analyzers.Result alias PhilomenaMedia.Analyzers.Result
alias PhilomenaMedia.GifPreview
alias PhilomenaMedia.Processors.Processor alias PhilomenaMedia.Processors.Processor
alias PhilomenaMedia.Processors alias PhilomenaMedia.Processors
import Bitwise import Bitwise
@ -28,12 +29,11 @@ defmodule PhilomenaMedia.Processors.Webm do
duration = analysis.duration duration = analysis.duration
stripped = strip(file) stripped = strip(file)
preview = preview(duration, stripped) preview = preview(duration, stripped)
palette = gif_palette(stripped, duration)
mp4 = scale_mp4_only(stripped, dimensions, dimensions) mp4 = scale_mp4_only(stripped, dimensions, dimensions)
{:ok, intensities} = Intensities.file(preview) {:ok, intensities} = Intensities.file(preview)
scaled = Enum.flat_map(versions, &scale(stripped, palette, duration, dimensions, &1)) scaled = Enum.flat_map(versions, &scale(stripped, duration, dimensions, &1))
mp4 = [{:copy, mp4, "full.mp4"}] mp4 = [{:copy, mp4, "full.mp4"}]
[ [
@ -82,12 +82,12 @@ defmodule PhilomenaMedia.Processors.Webm do
stripped stripped
end end
defp scale(file, palette, duration, dimensions, {thumb_name, target_dimensions}) do defp scale(file, duration, dimensions, {thumb_name, target_dimensions}) do
{webm, mp4} = scale_videos(file, dimensions, target_dimensions) {webm, mp4} = scale_videos(file, dimensions, target_dimensions)
cond do cond do
thumb_name in [:thumb, :thumb_small, :thumb_tiny] -> thumb_name in [:thumb, :thumb_small, :thumb_tiny] ->
gif = scale_gif(file, palette, duration, target_dimensions) gif = scale_gif(file, duration, target_dimensions)
[ [
{:copy, webm, "#{thumb_name}.webm"}, {:copy, webm, "#{thumb_name}.webm"},
@ -199,53 +199,14 @@ defmodule PhilomenaMedia.Processors.Webm do
mp4 mp4
end end
defp scale_gif(file, palette, duration, {width, height}) do defp scale_gif(file, duration, dimensions) do
gif = Briefly.create!(extname: ".gif") gif = Briefly.create!(extname: ".gif")
scale_filter = "scale=w=#{width}:h=#{height}:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease"
palette_filter = "paletteuse=dither=bayer:bayer_scale=5:diff_mode=rectangle"
rate_filter = rate_filter(duration)
filter_graph = "[0:v]#{scale_filter},#{rate_filter}[x];[x][1:v]#{palette_filter}"
{_output, 0} = GifPreview.preview(file, gif, duration, dimensions)
System.cmd("ffmpeg", [
gif gif
end end
defp gif_palette(file, duration) do
palette = Briefly.create!(extname: ".png")
palette_filter = "palettegen=stats_mode=diff"
rate_filter = rate_filter(duration)
filter_graph = "#{rate_filter},#{palette_filter}"
{_output, 0} =
System.cmd("ffmpeg", [
# x264 requires image dimensions to be a multiple of 2 # x264 requires image dimensions to be a multiple of 2
# -2 = ~1 # -2 = ~1
def box_dimensions({width, height}, {target_width, target_height}) do def box_dimensions({width, height}, {target_width, target_height}) do
@ -255,8 +216,4 @@ defmodule PhilomenaMedia.Processors.Webm do
{new_width, new_height} {new_width, new_height}
end end
# Avoid division by zero
def rate_filter(duration) when duration > 0.5, do: "fps=1/#{duration / 10},settb=1/2,setpts=N"
def rate_filter(_duration), do: "setpts=N/TB/2"
end end