admin dnp queue

This commit is contained in:
byte[] 2019-12-12 16:44:50 -05:00
parent 3a55001ec2
commit aa4af5a2e6
16 changed files with 488 additions and 22 deletions

View file

@ -49,9 +49,11 @@ defmodule Philomena.DnpEntries do
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}
""" """
def create_dnp_entry(attrs \\ %{}) do def create_dnp_entry(user, tags, attrs \\ %{}) do
tag = Enum.find(tags, &to_string(& == attrs["tag_id"])
%DnpEntry{} %DnpEntry{}
|> DnpEntry.changeset(attrs) |> DnpEntry.creation_changeset(attrs, tag, user)
|> Repo.insert() |> Repo.insert()
end end
@ -67,9 +69,17 @@ defmodule Philomena.DnpEntries do
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}
""" """
def update_dnp_entry(%DnpEntry{} = dnp_entry, attrs) do def update_dnp_entry(%DnpEntry{} = dnp_entry, tags, attrs) do
tag = Enum.find(tags, &to_string(& == attrs["tag_id"])
dnp_entry dnp_entry
|> DnpEntry.changeset(attrs) |> DnpEntry.update_changeset(attrs, tag)
|> Repo.update()
def transition_dnp_entry(%DnpEntry{} = dnp_entry, user, new_state) do
|> DnpEntry.transition_changeset(user, new_state)
|> Repo.update() |> Repo.update()
end end

View file

@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ defmodule Philomena.DnpEntries.DnpEntry do
belongs_to :tag, Tag belongs_to :tag, Tag
field :aasm_state, :string, default: "requested" field :aasm_state, :string, default: "requested"
field :dnp_type, :string field :dnp_type, :string, default: ""
field :conditions, :string field :conditions, :string, default: ""
field :reason, :string field :reason, :string, default: ""
field :hide_reason, :boolean, default: false field :hide_reason, :boolean, default: false
field :instructions, :string field :instructions, :string, default: ""
field :feedback, :string field :feedback, :string, default: ""
timestamps(inserted_at: :created_at) timestamps(inserted_at: :created_at)
end end
@ -27,4 +27,67 @@ defmodule Philomena.DnpEntries.DnpEntry do
|> cast(attrs, []) |> cast(attrs, [])
|> validate_required([]) |> validate_required([])
end end
def update_changeset(dnp_entry, attrs, tag) do
|> cast(attrs, [:conditions, :reason, :hide_reason, :instructions, :feedback, :dnp_type])
|> put_change(:tag_id,
|> validate_required([:reason, :dnp_type])
|> validate_inclusion(:dnp_type, types())
|> validate_conditions()
|> foreign_key_constraint(:tag_id, name: "fk_rails_473a736b4a")
def creation_changeset(dnp_entry, attrs, tag, user) do
|> change(requesting_user_id:
|> update_changeset(attrs, tag)
def transition_changeset(dnp_entry, user, new_state) do
|> change(modifying_user_id:
|> change(aasm_state: new_state)
|> validate_inclusion(:aasm_state, states())
defp validate_conditions(%Ecto.Changeset{changes: %{dnp_type: "Other"}} = changeset),
do: validate_required(changeset, [:conditions])
defp validate_conditions(changeset),
do: changeset
def types do
"No Edits",
"Artist Tag Change",
"Uploader Credit Change",
"Certain Type/Location Only",
"With Permission Only",
"Artist Upload Only",
def reasons do
{"No Edits", "I would like to prevent edited versions of my artwork from being uploaded in the future"},
{"Artist Tag Change", "I would like my artist tag to be changed to something that can not be connected to my current name"},
{"Uploader Credit Change", "I would like the uploader credit for already existing uploads of my art to be assigned to me"},
{"Certain Type/Location Only", "I only want to allow art of a certain type or from a certain location to be uploaded to Derpibooru"},
{"With Permission Only", "I only want people with my permission to be allowed to upload my art to Derpibooru"},
{"Artist Upload Only", "I want to be the only person allowed to upload my art to Derpibooru"},
{"Other", "I would like a DNP entry under other conditions"}
def states do
end end

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ defimpl Canada.Can, for: [Atom, Philomena.Users.User] do
alias Philomena.Commissions.Commission alias Philomena.Commissions.Commission
alias Philomena.Conversations.Conversation alias Philomena.Conversations.Conversation
alias Philomena.DuplicateReports.DuplicateReport alias Philomena.DuplicateReports.DuplicateReport
alias Philomena.DnpEntries.DnpEntry
alias Philomena.Images.Image alias Philomena.Images.Image
alias Philomena.Forums.Forum alias Philomena.Forums.Forum
alias Philomena.Topics.Topic alias Philomena.Topics.Topic
@ -60,6 +61,11 @@ defimpl Canada.Can, for: [Atom, Philomena.Users.User] do
# Reveal anon users # Reveal anon users
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :reveal_anon, _object), do: true def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :reveal_anon, _object), do: true
# Show the DNP list
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :index, DnpEntry), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :edit, %DnpEntry{}), do: true
def can?(%User{role: "moderator"}, :update, %DnpEntry{}), do: true
# #
# Assistants can... # Assistants can...
# #
@ -172,7 +178,7 @@ defimpl Canada.Can, for: [Atom, Philomena.Users.User] do
def can?(_user, :show, %User{}), do: true def can?(_user, :show, %User{}), do: true
# View and create DNP entries # View and create DNP entries
def can?(%User{}, action, DnpEntry) when action in [:new, :create, :index], do: true def can?(%User{}, action, DnpEntry) when action in [:new, :create], do: true
def can?(%User{id: id}, :show, %DnpEntry{requesting_user_id: id}), do: true def can?(%User{id: id}, :show, %DnpEntry{requesting_user_id: id}), do: true
def can?(%User{id: id}, :show_reason, %DnpEntry{requesting_user_id: id}), do: true def can?(%User{id: id}, :show_reason, %DnpEntry{requesting_user_id: id}), do: true
def can?(%User{id: id}, :show_feedback, %DnpEntry{requesting_user_id: id}), do: true def can?(%User{id: id}, :show_feedback, %DnpEntry{requesting_user_id: id}), do: true

View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Admin.DnpEntry.TransitionController do
use PhilomenaWeb, :controller
alias Philomena.DnpEntries.DnpEntry
alias Philomena.DnpEntries
plug :verify_authorized
plug :load_resource, model: DnpEntry, only: [:create], id_name: "dnp_entry_id", persisted: true
def create(conn, %{"state" => new_state}) do
case DnpEntries.transition_dnp_entry(conn.assigns.dnp_entry, conn.assigns.current_user, new_state) do
{:ok, dnp_entry} ->
|> put_flash(:info, "Successfully updated DNP entry.")
|> redirect(to: Routes.dnp_entry_path(conn, :show, dnp_entry))
{:error, _changeset} ->
|> put_flash(:error, "Failed to update DNP entry!")
|> redirect(external: conn.assigns.referrer)
defp verify_authorized(conn, _opts) do
case Canada.Can.can?(conn.assigns.current_user, :index, DnpEntry) do
true -> conn
_false ->

View file

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Admin.DnpEntryController do
use PhilomenaWeb, :controller
alias Philomena.Textile.Renderer
alias Philomena.DnpEntries.DnpEntry
alias Philomena.Repo
import Ecto.Query
plug :verify_authorized
plug :load_resource, model: DnpEntry, only: [:show, :edit, :update]
def index(conn, %{"states" => states}) when is_list(states) do
|> where([d], d.aasm_state in ^states)
|> load_entries(conn)
def index(conn, %{"q" => q}) when is_binary(q) do
q = to_ilike(q)
|> join(:inner, [d], _ in assoc(d, :tag))
|> join(:inner, [d, _t], _ in assoc(d, :requesting_user))
|> where([d, t, u], ilike(, ^q) or ilike(, ^q) or ilike(d.reason, ^q) or ilike(d.conditions, ^q) or ilike(d.instructions, ^q))
|> load_entries(conn)
def index(conn, _params) do
|> where([d], d.aasm_state in ["requested", "claimed", "rescinded", "acknowledged"])
|> load_entries(conn)
defp load_entries(dnp_entries, conn) do
dnp_entries =
|> preload([:tag, :requesting_user, :modifying_user])
|> order_by(desc: :updated_at)
|> Repo.paginate(conn.assigns.scrivener)
bodies =
|>{body: &1.conditions})
|> Renderer.render_collection(conn)
dnp_entries =
%{dnp_entries | entries:, dnp_entries.entries)}
render(conn, "index.html", layout_class: "layout--wide", dnp_entries: dnp_entries)
defp verify_authorized(conn, _opts) do
case Canada.Can.can?(conn.assigns.current_user, :index, DnpEntry) do
true -> conn
_false ->
defp to_ilike(query), do: "%" <> query <> "%"

View file

@ -1,23 +1,35 @@
defmodule PhilomenaWeb.DnpEntryController do defmodule PhilomenaWeb.DnpEntryController do
use PhilomenaWeb, :controller use PhilomenaWeb, :controller
# alias Philomena.DnpEntries
alias Philomena.DnpEntries.DnpEntry alias Philomena.DnpEntries.DnpEntry
alias Philomena.Textile.Renderer alias Philomena.Textile.Renderer
alias Philomena.DnpEntries
alias Philomena.Tags.Tag alias Philomena.Tags.Tag
alias Philomena.Repo alias Philomena.Repo
import Ecto.Query import Ecto.Query
plug :load_and_authorize_resource, model: DnpEntry, only: [:show], preload: [:tag] plug PhilomenaWeb.FilterBannedUsersPlug when action in [:new, :create]
plug :load_and_authorize_resource, model: DnpEntry, only: [:show, :edit, :update], preload: [:tag]
def index(%{assigns: %{current_user: user}} = conn, %{"mine" => _mine}) when not is_nil(user) do
|> where(requesting_user_id: ^
|> preload(:tag)
|> order_by(asc: :created_at)
|> load_entries(conn, true)
def index(conn, _params) do def index(conn, _params) do
dnp_entries = DnpEntry
DnpEntry |> where(aasm_state: "listed")
|> where(aasm_state: "listed") |> join(:inner, [d], t in Tag, on: d.tag_id ==
|> join(:inner, [d], t in Tag, on: d.tag_id == |> preload(:tag)
|> preload([:tag]) |> order_by([_d, t], asc: t.name_in_namespace)
|> order_by([d, t], asc: t.name_in_namespace) |> load_entries(conn, false)
|> Repo.paginate(conn.assigns.scrivener) end
defp load_entries(dnp_entries, conn, status) do
dnp_entries = Repo.paginate(dnp_entries, conn.assigns.scrivener)
bodies = bodies =
dnp_entries dnp_entries
@ -27,7 +39,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.DnpEntryController do
dnp_entries = dnp_entries =
%{dnp_entries | entries:, dnp_entries.entries)} %{dnp_entries | entries:, dnp_entries.entries)}
render(conn, "index.html", layout_class: "layout--medium", dnp_entries: dnp_entries) render(conn, "index.html", layout_class: "layout--medium", dnp_entries: dnp_entries, status_column: status)
end end
def show(conn, _params) do def show(conn, _params) do
@ -45,4 +57,51 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.DnpEntryController do
render(conn, "show.html", dnp_entry: dnp_entry, conditions: conditions, reason: reason, instructions: instructions) render(conn, "show.html", dnp_entry: dnp_entry, conditions: conditions, reason: reason, instructions: instructions)
end end
def new(conn, _params) do
changeset = DnpEntries.change_dnp_entry(%DnpEntry{})
render(conn, "new.html", changeset: changeset, selectable_tags: selectable_tags(conn))
def create(conn, %{"dnp_entry" => dnp_entry_params}) do
case DnpEntries.create_dnp_entry(conn.assigns.current_user, selectable_tags(conn), dnp_entry_params) do
{:ok, dnp_entry} ->
|> put_flash(:info, "Successfully submitted DNP request.")
|> redirect(to: Routes.dnp_entry_path(conn, :show, dnp_entry))
{:error, changeset} ->
render(conn, "new.html", changeset: changeset, selectable_tags: selectable_tags(conn))
def edit(conn, _params) do
changeset = DnpEntries.change_dnp_entry(conn.assigns.dnp_entry)
render(conn, "edit.html", changeset: changeset, selectable_tags: selectable_tags(conn))
def update(conn, %{"dnp_entry" => dnp_entry_params}) do
case DnpEntries.update_dnp_entry(conn.assigns.dnp_entry, selectable_tags(conn), dnp_entry_params) do
{:ok, dnp_entry} ->
|> put_flash(:info, "Successfully submupdateditted DNP request.")
|> redirect(to: Routes.dnp_entry_path(conn, :show, dnp_entry))
{:error, changeset} ->
render(conn, "edit.html", changeset: changeset, selectable_tags: selectable_tags(conn))
defp selectable_tags(conn) do
case not is_nil(conn.params["tag_id"]) and Canada.Can.can?(conn.assigns.current_user, :index, DnpEntry) do
true -> [Repo.get!(Tag, conn.params["tag_id"])]
false -> linked_tags(conn)
defp linked_tags(conn) do
|> Repo.preload(:linked_tags)
|> Map.get(:linked_tags)
end end

View file

@ -170,6 +170,8 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Router do
resources "/subscription", Channel.SubscriptionController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/subscription", Channel.SubscriptionController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true
end end
resources "/dnp", DnpEntryController, only: [:new, :create, :edit, :update]
resources "/ip_profiles", IpProfileController, only: [:show] resources "/ip_profiles", IpProfileController, only: [:show]
resources "/fingerprint_profiles", FingerprintProfileController, only: [:show] resources "/fingerprint_profiles", FingerprintProfileController, only: [:show]
@ -184,6 +186,10 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Router do
resources "/contact", UserLink.ContactController, only: [:create], singleton: true resources "/contact", UserLink.ContactController, only: [:create], singleton: true
resources "/reject", UserLink.RejectController, only: [:create], singleton: true resources "/reject", UserLink.RejectController, only: [:create], singleton: true
end end
resources "/dnp_entries", DnpEntryController, only: [:index] do
resources "/transition", DnpEntry.TransitionController, only: [:create], singleton: true
end end
resources "/duplicate_reports", DuplicateReportController, only: [] do resources "/duplicate_reports", DuplicateReportController, only: [] do

View file

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
h2 Do-Not-Post Requests
= form_for :dnp_entry, Routes.admin_dnp_entry_path(@conn, :index), [method: "get", class: "hform"], fn f ->
= text_input f, :q, name: :q, value: @conn.params["q"], class: "input hform__text", placeholder: "Search query", autocapitalize: "none"
= submit "Search", class: "hform__button button"
- route = fn p -> Routes.admin_dnp_entry_path(@conn, :index, p) end
- pagination = render PhilomenaWeb.PaginationView, "_pagination.html", page: @dnp_entries, route: route, params: [states: state_param(@conn.params["states"])]
= pagination
span.block__header__title Display Only:
=> link "All Open", to: Routes.admin_dnp_entry_path(@conn, :index, states: ~W(requested claimed rescinded acknowledged))
=> link "Listed", to: Routes.admin_dnp_entry_path(@conn, :index, states: ~W(listed))
=> link "Rescinded", to: Routes.admin_dnp_entry_path(@conn, :index, states: ~W(rescinded acknowledged))
=> link "Closed", to: Routes.admin_dnp_entry_path(@conn, :index, states: ~W(closed))
td Tag
td Requesting User
td Type
td Conditions
td Status
td Created
td Modified
td Options
= for {body, request} <- @dnp_entries do
= render PhilomenaWeb.TagView, "_tag.html", tag: request.tag, conn: @conn
= link, to: Routes.profile_path(@conn, :show, request.requesting_user)
= request.dnp_type
== body
td class=dnp_entry_row_class(request)
=> pretty_state(request)
= if request.modifying_user do
' by
= link, to: Routes.profile_path(@conn, :show, request.modifying_user)
= pretty_time(request.created_at)
= pretty_time(request.updated_at)
=> link "Show", to: Routes.dnp_entry_path(@conn, :show, request)
' &bull;
=> link "Send PM", to: Routes.conversation_path(@conn, :new, recipient:
= case request.aasm_state do
- s when s in ["requested", "claimed"] ->
' &bull;
=> link "Claim", to: Routes.admin_dnp_entry_transition_path(@conn, :create, request, state: "claimed"), data: [method: "post", confirm: "Are you really, really sure?"]
' &bull;
=> link "Approve", to: Routes.admin_dnp_entry_transition_path(@conn, :create, request, state: "listed"), data: [method: "post", confirm: "Are you really, really sure?"]
' &bull;
=> link "Close", to: Routes.admin_dnp_entry_transition_path(@conn, :create, request, state: "closed"), data: [method: "post", confirm: "Are you really, really sure?"]
- "listed" ->
' &bull;
=> link "Rescind", to: Routes.admin_dnp_entry_transition_path(@conn, :create, request, state: "rescinded"), data: [method: "post", confirm: "Are you really, really sure?"]
' &bull;
= link "Close", to: Routes.admin_dnp_entry_transition_path(@conn, :create, request, state: "closed"), data: [method: "post", confirm: "Are you really, really sure?"]
- s when s in ["rescinded", "acknowledged"] ->
' &bull;
=> link "Claim", to: Routes.admin_dnp_entry_transition_path(@conn, :create, request, state: "acknowledged"), data: [method: "post", confirm: "Are you really, really sure?"]
' &bull;
= link "Close", to: Routes.admin_dnp_entry_transition_path(@conn, :create, request, state: "closed"), data: [method: "post", confirm: "Are you really, really sure?"]
- _state ->
' &bull;
=> link "Claim", to: Routes.admin_dnp_entry_transition_path(@conn, :create, request, state: "claimed"), data: [method: "post", confirm: "Are you really, really sure?"]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
= if show_steps?(@changeset) do
h3 Getting on the DNP list?
' We offer the DNP list in order to give artists the last say on their art, but we
' won't deny that we are sad whenever we see good art and artists disappear.
' Because we know that many who seek a DNP do so on their first contact with the site,
' we'd be very grateful if you as the artist would like to give the site a shot first.
' Why not upload some of your own art? The community might appreciate it more than you think.
' Do you wish to submit a DNP Request?
button.button.button--separate-left.js-dnp-yes data-click-show=".js-dnp-common-options" data-click-disable=".js-dnp-yes"
' Yes
h3 Options
' We are aware of several common reasons for why artists seek a DNP.
' They include things such as unwanted edits or a wish to disassociate
' their name from their artwork. Many of these concerns can be addressed
' without removing art.
p We have created several options for you below:
= for {type, description} <- reasons() do
= link description, to: "#", data: [click_show: ".js-dnp-form", click_hide: ".js-dnp-common-options", click_inputvalue: ".js-dnp-type", set_value: type]
= form_for @changeset, @action, fn f ->
= if @changeset.action do
p Oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below.
.block.js-dnp-form class=form_class(@changeset)
span.block__header__title DNP Request Form
/ Artist Tag
strong Artist Tag
p Select the artist tag you would like to request a DNP entry for
= select f, :tag_id, selectable_options(@selectable_tags), class: "input"
= error_tag f, :tag_id
/ Conditions
strong Conditions
p If you selected "Other", or have other conditions applicable to your request, please enter them here. If someone always has permission to upload your artwork, enter their name here. (Optional)
= textarea f, :conditions, class: "input input--wide", placeholder: "Conditions"
= error_tag f, :conditions
/ Reason
strong Reason For Request
p Please indicate the reason why you would like your artwork to be removed. (Required)
= textarea f, :reason, class: "input input--wide", placeholder: "Reason", required: true
= error_tag f, :reason
=> checkbox f, :hide_reason, class: "checkbox"
= label f, :hide_reason, "Hide request reason"
p Only select this box if your request contains sensitive or private information that you do not wish to be publicly available. Reasons that do not contain such information will not be hidden.
/ Instructions
strong Instructions
p If you would like existing artwork to be removed under this request, please provide instructions, such as "Remove all art with my artist tag that contain the "edit" tag." (Optional)
= textarea f, :instructions, class: "input input--wide", placeholder: "Instructions"
= error_tag f, :instructions
/ Feedback
strong Feedback
p If you have any additional feedback for the site staff, you may enter it here. (Optional)
= textarea f, :feedback, class: "input input--wide", placeholder: "Feedback"
= error_tag f, :feedback
/ Option (hidden, set by script depending on the option chosen above)
= hidden_input f, :dnp_type, class: "js-dnp-type"
= submit "Submit Request", class: "button"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
h2 Edit DNP Request
= render PhilomenaWeb.DnpEntryView, "_form.html", changeset: @changeset, action: Routes.dnp_entry_path(@conn, :update, @dnp_entry), conn: @conn, selectable_tags: @selectable_tags

View file

@ -26,16 +26,29 @@ h3 The List
th Tag th Tag
th Restriction th Restriction
th Conditions th Conditions
= if @status_column do
th Status
th Created
th Options th Options
tbody tbody
= for {body, entry} <- @dnp_entries do = for {body, entry} <- @dnp_entries do
tr tr
td td
= render PhilomenaWeb.TagView, "_tag.html", tag: entry.tag, conn: @conn = render PhilomenaWeb.TagView, "_tag.html", tag: entry.tag, conn: @conn
td td
= entry.dnp_type = entry.dnp_type
td td
== body == body
= if @status_column do
= pretty_state(entry)
= pretty_time(entry.created_at)
td td
= link "More Info", to: Routes.dnp_entry_path(@conn, :show, entry) = link "More Info", to: Routes.dnp_entry_path(@conn, :show, entry)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
h2 New DNP Request
= render PhilomenaWeb.DnpEntryView, "_form.html", changeset: @changeset, action: Routes.dnp_entry_path(@conn, :create), conn: @conn, selectable_tags: @selectable_tags

View file

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ h2
.block .block
.block__header .block__header
span.block__header__title DNP Information span.block__header__title DNP Information
= if can?(@conn, :edit, @dnp_entry) do
= link "Edit listing", to: Routes.dnp_entry_path(@conn, :edit, @dnp_entry, tag_id: @dnp_entry.tag_id)
= link "Back to DNP List", to: Routes.dnp_entry_path(@conn, :index) = link "Back to DNP List", to: Routes.dnp_entry_path(@conn, :index)
.block__content .block__content

View file

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
span.header__counter__admin span.header__counter__admin
= @user_link_count = @user_link_count
= if @dnp_entry_count do = if @dnp_entry_count do
= link to: "#", class: "header__link", title: "DNP Requests" do = link to: Routes.admin_dnp_entry_path(@conn, :index), class: "header__link", title: "DNP Requests" do
' S ' S
span.header__counter__admin span.header__counter__admin
= @dnp_entry_count = @dnp_entry_count

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Admin.DnpEntryView do
use PhilomenaWeb, :view
import PhilomenaWeb.DnpEntryView, only: [pretty_state: 1]
def dnp_entry_row_class(%{aasm_state: state}) when state in ["closed", "listed"], do: "success"
def dnp_entry_row_class(%{aasm_state: state}) when state in ["claimed", "acknowledged"], do: "warning"
def dnp_entry_row_class(_dnp_entry), do: "danger"
def state_param(states) when is_list(states), do: states
def state_param(_states), do: []

View file

@ -1,3 +1,28 @@
defmodule PhilomenaWeb.DnpEntryView do defmodule PhilomenaWeb.DnpEntryView do
use PhilomenaWeb, :view use PhilomenaWeb, :view
def reasons do
def form_class(changeset) do
case show_steps?(changeset) do
true -> "hidden"
false -> nil
def selectable_options(tags) do, &{&, &})
def pretty_state(%{aasm_state: "claimed"}), do: "Claimed"
def pretty_state(%{aasm_state: "listed"}), do: "Listed"
def pretty_state(%{aasm_state: "closed"}), do: "Closed"
def pretty_state(%{aasm_state: "acknowledged"}), do: "Claimed (Rescinded)"
def pretty_state(_dnp_entry), do: "Requested"
def show_steps?(changeset) do
not is_nil(changeset.action) and not == :loaded
end end