mirror of
synced 2025-03-30 16:27:45 +02:00
Merge pull request #137 from philomena-dev/markdown-frontend
Markdown-based text editor
This commit is contained in:
35 changed files with 424 additions and 482 deletions
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ hr {
// Text Editor
blockquote {
margin: 1em 2em;
border: 1px dotted $foreground_color;
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ blockquote blockquote blockquote blockquote blockquote blockquote {
white-space: pre-wrap;
.textile-syntax-reference {
.editor-syntax-reference {
margin-bottom: 6px;
@ -222,3 +222,7 @@ a.block__header--single-item, .block__header a {
display: none;
.block__content--top-border {
border-top: $border;
@ -74,6 +74,10 @@ form p {
box-sizing: border-box;
.input--resize-vertical {
resize: vertical;
.checkbox {
margin: 0.2em 0 0 0.4em;
padding: 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
* Markdown toolbar
import { $, $$ } from './utils/dom';
const markdownSyntax = {
bold: {
action: wrapSelection,
options: { prefix: '**', shortcutKey: 'b' }
italics: {
action: wrapSelection,
options: { prefix: '*', shortcutKey: 'i' }
under: {
action: wrapSelection,
options: { prefix: '__', shortcutKey: 'u' }
spoiler: {
action: wrapSelection,
options: { prefix: '||', shortcutKey: 's' }
code: {
action: wrapSelectionOrLines,
options: {
prefix: '`',
suffix: '`',
prefixMultiline: '```\n',
suffixMultiline: '\n```',
singleWrap: true,
shortcutKey: 'e'
strike: {
action: wrapSelection,
options: { prefix: '~~' }
superscript: {
action: wrapSelection,
options: { prefix: '^' }
subscript: {
action: wrapSelection,
options: { prefix: '%' }
quote: {
action: wrapLines,
options: { prefix: '> ' }
link: {
action: insertLink,
options: { shortcutKey: 'l' }
image: {
action: insertLink,
options: { image: true, shortcutKey: 'k' }
escape: {
action: escapeSelection,
options: { escapeChar: '\\' }
function getSelections(textarea, linesOnly = false) {
let { selectionStart, selectionEnd } = textarea,
selection = textarea.value.substring(selectionStart, selectionEnd),
leadingSpace = '',
trailingSpace = '',
const processLinesOnly = linesOnly instanceof RegExp ? linesOnly.test(selection) : linesOnly;
if (processLinesOnly) {
const explorer = /\n/g;
let startNewlineIndex = 0,
endNewlineIndex = textarea.value.length;
while (explorer.exec(textarea.value)) {
const { lastIndex } = explorer;
if (lastIndex <= selectionStart) {
startNewlineIndex = lastIndex;
else if (lastIndex > selectionEnd) {
endNewlineIndex = lastIndex - 1;
selectionStart = startNewlineIndex;
const startRemovedValue = textarea.value.substring(selectionStart);
const startsWithBlankString = startRemovedValue.match(/^[\s\n]+/);
if (startsWithBlankString) {
// Offset the selection start to the first non-blank line's first non-blank character, since
// Some browsers treat selection up to the start of the line as including the end of the
// previous line
selectionStart += startsWithBlankString[0].length;
selectionEnd = endNewlineIndex;
selection = textarea.value.substring(selectionStart, selectionEnd);
else {
// Deselect trailing space and line break
for (caret = selection.length - 1; caret > 0; caret--) {
if (selection[caret] !== ' ' && selection[caret] !== '\n') break;
trailingSpace = selection[caret] + trailingSpace;
selection = selection.substring(0, caret + 1);
// Deselect leading space and line break
for (caret = 0; caret < selection.length; caret++) {
if (selection[caret] !== ' ' && selection[caret] !== '\n') break;
leadingSpace += selection[caret];
selection = selection.substring(caret);
return {
selectedText: selection,
beforeSelection: textarea.value.substring(0, selectionStart) + leadingSpace,
afterSelection: trailingSpace + textarea.value.substring(selectionEnd)
function transformSelection(textarea, transformer, eachLine) {
const { selectedText, beforeSelection, afterSelection, processLinesOnly } = getSelections(textarea, eachLine),
// For long comments, record scrollbar position to restore it later
{ scrollTop } = textarea;
const { newText, caretOffset } = transformer(selectedText, processLinesOnly);
textarea.value = beforeSelection + newText + afterSelection;
const newSelectionStart = caretOffset >= 1
? beforeSelection.length + caretOffset
: textarea.value.length - afterSelection.length - caretOffset;
textarea.selectionStart = newSelectionStart;
textarea.selectionEnd = newSelectionStart;
textarea.scrollTop = scrollTop;
// Needed for automatic textarea resizing
textarea.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
function insertLink(textarea, options) {
let hyperlink = window.prompt(options.image ? 'Image link:' : 'Link:');
if (!hyperlink || hyperlink === '') return;
// Change on-site link to use relative url
if (!options.image && hyperlink.startsWith(window.location.origin)) {
hyperlink = hyperlink.substring(window.location.origin.length);
const prefix = options.image ? '`;
wrapSelection(textarea, { prefix, suffix });
function wrapSelection(textarea, options) {
transformSelection(textarea, selectedText => {
const { text = selectedText, prefix = '', suffix = options.prefix } = options,
emptyText = text === '';
let newText = text;
if (!emptyText) {
newText = text.replace(/(\n{2,})/g, match => {
return suffix + match + prefix;
newText = prefix + newText + suffix
return {
caretOffset: emptyText ? prefix.length : newText.length
function wrapLines(textarea, options, eachLine = true) {
transformSelection(textarea, (selectedText, processLinesOnly) => {
const { text = selectedText, singleWrap = false } = options,
prefix = (processLinesOnly && options.prefixMultiline) || options.prefix || '',
suffix = (processLinesOnly && options.suffixMultiline) || options.suffix || '',
emptyText = text === '';
let newText = singleWrap
? prefix + text.trim() + suffix
: text.split(/\n/g).map(line => prefix + line.trim() + suffix).join('\n');
return { newText, caretOffset: emptyText ? prefix.length : newText.length };
}, eachLine);
function wrapSelectionOrLines(textarea, options) {
wrapLines(textarea, options, /\n/);
function escapeSelection(textarea, options) {
transformSelection(textarea, selectedText => {
const { text = selectedText } = options,
emptyText = text === '';
if (emptyText) return;
const newText = text.replace(/([*_[\]()^`%\\~<>#|])/g, '\\$1');
return {
caretOffset: newText.length
function clickHandler(event) {
const button = event.target.closest('.communication__toolbar__button');
if (!button) return;
const toolbar = button.closest('.communication__toolbar'),
// There may be multiple toolbars present on the page,
// in the case of image pages with description edit active
// we target the textarea that shares the same parent as the toolbar
textarea = $('.js-toolbar-input', toolbar.parentNode),
id = button.dataset.syntaxId;
markdownSyntax[id].action(textarea, markdownSyntax[id].options);
function shortcutHandler(event) {
if (!event.ctrlKey || (window.navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && !event.metaKey) || event.shiftKey || event.altKey) return;
const textarea = event.target,
key = event.key.toLowerCase();
for (const id in markdownSyntax) {
if (key === markdownSyntax[id].options.shortcutKey) {
markdownSyntax[id].action(textarea, markdownSyntax[id].options);
function setupToolbar() {
$$('.communication__toolbar').forEach(toolbar => {
toolbar.addEventListener('click', clickHandler);
$$('.js-toolbar-input').forEach(textarea => {
textarea.addEventListener('keydown', shortcutHandler);
export { setupToolbar };
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
* Textile previews (posts, comments, messages)
* Markdown previews (posts, comments, messages)
import { fetchJson } from './utils/requests';
import { filterNode } from './imagesclientside';
import { hideEl, showEl } from './utils/dom.js';
function handleError(response) {
const errorMessage = '<div>Preview failed to load!</div>';
@ -35,43 +36,84 @@ function commentReply(user, url, textarea, quote) {
function getPreview(body, anonymous, previewTab, isImage = false) {
let path = '/posts/preview';
function getPreview(body, anonymous, previewLoading, previewIdle, previewContent) {
const path = '/posts/preview';
if (typeof body !== 'string') return;
fetchJson('POST', path, { body, anonymous })
.then(data => {
previewTab.innerHTML = data;
previewContent.innerHTML = data;
* Resizes the event target <textarea> to match the size of its contained text, between set
* minimum and maximum height values. Former comes from CSS, latter is hard coded below.
* @template {{ target: HTMLTextAreaElement }} E
* @param {E} e
function resizeTextarea(e) {
// Reset inline height for fresh calculations
e.target.style.height = '';
const { borderTopWidth, borderBottomWidth, height } = window.getComputedStyle(e.target);
// Add scrollHeight and borders (because border-box) to get the target size that avoids scrollbars
const contentHeight = e.target.scrollHeight + parseFloat(borderTopWidth) + parseFloat(borderBottomWidth);
// Get the original default height provided by page styles
const regularHeight = parseFloat(height);
// Limit textarea's size to between the original height and 1000px
const newHeight = Math.max(regularHeight, Math.min(1000, contentHeight));
e.target.style.height = `${newHeight}px`;
function setupPreviews() {
let textarea = document.querySelector('.js-preview-input');
let imageDesc = false;
if (!textarea) {
textarea = document.querySelector('.js-preview-description');
imageDesc = true;
const previewButton = document.querySelector('a[data-click-tab="preview"]');
const previewTab = document.querySelector('.block__tab[data-tab="preview"]');
const previewAnon = document.querySelector('.preview-anonymous') || false;
const previewLoading = document.querySelector('.js-preview-loading');
const previewIdle = document.querySelector('.js-preview-idle');
const previewContent = document.querySelector('.js-preview-content');
const previewAnon = document.querySelector('.js-preview-anonymous') || false;
if (!textarea || !previewButton) {
if (!textarea || !previewContent) {
previewButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (previewTab.previewedText === textarea.value) return;
previewTab.previewedText = textarea.value;
const getCacheKey = () => {
return (previewAnon && previewAnon.checked ? 'anon;' : '') + textarea.value;
getPreview(textarea.value, Boolean(previewAnon.checked), previewTab, imageDesc);
const previewedTextAttribute = 'data-previewed-text';
const updatePreview = () => {
const cachedValue = getCacheKey()
if (previewContent.getAttribute(previewedTextAttribute) === cachedValue) return;
previewContent.setAttribute(previewedTextAttribute, cachedValue);
getPreview(textarea.value, previewAnon && previewAnon.checked, previewLoading, previewIdle, previewContent);
previewButton.addEventListener('click', updatePreview);
textarea.addEventListener('change', resizeTextarea);
textarea.addEventListener('keyup', resizeTextarea);
// Fire handler for automatic resizing if textarea contains text on page load (e.g. editing)
if (textarea.value) textarea.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
previewAnon && previewAnon.addEventListener('click', () => {
getPreview(textarea.value, Boolean(previewAnon.checked), previewTab, imageDesc);
if (previewContent.classList.contains('hidden')) return;
document.addEventListener('click', event => {
@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
* Textile toolbar
import { $, $$ } from './utils/dom';
const textileSyntax = {
bold: {
action: wrapSelection,
options: { prefix: '*', suffix: '*', shortcutKey: 'b', type: 'inline' }
italics: {
action: wrapSelection,
options: { prefix: '_', suffix: '_', shortcutKey: 'i', type: 'inline' }
under: {
action: wrapSelection,
options: { prefix: '+', suffix: '+', shortcutKey: 'u', type: 'inline' }
spoiler: {
action: wrapSelection,
options: { prefix: '[spoiler]', suffix: '[/spoiler]', shortcutKey: 's' }
code: {
action: wrapSelection,
options: { prefix: '@', suffix: '@', shortcutKey: 'e', type: 'inline' }
strike: {
action: wrapSelection,
options: { prefix: '-', suffix: '-', type: 'inline' }
superscript: {
action: wrapSelection,
options: { prefix: '^', suffix: '^', type: 'inline' }
subscript: {
action: wrapSelection,
options: { prefix: '~', suffix: '~', type: 'inline' }
quote: {
action: wrapSelection,
options: { prefix: '[bq]', suffix: '[/bq]' }
link: {
action: insertLink,
options: { prefix: '"', suffix: '":', shortcutKey: 'l' }
image: {
action: insertImage,
options: { prefix: '!', suffix: '!', shortcutKey: 'k' }
noParse: {
action: wrapSelection,
options: { prefix: '[==', suffix: '==]' }
function getSelections(textarea) {
let selection = textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.selectionEnd),
leadingSpace = '',
trailingSpace = '',
// Deselect trailing space and line break
for (caret = selection.length - 1; caret > 0; caret--) {
if (selection[caret] !== ' ' && selection[caret] !== '\n') break;
trailingSpace = selection[caret] + trailingSpace;
selection = selection.substring(0, caret + 1);
// Deselect leading space and line break
for (caret = 0; caret < selection.length; caret++) {
if (selection[caret] !== ' ' && selection[caret] !== '\n') break;
leadingSpace += selection[caret];
selection = selection.substring(caret);
return {
selectedText: selection,
beforeSelection: textarea.value.substring(0, textarea.selectionStart) + leadingSpace,
afterSelection: trailingSpace + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionEnd),
function wrapSelection(textarea, options) {
const { selectedText, beforeSelection, afterSelection } = getSelections(textarea),
{ text = selectedText, prefix = '', suffix = '', type } = options,
// For long comments, record scrollbar position to restore it later
scrollTop = textarea.scrollTop,
emptyText = text === '';
const newText = text;
if (type === 'inline' && newText.includes('\n')) {
textarea.value = `${beforeSelection}[${prefix}${newText}${suffix}]${afterSelection}`;
else {
textarea.value = `${beforeSelection}${prefix}${newText}${suffix}${afterSelection}`;
// If no text were highlighted, place the caret inside
// the formatted section, otherwise place it at the end
if (emptyText) {
textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.value.length - afterSelection.length - suffix.length;
else {
textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.value.length - afterSelection.length;
textarea.selectionStart = textarea.selectionEnd;
textarea.scrollTop = scrollTop;
function insertLink(textarea, options) {
let hyperlink = window.prompt('Link:');
if (!hyperlink || hyperlink === '') return;
// Change on-site link to use relative url
if (hyperlink.startsWith(window.location.origin)) hyperlink = hyperlink.substring(window.location.origin.length);
const prefix = options.prefix,
suffix = options.suffix + hyperlink;
wrapSelection(textarea, { prefix, suffix });
function insertImage(textarea, options) {
const hyperlink = window.prompt('Image link:');
const { prefix, suffix } = options;
if (!hyperlink || hyperlink === '') return;
wrapSelection(textarea, { text: hyperlink, prefix, suffix });
function clickHandler(event) {
const button = event.target.closest('.communication__toolbar__button');
if (!button) return;
const toolbar = button.closest('.communication__toolbar'),
// There may be multiple toolbars present on the page,
// in the case of image pages with description edit active
// we target the textarea that shares the same parent as the toolabr
textarea = $('.js-toolbar-input', toolbar.parentNode),
id = button.dataset.syntaxId;
textileSyntax[id].action(textarea, textileSyntax[id].options);
function shortcutHandler(event) {
if (!event.ctrlKey || (window.navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && !event.metaKey) || event.shiftKey || event.altKey) return;
const textarea = event.target,
key = event.key.toLowerCase();
for (const id in textileSyntax) {
if (key === textileSyntax[id].options.shortcutKey) {
textileSyntax[id].action(textarea, textileSyntax[id].options);
function setupToolbar() {
$$('.communication__toolbar').forEach(toolbar => {
toolbar.addEventListener('click', clickHandler);
$$('.js-toolbar-input').forEach(textarea => {
textarea.addEventListener('keydown', shortcutHandler);
export { setupToolbar };
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import { setupTagEvents } from './tagsmisc';
import { setupTimestamps } from './timeago';
import { setupImageUpload } from './upload';
import { setupSearch } from './search';
import { setupToolbar } from './textiletoolbar';
import { setupToolbar } from './markdowntoolbar.js';
import { hideStaffTools } from './staffhider';
import { pollOptionCreator } from './poll';
@ -1,24 +1,7 @@
= form_for @changeset, Routes.conversation_message_path(@conn, :create, @conversation), fn f ->
a.selected href="#" data-click-tab="write"
| Reply
a href="#" data-click-tab="preview"
| Preview
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.selected data-tab="write"
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_help.html", conn: @conn
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_toolbar.html", conn: @conn
= textarea f, :body, class: "input input--wide input--text js-preview-input js-toolbar-input", placeholder: "Your message", required: true
= error_tag f, :body
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.hidden data-tab="preview"
| [Loading preview...]
= render PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_input.html", conn: @conn, f: f, action_icon: "pencil-alt", action_text: "Reply"
= submit "Send", class: "button", autocomplete: "off", data: [disable_with: "Sending..."]
= submit "Send", class: "button", autocomplete: "off", data: [disable_with: raw("Sending…")]
@ -20,25 +20,8 @@ h1 New Conversation
= error_tag f, :title
= inputs_for f, :messages, fn fm ->
a.selected href="#" data-click-tab="write"
| Reply
a href="#" data-click-tab="preview"
| Preview
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.selected data-tab="write"
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_help.html", conn: @conn
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_toolbar.html", conn: @conn
= textarea fm, :body, class: "input input--wide input--text js-preview-input js-toolbar-input", placeholder: "Your message", required: true
= error_tag fm, :body
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.hidden data-tab="preview"
| [Loading preview...]
= render PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_input.html", changeset: @changeset, conn: @conn, f: fm, action_icon: "pencil-alt", action_text: "Compose"
= submit "Send", class: "button", autocomplete: "off", data: [disable_with: "Sending..."]
@ -6,29 +6,10 @@
p Oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below.
a.selected href="#" data-click-tab="write"
' Edit
a href="#" data-click-tab="preview"
' Preview
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.selected data-tab="write"
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_help.html", conn: @conn
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_toolbar.html", conn: @conn
= textarea f, :body, class: "input input--wide input--text js-preview-input js-toolbar-input", placeholder: "Please read the site rules before posting and use [spoiler][/spoiler] for above-rating stuff.", required: true
= error_tag f, :body
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.hidden data-tab="preview"
' [Loading preview...]
= render PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_input.html", conn: @conn, f: f, placeholder: "Please read the site rules before posting and use ||spoilers|| for above-rating stuff."
=> submit "Post", class: "button", data: [disable_with: raw("Posting…")]
= if @conn.assigns.current_user do
= checkbox f, :anonymous, value: anonymous_by_default?(@conn)
= label f, :anonymous, "Anonymous"
= render PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_anon_checkbox.html", conn: @conn, f: f
@ -4,29 +4,12 @@
p Oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below.
a.selected href="#" data-click-tab="write"
' Edit
= render PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_input.html", conn: @conn, f: f, placeholder: "Please read the site rules before posting and use ||spoilers|| for above-rating stuff."
a href="#" data-click-tab="preview"
' Preview
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.selected data-tab="write"
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_help.html", conn: @conn
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_toolbar.html", conn: @conn
= textarea f, :body, class: "input input--wide input--text js-preview-input js-toolbar-input", placeholder: "Please read the site rules before posting and use [spoiler][/spoiler] for above-rating stuff.", required: true
= error_tag f, :body
= text_input f, :edit_reason, class: "input input--wide", placeholder: "Reason for edit"
= error_tag f, :edit_reason
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.hidden data-tab="preview"
' [Loading preview...]
= text_input f, :edit_reason, class: "input input--wide", placeholder: "Reason for edit"
= error_tag f, :edit_reason
=> submit "Edit", class: "button", data: [disable_with: raw("Posting…")]
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
p Oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below.
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_help.html", conn: @conn
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_toolbar.html", conn: @conn
= render PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_help.html", conn: @conn
= render PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_toolbar.html", conn: @conn
= textarea f, :description, id: "description", class: "input input--wide js-toolbar-input", placeholder: "Describe this image in plain words - this should generally be info about the image that doesn't belong in the tags or source."
@ -64,24 +64,12 @@
= link "Description", to: "#", class: "selected", data: [click_tab: "write"]
= link "Preview", to: "#", data: [click_tab: "preview"]
= render PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_input.html", conn: @conn, f: f, action_icon: "pencil-alt", action_text: "Description", placeholder: "Describe this image in plain words - this should generally be info about the image that doesn't belong in the tags or source."
.block__tab.selected data-tab="write"
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_help.html", conn: @conn
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_toolbar.html", conn: @conn
= textarea f, :description, class: "input input--wide input--text js-preview-description js-image-input js-toolbar-input", placeholder: "Describe this image in plain words - this should generally be info about the image that doesn't belong in the tags or source."
.block__tab.hidden data-tab="preview"
| Loading preview...
= if @conn.assigns.current_user do
= label f, :anonymous, "Post anonymously"
= checkbox f, :anonymous, class: "checkbox", value: anonymous_by_default?(@conn)
= render PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_anon_checkbox.html", conn: @conn, f: f, label: "Post anonymously"
= render PhilomenaWeb.CaptchaView, "_captcha.html", name: "image", conn: @conn
= submit "Upload", class: "button", autocomplete: "off", data: [disable_with: "Please wait..."]
= submit "Upload", class: "button input--separate-top", autocomplete: "off", data: [disable_with: "Please wait..."]
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
- f = assigns[:f]
- label_lext = assigns[:label] || "Anonymous"
= if @conn.assigns.current_user do
=> checkbox f, :anonymous, value: anonymous_by_default?(@conn), class: "js-preview-anonymous"
= label f, :anonymous, label_lext
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
strong<> Syntax quick reference:
strong> **bold**
em> *italic*
span.spoiler> ||hide text||
code> `code`
ins> __underline__
del> ~~strike~~
sup> ^sup^
sub %sub%
a href="/pages/markdown"
strong Detailed syntax guide
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
- form = assigns[:f]
- action_text = assigns[:action_text] || 'Edit'
- action_icon = assigns[:action_icon] || 'edit'
- field_name = assigns[:name] || :body
- field_placeholder = assigns[:placeholder] || "Your message"
a.selected href="#" data-click-tab="write"
i.fa> class="fa-#{action_icon}"
= action_text
a href="#" data-click-tab="preview"
i.fa.fa-cog.fa-fw.fa-spin.js-preview-loading.hidden> title=raw('Loading preview…')
| Preview
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.selected.js-preview-input-wrapper data-tab="write"
= render PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_help.html", conn: @conn
= render PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_toolbar.html", conn: @conn
= textarea form, field_name, class: "input input--wide input--text input--resize-vertical js-toolbar-input js-preview-input", placeholder: field_placeholder, required: true
= error_tag form, field_name
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.hidden.js-preview-content data-tab="preview"
@ -29,6 +29,6 @@
button.communication__toolbar__button tabindex="-1" type="button" title="insert image (ctrl+k)" data-syntax-id="image"
button.communication__toolbar__button tabindex="-1" type="button" title="Text you want the parser to ignore" data-syntax-id="noParse"
button.communication__toolbar__button tabindex="-1" type="button" title="Text you want the parser to ignore" data-syntax-id="escape"
| no parse
| escape
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
= render PhilomenaWeb.UserAttributionView, "_anon_user_avatar.html", object: @post, conn: @conn
= render PhilomenaWeb.UserAttributionView, "_anon_user.html", object: @post, conn: @conn, awards: true
@ -14,25 +14,8 @@ h1 Updating Profile Description
= error_tag f, :personal_title
a.selected href="#" data-click-tab="write"
' About Me
a href="#" data-click-tab="preview"
' Preview
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.selected data-tab="write"
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_help.html", conn: @conn
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_toolbar.html", conn: @conn
= textarea f, :description, class: "input input--wide input--text js-preview-input js-toolbar-input", placeholder: "Description (up to 10000 characters)"
= error_tag f, :description
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.hidden data-tab="preview"
' [Loading preview...]
= render PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_input.html", conn: @conn, f: f, action_text: "About Me", placeholder: "Description (up to 10000 characters)", name: :description
=> submit "Update", class: "button"
@ -5,25 +5,8 @@ h1 Updating Moderation Scratchpad
p Oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below.
a.selected href="#" data-click-tab="write"
' Scratchpad
a href="#" data-click-tab="preview"
' Preview
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.selected data-tab="write"
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_help.html", conn: @conn
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_toolbar.html", conn: @conn
= textarea f, :scratchpad, class: "input input--wide input--text js-preview-input js-toolbar-input", placeholder: "Scratchpad Contents"
= error_tag f, :scratchpad
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.hidden data-tab="preview"
' [Loading preview...]
= render PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_input.html", conn: @conn, f: f, action_text: "Scratchpad", placeholder: "Scratchpad Contents", name: :scratchpad
=> submit "Update", class: "button"
@ -45,24 +45,7 @@ p
= select f, :category, report_categories(), class: "input"
a.selected href="#" data-click-tab="write"
' Edit
a href="#" data-click-tab="preview"
' Preview
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.selected data-tab="write"
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_help.html", conn: @conn
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_toolbar.html", conn: @conn
= textarea f, :reason, class: "input input--wide input--text js-preview-input js-toolbar-input", placeholder: "Provide anything else we should know here."
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.hidden data-tab="preview"
' [Loading preview...]
= render PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_input.html", conn: @conn, f: f, placeholder: "Provide anything else we should know here.", name: :reason
= render PhilomenaWeb.CaptchaView, "_captcha.html", name: "report", conn: @conn
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
strong<> Syntax quick reference:
' *bold*
em> _italic_
| [spoiler]hide text[/spoiler]
code> @code@
ins> +underline+
del> -strike-
sup> ^sup^
sub ~sub~
button< class="button" type="button" data-click-toggle="button:hover + .textile_help, button:focus + .textile_help"
' …
' [==stuff you don't want textile to parse==]
ins> Links:
' "On-site link":/some-link, "External link":http://some-link
ins> Images:
' >>1 — link to image, >>1t — embed image thumbnail (>>1p — large preview, >>1s — small thumbnail)
ins> External images:
' !http://some-image!, !http://some-clickable-image!:http://some-link
strong> Remember to use embeds (>>) for booru images as these let users filter content they don't want to see
@ -3,43 +3,26 @@
p Oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below.
h1 Create a Topic
= text_input f, :title, class: "input input--wide", placeholder: "Title"
= error_tag f, :title
= error_tag f, :slug
a.selected href="#" data-click-tab="write"
' Create a Topic
= inputs_for f, :posts, fn fp ->
= render PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_input.html", conn: @conn, f: fp, action_icon: "pencil-alt", action_text: "First Post", placeholder: "Please read the site rules before posting and use ||spoilers|| for NSFW stuff in SFW forums."
a href="#" data-click-tab="preview"
' Preview
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.selected data-tab="write"
= text_input f, :title, class: "input input--wide", placeholder: "Title"
= error_tag f, :title
= error_tag f, :slug
= inputs_for f, :posts, fn fp ->
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_help.html", conn: @conn
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_toolbar.html", conn: @conn
= textarea fp, :body, class: "input input--wide input--text js-preview-input js-toolbar-input", placeholder: "Please read the site rules before posting and use [spoiler][/spoiler] for NSFW stuff in SFW forums.", required: true
= error_tag fp, :body
= if @conn.assigns.current_user do
=> checkbox f, :anonymous, value: anonymous_by_default?(@conn)
= label f, :anonymous, "Post anonymously"
= render PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_anon_checkbox.html", conn: @conn, f: f, label: "Post anonymously"
= inputs_for f, :poll, fn fp ->
input.toggle-box id="add_poll" name="add_poll" type="checkbox"
label for="add_poll" Add a poll
= render PhilomenaWeb.Topic.PollView, "_form.html", Map.put(assigns, :f, fp)
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.hidden data-tab="preview"
' [Loading preview...]
= submit "Post", class: "button", data: [disable_with: raw("Posting…")]
@ -4,29 +4,10 @@
p Oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below.
a.selected href="#" data-click-tab="write"
' Edit
a href="#" data-click-tab="preview"
' Preview
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.selected data-tab="write"
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_help.html", conn: @conn
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_toolbar.html", conn: @conn
= textarea f, :body, class: "input input--wide input--text js-preview-input js-toolbar-input", placeholder: "Please read the site rules before posting and use [spoiler][/spoiler] for NSFW stuff in SFW forums.", required: true
= error_tag f, :body
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.hidden data-tab="preview"
' [Loading preview...]
= render PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_input.html", conn: @conn, f: f, placeholder: "Please read the site rules before posting and use ||spoilers|| for NSFW stuff in SFW forums."
=> submit "Post", class: "button", data: [disable_with: raw("Posting…")]
= if @conn.assigns.current_user do
= checkbox f, :anonymous, value: anonymous_by_default?(@conn)
= label f, :anonymous, "Anonymous"
= render PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_anon_checkbox.html", conn: @conn, f: f
@ -4,29 +4,13 @@
p Oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below.
a.selected href="#" data-click-tab="write"
' Edit
a href="#" data-click-tab="preview"
' Preview
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.selected data-tab="write"
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_help.html", conn: @conn
= render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_toolbar.html", conn: @conn
= textarea f, :body, class: "input input--wide input--text js-preview-input js-toolbar-input", placeholder: "Please read the site rules before posting and use [spoiler][/spoiler] for above-rating stuff.", required: true
= error_tag f, :body
= render PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_input.html", conn: @conn, f: f, placeholder: "Please read the site rules before posting and use ||spoilers|| for NSFW stuff in SFW forums."
= text_input f, :edit_reason, class: "input input--wide", placeholder: "Reason for edit"
= error_tag f, :edit_reason
.block__tab.communication-edit__tab.hidden data-tab="preview"
' [Loading preview...]
=> submit "Edit", class: "button", data: [disable_with: raw("Posting…")]
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ h1 = @topic.title
- true ->
= if can?(@conn, :hide, @topic) do
input.toggle-box id="administrator_tools" type="checkbox" checked=false
label for="administrator_tools" Manage Topic
@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Image.CommentView do
use PhilomenaWeb, :view
def anonymous_by_default?(conn) do
@ -175,10 +175,6 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.ImageView do
def scope(conn), do: PhilomenaWeb.ImageScope.scope(conn)
def anonymous_by_default?(conn) do
def info_row(_conn, []), do: []
def info_row(conn, [{tag, description, dnp_entries}]) do
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
defmodule PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView do
use PhilomenaWeb, :view
def anonymous_by_default?(conn) do
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
defmodule PhilomenaWeb.TextileView do
use PhilomenaWeb, :view
@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Topic.PostView do
use PhilomenaWeb, :view
def anonymous_by_default?(conn) do
@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
defmodule PhilomenaWeb.TopicView do
use PhilomenaWeb, :view
def anonymous_by_default?(conn) do
Add table
Reference in a new issue