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synced 2024-12-03 16:17:59 +01:00
Fixes batch tagging messing with complex spoilers (#49)
This commit is contained in:
40 changed files with 59 additions and 59 deletions
@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ defmodule Philomena.Polymorphic do
@preloads %{
"Comment" => [:user, image: :tags],
"Comment" => [:user, image: [tags: :aliases]],
"Commission" => [:user],
"Conversation" => [:from, :to],
"DnpEntry" => [:requesting_user],
"Gallery" => [:creator],
"Image" => [:user, :tags],
"Image" => [:user, tags: :aliases],
"Post" => [:user, topic: :forum],
"Topic" => [:forum, :user],
"Report" => [:user]
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.ActivityController do
|> filter_hidden(user, conn.params["hidden"])
|> order_by([i, f], desc: f.created_at)
|> limit(1)
|> preload([:tags])
|> preload([tags: :aliases])
|> Repo.one()
streams =
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.ActivityController do
responses =
[images, top_scoring, comments],
[preload(Image, :tags), preload(Image, :tags), preload(Comment, [:user, image: :tags])]
[preload(Image, tags: :aliases), preload(Image, tags: :aliases), preload(Comment, [:user, image: [tags: :aliases]])]
responses ++ [nil]
@ -154,10 +154,10 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.ActivityController do
[images, top_scoring, comments, watched],
preload(Image, :tags),
preload(Image, :tags),
preload(Comment, [:user, image: :tags]),
preload(Image, :tags)
preload(Image, tags: :aliases),
preload(Image, tags: :aliases),
preload(Comment, [:user, image: [tags: :aliases]]),
preload(Image, tags: :aliases)
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Api.Json.Image.FeaturedController do
|> join(:inner, [i], f in ImageFeature, on: [image_id: i.id])
|> order_by([_i, f], desc: f.created_at)
|> limit(1)
|> preload([:tags, :user, :intensity])
|> preload([:user, :intensity, tags: :aliases])
|> Repo.one()
case featured_image do
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Api.Json.ImageController do
image =
|> where(id: ^id)
|> preload([:tags, :user, :intensity])
|> preload([:user, :intensity, tags: :aliases])
|> Repo.one()
case image do
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Api.Json.OembedController do
defp load_image(id) do
|> where(id: ^id, hidden_from_users: false)
|> preload([:tags, :user])
|> preload([:user, tags: :aliases])
|> Repo.one()
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Api.Json.Search.ImageController do
import Ecto.Query
def index(conn, params) do
queryable = Image |> preload([:tags, :user, :intensity])
queryable = Image |> preload([:user, :intensity, tags: :aliases])
user = conn.assigns.current_user
case ImageLoader.search_string(conn, params["q"]) do
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Api.Rss.WatchedController do
def index(conn, _params) do
{:ok, {images, _tags}} = ImageLoader.search_string(conn, "my:watched")
images = Elasticsearch.search_records(images, preload(Image, :tags))
images = Elasticsearch.search_records(images, preload(Image, tags: :aliases))
# NB: this is RSS, but using the RSS format causes Phoenix not to
# escape HTML
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.CommentController do
|> Elasticsearch.search_records(
preload(Comment, [:deleted_by, image: [:tags], user: [awards: :badge]])
preload(Comment, [:deleted_by, image: [tags: :aliases], user: [awards: :badge]])
rendered = TextileRenderer.render_collection(comments.entries, conn)
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.CommissionController do
on: ci.commission_id == c.id,
group_by: c.id,
order_by: [asc: fragment("random()")],
preload: [user: [awards: :badge], items: [example_image: :tags]]
preload: [user: [awards: :badge], items: [example_image: [tags: :aliases]]]
defp presence(nil),
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.DuplicateReportController do
duplicate_reports =
|> where([d], d.state in ^states)
|> preload([:user, :modifier, image: [:user, :tags], duplicate_of_image: [:user, :tags]])
|> preload([:user, :modifier, image: [:user, tags: :aliases], duplicate_of_image: [:user, tags: :aliases]])
|> order_by(desc: :created_at)
|> Repo.paginate(conn.assigns.scrivener)
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.FingerprintProfile.SourceChangeController do
|> where(fingerprint: ^fingerprint)
|> order_by(desc: :id)
|> preload([:user, image: [:user, :tags]])
|> preload([:user, image: [:user, tags: :aliases]])
|> Repo.paginate(conn.assigns.scrivener)
render(conn, "index.html",
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.FingerprintProfile.TagChangeController do
|> where(fingerprint: ^fingerprint)
|> added_filter(params)
|> preload([:tag, :user, image: [:user, :tags]])
|> preload([:tag, :user, image: [:user, tags: :aliases]])
|> order_by(desc: :id)
|> Repo.paginate(conn.assigns.scrivener)
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.GalleryController do
plug :load_and_authorize_resource,
model: Gallery,
except: [:index],
preload: [:creator, thumbnail: :tags]
preload: [:creator, thumbnail: [tags: :aliases]]
def index(conn, params) do
galleries =
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.GalleryController do
|> Elasticsearch.search_records(preload(Gallery, [:creator, thumbnail: :tags]))
|> Elasticsearch.search_records(preload(Gallery, [:creator, thumbnail: [tags: :aliases]]))
render(conn, "index.html",
title: "Galleries",
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.GalleryController do
[images, gallery_prev, gallery_next] =
[images, gallery_prev, gallery_next],
[preload(Image, :tags), preload(Image, :tags), preload(Image, :tags)]
[preload(Image, tags: :aliases), preload(Image, tags: :aliases), preload(Image, tags: :aliases)]
interactions = Interactions.user_interactions([images, gallery_prev, gallery_next], user)
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Image.Comment.ReportController do
model: Image,
id_name: "image_id",
persisted: true,
preload: [:tags]
preload: [tags: :aliases]
plug PhilomenaWeb.LoadCommentPlug
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Image.CommentController do
model: Image,
id_name: "image_id",
persisted: true,
preload: [:tags]
preload: [tags: :aliases]
plug :verify_authorized when action in [:show]
plug PhilomenaWeb.FilterForcedUsersPlug when action in [:create, :edit, :update]
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Image.DescriptionController do
model: Image,
id_name: "image_id",
persisted: true,
preload: [:tags, :user]
preload: [:user, tags: :aliases]
def update(conn, %{"image" => image_params}) do
image = conn.assigns.image
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Image.FaveController do
model: Image,
id_name: "image_id",
persisted: true,
preload: [:tags]
preload: [tags: :aliases]
plug PhilomenaWeb.FilterForcedUsersPlug
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Image.RelatedController do
model: Image,
id_name: "image_id",
persisted: true,
preload: [:tags, :faves]
preload: [:faves, tags: :aliases]
def index(conn, _params) do
image = conn.assigns.image
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Image.RelatedController do
pagination: %{conn.assigns.image_pagination | page_number: 1}
images = Elasticsearch.search_records(images, preload(Image, :tags))
images = Elasticsearch.search_records(images, preload(Image, tags: :aliases))
interactions = Interactions.user_interactions(images, user)
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Image.ReportController do
model: Image,
id_name: "image_id",
persisted: true,
preload: [:tags]
preload: [tags: :aliases]
def new(conn, _params) do
image = conn.assigns.image
@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Image.ReportingController do
model: Image,
id_name: "image_id",
persisted: true,
preload: [:tags]
preload: [tags: :aliases]
def show(conn, _params) do
image = conn.assigns.image
dupe_reports =
|> preload([:user, :modifier, image: [:user, :tags], duplicate_of_image: [:user, :tags]])
|> preload([:user, :modifier, image: [:user, tags: :aliases], duplicate_of_image: [:user, tags: :aliases]])
|> where([d], d.image_id == ^image.id or d.duplicate_of_image_id == ^image.id)
|> Repo.all()
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Image.SourceChangeController do
source_changes =
|> where(image_id: ^image.id)
|> preload([:user, image: [:user, :tags]])
|> preload([:user, image: [:user, tags: :aliases]])
|> order_by(desc: :id)
|> Repo.paginate(conn.assigns.scrivener)
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Image.SourceController do
plug PhilomenaWeb.CheckCaptchaPlug
plug PhilomenaWeb.UserAttributionPlug
plug PhilomenaWeb.CanaryMapPlug, update: :edit_metadata
plug :load_and_authorize_resource, model: Image, id_name: "image_id", preload: [:tags, :user]
plug :load_and_authorize_resource, model: Image, id_name: "image_id", preload: [:user, tags: :aliases]
def update(conn, %{"image" => image_params}) do
attributes = conn.assigns.attributes
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Image.TagChangeController do
|> where(image_id: ^image.id)
|> added_filter(params)
|> preload([:tag, :user, image: [:user, :tags]])
|> preload([:tag, :user, image: [:user, tags: :aliases]])
|> order_by(desc: :id)
|> Repo.paginate(conn.assigns.scrivener)
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Image.TagController do
plug PhilomenaWeb.CheckCaptchaPlug
plug PhilomenaWeb.UserAttributionPlug
plug PhilomenaWeb.CanaryMapPlug, update: :edit_metadata
plug :load_and_authorize_resource, model: Image, id_name: "image_id", preload: [:tags, :user]
plug :load_and_authorize_resource, model: Image, id_name: "image_id", preload: [:user, tags: :aliases]
def update(conn, %{"image" => image_params}) do
attributes = conn.assigns.attributes
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Image.TagController do
image =
|> Repo.preload(:tags, force: true)
|> Repo.preload([tags: :aliases], [force: true])
changeset = Images.change_image(image)
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Image.TagController do
{:error, :image, changeset, _} ->
image =
|> Repo.preload(:tags, force: true)
|> Repo.preload([tags: :aliases], [force: true])
|> put_view(PhilomenaWeb.ImageView)
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Image.VoteController do
model: Image,
id_name: "image_id",
persisted: true,
preload: [:tags]
preload: [tags: :aliases]
plug PhilomenaWeb.FilterForcedUsersPlug
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.ImageController do
def index(conn, _params) do
{:ok, {images, _tags}} = ImageLoader.search_string(conn, "created_at.lte:3 minutes ago")
images = Elasticsearch.search_records(images, preload(Image, :tags))
images = Elasticsearch.search_records(images, preload(Image, tags: :aliases))
interactions = Interactions.user_interactions(images, conn.assigns.current_user)
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.ImageController do
[i, _],
_ in fragment("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM source_changes s WHERE s.image_id = ?", i.id)
|> preload([:tags, :deleter, user: [awards: :badge]])
|> preload([:deleter, user: [awards: :badge], tags: :aliases])
|> select([i, t, s], {i, t.count, s.count})
|> Repo.one()
|> case do
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.IpProfile.SourceChangeController do
|> where(ip: ^ip)
|> order_by(desc: :id)
|> preload([:user, image: [:user, :tags]])
|> preload([:user, image: [:user, tags: :aliases]])
|> Repo.paginate(conn.assigns.scrivener)
render(conn, "index.html",
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.IpProfile.TagChangeController do
|> where(ip: ^ip)
|> added_filter(params)
|> preload([:tag, :user, image: [:user, :tags]])
|> preload([:tag, :user, image: [:user, tags: :aliases]])
|> order_by(desc: :id)
|> Repo.paginate(conn.assigns.scrivener)
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Profile.Commission.ItemController do
id_field: "slug",
preload: [
commission: [sheet_image: :tags, user: [awards: :badge], items: [example_image: :tags]]
commission: [sheet_image: [tags: :aliases], user: [awards: :badge], items: [example_image: [tags: :aliases]]]
persisted: true
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Profile.Commission.ReportController do
id_field: "slug",
preload: [
commission: [sheet_image: :tags, user: [awards: :badge], items: [example_image: :tags]]
commission: [sheet_image: [tags: :aliases], user: [awards: :badge], items: [example_image: [tags: :aliases]]]
persisted: true
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Profile.CommissionController do
id_field: "slug",
preload: [
commission: [sheet_image: :tags, user: [awards: :badge], items: [example_image: :tags]]
commission: [sheet_image: [tags: :aliases], user: [awards: :badge], items: [example_image: [tags: :aliases]]]
persisted: true
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Profile.SourceChangeController do
[sc, i],
sc.user_id == ^user.id and not (i.user_id == ^user.id and i.anonymous == true)
|> preload([:user, image: [:user, :tags]])
|> preload([:user, image: [:user, tags: :aliases]])
|> order_by(desc: :id)
|> Repo.paginate(conn.assigns.scrivener)
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Profile.TagChangeController do
tc.user_id == ^user.id and not (i.user_id == ^user.id and i.anonymous == true)
|> added_filter(params)
|> preload([:tag, :user, image: [:user, :tags]])
|> preload([:tag, :user, image: [:user, tags: :aliases]])
|> order_by(desc: :id)
|> Repo.paginate(conn.assigns.scrivener)
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.ProfileController do
awards: [:badge, :awarded_by],
public_links: :tag,
verified_links: :tag,
commission: [sheet_image: :tags, items: [example_image: :tags]]
commission: [sheet_image: [tags: :aliases], items: [example_image: [tags: :aliases]]]
plug :set_admin_metadata
@ -118,10 +118,10 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.ProfileController do
[recent_uploads, recent_faves, recent_artwork, recent_comments, recent_posts],
preload(Image, :tags),
preload(Image, :tags),
preload(Image, :tags),
preload(Comment, user: [awards: :badge], image: :tags),
preload(Image, tags: :aliases),
preload(Image, tags: :aliases),
preload(Image, tags: :aliases),
preload(Comment, user: [awards: :badge], image: [tags: :aliases]),
preload(Post, user: [awards: :badge], topic: :forum)
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.ProfileController do
recent_galleries =
|> where(creator_id: ^user.id)
|> preload([:creator, thumbnail: :tags])
|> preload([:creator, thumbnail: [tags: :aliases]])
|> limit(4)
|> Repo.all()
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.SearchController do
case ImageLoader.search_string(conn, params["q"]) do
{:ok, {images, tags}} ->
images = search_function(custom_ordering?(conn)).(images, preload(Image, :tags))
images = search_function(custom_ordering?(conn)).(images, preload(Image, tags: :aliases))
interactions = Interactions.user_interactions(images, user)
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Tag.TagChangeController do
|> where(tag_id: ^tag.id)
|> added_filter(params)
|> preload([:tag, :user, image: [:user, :tags]])
|> preload([:tag, :user, image: [:user, tags: :aliases]])
|> order_by(desc: :id)
|> Repo.paginate(conn.assigns.scrivener)
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.TagController do
{images, _tags} = ImageLoader.query(conn, %{term: %{"namespaced_tags.name" => tag.name}})
images = Elasticsearch.search_records(images, preload(Image, :tags))
images = Elasticsearch.search_records(images, preload(Image, tags: :aliases))
interactions = Interactions.user_interactions(images, user)
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.ImageReverse do
dist = normalize_dist(image_params)
DuplicateReports.duplicates_of(intensities, aspect, dist, dist)
|> preload([:tags, :user, :intensity])
|> preload([:user, :intensity, [tags: :aliases]])
|> Repo.all()
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.TextileRenderer do
|> where([i], i.id in ^ids)
|> where([i], i.hidden_from_users == false)
|> preload(:tags)
|> preload(tags: :aliases)
|> Repo.all()
|> Map.new(&{&1.id, &1})
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.ImageView do
image_id: image.id,
image_tags: Jason.encode!(Enum.map(image.tags, & &1.id)),
image_tag_aliases: image.tag_list_plus_alias_cache,
image_tag_aliases: image.tags |> Enum.flat_map(&([&1] ++ &1.aliases)) |> Enum.map_join(", ", &(&1.name)),
tag_count: length(image.tags),
score: image.score,
faves: image.faves_count,
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ defmodule PhilomenaWeb.ImageView do
def image_filter_data(image) do
id: image.id,
"namespaced_tags.name": String.split(image.tag_list_plus_alias_cache || "", ", "),
"namespaced_tags.name": image.tags |> Enum.flat_map(&([&1] ++ &1.aliases)) |> Enum.map_join(", ", &(&1.name)),
tag_count: length(image.tags),
score: image.score,
faves: image.faves_count,
Reference in a new issue