button.button.button--state-success.button--separate-left.button--bold id="tagsinput-save" type="button" title="This button saves the tags listed above to your browser, allowing you to retrieve them again by clicking the Load button" Save
button.button.button--state-warning.button--separate-left.button--bold id="tagsinput-load" type="button" title="This button loads any saved tags from your browser" Load
button.button.button--state-danger.button--separate-left.button--bold id="tagsinput-clear" type="button" title="This button will clear the list of tags above" Clear
= link "Description", to: "#", class: "selected", data: [click_tab: "write"]
= link "Preview", to: "#", data: [click_tab: "preview"]
= textarea f, :description, class: "input input--wide input--text js-preview-description js-image-input js-toolbar-input", placeholder: "Describe this image in plain words - this should generally be info about the image that doesn't belong in the tags or source."