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Fimfarchive aims to release all stories on Fimfiction as a single ZIP-file. The archive contains not only stories, but also metadata such as tags, ratings, and descriptions. It is organized by author and could be used for backup, offline reading, or data mining.
Releases can be found on Fimfarchive's user profile at Fimfiction. Note that this is not an official Fimfiction project, so do not send questions to Fimfiction staff. Instead, send a private message or post a comment to the Fimfarchive user profile.
A new version will be released each season via BitTorrent, approximately once every three months. When suitable, an xdelta3 patch will also be provided for users who do not wish to redownload unchanged stories.
Note that the archive contains a large number of files. Unzipping it to your file system may not be necessary if the archive is to be used together with some application. If you are a developer, reading directly from the ZIP-file may be preferable.
This repository contains code for updating and building the archive. While the API is not guaranteed to be stable, it can also be used as a library for easy access to stories and metadata within the archive. A Fimfiction API key is however needed to stories directly from Fimfiction.
There are primarily two ways to install this tool. The first is installation as a library for use within other projects, and the second is installation for development of Fimfachive. Using a virtual environment is recommended for both cases in order to avoid contaminating the rest of the Python installation.
Installation as a Library
Make sure a virtual environment has been created and activated. When done,
simply install the library directly from the master
branch on GitHub.
python3 -m pip install git+https://github.com/JockeTF/fimfarchive.git
Optionally also install lz4
to lower the memory footprint of open archives.
python3 -m pip install lz4
That's it! Import a class to make sure things work as expected.
from fimfarchive.fetchers import FimfarchiveFetcher
Installation for Development
Start by creating a clone of the Fimfarchive repository.
git clone https://github.com/JockeTF/fimfarchive.git
Enter the cloned repository and create a virtual environment called venv
within it. Make sure to activate the virtual environment before proceeding to
install the development dependencies.
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Optionally also install lz4
to lower the memory footprint of open archives.
python3 -m pip install lz4
All done! Run the test suite to make sure everything works as expected.