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[![Pony.fm Logo](https://pony.fm/images/ponyfm-logo.svg)](https://pony.fm/)
The community for pony fan music.
For artists, Pony.fm features unlimited uploads and downloads, automatic
transcoding to a number of audio formats, and synchronized tags in all
For listeners, Pony.fm offers unlimited streaming and downloading, user-generated
playlists, favourite lists, and a way of discovering new music with pony-based
If you've run across a bug or have a feature request,
[open an issue](https://github.com/Poniverse/Pony.fm/issues/new)
for it.
For general questions and discussions about the site, stop by at
the [Pony.fm forum](https://mlpforums.com/forum/62-ponyfm/).
For quick fixes, go ahead and submit a pull request!
For larger features, it's best to open an issue before sinking a ton of work
into building them, to coordinate with Pony.fm's maintainers.
Developer documentation is available in the [`documentation` directory](documentation).
**Protip:** Looking for a place to jump in and start coding? Try a
[quickwin issue](https://github.com/Poniverse/Pony.fm/labels/quickwin%21) -
these are smaller in scope and easier to tackle if you're unfamiliar with the codebase!
Starting a dev environment
To begin development, do the following:
1. Install [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html) and
[VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) if you don't have them already.
2. Install the `vagrant-hostmanager` plugin: `vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager`
3. Install the `vagrant-bindfs` plugin: `vagrant plugin install vagrant-bindfs`
4. Run `vagrant up` from the folder in which you cloned the repository
5. Run `vagrant ssh`, `cd /vagrant`, and `php artisan poni:setup`.
6. Follow the instructions in the "Asset pipeline" section below to set that up.
Once everything is up and running, you'll be able to access the site at [http://ponyfm-dev.poni/](http://ponyfm-dev.poni/). You can access the PostgreSQL database by logging into **ponyfm-dev.poni:5432** with the username **homestead** and the password **secret**. Pony.fm's database is named **homestead**.
Asset pipeline
Pony.fm uses [gulp](http://gulpjs.com/) to mange its asset pipeline.
**Important:** Run `npm` and `gulp` from your host machine and not within the VM. You must first have it installed globally:
npm install -g gulp
And then install all of the required local packages by invoking:
npm install
Finally, to compile and serve the assets in real time, run the following (and leave it running while you develop):
gulp watch
### Email templates
Pony.fm's email templates are based on the Sass version of
[ZURB's Foundation for Emails](http://foundation.zurb.com/emails/docs/index.html).
framework. This framework takes most of the pain out of HTML email markup - see
their site for the full documentation.
Email templates live in [the `resources/emails/src` directory](resources/emails/src).
Note that they are Handlebars templates which compile into Blade templates -
Pony.fm's asset pipeline automatically does this for you. Variables meant for
Blade need to be escaped with a backslash in the `.hbs` files (like so: `\{{ $myVariableName }}`).
Configuring the servers
Pony.fm uses nginx, php-fpm, redis, and PostgreSQL. You can modify the configuration of these services by locating the appropriate config file in the `vagrant` folder. Once modified, you must reload the configuration by running the appropriate shell script (`reload-config.sh`) or bat files (`reload-config.bat` and `reload-config.vmware.bat`). These scripts simply tell Vagrant to run `copy-and-restart-config.sh` on the VM.
If you need to change any other configuration file on the VM - copy the entire file over into the vagrant folder, make your changes, and update the `copy-and-restart-config.sh` script to copy the modified config back into the proper folder. All potential configuration requirements should be represented in the `vagrant` folder **and never only on the VM itself** as changes will not be preserved.