Laravel automatically injects the current Http [request object][1] to all Controller actions and Middleware. Leveraging this object improves consistency and testability.
Laravel offers many helper functions, including: `view()`, `response()`, `redirect()`, `config()`, and more.
Review the [Helpers][1] documentation for more details.
Laravel offers many built-in Blade directives, including: `@auth`, `@guest` ,`@csrf`, `@method`, `@json`, and more.
Review the [Blade][1] documentation for more details.
In an effort to make upgrading the constantly changing config files
easier, Shift defaulted them and merged your true customizations -
where ENV variables may not be used.
In an effort to make upgrading the constantly changing config files
easier, Shift defaulted them and merged your true customizations -
where ENV variables may not be used.
In an effort to make upgrading the constantly changing config files
easier, Shift defaulted them and merged your true customizations -
where ENV variables may not be used.
To conform with PSR-16 Laravel 5.8 changed the cache expiration time from minutes to seconds. If you were passing an integer, Shift converted this to its integer equivalent in seconds. If you were passing a "minutes" variable, Shift converted this to the relative date time equivalent for readability.
Laravel recommends using the `Str` and `Arr` class methods directly instead of the respective helper functions. These helper functions are [deprecated in Laravel 5.8][1] and will be removed in a future version.