mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 16:10:05 +01:00
Color selection works now
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 1171 additions and 447 deletions
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
package com.voxelmodpack.hdskins.gui;
import static net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager.color;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton;
import net.minecraft.client.resources.I18n;
* Color picker button control, spawns a color picker when clicked. Code
* originally by Adam Mummery-Smith.
public class GuiColorButton extends GuiButton {
private Minecraft mc;
private int color = 0x000000;
private GuiColorPicker picker;
private boolean pickerClicked = false;
public GuiColorButton(Minecraft minecraft, int id, int xPosition, int yPosition, int controlWidth, int controlHeight, int color, String name) {
super(id, xPosition, yPosition, controlWidth, controlHeight, I18n.format(name));
this.mc = minecraft;
this.color = color;
public int getColor() {
return this.color;
public void drawButton(Minecraft mc, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
boolean mouseOver = mouseX >= this.xPosition && mouseY >= this.yPosition && mouseX < this.xPosition + this.width && mouseY < this.yPosition + this.height;
int borderColor = mouseOver || this.picker != null ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFFA0A0A0;
drawRect(this.xPosition, this.yPosition, this.xPosition + this.width, this.yPosition + this.height, borderColor);
color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
drawRect(this.xPosition + 1, this.yPosition + 1, this.xPosition + this.width - 1, this.yPosition + this.height - 1, 0xFF000000 | this.color);
this.mouseDragged(mc, mouseX, mouseY);
if (this.displayString != null && this.displayString.length() > 0) {
int x = this.xPosition + this.width + 8;
int y = this.yPosition + (this.height - 8) / 2;
this.drawString(mc.fontRendererObj, this.displayString, x, y, this.enabled ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFFA0A0A0);
public void drawPicker(Minecraft minecraft, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
if (this.picker != null) {
this.picker.drawButton(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY);
public void closePicker(boolean getColor) {
if (getColor)
this.color = this.picker.getColor();
this.picker = null;
this.pickerClicked = false;
public void mouseReleased(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
if (this.pickerClicked && this.picker != null) {
this.picker.mouseReleased(mouseX, mouseY);
this.pickerClicked = false;
public boolean mousePressed(Minecraft minecraft, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
boolean pressed = super.mousePressed(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY);
if (this.picker == null) {
if (pressed) {
int xPos = Math.min(this.xPosition + this.width, mc.currentScreen.width - 233);
int yPos = Math.min(this.yPosition, mc.currentScreen.height - 175);
this.picker = new GuiColorPicker(minecraft, 1, xPos, yPos, 0xFFFFFF & this.color, "Choose color");
this.pickerClicked = false;
return pressed;
this.pickerClicked = this.picker.mousePressed(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY);
if (pressed && !this.pickerClicked) {
return this.pickerClicked;
public boolean keyTyped(char keyChar, int keyCode) {
return (this.picker != null) ? this.picker.textBoxKeyTyped(keyChar, keyCode) : false;
@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
package com.voxelmodpack.hdskins.gui;
import static net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager.*;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.helpers.Integers;
import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiTextField;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager.LogicOp;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.VertexBuffer;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.DefaultVertexFormats;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
* Color picker flyout control, for use with the designable GUI properties
* window. Code originally by Adam Mummery-Smith.
public class GuiColorPicker extends GuiButton {
public static final ResourceLocation COLORPICKER_PICKER = new ResourceLocation("hdskins",
/** Indices into the HSB array. */
private static final int H = 0, S = 1, B = 2;
/** HSB values from Color.RGBtoHSB. */
private float[] hsb;
/** Original and altered RGB values. */
private int rgb;
/** Text boxes for manual entry. */
private GuiTextField txtRed, txtGreen, txtBlue;
// /** OK and cancel buttons. */
// private GuiControl btnOk, btnCancel;
/** Flags to track whether dragging a slider. */
private boolean draggingHS, draggingB;
/** Slider rectangles. */
private Rectangle rectHSArea, rectBArea;
/** Set when the user clicks ok or cancel. */
// private DialogResult result = DialogResult.None;
private FontRenderer fontRenderer;
private Minecraft mc;
public GuiColorPicker(Minecraft minecraft, int controlId, int xPos, int yPos, int initialColor, String displayText) {
super(controlId, xPos, yPos, displayText);
this.mc = minecraft;
Color color = new Color(initialColor);
this.hsb = Color.RGBtoHSB(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), null);
this.fontRenderer = minecraft.fontRendererObj;
this.txtRed = new GuiTextField(0, this.fontRenderer, this.xPosition + 163, this.yPosition + 10, 32, 16);
this.txtGreen = new GuiTextField(0, this.fontRenderer, this.xPosition + 163, this.yPosition + 30, 32, 16);
this.txtBlue = new GuiTextField(0, this.fontRenderer, this.xPosition + 163, this.yPosition + 50, 32, 16);
this.rectHSArea = new Rectangle(this.xPosition + 10, this.yPosition + 10, 128, 128);
this.rectBArea = new Rectangle(this.xPosition + 143, this.yPosition + 10, 15, 128);
// this.btnOk =
// new GuiControl(minecraft, 0, this.xPosition + 9, this.yPosition +
// 145, 55, 20,
// I18n.format("config.picker.ok"));
// this.btnCancel =
// new GuiControl(minecraft, 1, this.xPosition + 70, this.yPosition +
// 145, 65, 20,
// I18n.format("config.picker.cancel"));
// public DialogResult getDialogResult() {
// return this.result;
// }
public int getColor() {
int rgb = (0xFFFFFF & Color.HSBtoRGB(this.hsb[H], this.hsb[S], this.hsb[B]));
return rgb;
protected void drawColorPicker(Minecraft minecraft, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
this.mouseDragged(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY);
// Calculate coordinates for the selectors
int hPos = this.xPosition + 10 + (int) (128F * this.hsb[H]);
int sPos = this.yPosition + 10 + (128 - (int) (128F * this.hsb[S]));
int bPos = this.yPosition + 10 + (128 - (int) (128F * this.hsb[B]));
// Calculate B color
int brightness = Color.HSBtoRGB(this.hsb[H], this.hsb[S], 1.0F) | 0xFF000000;
// Draw backgrounds
// Background
drawRect(this.xPosition, this.yPosition, this.xPosition + this.width, this.yPosition + this.height, 0xAA000000);
// HS background
drawRect(this.xPosition + 9, this.yPosition + 9, this.xPosition + 139, this.yPosition + 139, 0xFFA0A0A0);
// B background
drawRect(this.xPosition + 142, this.yPosition + 9, this.xPosition + 159, this.yPosition + 139, 0xFFA0A0A0);
// Preview background
drawRect(this.xPosition + 162, this.yPosition + 105, this.xPosition + 196, this.yPosition + 139, 0xFFA0A0A0);
// Draw color picker
color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect(this.xPosition + 10, this.yPosition + 10, 0, 0, 256, 256, 138, 138, 256, 256);
this.drawCrossHair(hPos, sPos, 5, 1, 0xFF000000);
// Draw brightness bar
this.drawGradientRect(this.xPosition + 143, this.yPosition + 10, this.xPosition + 158, this.yPosition + 138, brightness, 0xFF000000);
this.drawRotText(this.fontRenderer, "Luminosity", this.xPosition + 150, this.yPosition + 74, 0xFF000000, false);
drawRect(this.xPosition + 142, bPos - 1, this.xPosition + 159, bPos + 1, 0xFFFFFFFF);
// Draw preview
drawRect(this.xPosition + 163, this.yPosition + 106, this.xPosition + 195, this.yPosition + 138, 0xFF000000 | this.rgb);
// Draw text boxes
// this.btnOk.drawButton(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY);
// this.btnCancel.drawButton(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY);
private void drawCrossHair(int x, int y, int size, int width, int color) {
float alpha = (color >> 24 & 0xff) / 255F;
float red = (color >> 16 & 0xff) / 255F;
float green = (color >> 8 & 0xff) / 255F;
float blue = (color & 0xff) / 255F;
GlStateManager.glLineWidth(mc.gameSettings.guiScale * width);
color(red, green, blue, alpha);
// Draw the frame
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
VertexBuffer vb = tessellator.getBuffer();
vb.begin(GL_LINES, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION);
vb.pos(x - size, y, 0).endVertex();
vb.pos(x + size, y, 0).endVertex();
vb.begin(GL_LINES, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION);
vb.pos(x, y - size, 0).endVertex();
vb.pos(x, y + size, 0).endVertex();
private void drawRotText(FontRenderer fontRenderer, String text, int xPosition, int yPosition,
int color, boolean colorOrOp) {
if (colorOrOp) {
int textWidth = fontRenderer.getStringWidth(text) / 2;
translate(xPosition, yPosition, 0);
rotate(-90, 0, 0, 1);
translate(-textWidth, -4, 0);
fontRenderer.drawString(text, 0, 0, color);
if (colorOrOp) {
public void updateCursorCounter() {
protected void updateColor() {
this.rgb = (0xFFFFFF & Color.HSBtoRGB(this.hsb[H], this.hsb[S], this.hsb[B]));
this.txtRed.setText(String.valueOf((this.rgb >> 16) & 0xFF));
this.txtGreen.setText(String.valueOf((this.rgb >> 8) & 0xFF));
this.txtBlue.setText(String.valueOf(this.rgb & 0xFF));
protected void updateColorFromTextEntry() {
int currentRed = (this.rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
int currentGreen = (this.rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
int currentBlue = this.rgb & 0xFF;
currentRed = (int) clamp(tryParseInt(this.txtRed.getText(), currentRed), 0, 255);
currentGreen = (int) clamp(tryParseInt(this.txtGreen.getText(), currentGreen), 0, 255);
currentBlue = (int) clamp(tryParseInt(this.txtBlue.getText(), currentBlue), 0, 255);
this.hsb = Color.RGBtoHSB(currentRed, currentGreen, currentBlue, null);
protected void mouseDragged(Minecraft minecraft, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
super.mouseDragged(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY);
if (this.draggingHS) {
this.hsb[H] = clamp(mouseX - this.xPosition - 10, 0, 128) / 128F;
this.hsb[S] = (128F - clamp(mouseY - this.yPosition - 10, 0, 128)) / 128F;
if (this.draggingB) {
this.hsb[B] = (128F - clamp(mouseY - this.yPosition - 10, 0, 128)) / 128F;
public boolean mousePressed(Minecraft minecraft, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
if (super.mousePressed(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY)) {
// if (this.btnOk.mousePressed(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY))
// this.result = DialogResult.OK;
// if (this.btnCancel.mousePressed(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY))
// this.result = DialogResult.Cancel;
if (this.rectHSArea.contains(mouseX, mouseY))
this.draggingHS = true;
if (this.rectBArea.contains(mouseX, mouseY))
this.draggingB = true;
this.txtRed.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, 0);
this.txtGreen.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, 0);
this.txtBlue.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, 0);
return true;
return false;
public void mouseReleased(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
this.draggingHS = false;
this.draggingB = false;
public boolean textBoxKeyTyped(char keyChar, int keyCode) {
this.txtRed.textboxKeyTyped(keyChar, keyCode);
this.txtGreen.textboxKeyTyped(keyChar, keyCode);
this.txtBlue.textboxKeyTyped(keyChar, keyCode);
if (keyCode == Keyboard.KEY_TAB) {
if (this.txtRed.isFocused()) {
} else if (this.txtGreen.isFocused()) {
} else if (this.txtBlue.isFocused()) {
} else {
return true;
private static int tryParseInt(String text, int defaultValue) {
return "".equals(text) ? 0 : Integers.parseInt(text, defaultValue);
private static float clamp(float value, float min, float max) {
return Math.min(Math.max(value, min), max);
@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ import com.mumfrey.webprefs.WebPreferencesManager;
import com.mumfrey.webprefs.interfaces.IWebPreferences;
import com.voxelmodpack.hdskins.HDSkinManager;
import com.voxelmodpack.hdskins.IMetaHandler;
import com.voxelmodpack.hdskins.gui.color.GuiColorButton;
import com.voxelmodpack.hdskins.gui.color.GuiColorButton.CloseListener;
import com.voxelmodpack.hdskins.gui.color.GuiControl;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@ import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiPageButtonList.GuiResponder;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiSlider;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiSlider.FormatHelper;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.ScaledResolution;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderHelper;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderManager;
import net.minecraft.client.resources.I18n;
@ -46,6 +50,7 @@ public class GuiMetaHandler extends GuiScreen implements IMetaHandler {
protected int optionPosX;
private EntityPlayerModel model;
private float updateCounter;
public GuiMetaHandler(GuiScreen parent, EntityPlayerModel localPlayer) {
this.parent = parent;
@ -80,6 +85,13 @@ public class GuiMetaHandler extends GuiScreen implements IMetaHandler {
return Optional.absent();
public void setWorldAndResolution(Minecraft mc, int width, int height) {
super.setWorldAndResolution(mc, width, height);
ScaledResolution sr = new ScaledResolution(mc);
GuiControl.setScreenSizeAndScale(width, height, sr.getScaleFactor());
public void initGui() {
@ -113,15 +125,14 @@ public class GuiMetaHandler extends GuiScreen implements IMetaHandler {
if (keyCode == Keyboard.KEY_ESCAPE) {
} else {
super.keyTyped(typedChar, keyCode);
for (Opt<?> opt : this.options) {
opt.keyTyped(typedChar, keyCode);
private float updateCounter;
public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTick) {
// this.lastPartialTick = this.updateCounter + partialTick;
int top = 30;
@ -139,11 +150,11 @@ public class GuiMetaHandler extends GuiScreen implements IMetaHandler {
((GuiSkins) parent).disableClipping();
this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRendererObj, "Skin Overrides", width / 2, 10, -1);
super.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, partialTick);
for (Opt<?> opt : options) {
opt.drawOption(mouseX, mouseY);
this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRendererObj, "Skin Overrides", width / 2, 10, -1);
public void renderPlayerModel(Entity thePlayer, float xPosition, float yPosition, float scale, float mouseX, float mouseY, float partialTick) {
@ -178,9 +189,7 @@ public class GuiMetaHandler extends GuiScreen implements IMetaHandler {
if (mouseX > width / 2)
for (Opt<?> opt : options) {
if (opt.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY))
opt.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY);
@ -200,6 +209,15 @@ public class GuiMetaHandler extends GuiScreen implements IMetaHandler {
public void setControlsEnabled(boolean enabled) {
for (Opt<?> opt : this.options) {
for (GuiButton guiButton : buttonList) {
guiButton.enabled = enabled;
public void push() {
String data = new Gson().toJson(toMap());
@ -257,6 +275,10 @@ public class GuiMetaHandler extends GuiScreen implements IMetaHandler {
this.enabled.checked = enabled;
public void setControlEnabled(boolean enabled) {
this.enabled.enabled = enabled;
public boolean isEnabled() {
return this.enabled.checked;
@ -269,18 +291,20 @@ public class GuiMetaHandler extends GuiScreen implements IMetaHandler {
this.enabled.drawButton(mc, mouseX, mouseY);
protected boolean mouseClicked(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
protected void mouseClicked(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
if (this.enabled.mousePressed(mc, mouseX, mouseY)) {
this.enabled.checked = !this.enabled.checked;
return true;
return false;
protected void mouseReleased(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
protected void keyTyped(char typedChar, int keyCode) {
public abstract String toString();
@ -295,6 +319,12 @@ public class GuiMetaHandler extends GuiScreen implements IMetaHandler {
public void setControlEnabled(boolean enabled) {
this.chk.enabled = enabled;
public void init() {
@ -310,13 +340,11 @@ public class GuiMetaHandler extends GuiScreen implements IMetaHandler {
protected boolean mouseClicked(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
boolean clicked = super.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY);
if (!clicked && chk.mousePressed(mc, mouseX, mouseY)) {
protected void mouseClicked(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
super.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY);
if (chk.mousePressed(mc, mouseX, mouseY)) {
chk.checked = !chk.checked;
return true;
return clicked;
@ -344,6 +372,12 @@ public class GuiMetaHandler extends GuiScreen implements IMetaHandler {
this.value = Optional.of(min);
public void setControlEnabled(boolean enabled) {
this.guiSlider.enabled = enabled;
public void init() {
@ -358,9 +392,9 @@ public class GuiMetaHandler extends GuiScreen implements IMetaHandler {
protected boolean mouseClicked(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
boolean clicked = super.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY);
return clicked || this.guiSlider.mousePressed(mc, mouseX, mouseY);
protected void mouseClicked(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
super.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY);
this.guiSlider.mousePressed(mc, mouseX, mouseY);
@ -412,6 +446,12 @@ public class GuiMetaHandler extends GuiScreen implements IMetaHandler {
this.value = Optional.of(this.get());
public void setControlEnabled(boolean enabled) {
this.button.enabled = enabled;
protected void init() {
@ -426,18 +466,16 @@ public class GuiMetaHandler extends GuiScreen implements IMetaHandler {
protected boolean mouseClicked(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
boolean clicked = super.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY);
if (!clicked && this.button.mousePressed(mc, mouseX, mouseY)) {
protected void mouseClicked(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
super.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY);
if (this.button.mousePressed(mc, mouseX, mouseY)) {
if (this.index >= this.options.size()) {
this.index = 0;
this.value = Optional.of(get());
this.button.displayString = name + ": " + I18n.format(this.toString());
return true;
return clicked;
private E get() {
@ -458,7 +496,7 @@ public class GuiMetaHandler extends GuiScreen implements IMetaHandler {
private class Col extends Opt<Color> {
private class Col extends Opt<Color> implements CloseListener {
private GuiColorButton color;
@ -482,23 +520,29 @@ public class GuiMetaHandler extends GuiScreen implements IMetaHandler {
protected void init() {
this.color = new GuiColorButton(mc, 0, optionPosX + 20, optionHeight, 20, 20, value.transform(colorConverter).or(-1), name);
this.color = new GuiColorButton(mc, 0, optionPosX + 20, optionHeight, 20, 20, value.get(), name, this);
public void onClose() {
this.value = Optional.of(new Color(this.color.getColor()));
protected void drawOption(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
super.drawOption(mouseX, mouseY);
this.color.drawButton(mc, mouseX, mouseY);
this.color.drawPicker(mc, mouseX, mouseY);
protected boolean mouseClicked(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
boolean clicked = super.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY);
if (!clicked && this.color.mousePressed(mc, mouseX, mouseY)) {
this.value = Optional.of(new Color(this.color.getColor()));
return true;
protected void mouseClicked(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
super.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY);
if (this.color.mousePressed(mc, mouseX, mouseY)) {
return clicked;
@ -506,9 +550,14 @@ public class GuiMetaHandler extends GuiScreen implements IMetaHandler {
this.color.mouseReleased(mouseX, mouseY);
protected void keyTyped(char typedChar, int keyCode) {
this.color.keyTyped(typedChar, keyCode);
public String toString() {
return this.value.transform(Functions.toStringFunction()).orNull();
return this.value.transform(colorConverter).transform(Functions.toStringFunction()).orNull();
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import static net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager.*;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBase;
import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelPlayer;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderLivingBase;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderManager;
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
package com.voxelmodpack.hdskins.gui.color;
import static com.mumfrey.liteloader.gl.GL.glColor4f;
import java.awt.Color;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
* Colour picker button control, spawns a colour picker when clicked
* @author Adam Mummery-Smith
public class GuiColorButton extends GuiControl {
* Picker active colour
private int colour = 0xFF000000;
private Color lineColour;
private GuiColorPicker picker;
private boolean pickerClicked = false;
private CloseListener closeListener;
public GuiColorButton(Minecraft minecraft, int id, int xPosition, int yPosition, int controlWidth, int controlHeight, Color lineColour, String name, CloseListener cl) {
super(minecraft, id, xPosition, yPosition, controlWidth, controlHeight, name);
this.lineColour = lineColour;
this.closeListener = cl;
* @param lineColour2
public void updateColour(Color lineColour2) {
if (lineColour2 == this.lineColour) {
this.colour = lineColour2.getRGB();
public int getColor() {
return this.colour;
public void drawControl(Minecraft minecraft, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
if (this.visible) {
if (this.displayString != null && this.displayString.length() > 0) {
this.drawString(minecraft.fontRendererObj, this.displayString, this.xPosition + this.width + 8, this.yPosition + (this.height - 8) / 2, 0xFFFFFFFF);
boolean mouseOver = mouseX >= this.xPosition && mouseY >= this.yPosition && mouseX < this.xPosition + this.width && mouseY < this.yPosition + this.height;
int borderColour = mouseOver || this.picker != null ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFFA0A0A0;
drawRect(this.xPosition, this.yPosition, this.xPosition + this.width, this.yPosition + this.height, borderColour);
int v = Math.min(Math.max((int) (((float) this.height / (float) this.width) * 1024F), 256), 1024);
glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
this.drawTexturedModalRect(this.xPosition + 1, this.yPosition + 1, this.xPosition + this.width - 1, this.yPosition + this.height - 1, 0, 0, 1024, v);
drawRect(this.xPosition + 1, this.yPosition + 1, this.xPosition + this.width - 1, this.yPosition + this.height - 1, this.colour);
this.mouseDragged(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY);
public void drawPicker(Minecraft minecraft, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
if (this.visible && this.picker != null) {
this.picker.drawButton(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY);
if (this.picker.getDialogResult() == DialogResult.OK) {
} else if (this.picker.getDialogResult() == DialogResult.Cancel) {
public void closePicker(boolean getColour) {
if (getColour)
this.colour = this.picker.getColour();
this.picker = null;
this.pickerClicked = false;
if (this.closeListener != null)
public void mouseReleased(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
if (this.pickerClicked && this.picker != null) {
this.picker.mouseReleased(mouseX, mouseY);
this.pickerClicked = false;
public boolean mousePressed(Minecraft minecraft, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
boolean pressed = super.mousePressed(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY);
if (this.picker == null) {
if (pressed) {
int xPos = Math.min(this.xPosition + this.width, GuiControl.lastScreenWidth - 233);
int yPos = Math.min(this.yPosition, GuiControl.lastScreenHeight - 175);
this.picker = new GuiColorPicker(minecraft, 1, xPos, yPos, this.colour, "Choose colour");
this.pickerClicked = false;
return pressed;
this.pickerClicked = this.picker.mousePressed(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY);
if (pressed && !this.pickerClicked) {
return this.pickerClicked;
public boolean keyTyped(char keyChar, int keyCode) {
return (this.picker != null) ? this.picker.textBoxKeyTyped(keyChar, keyCode) : false;
public interface CloseListener {
void onClose();
@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
package com.voxelmodpack.hdskins.gui.color;
import static net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiTextField;
import net.minecraft.client.resources.I18n;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;
* Colour picker flyout control, for use with the designable GUI properties
* window
* @author Adam Mummery-Smith
public class GuiColorPicker extends GuiControl {
public static final ResourceLocation COLOURPICKER_CHECKER = new ResourceLocation("hdskins", "textures/gui/checker.png");
public static final ResourceLocation COLOURPICKER_PICKER = new ResourceLocation("hdskins", "textures/gui/picker.png");
* Indices into the hsb array
private static final int H = 0, S = 1, B = 2;
* HSB values from Colour.RGBtoHSB, combined with opacity this is the
* authoritative version of the colour we are editing
private float[] hsb;
* Original and altered RGB values
private int rgb;
* Current opacity, stored as an offset byte in the usual position, eg. 0xFF
* << 24
private int opacity;
* Text boxes for manual entry
private GuiTextField txtRed, txtGreen, txtBlue, txtAlpha;
* OK and cancel buttons
private GuiControl btnOk, btnCancel;
* Flags to track whether dragging a slider
private boolean draggingHS, draggingB, draggingA;
* Slider rects
private Rectangle rectHSArea, rectBArea, rectAArea;
* Set when the user clicks ok or cancel
private DialogResult result = DialogResult.None;
private FontRenderer fontRenderer;
public GuiColorPicker(Minecraft minecraft, int controlId, int xPos, int yPos, int initialColour, String displayText) {
super(minecraft, controlId, xPos, yPos, 231, 173, displayText);
Color colour = new Color(initialColour);
this.hsb = Color.RGBtoHSB(colour.getRed(), colour.getGreen(), colour.getBlue(), null);
this.opacity = initialColour & 0xFF000000;
if (this.opacity == 0x01000000)
this.opacity = 0;
this.fontRenderer = minecraft.fontRendererObj;
this.txtRed = new GuiTextField(0, this.fontRenderer, this.xPosition + 188, this.yPosition + 10, 32, 16);
this.txtGreen = new GuiTextField(1, this.fontRenderer, this.xPosition + 188, this.yPosition + 30, 32, 16);
this.txtBlue = new GuiTextField(2, this.fontRenderer, this.xPosition + 188, this.yPosition + 50, 32, 16);
this.txtAlpha = new GuiTextField(3, this.fontRenderer, this.xPosition + 188, this.yPosition + 70, 32, 16);
this.rectHSArea = new Rectangle(this.xPosition + 10, this.yPosition + 10, 128, 128);
this.rectBArea = new Rectangle(this.xPosition + 143, this.yPosition + 10, 15, 128);
this.rectAArea = new Rectangle(this.xPosition + 163, this.yPosition + 10, 15, 128);
this.btnOk = new GuiControl(minecraft, 0, this.xPosition + 9, this.yPosition + 145, 55, 20, I18n.format("gui.ok"));
this.btnCancel = new GuiControl(minecraft, 1, this.xPosition + 70, this.yPosition + 145, 65, 20, I18n.format("gui.cancel"));
public DialogResult getDialogResult() {
return this.result;
public int getColour() {
int opacity = this.opacity == 0 ? 0x01000000 : this.opacity;
int rgb = opacity | (0xFFFFFF & Color.HSBtoRGB(this.hsb[H], this.hsb[S], this.hsb[B]));
return rgb;
protected void drawControl(Minecraft minecraft, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
this.mouseDragged(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY);
// Calculate coordinates for the selectors
int hPos = this.xPosition + 10 + (int) (128F * this.hsb[H]);
int sPos = this.yPosition + 10 + (128 - (int) (128F * this.hsb[S]));
int bPos = this.yPosition + 10 + (128 - (int) (128F * this.hsb[B]));
int aPos = this.yPosition + 10 + ((256 - ((this.opacity >> 24) & 0xFF)) / 2);
// Calculate B colour
int brightness = Color.HSBtoRGB(this.hsb[H], this.hsb[S], 1.0F) | 0xFF000000;
// Draw backgrounds
drawRect(this.xPosition, this.yPosition, this.xPosition + this.width, this.yPosition + this.height, 0xAA000000); // Background
drawRect(this.xPosition + 9, this.yPosition + 9, this.xPosition + 139, this.yPosition + 139, 0xFFA0A0A0); // HS
// background
drawRect(this.xPosition + 142, this.yPosition + 9, this.xPosition + 159, this.yPosition + 139, 0xFFA0A0A0); // B
// background
drawRect(this.xPosition + 162, this.yPosition + 9, this.xPosition + 179, this.yPosition + 139, 0xFFA0A0A0); // A
// background
drawRect(this.xPosition + 187, this.yPosition + 105, this.xPosition + 221, this.yPosition + 139, 0xFFA0A0A0); // Preview
// background
// Draw colour picker
color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
this.drawTexturedModalRect(this.xPosition + 10, this.yPosition + 10, this.xPosition + 138, this.yPosition + 138, 0, 0, 256, 256);
this.drawCrossHair(hPos, sPos, 5, 1, 0xFF000000);
// Draw brightness bar
this.drawGradientRect(this.xPosition + 143, this.yPosition + 10, this.xPosition + 158, this.yPosition + 138, brightness, 0xFF000000);
this.drawRotText(this.fontRenderer, "Luminosity", this.xPosition + 150, this.yPosition + 74, 0xFF000000, false);
drawRect(this.xPosition + 142, bPos - 1, this.xPosition + 159, bPos + 1, 0xFFFFFFFF);
// Draw opacity bar
this.drawGradientRect(this.xPosition + 163, this.yPosition + 10, this.xPosition + 178, this.yPosition + 138, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFF000000);
this.drawRotText(this.fontRenderer, "Opacity", this.xPosition + 170, this.yPosition + 74, 0xFF000000, false);
drawRect(this.xPosition + 162, aPos - 1, this.xPosition + 179, aPos + 1, 0xFFFFFFFF);
// Draw preview
color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
this.drawTexturedModalRect(this.xPosition + 188, this.yPosition + 106, this.xPosition + 220, this.yPosition + 138, 0, 0, 1024, 1024);
drawRect(this.xPosition + 188, this.yPosition + 106, this.xPosition + 220, this.yPosition + 138, this.rgb);
// Draw text boxes
this.btnOk.drawButton(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY);
this.btnCancel.drawButton(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY);
public void updateCursorCounter() {
protected void updateColour() {
this.rgb = this.opacity | (0xFFFFFF & Color.HSBtoRGB(this.hsb[H], this.hsb[S], this.hsb[B]));
this.txtRed.setText(String.valueOf((this.rgb >> 16) & 0xFF));
this.txtGreen.setText(String.valueOf((this.rgb >> 8) & 0xFF));
this.txtBlue.setText(String.valueOf(this.rgb & 0xFF));
this.txtAlpha.setText(String.valueOf((this.opacity >> 24) & 0xFF));
protected void updateColourFromTextEntry() {
int currentRed = (this.rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
int currentGreen = (this.rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
int currentBlue = this.rgb & 0xFF;
int currentOpacity = (this.opacity >> 24) & 0xFF;
currentRed = (int) clamp(this.tryParseInt(this.txtRed.getText(), currentRed), 0, 255);
currentGreen = (int) clamp(this.tryParseInt(this.txtGreen.getText(), currentGreen), 0, 255);
currentBlue = (int) clamp(this.tryParseInt(this.txtBlue.getText(), currentBlue), 0, 255);
currentOpacity = (int) clamp(this.tryParseInt(this.txtAlpha.getText(), currentOpacity), 0, 255);
this.hsb = Color.RGBtoHSB(currentRed, currentGreen, currentBlue, null);
this.opacity = (currentOpacity << 24) & 0xFF000000;
protected int tryParseInt(String text, int defaultValue) {
try {
return Integer.parseInt(text);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return "".equals(text) ? 0 : defaultValue;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* net.minecraft.src.GuiButton#mouseDragged(net.minecraft.src.Minecraft,
* int, int)
protected void mouseDragged(Minecraft minecraft, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
super.mouseDragged(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY);
if (this.draggingHS) {
this.hsb[H] = clamp(mouseX - this.xPosition - 10, 0, 128) / 128F;
this.hsb[S] = (128F - clamp(mouseY - this.yPosition - 10, 0, 128)) / 128F;
if (this.draggingB) {
this.hsb[B] = (128F - clamp(mouseY - this.yPosition - 10, 0, 128)) / 128F;
if (this.draggingA) {
this.opacity = (mouseY - this.yPosition < 11) ? 0xFF000000 : (((128 - (int) clamp(mouseY - this.yPosition - 10, 0, 128)) << 25) & 0xFF000000);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* net.minecraft.src.GuiButton#mousePressed(net.minecraft.src.Minecraft,
* int, int)
public boolean mousePressed(Minecraft minecraft, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
if (super.mousePressed(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY)) {
if (this.btnOk.mousePressed(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY))
this.result = DialogResult.OK;
if (this.btnCancel.mousePressed(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY))
this.result = DialogResult.Cancel;
if (this.rectHSArea.contains(mouseX, mouseY))
this.draggingHS = true;
if (this.rectBArea.contains(mouseX, mouseY))
this.draggingB = true;
if (this.rectAArea.contains(mouseX, mouseY))
this.draggingA = true;
this.txtRed.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, 0);
this.txtGreen.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, 0);
this.txtBlue.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, 0);
this.txtAlpha.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, 0);
return true;
} else if (this.enabled) {
this.result = DialogResult.Cancel;
return false;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see net.minecraft.src.GuiButton#mouseReleased(int, int)
public void mouseReleased(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
this.draggingHS = false;
this.draggingB = false;
this.draggingA = false;
public boolean textBoxKeyTyped(char keyChar, int keyCode) {
this.txtRed.textboxKeyTyped(keyChar, keyCode);
this.txtGreen.textboxKeyTyped(keyChar, keyCode);
this.txtBlue.textboxKeyTyped(keyChar, keyCode);
this.txtAlpha.textboxKeyTyped(keyChar, keyCode);
if (keyCode == Keyboard.KEY_TAB) {
if (this.txtRed.isFocused()) {
} else if (this.txtGreen.isFocused()) {
} else if (this.txtBlue.isFocused()) {
} else {
return true;
public static float clamp(float value, float min, float max) {
return Math.min(Math.max(value, min), max);
@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
package com.voxelmodpack.hdskins.gui.color;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.VertexBuffer;
import static com.mumfrey.liteloader.gl.GL.*;
* GuiControlEx is the base class for additional controls. It includes some
* advanced drawing methods which are used by several derived classes
* @author Adam Mummery-Smith
public class GuiControl extends GuiButton {
* Used by some controls to indicate the manner in which they have handled a
* keypress
public enum KeyHandledState {
* The control did not handle the keypress
* The control handled the keypress and the container should do no
* further processing
* The control handled the keypress and the container should call
* actionPerformed
public enum DialogResult {
* No result (maybe the dialog was not closed yet?)
* Dialog result OK (user clicked OK or pressed RETURN)
* Dialog result Cancel (user clicked Cancel or pressed ESCAPE)
* Set by parent screen to enable cursor flash etc
public int updateCounter;
* Reference to the minecraft game instance
protected Minecraft mc;
* Flag indicating whether an action was performed, to support GuiScreenEx's
* callback mechanism
protected boolean actionPerformed;
* Flag tracking whether an item was double-clicked
protected boolean doubleClicked;
* Scale factor which translates texture pixel coordinates to relative
* coordinates
protected static float texMapScale = 0.00390625F;
protected static float guiScaleFactor;
protected static int lastScreenWidth;
protected static int lastScreenHeight;
* Override from GuiButton, handle this call and forward it to DrawControl
* for neatness
* @param minecraft Reference to the minecraft game instance
* @param mouseX Mouse X coordinate
* @param mouseY Mouse Y coordinate
public final void drawButton(Minecraft minecraft, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
this.drawControl(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY);
* Draw the control
* @param minecraft Reference to the minecraft game instance
* @param mouseX Mouse X coordinate
* @param mouseY Mouse Y coordinate
protected void drawControl(Minecraft minecraft, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
super.drawButton(minecraft, mouseX, mouseY);
* Constructor, passes through to GuiButton constructor
* @param minecraft Minecraft game instance
* @param controlId Control's ID (used for actionPerformed)
* @param xPos Control X position (left)
* @param yPos Control Y position (top)
* @param controlWidth Control width
* @param controlHeight Control height
* @param displayText Control display text
public GuiControl(Minecraft minecraft, int controlId, int xPos, int yPos, int controlWidth, int controlHeight, String displayText) {
super(controlId, xPos, yPos, controlWidth, controlHeight, displayText);
this.mc = minecraft;
public GuiControl(Minecraft minecraft, int controlId, int xPos, int yPos, String displayText) {
super(controlId, xPos, yPos, displayText);
this.mc = minecraft;
* GuiControlEx returns true from mousePressed if the mouse was captured,
* NOT if an action was performed. Containers should call this function
* afterwards to determine whether an action was performed.
* @return True if actionPerformed should be dispatched
public boolean isActionPerformed() {
return this.actionPerformed;
* Get whether an actionPerformed was a double-click event
* @return
public boolean isDoubleClicked(boolean resetDoubleClicked) {
boolean result = this.doubleClicked;
if (resetDoubleClicked)
this.doubleClicked = false;
return result;
* Draws a line between two points with the specified width and colour
* @param x1 Origin x coordinate
* @param y1 Origin y coordinate
* @param x2 End x coordinate
* @param y2 End y coordinate
* @param width Line width in pixels
* @param colour Line colour
public static void drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int width, int colour) {
drawArrow(x1, y1, x2, y2, 0, width, colour, false, 0);
* Draws an OpenGL line
* @param x1 Start x position
* @param y1 Start y position
* @param x2 End x position
* @param y2 End y position
* @param width Line width
* @param colour Line colour
public static void drawNativeLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float width, int colour) {
float f = (float) (colour >> 24 & 0xff) / 255F;
float f1 = (float) (colour >> 16 & 0xff) / 255F;
float f2 = (float) (colour >> 8 & 0xff) / 255F;
float f3 = (float) (colour & 0xff) / 255F;
glColor4f(f1, f2, f3, f);
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
VertexBuffer buf = tessellator.getBuffer();
buf.pos(x1, y1, 0).endVertex();
buf.pos(x2, y2, 0).endVertex();
* Draws an arrow between two points with the specified width and colour
* @param x1 Origin x coordinate
* @param y1 Origin y coordinate
* @param x2 End x coordinate
* @param y2 End y coordinate
* @param width Line width in pixels
* @param arrowHeadSize Size of the arrow head
* @param colour Colour
public static void drawArrow(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int z, int width, int arrowHeadSize, int colour) {
drawArrow(x1, y1, x2, y2, z, width, colour, true, arrowHeadSize);
* Internal function for drawing lines and arrows
* @param x1 Origin x coordinate
* @param y1 Origin y coordinate
* @param x2 End x coordinate
* @param y2 End y coordinate
* @param width Line width in pixels
* @param colour Colour
* @param arrowHead True to draw an arrow, otherwise draws a line
* @param arrowHeadSize Size of the arrow head
public static void drawArrow(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int z, int width, int colour, boolean arrowHead, int arrowHeadSize) {
// Calculate the line length and angle defined by the specified points
int length = (int) Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x2 - x1), 2) + Math.pow((y2 - y1), 2));
float angle = (float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1));
// Local rotation
glTranslatef(x1, y1, 0.0f);
glRotatef(angle, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// Calc coordinates for the line and arrow points
x1 = 0;
x2 = length - (arrowHead ? arrowHeadSize : 0);
y1 = (int) (width * -0.5);
y2 = y1 + width;
// Calc colour components
float f = (float) (colour >> 24 & 0xff) / 255F;
float f1 = (float) (colour >> 16 & 0xff) / 255F;
float f2 = (float) (colour >> 8 & 0xff) / 255F;
float f3 = (float) (colour & 0xff) / 255F;
glColor4f(f1, f2, f3, f);
// Draw the line
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
VertexBuffer buf = tessellator.getBuffer();
buf.pos(x1, y2, z).endVertex();
buf.pos(x2, y2, z).endVertex();
buf.pos(x2, y1, z).endVertex();
buf.pos(x1, y1, z).endVertex();
// If an arrow then draw the arrow head
if (arrowHead && arrowHeadSize > 0) {
buf.pos(x2, 0 - arrowHeadSize / 2, z).endVertex();
buf.pos(x2, arrowHeadSize / 2, z).endVertex();
buf.pos(length, 0, z).endVertex();
* Set the texmap scale factor
* @param textureSize
public void setTexMapSize(int textureSize) {
texMapScale = 1F / (float) textureSize;
* Draws a textured rectangle at 90 degrees
* @param x Left edge X coordinate
* @param y Top edge Y coordinate
* @param x2 Right edge X coordinate
* @param y2 Bottom edge Y coordinate
* @param u U coordinate
* @param v V coordinate
* @param u2 Right edge U coordinate
* @param v2 Bottom edge V coordinate
public void drawTexturedModalRectRot(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int u, int v, int u2, int v2) {
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
VertexBuffer buf = tessellator.getBuffer();
buf.pos(x2, y2, this.zLevel).tex((float) (u) * texMapScale, (float) (v2) * texMapScale).endVertex();
buf.pos(x2, y, this.zLevel).tex((float) (u2) * texMapScale, (float) (v2) * texMapScale).endVertex();
buf.pos(x, y, this.zLevel).tex((float) (u2) * texMapScale, (float) (v) * texMapScale).endVertex();
buf.pos(x, y2, this.zLevel).tex((float) (u) * texMapScale, (float) (v) * texMapScale).endVertex();
* Draws a textured rectangle at 90 degrees
* @param x Left edge X coordinate
* @param y Top edge Y coordinate
* @param u U coordinate
* @param v V coordinate
* @param width Width of texture to draw
* @param height Height of texture to draw
public void drawTexturedModalRectRot(int x, int y, int u, int v, int width, int height) {
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
VertexBuffer buf = tessellator.getBuffer();
buf.pos(x + height, y + width, this.zLevel).tex((float) (u) * texMapScale, (float) (v + height) * texMapScale).endVertex();
buf.pos(x + height, y, this.zLevel).tex((float) (u + width) * texMapScale, (float) (v + height) * texMapScale).endVertex();
buf.pos(x, y, this.zLevel).tex((float) (u + width) * texMapScale, (float) (v) * texMapScale).endVertex();
buf.pos(x, y + width, this.zLevel).tex((float) (u) * texMapScale, (float) (v) * texMapScale).endVertex();
* Draws a tesselated rectangle where the texture is stretched horizontally
* but vertical scaling is achieved by splitting the texture in half and
* repeating the middle pixels
* @param x Left edge X coordinate
* @param y Top edge Y coordinate
* @param x2 Right edge X coordinate
* @param y2 Bottom edge Y coordinate
* @param u U coordinate
* @param v V coordinate
* @param u2 Right edge U coordinate
* @param v2 Bottom edge V coordinate
public void drawTessellatedModalRectV(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int u, int v, int u2, int v2) {
int tileSize = ((v2 - v) / 2);
int vMidTop = v + tileSize;
int vMidBtm = vMidTop + 1;
this.drawTexturedModalRect(x, y, x2, y + tileSize, u, v, u2, vMidTop);
this.drawTexturedModalRect(x, y + tileSize, x2, y2 - tileSize + 1, u, vMidTop, u2, vMidBtm);
this.drawTexturedModalRect(x, y2 - tileSize + 1, x2, y2, u, vMidBtm, u2, v2);
* Draws a tesselated rectangle where the texture is stretched vertically
* but horizontal scaling is achieved by splitting the texture in half and
* repeating the middle pixels
* @param x Left edge X coordinate
* @param y Top edge Y coordinate
* @param x2 Right edge X coordinate
* @param y2 Bottom edge Y coordinate
* @param u U coordinate
* @param v V coordinate
* @param u2 Right edge U coordinate
* @param v2 Bottom edge V coordinate
public void drawTessellatedModalRectH(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int u, int v, int u2, int v2) {
int tileSize = ((u2 - u) / 2);
int uMidLeft = u + tileSize;
int uMidRight = uMidLeft + 1;
this.drawTexturedModalRect(x, y, x + tileSize, y2, u, v, uMidLeft, v2);
this.drawTexturedModalRect(x + tileSize, y, x2 - tileSize + 1, y2, uMidLeft, v, uMidRight, v2);
this.drawTexturedModalRect(x2 - tileSize + 1, y, x2, y2, uMidRight, v, u2, v2);
* Draws a tesselated rectangle where the texture is stretched vertically
* and horizontally but the middle pixels are repeated whilst the joining
* pixels are stretched.
* @param x Left edge X coordinate
* @param y Top edge Y coordinate
* @param x2 Right edge X coordinate
* @param y2 Bottom edge Y coordinate
* @param u U coordinate
* @param v V coordinate
* @param u2 Right edge U coordinate
* @param v2 Bottom edge V coordinate
public void drawTessellatedModalBorderRect(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int u, int v, int u2, int v2) {
this.drawTessellatedModalBorderRect(x, y, x2, y2, u, v, u2, v2, Math.min(((x2 - x) / 2) - 1, ((y2 - y) / 2) - 1));
* Draws a tesselated rectangle where the texture is stretched vertically
* and horizontally but the middle pixels are repeated whilst the joining
* pixels are stretched. Bordersize specifies the portion of the texture
* which will remain unstretched.
* @param x Left edge X coordinate
* @param y Top edge Y coordinate
* @param x2 Right edge X coordinate
* @param y2 Bottom edge Y coordinate
* @param u U coordinate
* @param v V coordinate
* @param u2 Right edge U coordinate
* @param v2 Bottom edge V coordinate
* @param borderSize Number of pixels to leave unstretched, must be less
* than half of the width or height (whichever is smallest)
public void drawTessellatedModalBorderRect(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int u, int v, int u2, int v2, int borderSize) {
int tileSize = Math.min(((u2 - u) / 2) - 1, ((v2 - v) / 2) - 1);
int ul = u + tileSize, ur = u2 - tileSize, vt = v + tileSize, vb = v2 - tileSize;
int xl = x + borderSize, xr = x2 - borderSize, yt = y + borderSize, yb = y2 - borderSize;
this.drawTexturedModalRect(x, y, xl, yt, u, v, ul, vt);
this.drawTexturedModalRect(xl, y, xr, yt, ul, v, ur, vt);
this.drawTexturedModalRect(xr, y, x2, yt, ur, v, u2, vt);
this.drawTexturedModalRect(x, yb, xl, y2, u, vb, ul, v2);
this.drawTexturedModalRect(xl, yb, xr, y2, ul, vb, ur, v2);
this.drawTexturedModalRect(xr, yb, x2, y2, ur, vb, u2, v2);
this.drawTexturedModalRect(x, yt, xl, yb, u, vt, ul, vb);
this.drawTexturedModalRect(xr, yt, x2, yb, ur, vt, u2, vb);
this.drawTexturedModalRect(xl, yt, xr, yb, ul, vt, ur, vb);
* Draw a string but cut it off if it's too long to fit in the specified
* width
* @param fontrenderer
* @param s
* @param x
* @param y
* @param width
* @param colour
public static void drawStringWithEllipsis(FontRenderer fontrenderer, String s, int x, int y, int width, int colour) {
if (fontrenderer.getStringWidth(s) <= width) {
fontrenderer.drawStringWithShadow(s, x, y, colour); // func_175063_a
// drawStringWithShadow
} else if (width < 8) {
fontrenderer.drawStringWithShadow("..", x, y, colour); // func_175063_a
// drawStringWithShadow
} else {
String trimmedText = s;
while (fontrenderer.getStringWidth(trimmedText) > width - 8 && trimmedText.length() > 0)
trimmedText = trimmedText.substring(0, trimmedText.length() - 1);
fontrenderer.drawStringWithShadow(trimmedText + "...", x, y, colour); // func_175063_a
// drawStringWithShadow
* @param boundingBox
protected void drawCrossHair(int x, int y, int size, int width, int colour) {
float alpha = (float) (colour >> 24 & 0xff) / 255F;
float red = (float) (colour >> 16 & 0xff) / 255F;
float green = (float) (colour >> 8 & 0xff) / 255F;
float blue = (float) (colour & 0xff) / 255F;
glLineWidth(GuiControl.guiScaleFactor * width);
glColor4f(red, green, blue, alpha);
// Draw the frame
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
VertexBuffer buf = tessellator.getBuffer();
buf.pos(x - size, y, 0).endVertex();
buf.pos(x + size, y, 0).endVertex();
buf.pos(x, y - size, 0).endVertex();
buf.pos(x, y + size, 0).endVertex();
protected void drawRotText(FontRenderer fontRenderer, String text, int xPosition, int yPosition, int colour, boolean colourOrOp) {
if (colourOrOp) {
int textWidth = fontRenderer.getStringWidth(text) / 2;
glTranslatef(xPosition, yPosition, 0);
glRotatef(-90, 0, 0, 1);
glTranslatef(-textWidth, -4, 0);
fontRenderer.drawString(text, 0, 0, colour);
if (colourOrOp) {
* Draw a tooltip at the specified location and clip to screenWidth and
* screenHeight
* @param fontRenderer
* @param tooltipText
* @param mouseX
* @param mouseY
* @param screenWidth
* @param screenHeight
* @param colour
* @param backgroundColour
protected void drawTooltip(FontRenderer fontRenderer, String tooltipText, int mouseX, int mouseY, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, int colour, int backgroundColour) {
int textSize = fontRenderer.getStringWidth(tooltipText);
mouseX = Math.max(0, Math.min(screenWidth - textSize - 6, mouseX - 6));
mouseY = Math.max(0, Math.min(screenHeight - 16, mouseY - 18));
drawRect(mouseX, mouseY, mouseX + textSize + 6, mouseY + 16, backgroundColour);
this.drawString(fontRenderer, tooltipText, mouseX + 3, mouseY + 4, colour);
* Draws a textured rectangle with custom UV coordinates
* @param x Left edge X coordinate
* @param y Top edge Y coordinate
* @param x2 Right edge X coordinate
* @param y2 Bottom edge Y coordinate
* @param u U coordinate
* @param v V coordinate
* @param u2 Right edge U coordinate
* @param v2 Bottom edge V coordinate
public void drawTexturedModalRect(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int u, int v, int u2, int v2) {
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
VertexBuffer buf = tessellator.getBuffer();
buf.pos(x, y2, this.zLevel).tex((float) (u) * texMapScale, (float) (v2) * texMapScale).endVertex();
buf.pos(x2, y2, this.zLevel).tex((float) (u2) * texMapScale, (float) (v2) * texMapScale).endVertex();
buf.pos(x2, y, this.zLevel).tex((float) (u2) * texMapScale, (float) (v) * texMapScale).endVertex();
buf.pos(x, y, this.zLevel).tex((float) (u) * texMapScale, (float) (v) * texMapScale).endVertex();
* Draws a textured rectangle with custom UV coordinates
* @param x Left edge X coordinate
* @param y Top edge Y coordinate
* @param x2 Right edge X coordinate
* @param y2 Bottom edge Y coordinate
* @param u U coordinate
* @param v V coordinate
* @param u2 Right edge U coordinate
* @param v2 Bottom edge V coordinate
public void drawTexturedModalRectF(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, float u, float v, float u2, float v2) {
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
VertexBuffer buf = tessellator.getBuffer();
buf.pos(x, y2, this.zLevel).tex(u, v2).endVertex();
buf.pos(x2, y2, this.zLevel).tex(u2, v2).endVertex();
buf.pos(x2, y, this.zLevel).tex(u2, v).endVertex();
buf.pos(x, y, this.zLevel).tex(u, v).endVertex();
* Draws a textured rectangle with the specified texture map size
* @param x Left edge X coordinate
* @param y Top edge Y coordinate
* @param u Texture U coordinate
* @param v Texture V coordinate
* @param width Width
* @param height Height
* @param texMapScale Texture map scale for scaling UV coordinate
public void drawTexturedModalRect(int x, int y, int u, int v, int width, int height, float texMapScale) {
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
VertexBuffer buf = tessellator.getBuffer();
buf.pos(x + 0, y + height, this.zLevel).tex((float) (u + 0) * texMapScale, (float) (v + height) * texMapScale).endVertex();
buf.pos(x + width, y + height, this.zLevel).tex((float) (u + width) * texMapScale, (float) (v + height) * texMapScale).endVertex();
buf.pos(x + width, y + 0, this.zLevel).tex((float) (u + width) * texMapScale, (float) (v + 0) * texMapScale).endVertex();
buf.pos(x + 0, y + 0, this.zLevel).tex((float) (u + 0) * texMapScale, (float) (v + 0) * texMapScale).endVertex();
public static void setScreenSizeAndScale(int width, int height, int scaleFactor) {
GuiControl.lastScreenWidth = width;
GuiControl.lastScreenHeight = height;
GuiControl.guiScaleFactor = scaleFactor;
@ -16,3 +16,5 @@ hdskins.upload=Uploading skin please wait...
hdskins.local=Local Skin
hdskins.server=Server Skin
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 972 B |
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package com.brohoof.minelittlepony.hdskins.gui;
import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile;
import com.voxelmodpack.hdskins.IMetaHandler;
import com.voxelmodpack.hdskins.gui.EntityPlayerModel;
public class EntityPonyModel extends EntityPlayerModel {
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