
Interface Summary
DelegatingModuleGenerator Adds the ability to give a direct wire feed generator reference to plugin modules that need to call back to their wire feed to complete generation of their particular namespace.
DelegatingModuleParser Adds the ability to give a direct wire feed reference to plugin modules that need to call back to their wire feed to complete parsing of their particular namespace.
ModuleGenerator Injects module metadata into a XML node (JDOM element).
ModuleParser Parses module metadata from a XML node (JDOM element).
WireFeedGenerator Generates an XML document (JDOM) out of a feed for a specific real feed type.
WireFeedParser Parses an XML document (JDOM) into a feed bean.

Class Summary
SyndFeedInput Parses an XML document (File, InputStream, Reader, W3C SAX InputSource, W3C DOM Document or JDom DOcument) into an SyndFeedImpl.
SyndFeedOutput Generates an XML document (String, File, OutputStream, Writer, W3C DOM document or JDOM document) out of an SyndFeedImpl..
WireFeedInput Parses an XML document (File, InputStream, Reader, W3C SAX InputSource, W3C DOM Document or JDom DOcument) into an WireFeed (RSS/Atom).
WireFeedOutput Generates an XML document (String, File, OutputStream, Writer, W3C DOM document or JDOM document) out of an WireFeed (RSS/Atom).
XmlReader Character stream that handles (or at least attemtps to) all the necessary Voodo to figure out the charset encoding of the XML document within the stream.

Exception Summary
FeedException Exception thrown by WireFeedInput, WireFeedOutput, WireFeedParser and WireFeedGenerator instances if they can not parse or generate a feed.
ParsingFeedException Exception thrown by WireFeedInput instance if it can not parse a feed.
XmlReaderException The XmlReaderException is thrown by the XmlReader constructors if the charset encoding can not be determined according to the XML 1.0 specification and RFC 3023.

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