Interface ModuleGenerator

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DCModuleGenerator, SyModuleGenerator

public interface ModuleGenerator

Injects module metadata into a XML node (JDOM element).

ModuleGenerator instances must thread safe.

TODO: explain how developers can plugin their own implementations.

Alejandro Abdelnur

Method Summary
 void generate(Module module, org.jdom2.Element element)
          Generates and injects module metadata into an XML node (JDOM element).
 Set<org.jdom2.Namespace> getNamespaces()
          Returns a set with all the URIs (JDOM Namespace elements) this module generator uses.
 String getNamespaceUri()
          Returns the namespace URI this generator handles.

Method Detail


String getNamespaceUri()
Returns the namespace URI this generator handles.

the namespace URI.


Set<org.jdom2.Namespace> getNamespaces()
Returns a set with all the URIs (JDOM Namespace elements) this module generator uses.

It is used by the the feed generators to add their namespace definition in the root element of the generated document (forward-missing of Java 5.0 Generics).

a set with all the URIs (JDOM Namespace elements) this module generator uses.


void generate(Module module,
              org.jdom2.Element element)
Generates and injects module metadata into an XML node (JDOM element).

module - the module to inject into the XML node (JDOM element).
element - the XML node into which module meta-data will be injected.

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