mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 11:47:11 +01:00
980 lines
39 KiB
Executable file
980 lines
39 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## Shell auto-completion script generator https://www.github.com/maandree/auto-auto-complete ##
## Used by build system to make completions for all supported shells. ##
auto-auto-complete – Autogenerate shell auto-completion scripts
Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Mattias Andrée (maandree@member.fsf.org)
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys
def print(text = '', end = '\n'):
Hack to enforce UTF-8 in output (in the future, if you see anypony not using utf-8 in
programs by default, report them to Princess Celestia so she can banish them to the moon)
@param text:str The text to print (empty string is default)
@param end:str The appendix to the text to print (line breaking is default)
sys.stdout.buffer.write((str(text) + end).encode('utf-8'))
def printerr(text = '', end = '\n'):
stderr equivalent to print()
@param text:str The text to print (empty string is default)
@param end:str The appendix to the text to print (line breaking is default)
sys.stderr.buffer.write((str(text) + end).encode('utf-8'))
def abort(text, returncode = 1):
Abort the program
@param text:str Error message
@return returncode:int The programs return code
printerr('\033[01;31m%s\033[00m' % text)
class Parser:
Bracket tree parser
def parse(code):
Parse a code and return a tree
@param code:str The code to parse
@return :list<↑|str> The root node in the tree
stack = []
stackptr = -1
comment = False
escape = False
quote = None
buf = None
col = 0
char = 0
line = 1
for charindex in range(0, len(code)):
c = code[charindex]
if comment:
if c in '\n\r\f':
comment = False
elif escape:
escape = False
if c == 'a': buf += '\a'
elif c == 'b': buf += chr(8)
elif c == 'e': buf += '\033'
elif c == 'f': buf += '\f'
elif c == 'n': buf += '\n'
elif c == 'r': buf += '\r'
elif c == 't': buf += '\t'
elif c == 'v': buf += chr(11)
elif c == '0': buf += '\0'
buf += c
elif c == quote:
quote = None
elif (c in ';#') and (quote is None):
if buf is not None:
buf = None
comment = True
elif (c == '(') and (quote is None):
if buf is not None:
buf = None
stackptr += 1
if stackptr == len(stack):
stack[stackptr] = []
elif (c == ')') and (quote is None):
if buf is not None:
buf = None
if stackptr == 0:
return stack[0]
stackptr -= 1
stack[stackptr].append(stack[stackptr + 1])
elif (c in ' \t\n\r\f') and (quote is None):
if buf is not None:
buf = None
if buf is None:
buf = ''
if c == '\\':
escape = True
elif (c in '\'\"') and (quote is None):
quote = c
buf += c
if c == '\t':
col |= 7
col += 1
char += 1
if c in '\n\r\f':
line += 1
col = 0
char = 0
abort('premature end of file')
def simplify(tree):
Simplifies a tree
@param tree:list<↑|str> The tree
global variables
program = tree[0]
stack = [tree]
while len(stack) > 0:
node = stack.pop()
new = []
edited = False
for item in node:
if isinstance(item, list):
if item[0] == 'multiple':
master = item[1]
for slave in item[2:]:
new.append([master] + slave)
edited = True
elif item[0] == 'case':
for alt in item[1:]:
if alt[0] == program:
edited = True
elif item[0] == 'value':
variable = item[1]
if variable in variables:
for value in variables[variable]:
if len(item) == 2:
abort('Undefined variable: ' + variable)
for value in item[2:]:
edited = True
if edited:
node[:] = new
for item in node:
if isinstance(item, list):
class GeneratorBASH:
Completion script generator for GNU Bash
def __init__(self, program, unargumented, argumented, variadic, suggestion, default):
@param program:str The command to generate completion for
@param unargumented:list<dict<str, list<str>>> Specification of unargumented options
@param argumented:list<dict<str, list<str>>> Specification of argumented options
@param variadic:list<dict<str, list<str>>> Specification of variadic options
@param suggestion:list<list<↑|str>> Specification of argument suggestions
@param default:dict<str, list<str>>? Specification for optionless arguments
self.program = program
self.unargumented = unargumented
self.argumented = argumented
self.variadic = variadic
self.suggestion = suggestion
self.default = default
def __getSuggesters(self):
Gets the argument suggesters for each option
@return :dist<str, str> Map from option to suggester
suggesters = {}
for group in (self.unargumented, self.argumented, self.variadic):
for item in group:
if 'suggest' in item:
suggester = item['suggest']
for option in item['options']:
suggesters[option] = suggester[0]
for group in (self.unargumented, self.argumented, self.variadic):
for item in group:
if ('suggest' not in item) and ('bind' in item):
bind = item['bind'][0]
if bind in suggesters:
suggester = suggesters[bind]
for option in item['options']:
suggesters[option] = suggester
return suggesters
def get(self):
Returns the generated code
@return :str The generated code
buf = '# bash completion for %s -*- shell-script -*-\n\n' % self.program
buf += '_%s()\n{\n' % self.program
buf += ' local cur prev words cword\n'
buf += ' _init_completion -n = || return\n\n'
def verb(text):
temp = text
for char in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_-+=/@:\'':
temp = temp.replace(char, '')
if len(temp) == 0:
return text
return '\'' + text.replace('\'', '\'\\\'\'') + '\''
def makeexec(functionType, function):
if functionType in ('exec', 'pipe', 'fullpipe', 'cat', 'and', 'or', 'stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'stdin-fd', 'stdout-fd', 'stderr-fd', 'fd', 'fd-fd'):
elems = [(' %s ' % makeexec(item[0], item[1:]) if isinstance(item, list) else verb(item)) for item in function]
if functionType == 'exec':
return ' $( %s ) ' % (' '.join(elems))
if functionType == 'pipe':
return ' ( %s ) ' % (' | '.join(elems))
if functionType == 'fullpipe':
return ' ( %s ) ' % (' |& '.join(elems))
if functionType == 'cat':
return ' ( %s ) ' % (' ; '.join(elems))
if functionType == 'and':
return ' ( %s ) ' % (' && '.join(elems))
if functionType == 'or':
return ' ( %s ) ' % (' || '.join(elems))
if functionType == 'stdin':
if len(elems) == 0:
return 0
[command, redirection] = elems
return ' %s < %s ' % (command, redirection)
if functionType == 'stdout':
if len(elems) == 0:
return 1
[command, redirection] = elems
return ' %s > %s ' % (command, redirection)
if functionType == 'stderr':
if len(elems) == 0:
return 2
[command, redirection] = elems
return ' %s 2> %s ' % (command, redirection)
if functionType == 'stdin-fd':
[command, redirection] = elems
return ' %s <&%s ' % (command, redirection.replace('\'', '').replace(' ', ''))
if functionType == 'stdout-fd':
[command, redirection] = elems
return ' %s >&%s ' % (command, redirection.replace('\'', '').replace(' ', ''))
if functionType == 'stderr-fd':
[command, redirection] = elems
return ' %s 2>&%s ' % (command, redirection.replace('\'', '').replace(' ', ''))
if functionType == 'fd':
[command, fd, redirection] = elems
return ' %s %s<> %s ' % (command, fd.replace('\'', '').replace(' ', ''), redirection)
if functionType == 'fd-fd':
[command, fd, redirection] = elems
return ' %s %s<>&%s ' % (command, fd.replace('\'', '').replace(' ', ''), redirection.replace('\'', '').replace(' ', ''))
if functionType in ('params', 'verbatim'):
return ' '.join([verb(item) for item in function])
return ' '.join([verb(functionType)] + [verb(item) for item in function])
def makesuggestion(suggester):
suggestion = '';
for function in suggester:
functionType = function[0]
function = function[1:]
if functionType == 'verbatim':
suggestion += ' %s' % (' '.join([verb(item) for item in function]))
elif functionType == 'ls':
filter = ''
if len(function) > 1:
filter = ' | grep -v \\/%s\\$ | grep %s\\$' % (function[1], function[1])
suggestion += ' $(ls -1 --color=no %s%s)' % (function[0], filter)
elif functionType in ('exec', 'pipe', 'fullpipe', 'cat', 'and', 'or'):
suggestion += (' %s' if functionType == 'exec' else ' $(%s)') % makeexec(functionType, function)
elif functionType == 'calc':
expression = []
for item in function:
if isinstance(item, list):
expression.append(('%s' if item[0] == 'exec' else '$(%s)') % makeexec(item[0], item[1:]))
suggestion += ' $(( %s ))' % (' '.join(expression))
return '"' + suggestion + '"'
suggesters = self.__getSuggesters()
suggestFunctions = {}
for function in self.suggestion:
suggestFunctions[function[0]] = function[1:]
options = []
for group in (self.unargumented, self.argumented, self.variadic):
for item in group:
if 'complete' in item:
options += item['complete']
buf += ' options="%s "' % (' '.join(options))
if self.default is not None:
defSuggest = self.default['suggest'][0]
if defSuggest is not None:
buf += '%s' % makesuggestion(suggestFunctions[defSuggest])
buf += '\n'
buf += ' COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$options" -- "$cur" ) )\n\n'
indenticals = {}
for option in suggesters:
suggester = suggestFunctions[suggesters[option]]
_suggester = str(suggester)
if _suggester not in indenticals:
indenticals[_suggester] = (suggester, [option])
index = 0
for _suggester in indenticals:
(suggester, options) = indenticals[_suggester]
conds = []
for option in options:
conds.append('[ $prev = "%s" ]' % option)
buf += ' %s %s; then\n' % ('if' if index == 0 else 'elif', ' || '.join(conds))
suggestion = makesuggestion(suggester);
if len(suggestion) > 0:
buf += ' suggestions=%s\n' % suggestion
buf += ' COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$suggestions" -- "$cur" ) )\n'
index += 1
if index > 0:
buf += ' fi\n'
buf += '}\n\ncomplete -o default -F _%s %s\n\n' % (self.program, self.program)
return buf
def where(command):
return '/share/bash-completion/completions/%s' % command
class GeneratorFISH:
Completion script generator for fish
def __init__(self, program, unargumented, argumented, variadic, suggestion, default):
@param program:str The command to generate completion for
@param unargumented:list<dict<str, list<str>>> Specification of unargumented options
@param argumented:list<dict<str, list<str>>> Specification of argumented options
@param variadic:list<dict<str, list<str>>> Specification of variadic options
@param suggestion:list<list<↑|str>> Specification of argument suggestions
@param default:dict<str, list<str>>? Specification for optionless arguments
self.program = program
self.unargumented = unargumented
self.argumented = argumented
self.variadic = variadic
self.suggestion = suggestion
self.default = default
def __getSuggesters(self):
Gets the argument suggesters for each option
@return :dist<str, str> Map from option to suggester
suggesters = {}
for group in (self.unargumented, self.argumented, self.variadic):
for item in group:
if 'suggest' in item:
suggester = item['suggest']
for option in item['options']:
suggesters[option] = suggester[0]
for group in (self.unargumented, self.argumented, self.variadic):
for item in group:
if ('suggest' not in item) and ('bind' in item):
bind = item['bind'][0]
if bind in suggesters:
suggester = suggesters[bind]
for option in item['options']:
suggesters[option] = suggester
return suggesters
def __getFiles(self):
Gets the file pattern for each option
@return :dist<str, list<str>> Map from option to file pattern
files = {}
for group in (self.unargumented, self.argumented, self.variadic):
for item in group:
if 'files' in item:
_files = item['files']
for option in item['options']:
files[option] = _files
for group in (self.unargumented, self.argumented, self.variadic):
for item in group:
if ('files' not in item) and ('bind' in item):
bind = item['bind'][0]
if bind in files:
_files = files[bind]
for option in item['options']:
files[option] = _files
return files
def get(self):
Returns the generated code
@return :str The generated code
buf = '# fish completion for %s -*- shell-script -*-\n\n' % self.program
files = self.__getFiles()
suggesters = self.__getSuggesters()
suggestFunctions = {}
for function in self.suggestion:
suggestFunctions[function[0]] = function[1:]
def verb(text):
temp = text
for char in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_-+=/@:\'':
temp = temp.replace(char, '')
if len(temp) == 0:
return text
return '\'' + text.replace('\'', '\'\\\'\'') + '\''
def makeexec(functionType, function):
if functionType in ('exec', 'pipe', 'fullpipe', 'cat', 'and', 'or', 'stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'stdin-fd', 'stdout-fd', 'stderr-fd', 'fd', 'fd-fd'):
elems = [(' %s ' % makeexec(item[0], item[1:]) if isinstance(item, list) else verb(item)) for item in function]
if functionType == 'exec':
return ' ( %s ) ' % (' '.join(elems))
if functionType == 'pipe':
return ' ( %s ) ' % (' | '.join(elems))
if functionType == 'fullpipe':
return ' ( %s ) ' % (' |& '.join(elems))
if functionType == 'cat':
return ' ( %s ) ' % (' ; '.join(elems))
if functionType == 'and':
return ' ( %s ) ' % (' && '.join(elems))
if functionType == 'or':
return ' ( %s ) ' % (' || '.join(elems))
if functionType == 'stdin':
if len(elems) == 0:
return 0
[command, redirection] = elems
return ' %s < %s ' % (command, redirection)
if functionType == 'stdout':
if len(elems) == 0:
return 1
[command, redirection] = elems
return ' %s > %s ' % (command, redirection)
if functionType == 'stderr':
if len(elems) == 0:
return 2
[command, redirection] = elems
return ' %s 2> %s ' % (command, redirection)
if functionType == 'stdin-fd':
[command, redirection] = elems
return ' %s <&%s ' % (command, redirection.replace('\'', '').replace(' ', ''))
if functionType == 'stdout-fd':
[command, redirection] = elems
return ' %s >&%s ' % (command, redirection.replace('\'', '').replace(' ', ''))
if functionType == 'stderr-fd':
[command, redirection] = elems
return ' %s 2>&%s ' % (command, redirection.replace('\'', '').replace(' ', ''))
if functionType == 'fd':
[command, fd, redirection] = elems
return ' %s %s<> %s ' % (command, fd.replace('\'', '').replace(' ', ''), redirection)
if functionType == 'fd-fd':
[command, fd, redirection] = elems
return ' %s %s<>&%s ' % (command, fd.replace('\'', '').replace(' ', ''), redirection.replace('\'', '').replace(' ', ''))
if functionType in ('params', 'verbatim'):
return ' '.join([verb(item) for item in function])
return ' '.join([verb(functionType)] + [verb(item) for item in function])
index = 0
for name in suggestFunctions:
suggestion = '';
for function in suggestFunctions[name]:
functionType = function[0]
function = function[1:]
if functionType == 'verbatim':
suggestion += ' %s' % (' '.join([verb(item) for item in function]))
elif functionType == 'ls':
filter = ''
if len(function) > 1:
filter = ' | grep -v \\/%s\\$ | grep %s\\$' % (function[1], function[1])
suggestion += ' (ls -1 --color=no %s%s)' % (function[0], filter)
elif functionType in ('exec', 'pipe', 'fullpipe', 'cat', 'and', 'or'):
suggestion += (' %s' if functionType == 'exec' else ' $(%s)') % makeexec(functionType, function)
#elif functionType == 'calc':
# expression = []
# for item in function:
# if isinstance(item, list):
# expression.append(('%s' if item[0] == 'exec' else '$(%s)') % makeexec(item[0], item[1:]))
# else:
# expression.append(verb(item))
# suggestion += ' $(( %s ))' % (' '.join(expression))
if len(suggestion) > 0:
suggestFunctions[name] = '"' + suggestion + '"'
if self.default is not None:
item = self.default
buf += 'complete --command %s' % self.program
if 'desc' in self.default:
buf += ' --description %s' % verb(' '.join(item['desc']))
defFiles = self.default['files']
defSuggest = self.default['suggest'][0]
if defFiles is not None:
if (len(defFiles) == 1) and ('-0' in defFiles):
buf += ' --no-files'
if defSuggest is not None:
buf += ' --arguments %s' % suggestFunctions[defSuggest]
buf += '\n'
for group in (self.unargumented, self.argumented, self.variadic):
for item in group:
options = item['options']
shortopt = []
longopt = []
for opt in options:
if opt.startswith('--'):
if ('complete' in item) and (opt in item['complete']):
elif opt.startswith('-') and (len(opt) == 2):
options = shortopt + longopt
if len(longopt) == 0:
buf += 'complete --command %s' % self.program
if 'desc' in item:
buf += ' --description %s' % verb(' '.join(item['desc']))
if options[0] in files:
if (len(files[options[0]]) == 1) and ('-0' in files[options[0]][0]):
buf += ' --no-files'
if options[0] in suggesters:
buf += ' --arguments %s' % suggestFunctions[suggesters[options[0]]]
if len(shortopt) > 0: buf += ' --short-option %s' % shortopt[0][1:]
if len( longopt) > 0: buf += ' --long-option %s' % longopt[0][2:]
buf += '\n'
return buf
def where(command):
return '/share/fish/completions/%s.fish' % command
class GeneratorZSH:
Completion script generator for zsh
def __init__(self, program, unargumented, argumented, variadic, suggestion, default):
@param program:str The command to generate completion for
@param unargumented:list<dict<str, list<str>>> Specification of unargumented options
@param argumented:list<dict<str, list<str>>> Specification of argumented options
@param variadic:list<dict<str, list<str>>> Specification of variadic options
@param suggestion:list<list<↑|str>> Specification of argument suggestions
@param default:dict<str, list<str>>? Specification for optionless arguments
self.program = program
self.unargumented = unargumented
self.argumented = argumented
self.variadic = variadic
self.suggestion = suggestion
self.default = default
def __getSuggesters(self):
Gets the argument suggesters for each option
@return :dist<str, str> Map from option to suggester
suggesters = {}
for group in (self.unargumented, self.argumented, self.variadic):
for item in group:
if 'suggest' in item:
suggester = item['suggest']
for option in item['options']:
suggesters[option] = suggester[0]
for group in (self.unargumented, self.argumented, self.variadic):
for item in group:
if ('suggest' not in item) and ('bind' in item):
bind = item['bind'][0]
if bind in suggesters:
suggester = suggesters[bind]
for option in item['options']:
suggesters[option] = suggester
return suggesters
def __getFiles(self):
Gets the file pattern for each option
@return :dist<str, list<str>> Map from option to file pattern
files = {}
for group in (self.unargumented, self.argumented, self.variadic):
for item in group:
if 'files' in item:
_files = item['files']
for option in item['options']:
files[option] = _files
for group in (self.unargumented, self.argumented, self.variadic):
for item in group:
if ('files' not in item) and ('bind' in item):
bind = item['bind'][0]
if bind in files:
_files = files[bind]
for option in item['options']:
files[option] = _files
return files
def get(self):
Returns the generated code
@return :str The generated code
buf = '#compdef %s\n\n' % self.program
files = self.__getFiles()
suggesters = self.__getSuggesters()
suggestFunctions = {}
for function in self.suggestion:
suggestFunctions[function[0]] = function[1:]
def verb(text):
temp = text
for char in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_-+=/@:\'':
temp = temp.replace(char, '')
if len(temp) == 0:
return text
return '\'' + text.replace('\'', '\'\\\'\'') + '\''
def makeexec(functionType, function):
if functionType in ('exec', 'pipe', 'fullpipe', 'cat', 'and', 'or', 'stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'stdin-fd', 'stdout-fd', 'stderr-fd', 'fd', 'fd-fd'):
elems = [(' %s ' % makeexec(item[0], item[1:]) if isinstance(item, list) else verb(item)) for item in function]
if functionType == 'exec':
return ' $( %s ) ' % (' '.join(elems))
if functionType == 'pipe':
return ' ( %s ) ' % (' | '.join(elems))
if functionType == 'fullpipe':
return ' ( %s ) ' % (' |& '.join(elems))
if functionType == 'cat':
return ' ( %s ) ' % (' ; '.join(elems))
if functionType == 'and':
return ' ( %s ) ' % (' && '.join(elems))
if functionType == 'or':
return ' ( %s ) ' % (' || '.join(elems))
if functionType == 'stdin':
if len(elems) == 0:
return 0
[command, redirection] = elems
return ' %s < %s ' % (command, redirection)
if functionType == 'stdout':
if len(elems) == 0:
return 1
[command, redirection] = elems
return ' %s > %s ' % (command, redirection)
if functionType == 'stderr':
if len(elems) == 0:
return 2
[command, redirection] = elems
return ' %s 2> %s ' % (command, redirection)
if functionType == 'stdin-fd':
[command, redirection] = elems
return ' %s <&%s ' % (command, redirection.replace('\'', '').replace(' ', ''))
if functionType == 'stdout-fd':
[command, redirection] = elems
return ' %s >&%s ' % (command, redirection.replace('\'', '').replace(' ', ''))
if functionType == 'stderr-fd':
[command, redirection] = elems
return ' %s 2>&%s ' % (command, redirection.replace('\'', '').replace(' ', ''))
if functionType == 'fd':
[command, fd, redirection] = elems
return ' %s %s<> %s ' % (command, fd.replace('\'', '').replace(' ', ''), redirection)
if functionType == 'fd-fd':
[command, fd, redirection] = elems
return ' %s %s<>&%s ' % (command, fd.replace('\'', '').replace(' ', ''), redirection.replace('\'', '').replace(' ', ''))
if functionType in ('params', 'verbatim'):
return ' '.join([verb(item) for item in function])
return ' '.join([verb(functionType)] + [verb(item) for item in function])
index = 0
for name in suggestFunctions:
suggestion = '';
for function in suggestFunctions[name]:
functionType = function[0]
function = function[1:]
if functionType == 'verbatim':
suggestion += ' %s ' % (' '.join([verb(item) for item in function]))
elif functionType == 'ls':
filter = ''
if len(function) > 1:
filter = ' | grep -v \\/%s\\$ | grep %s\\$' % (function[1], function[1])
suggestion += ' $(ls -1 --color=no %s%s) ' % (function[0], filter)
elif functionType in ('exec', 'pipe', 'fullpipe', 'cat', 'and', 'or'):
suggestion += ('%s' if functionType == 'exec' else '$(%s)') % makeexec(functionType, function)
elif functionType == 'calc':
expression = []
for item in function:
if isinstance(item, list):
expression.append(('%s' if item[0] == 'exec' else '$(%s)') % makeexec(item[0], item[1:]))
suggestion += ' $(( %s )) ' % (' '.join(expression))
if len(suggestion) > 0:
suggestFunctions[name] = suggestion
buf += '_opts=(\n'
for group in (self.unargumented, self.argumented, self.variadic):
for item in group:
options = item['options']
shortopt = []
longopt = []
for opt in options:
if len(opt) > 2:
if ('complete' in item) and (opt in item['complete']):
elif len(opt) == 2:
options = shortopt + longopt
if len(longopt) == 0:
buf += ' \'(%s)\'{%s}' % (' '.join(options), ','.join(options))
if 'desc' in item:
desc = ' '.join(item['desc'])
desc = desc.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('[', '\\[').replace(']', '\\]')
buf += '"["%s"]"' % verb(desc)
if 'arg' in item:
buf += '":%s"' % verb(' '.join(item['arg']))
elif options[0] in suggesters:
buf += '": "'
if options[0] in suggesters:
suggestion = suggestFunctions[suggesters[options[0]]]
buf += '":( %s )"' % suggestion
buf += '\n'
buf += ' )\n\n_arguments "$_opts[@]"\n\n'
return buf
def where(command):
return '/share/zsh/site-functions/_%s' % command
def main(shell, output, source):
@param shell:str Shell for which to generate completion
@param output:str Output file
@param source:str Source file
with open(source, 'rb') as file:
source = file.read().decode('utf8', 'replace')
source = Parser.parse(source)
program = source[0]
unargumented = []
argumented = []
variadic = []
suggestion = []
default = None
for item in source[1:]:
if item[0] == 'unargumented':
elif item[0] == 'argumented':
elif item[0] == 'variadic':
elif item[0] == 'suggestion':
elif item[0] == 'default':
default = item[1:];
for (group, not_allowed) in ((unargumented, ['arg', 'suggest', 'files']), (argumented, []), (variadic, [])):
for index in range(0, len(group)):
item = group[index]
map = {}
for elem in item:
if elem[0] not in ('options', 'complete', 'arg', 'suggest', 'files', 'bind', 'desc'):
abort('Unrecognised keyword: ' + elem[0])
if elem[0] in not_allowed:
abort('Out of context keyword: ' + elem[0])
map[elem[0]] = elem[1:]
group[index] = map
if default is not None:
map = {}
for elem in default:
if elem[0] not in ('arg', 'suggest', 'files', 'desc'):
abort('Unrecognised keyword: ' + elem[0])
if elem[0] in ('bind', 'options', 'complete'):
abort('Out of context keyword: ' + elem[0])
map[elem[0]] = elem[1:]
default = map
generator = 'Generator' + shell.upper()
if generator not in globals():
abort('%s is not a supported shell' % shell)
generator = globals()[generator]
generator = generator(program, unargumented, argumented, variadic, suggestion, default)
code = generator.get()
with open(output, 'wb') as file:
def where_main(shell, command):
--where mane!
@param shell:str Shell for which the completion should be installed
@param command:str The commmad name
generator = 'Generator' + shell.upper()
if generator not in globals():
abort('%s is not a supported shell' % shell)
generator = globals()[generator]
# supermane!
if __name__ == '__main__':
if (len(sys.argv) == 1) or ((len(sys.argv) == 2) and (sys.argv[1] in ('-h', '--help'))):
print("USAGE: auto-auto-complete SHELL --output OUTPUT_FILE --source SOURCE_FILE [VARIABLE=VALUE...]")
print(" or: auto-auto-complete SHELL --where COMMAND")
shell = None
output = None
source = None
where = None
variables = {}
option = None
aliases = {'-o' : '--output',
'-f' : '--source', '--file' : '--source',
'-s' : '--source',
'-w' : '--where'}
def useopt(option, arg):
global source
global output
global where
global variables
old = None
if option == '--output': old = output; output = arg
elif option == '--source': old = source; source = arg
elif option == '--where': old = where; where = arg
elif not option.startswith('-'):
if option not in variables:
variables[option] = []
abort('Unrecognised option: ' + option)
if old is not None:
abort('Duplicate option: ' + option)
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if option is not None:
if option in aliases:
option = aliases[option]
useopt(option, arg)
option = None
elif (shell is None) and not arg.startswith('-'):
shell = arg
if '=' in arg:
useopt(arg[:arg.index('=')], arg[arg.index('=') + 1:])
option = arg
if shell is None:
abort('No shell has been specified')
if where is None:
if output is None: abort('Unused option: --output')
if source is None: abort('Unused option: --source')
main(shell= shell, output= output, source= source)
where_main(shell= shell, command= where)