Mattias Andrée afeec9cc24 first scratch
2012-10-25 06:28:13 +02:00

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This manual is for ponysay
(version 2.9),
Copyright (C) 2012 Mattias Andrée
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<h3 class="section">10.3 Balloon style files</h3>
<p><a name="index-balloon-style-files-384"></a><a name="index-bubble-style-files-385"></a><a name="index-ponythink-386"></a>
Balloon style files are located in the directory <samp><span class="file">balloons/</span></samp>, the ones ending
with <samp><span class="file">.say</span></samp> applies to <samp><span class="command">ponysay</span></samp> and the ones ending with <samp><span class="file">.think</span></samp>
applies to <samp><span class="command">ponythink</span></samp>.
<p>Balloon style consists of 20 strings. Each string is defined on separate lines, by
their name and their value separated with a colon (<code>name:value</code>), if the name is
empty it continues the last one on a new line in the value. Only 10 of the strings
may be multi-lined: <var>nw</var>, <var>nnw</var>, <var>n</var>, <var>nne</var>, <var>ne</var>, <var>sw</var>,
<var>ssw</var>, <var>s</var>, <var>sse</var> and <var>se</var>.
<p>The following strings are used, and must be defined in the files:
<dt><var>\</var><dd>The character for the link to the balloon directed as <code>\</code>.
<br><dt><var>/</var><dd>The character for the link to the balloon directed as <code>/</code>.
<br><dt><var>ww</var><dd>The beginning of the balloon's line where the message is located if and only if the
message contains only one line.
<br><dt><var>ee</var><dd>The end of the balloon's line where the message is located if and only if the message
contains only one line.
<br><dt><var>nw</var><dd>The top left corner of the balloon.
<br><dt><var>nnw</var><dd>If both this string and the <var>nne</var> string fits between the top corners, this is
printed directly to the right of the top left corner.
<br><dt><var>n</var><dd>The top edge of the balloon.
<br><dt><var>nne</var><dd>If both this string and the <var>nnw</var> string fits between the top corners, this is
printed directly to the right of the top left corner.
<br><dt><var>ne</var><dd>The top right corner of the balloon.
<br><dt><var>nee</var><dd>The end of the balloon's line where the message's first line is located if and only
if the message contains more than one line.
<br><dt><var>e</var><dd>The right edge of the balloon.
<br><dt><var>see</var><dd>The end of the balloon's line where the message's last line is located if and only
if the message contains more than one line.
<br><dt><var>se</var><dd>The bottom right corner of the balloon.
<br><dt><var>sse</var><dd>If both this string and the <var>ssw</var> string fits between the bottom corners, this
is printed directly to the left of the bottom right corner.
<br><dt><var>s</var><dd>The bottom edge of the balloon.
<br><dt><var>ssw</var><dd>If both this string and the <var>sse</var> string fits between the bottom corners, this
is printed directly to the right of the bottom left corner.
<br><dt><var>sw</var><dd>The bottom left corner of the balloon.
<br><dt><var>sww</var><dd>The beginning of the balloon's line where the message's last line is located if and
only if the message contains more than one line.
<br><dt><var>w</var><dd>The left edge of the balloon.
<br><dt><var>nww</var><dd>The beginning of the balloon's line where the message's first line is located if and
only if the message contains more than one line.