Pablo Lezaeta 5239a3c9f5 Fix permision for executables... I think we need aome tool for those cases like this
Signed-off-by: Pablo Lezaeta <prflr88@gmail.com>
2014-06-10 01:52:12 -04:00

270 lines
10 KiB
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ponysay - Ponysay, cowsay reimplementation for ponies
Copyright (C) 2012, 2013, 2014 Erkin Batu Altunbaş et al.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
If you intend to redistribute ponysay or a fork of it commercially,
it contains aggregated images, some of which may not be commercially
redistribute, you would be required to remove those. To determine
whether or not you may commercially redistribute an image make use
that line FREE: yes, is included inside the image between two $$$
lines and the FREE is and upper case and directly followed by
the colon.
from common import *
from ucs import *
class List():
File listing functions
def __columnise(ponies):
Columnise a list and prints it
@param ponies:list<(str, str)> All items to list, each item should have to elements: unformated name, formated name
## Get terminal width, and a 2 which is the space between columns
termwidth = gettermsize()[1] + 2
## Sort the ponies, and get the cells' widths, and the largest width + 2
ponies.sort(key = lambda pony : pony[0])
widths = [UCS.dispLen(pony[0]) for pony in ponies]
width = max(widths) + 2 # longest pony file name + space between columns
## Calculate the number of rows and columns, can create a list of empty columns
cols = termwidth // width # do not believe electricians, this means ⌊termwidth / width⌋
rows = (len(ponies) + cols - 1) // cols
columns = []
for c in range(0, cols): columns.append([])
## Fill the columns with cells of ponies
(y, x) = (0, 0)
for j in range(0, len(ponies)):
cell = ponies[j][1] + ' ' * (width - widths[j]);
y += 1
if y == rows:
x += 1
y = 0
## Make the columnisation nicer by letting the last row be partially empty rather than the last column
diff = rows * cols - len(ponies)
if (diff > 2) and (rows > 1):
c = cols - 1
diff -= 1
while diff > 0:
columns[c] = columns[c - 1][-diff:] + columns[c]
c -= 1
columns[c] = columns[c][:-diff]
diff -= 1
## Create rows from columns
lines = []
for r in range(0, rows):
for c in range(0, cols):
if r < len(columns[c]):
line = lines[r].append(columns[c][r])
## Print the matrix, with one extra blank row
print('\n'.join([''.join(line)[:-2] for line in lines]))
def simplelist(ponydirs, quoters = [], ucsiser = None):
Lists the available ponies
@param ponydirs:itr<str> The pony directories to use
@param quoters:__in__(str)→bool Set of ponies that of quotes
@param ucsiser:(list<str>)?→void Function used to UCS:ise names
for ponydir in ponydirs: # Loop ponydirs
## Get all ponies in the directory
_ponies = os.listdir(ponydir)
## Remove .pony from all files and skip those that does not have .pony
ponies = []
for pony in _ponies:
if endswith(pony, '.pony'):
## UCS:ise pony names, they are already sorted
if ucsiser is not None:
## If ther directory is not empty print its name and all ponies, columnised
if len(ponies) == 0:
print('\033[1mponies located in ' + ponydir + '\033[21m')
List.__columnise([(pony, '\033[1m' + pony + '\033[21m' if pony in quoters else pony) for pony in ponies])
def linklist(ponydirs = None, quoters = [], ucsiser = None):
Lists the available ponies with alternatives inside brackets
@param ponydirs:itr<str> The pony directories to use
@param quoters:__in__(str)→bool Set of ponies that of quotes
@param ucsiser:(list<str>, map<str, str>)?→void Function used to UCS:ise names
## Get the size of the terminal
termsize = gettermsize()
for ponydir in ponydirs: # Loop ponydirs
## Get all pony files in the directory
_ponies = os.listdir(ponydir)
## Remove .pony from all files and skip those that does not have .pony
ponies = []
for pony in _ponies:
if endswith(pony, '.pony'):
## If there are no ponies in the directory skip to next directory, otherwise, print the directories name
if len(ponies) == 0:
print('\033[1mponies located in ' + ponydir + '\033[21m')
## UCS:ise pony names
pseudolinkmap = {}
if ucsiser is not None:
ucsiser(ponies, pseudolinkmap)
## Create targetlink-pair, with `None` as link if the file is not a symlink or in `pseudolinkmap`
pairs = []
for pony in ponies:
if pony in pseudolinkmap:
pairs.append((pony, pseudolinkmap[pony] + '.pony'));
pairs.append((pony, os.path.realpath(ponydir + pony + '.pony') if os.path.islink(ponydir + pony + '.pony') else None))
## Create map from source pony to alias ponies for each pony
ponymap = {}
for pair in pairs:
if (pair[1] is None) or (pair[1] == ''):
if pair[0] not in ponymap:
ponymap[pair[0]] = []
target = pair[1][:-5]
if '/' in target:
target = target[target.rindex('/') + 1:]
if target in ponymap:
ponymap[target] = [pair[0]]
## Create list of source ponies concatenated with alias ponies in brackets
ponies = {}
for pony in ponymap:
w = UCS.dispLen(pony)
item = '\033[1m' + pony + '\033[21m' if (pony in quoters) else pony
syms = ponymap[pony]
if len(syms) > 0:
w += 2 + len(syms)
item += ' ('
first = True
for sym in syms:
w += UCS.dispLen(sym)
if first: first = False
else: item += ' '
item += '\033[1m' + sym + '\033[21m' if (sym in quoters) else sym
item += ')'
ponies[(item.replace('\033[1m', '').replace('\033[21m', ''), item)] = w
## Print the ponies, columnised
def onelist(standarddirs, extradirs = None, ucsiser = None):
Lists the available ponies on one column without anything bold or otherwise formated
@param standard:itr<str>? Include standard ponies
@param extra:itr<str>? Include extra ponies
@param ucsiser:(list<str>)?→void Function used to UCS:ise names
## Get all pony files
_ponies = []
if standarddirs is not None:
for ponydir in standarddirs:
_ponies += os.listdir(ponydir)
if extradirs is not None:
for ponydir in extradirs:
_ponies += os.listdir(ponydir)
## Remove .pony from all files and skip those that does not have .pony
ponies = []
for pony in _ponies:
if endswith(pony, '.pony'):
## UCS:ise and sort
if ucsiser is not None:
## Print each one on a seperate line, but skip duplicates
last = ''
for pony in ponies:
if not pony == last:
last = pony
def balloonlist(balloondirs, isthink):
Prints a list of all balloons
@param balloondirs:itr<str> The balloon directories to use
@param isthink:bool Whether the ponythink command is used
## Get the size of the terminal
termsize = gettermsize()
## Get all balloons
balloonset = set()
for balloondir in balloondirs:
for balloon in os.listdir(balloondir):
## Use .think if running ponythink, otherwise .say
if isthink and endswith(balloon, '.think'):
balloon = balloon[:-6]
elif (not isthink) and endswith(balloon, '.say'):
balloon = balloon[:-4]
## Add the balloon if there is none with the same name
if balloon not in balloonset:
## Print all balloos, columnised
List.__columnise([(balloon, balloon) for balloon in list(balloonset)])