Pablo Lezaeta
Added a minimal number of free ponies fixed 3
Signed-off-by: Pablo Lezaeta <>
2012-12-22 03:54:56 -03:00
Pablo Lezaeta
Added more metadata love for extraponies
2012-11-06 23:19:50 -03:00
Pablo Lezaeta
Add the purple (ponysay), blue (source) to fyrefly
2012-11-06 15:30:52 -03:00
Pablo Lezaeta
Now look more like is supposed to is?, And the tty version...the /dev/ ttyponies suppor the metadata, this mean that no ned to use unles to the 3.0-rc1 for so small edition like this one
2012-11-06 15:05:53 -03:00
Pablo Lezaeta
First try to begin to add the ponymetadata
Please @maandree correct me if I miss or mismatch any metadata, I dont know the difference in link and link on, neither master, a gide may by ok, is ok? let me know and continue the data conversion
2012-11-05 19:22:14 -03:00
Pablo Lezaeta
Work, Test and not break any, Added free to sertain ponies
2012-10-30 14:40:33 -03:00
Pablo Lezaeta
Added All my personal non MLP-FiM ponies, Fyrefly, surprise, woon and woonanohat
2012-08-22 19:22:28 -04:00