mirror of
synced 2025-03-31 16:55:27 +02:00
more work on the pony browser
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 123 additions and 3 deletions
@ -171,6 +171,49 @@ class PonysayTool():
Execute ponysay!
@param args Arguments
@param message Message
def execPonysay(self, args, message = ''):
class PhonyArgParser:
def __init__(self, args, message):
self.argcount = len(args) + (0 if message is None else 1)
for key in args:
self.argcount += len(args[key]) if (args[key] is not None) and isinstance(args[key], list) else 1
self.message = message
self.opts = self
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key in args:
return args[key] if (args[key] is not None) and isinstance(args[key], list) else [args[key]]
return None
stdout = sys.stdout
class StringInputStream:
def __init__(self):
self.buf = ''
class Buffer:
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
def write(self, data):
self.parent.buf += data.decode('utf8', 'replace')
def flush(self):
self.buffer = Buffer(self)
def flush(self):
def isatty(self):
return True
sys.stdout = StringInputStream()
ponysay = Ponysay()
ponysay.run(PhonyArgParser(args, message))
out = sys.stdout.buf[:-1]
sys.stdout = stdout
return out
Browse ponies
Browse ponies
@ -186,23 +229,100 @@ class PonysayTool():
termsize = termsize.decode('utf8', 'replace')[:-1].split(' ') # [:-1] removes a \n
termsize = termsize.decode('utf8', 'replace')[:-1].split(' ') # [:-1] removes a \n
termsize = [int(item) for item in termsize]
termsize = [int(item) for item in termsize]
(termh, termw) = termsize
print('\033[H\033[2J', end='')
ponies = [] # TODO fill
panelw = Backend.len(max(ponies, key = Backend.len))
panely = 0
(x, y) = (0, 0)
(x, y) = (0, 0)
(oldx, oldy) = (None, None)
(oldx, oldy) = (None, None)
(quotes, info) = (False, False)
(quotes, info) = (False, False)
(ponyindex, oldpony) = (0, None)
(ponyindex, oldpony) = (0, None)
(pony, ponywidth, ponyheight) = (None, None, None)
stored = None
stored = None
while True:
while True:
printpanel = -2 if ponyindex != oldpony else oldpony
if (ponyindex != oldpony):
if (ponyindex != oldpony):
ponyindex %= len(ponies)
if ponyindex < 0:
ponyindex += len(ponies)
oldpony = ponyindex
oldpony = ponyindex
# TODO load new pony
ponyfile = (ponydir + '/' + ponies[ponyindex]).replace('//', '/')
pony = self.execPonysay({'-f' : ponyfile, '-W' : 'none', '-o' : None}).split('\n')
preprint = '\033[H\033[2J'
if pony[0].startswith(preprint):
pony[0] = pony[0][len(preprint):]
ponyheight = len(pony)
ponywidth = Backend.len(max(pony, key = Backend.len))
AUTO_PUSH = '\033[01010~'
AUTO_POP = '\033[10101~'
modprintpony = '\n'.join(printpony).replace('\n', AUTO_PUSH + '\n' + AUTO_POP)
colourstack = ColourStack(AUTO_PUSH, AUTO_POP)
buf = ''
for c in modprintpony:
buf += c + colourstack.feed(c)
pony = buf.replace(AUTO_PUSH, '').replace(AUTO_POP, '').split('\n')
if (oldx != x) or (oldy != y):
if (oldx != x) or (oldy != y):
(oldx, oldy) = (x, y)
(oldx, oldy) = (x, y)
# TODO redraw
print('\033[H\033[2J', end='')
def getprint(pony, ponywidth, ponyheight, termw, termh, px, py):
ponyprint = pony
if py < 0:
ponyprint = [] if -py > len(ponyprint) else ponyprint[-py:]
elif py > 0:
ponyprint = py * ['\n'] + ponyprint
ponyprint = ponyprint[:len(ponyprint) if len(ponyprint) < termh else termh]
def findcolumn(line, column):
if Backend.len(line) >= column:
return len(line)
pos = len(line)
while Backend.len(line[:pos]) != column:
pos -= 1
return pos
if px < 0:
ponyprint = [('' if -px > Backend.len(line) else line[findcolumn(line, -px):]) for line in ponyprint]
elif px > 0:
ponyprint = [px * ' ' + line for line in ponyprint]
ponyprint = [(line if Backend.len(line) <= termw else line[:findcolumn(line, termw)]) for line in ponyprint]
ponyprint = ['\033[21;39;49;0m%s\033[21;39;49;0m' % line for line in ponyprint]
return '\n'.join(ponyprint)
if quotes:
ponyquotes = None # TODO
quotesheight = len(ponyquotes)
quoteswidth = Backend.len(max(ponyquotes, key = Backend.len))
print(getprint(ponyquotes, quoteswidth, quotesheight, termw, termh, x, y), end='')
elif info:
ponyfile = (ponydir + '/' + ponies[ponyindex]).replace('//', '/')
ponyinfo = self.execPonysay({'-f' : ponyfile, '-W' : 'none', '-i' : None}).split('\n')
infoheight = len(ponyinfo)
infowidth = Backend.len(max(ponyinfo, key = Backend.len))
print(getprint(ponyinfo, infowidth, infoheight, termw, termh, x, y), end='')
print(getprint(pony, ponywidth, ponyheight, panelx, termh, (panelx - ponywidth) // 2, (termh - ponyheight) // 2), end='')
printpanel = -1
if printpanel == -1:
panelx = termw - panelw
cury = 0
for line in ponies[panely:]:
cury += 1
print('\033[%i;%iH\033[%im%s\033[0m' % (cury, panelx + 1, 1 if panely + cury - 1 == ponyindex else 0, (line + ' ' * panelw)[:panelw]), end='')
elif printpanel >= 0:
panelx = termw - panelw
for index in (printpanel, ponyindex):
cury = index - panely
if (0 <= cury) and (cury < termh):
line = ponies[cury + panely]
print('\033[%i;%iH\033[%im%s\033[0m' % (cury, panelx + 1, 1 if panely + cury - 1 == ponyindex else 0, (line + ' ' * panelw)[:panelw]), end='')
if stored is None:
if stored is None:
Add table
Reference in a new issue