just com bugs, than install and uninstall must be tested

This commit is contained in:
Mattias Andrée 2012-08-26 07:09:39 +02:00
parent 52ccbcdca7
commit 761ae98ad5
2 changed files with 43 additions and 375 deletions

configure vendored
View file

@ -1,357 +1,21 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash #!/usr/bin/env bash
INFODESC=\''My Little Ponies for your terminal'\'
completions='completion/bash-completion.sh completion/fish-completion.fish completion/zsh-completion.zsh'
shareDirs='ponies ttyponies quotes balloons extraponies extrattyponies'
manFiles='manuals/manpage.6 manuals/manpage.es.6'
oldInstalledFiles='bin/ponysaytruncater lib/ponysay/truncater lib/ponysay/list.pl lib/ponysay/linklist.pl lib/ponysay/pq4ps lib/ponysay/pq4ps.pl lib/ponysay/pq4ps-list lib/ponysay/pq4ps-list.pl bin/ponysay.py bin/ponythink.py'
oldInstalledDirs='lib/ponysay share/ponies share/ttyponies bin/ponysaylist.pl'
oldCompiledFiles='truncater ponysaytruncater ponysay.py.install'
installedFiles='bin/ponysay bin/ponythink doc/ponysay.pdf share/info/ponysay.info.gz share/info/ponythink.info.gz share/ponysay/ucsmap'
installedDirs='share/ponysay lib/ponysay'
compiledFiles='ponysay.info ponysay.info.gz ponysay.install ponysay.install~'
for man in $manFiles; do
compiledFiles="$compiledFiles $man.gz"
for completion in $completions; do
compiledFiles="$compiledFiles $completion.install $thinkfile"
for file in $licenseFiles; do
installedFiles="$installedFiles share/licenses/ponysay/$file"
function getcompdir()
if [ "$1" == 'bash' ]; then echo -n 'bash-completion/completions'
elif [ "$1" == 'fish' ]; then echo -n 'fish/completions'
elif [ "$1" == 'zsh' ]; then echo -n 'zsh/site-functions'
function getcompfile()
if [ "$1" == 'bash' ]; then echo -n "$2"
elif [ "$1" == 'fish' ]; then echo -n "$2"'.fish'
elif [ "$1" == 'zsh' ]; then echo -n '_'"$2"
installCache=' install-cache'
installInfo=' install-info'
installInfoInstall=' install-info-install'
installMan=' install-man'
installBash=' install-bash'
installFish=' install-fish'
installZsh=' install-zsh'
for arg in "$@"; do
if [ "$opt" = '--prefix' ]; then
elif [ "$opt" = '--info-desc' ]; then
INFODESC=\'"$(sed -e s/\'/\''\\'\'\'/g <<<"$val")"\'
elif [ "$opt" = '--shell' ]; then
elif [ "$opt" = '--without-shared-cache' ]; then installCache=''
elif [ "$opt" = '--with-pdf' ]; then installPdf=' install-pdf'
elif [ "$opt" = '--without-info' ]; then installInfo=''
elif [ "$opt" = '--without-info-install' ]; then installInfoInstall=''
elif [ "$opt" = '--without-man' ]; then installMan=''
elif [ "$opt" = '--with-man-es' ]; then installManEs=' install-man-es'
elif [ "$opt" = '--without-bash' ]; then installBash=''
elif [ "$opt" = '--without-fish' ]; then installFish=''
elif [ "$opt" = '--without-zsh' ]; then installZsh=''
elif [ "$opt" = "--everything" ]; then
installCache=' install-cache'
installPdf=' install-pdf'
installInfo=' install-info'
installInfoInstall=' install-info-install'
installMan=' install-man'
installManEs=' install-man-es'
installBash=' install-bash'
installFish=' install-fish'
installZsh=' install-zsh'
echo "$0: error: option not recongised: $arg" >&2
if [ "$installInfo" = '' ]; then
compileMethods='core quotes manpages ponysaycompletion ponythinkcompletion'
if [ ! "$installInfo" = '' ]; then
compileMethods="$compileMethods infomanual"
function correctPrefix()
for file in "$@"; do
echo -en '\t'
echo 'sed -e '\''s/'\''\'\'''\''\/usr/'\''\'\''"$(SED_PREFIX)"'\''/g'\'' < "'"$file"'" > "'"$file"'.install"'
function gzCompress()
for file in "$@"; do
echo -en '\t'
echo 'gzip -9 -f < "'"$file"'" > "'"$file"'".gz'
function thinkCompletion()
for file in "$@"; do
echo -en '\tsed'
echo -n ' -e '\''s/ponysay/ponythink/g'\'
echo -n ' < "'"$file"'.install" | sed'
echo -n ' -e '\''s/\/ponythink\//\/ponysay\//g'\'
echo -n ' -e '\''s/\\\/ponythink\\\//\\\/ponysay\\\//g'\'
echo ' > "'"$thinkfile"'"'
echo "PREFIX = $PREFIX, edit with option --prefix=PREFIX"
echo "INFODESC = $INFODESC, edit with option --info-desc=INFODESC"
echo "SHELL = $SHELL, edit with option --shell=PREFIX"
[ ! "$installCache" = '' ] && echo "Installing shared cache, add option --without-shared-cache to skip"
[ ! "$installPdf" = '' ] && echo "Installing PDF manual"
[ ! "$installInfo" = '' ] && echo "Installing info manual, add option --without-info to skip"
[ ! "$installInfoInstall" = '' ] && echo "Installing info manual with info-install, add option --without-info to skip"
[ ! "$installMan" = '' ] && echo "Installing English manpage manual, add option --without-man to skip"
[ ! "$installManEs" = '' ] && echo "Installing Spanish manpage manual"
[ ! "$installBash" = '' ] && echo "Installing autocompletion for GNU Bash, add option --without-bash to skip"
[ ! "$installFish" = '' ] && echo "Installing autocompletion for fish, add option --without-fish to skip"
[ ! "$installZsh" = '' ] && echo "Installing autocompletion for zsh, add option --without-zsh to skip"
[ ! "$installCache" = '' ] || echo "Skipping shared cache"
[ ! "$installPdf" = '' ] || echo "Skipping PDF manual, add option --with-pdf to install"
[ ! "$installInfo" = '' ] || echo "Skipping info manual"
[ ! "$installInfoInstall" = '' ] || echo "Skipping info manual installation with info-install"
[ ! "$installMan" = '' ] || echo "Skipping English manpage manual"
[ ! "$installManEs" = '' ] || echo "Skipping Spanish manpage manual, add option --with-man-es to install"
[ ! "$installBash" = '' ] || echo "Skipping autocompletion for GNU Bash"
[ ! "$installFish" = '' ] || echo "Skipping autocompletion for fish"
[ ! "$installZsh" = '' ] || echo "Skipping autocompletion for zsh"
function makeMakefile() function makeMakefile()
{ {
echo 'SHELL='\'"$SHELL"\' params=''
echo 'PREFIX='\'"$PREFIX"\' for arg in "$@"; do
echo 'INSTALLDIR="$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)"' params="$params '$(echo $arg | sed -e "s/'/'\\''/g")'"
echo 'SED_PREFIX=$$(sed -e '\''s/\//\\\//g'\'' <<<$(PREFIX))'
echo 'default: '"$compileMethods"
echo 'all: core quotes manpages infomanual ponysaycompletion ponythinkcompletion'
echo "core:"
correctPrefix 'ponysay'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'if (( `env python --version 2>&1 | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -d "." -f 1` < 3 )); then \'
echo -en '\t' ; echo ' mv "ponysay.install" "ponysay.install~" ;\'
echo -en '\t' ; echo ' sed -e '\''s/bin\/env python/bin\/env python3/'\'' < "ponysay.install~" > "ponysay.install" ;\'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'fi'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'chmod 755 "ponysay.install"'
echo "quotes:"
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'mkdir -p quotes'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'for ponies in $$(cat ponyquotes/ponies); do \'
echo -en '\t' ; echo ' for pony in $$(echo $$ponies | sed -e '\''s/+/ /g'\''); do \'
echo -en '\t' ; echo ' echo '\''Generating quote files for '\''"$$pony"; \'
echo -en '\t' ; echo ' for file in $$(ls "ponyquotes/" | grep "$$pony\\.*"); do \'
echo -en '\t' ; echo ' if [ -f "ponyquotes/$$file" ]; then \'
echo -en '\t' ; echo ' cp "ponyquotes/"$$file "quotes/"$$ponies'\''.'\''$$(echo $$file | cut -d '\''.'\'' -f 2) \'
echo -en '\t' ; echo ';fi;done;done;done'
echo 'manpages:'
gzCompress $manFiles
echo 'infomanual:'
echo -en '\t'
echo 'makeinfo "manuals/ponysay.texinfo"'
gzCompress 'ponysay.info'
echo 'ponysaycompletion:'
correctPrefix $completions
echo 'ponythinkcompletion: ponysaycompletion'
thinkCompletion $completions
echo 'install-min: core quotes'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'mkdir -p "$(INSTALLDIR)/share/ponysay/"'
for dir in $shareDirs; do
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'mkdir -p "$(INSTALLDIR)/share/ponysay/'"$dir"'"'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'cp -P "'"$dir"'/"* "$(INSTALLDIR)/share/ponysay/'"$dir"'/"'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'mkdir -p "$(INSTALLDIR)/bin/"'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'install "ponysay.install" "$(INSTALLDIR)/bin/ponysay"'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'ln -sf "ponysay" "$(INSTALLDIR)/bin/ponythink"'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'mkdir -p "$(INSTALLDIR)/share/ponysay/"'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'install "share/ucsmap" "$(INSTALLDIR)/share/ponysay/ucsmap"'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'mkdir -p "$(INSTALLDIR)/share/licenses/ponysay/"'
for file in $licenseFiles; do
echo -en '\t'
echo 'install "'"$file"'" "$(INSTALLDIR)/share/licenses/ponysay/'"$file"'"'
echo 'install-cache:'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)/var/cache/ponysay/"'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'chmod 777 "$(DESTDIR)/var/cache/ponysay/"'
for completion in $completions; do
shelldir='share/'"$(getcompdir $shell)"'/'
echo 'install-'"$shell"': ponysaycompletion ponythinkcompletion'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'mkdir -p "$(INSTALLDIR)/'"$shelldir"'"'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'install "'"$completion"'" "$(INSTALLDIR)/'"$shelldir$(getcompfile $shell ponysay)"'"'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'install "'"$thinkfile"'" "$(INSTALLDIR)/'"$shelldir$(getcompfile $shell ponythink)"'"'
installedFiles="$installedFiles $shelldir$(getcompfile $shell ponysay) $shelldir$(getcompfile $shell ponythink)"
done done
echo 'install-pdf:' echo 'PARAMS ='"$params"
echo -en '\t'
echo 'install "ponysay.pdf" "$(INSTALLDIR)/doc/ponysay.pdf"'
echo echo
echo -e 'default: all\n'
echo 'install-info: infomanual' echo -e 'all: build\n'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'mkdir -p "$(INSTALLDIR)/share/info"' for func in $(echo 'build' 'prebuilt' 'install' 'uninstall' 'uninstall-old' 'clean' 'clean-old' 'view'); do
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'install "ponysay.info.gz" "$(INSTALLDIR)/share/info/ponysay.info.gz"' echo -e "$func"':\n\t./setup.py $(PARAMS) '"$func"'\n'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'install "ponysay.info.gz" "$(INSTALLDIR)/share/info/ponythink.info.gz"'
echo 'install-info-install: install-info'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'install-info --dir-file="$(INSTALLDIR)/share/info/dir" --entry="Miscellaneous" --description='"$INFODESC"' "$(INSTALLDIR)/share/info/ponysay.info.gz"'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'install-info --dir-file="$(INSTALLDIR)/share/info/dir" --entry="Miscellaneous" --description='"$INFODESC"' "$(INSTALLDIR)/share/info/ponythink.info.gz"'
for man in $manFiles; do
echo 'install-man'"${lang/\./-}"': manpages'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'mkdir -p "$(INSTALLDIR)/share/man'"$mandir"'/man6"'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'install "'"$man"'.gz" "$(INSTALLDIR)/share/man'"$mandir"'/man6/ponysay.6.gz"'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'ln -sf "ponysay.6.gz" "$(INSTALLDIR)/share/man'"$mandir"'/man6/ponythink.6.gz"'
installedFiles="$installedFiles share/man$mandir/man6/ponysay.6.gz share/man$mandir/man6/ponythink.6.gz"
done done
echo 'install: '"$installMethods"
echo -en '\t' ; echo '@echo -e \\n\\n\'
cat <<EOF
'| ___ |\\n'\\
'| / (_) o |\\n'\\
'| \\__ _ _ __ |\\n'\\
'| / / |/ | | / \\_| | |\\n'\\
'| \\___/ | |_/|/\\__/ \\_/|/ |\\n'\\
'| /| /| |\\n'\\
'| \\| \\| |\\n'\\
'| ____ |\\n'\\
'| | _ \\ ___ _ __ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ |\\n'\\
'| | |_) |/ _ \\ | '\\''_ \\ | | | |/ __| / _\` || | | | |\n'\\
'| | __/| (_) || | | || |_| |\\__ \\| (_| || |_| | |\\n'\\
'| |_| \\___/ |_| |_| \\__, ||___/ \\__,_| \\__, | |\\n'\\
'| |___/ |___/ |\\n'\\
echo 'uninstall:'
echo -en '\t' ; echo 'if [ -d "$/var/cache/ponysay" ]; then rm -rf "$/var/cache/ponysay"; fi'
for old in $installedDirs; do
echo -en '\t'
echo 'if [ -d "$(INSTALLDIR)/'"$old"'" ]; then rm -rf "$(INSTALLDIR)/'"$old"'"; fi'
for old in $installedFiles; do
echo -en '\t'
echo 'if [ -f "$(INSTALLDIR)/'"$old"'" ]; then unlink "$(INSTALLDIR)/'"$old"'"; fi'
echo 'clean:'
for old in $compiledDirs; do
echo -en '\t'
echo 'if [ -d "'"$old"'" ]; then rm -rf "'"$old"'"; fi'
for old in $compiledFiles; do
echo -en '\t'
echo 'if [ -f "'"$old"'" ]; then rm -f "'"$old"'"; fi'
echo 'uninstall-old:'
for old in $oldInstalledDirs; do
echo -en '\t'
echo 'if [ -d "$(INSTALLDIR)/'"$old"'" ]; then rm -rf "$(INSTALLDIR)/'"$old"'"; fi'
for old in $oldInstalledFiles; do
echo -en '\t'
echo 'if [ -f "$(INSTALLDIR)/'"$old"'" ]; then unlink "$(INSTALLDIR)/'"$old"'"; fi'
echo 'clean-old:'
for old in $oldCompiledDirs; do
echo -en '\t'
echo 'if [ -d "'"$old"'" ]; then rm -rf "'"$old"'"; fi'
for old in $oldCompiledFiles; do
echo -en '\t'
echo 'if [ -f "'"$old"'" ]; then rm -f "'"$old"'"; fi'
cat <<EOF cat <<EOF
## Scripts for maintainers ## Scripts for maintainers
@ -394,5 +58,6 @@ pdfmanual:
} }
makeMakefile > Makefile
makeMakefile "$@" > Makefile

View file

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class Setup():
def __init__(self): def __init__(self):
usage_script = '\033[34;1msetup.py\033[21;39m' usage_script = '\033[34;1msetup.py\033[21;39m'
usage_help = '(version | help)' usage_help = '(version | help)'
usage_proc = '[\033[4mconfigurations\033[24m] ([build] | prebuilt | install | (uninstall|clean)[-old])' usage_proc = '[\033[4mconfigurations\033[24m] ([build] | prebuilt | install | (uninstall|clean)[-old] | view)'
usage = '%s %s\n%s %s' % (usage_script, usage_help, usage_script, usage_proc) usage = '%s %s\n%s %s' % (usage_script, usage_help, usage_script, usage_proc)
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class Setup():
elif method == 'install': self.build (conf); self.install(conf); self.clean() elif method == 'install': self.build (conf); self.install(conf); self.clean()
elif method == 'uninstall': self.uninstall (conf) elif method == 'uninstall': self.uninstall (conf)
elif method == 'uninstall-old': self.uninstallOld(conf) elif method == 'uninstall-old': self.uninstallOld(conf)
else: elif not method == 'view':
opts.help() opts.help()
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ class Setup():
else: print(RED % ('Skipping installation of ' + file[1])) else: print(RED % ('Skipping installation of ' + file[1]))
if conf['custom-env-python'] is not None: print(GREEN % ('Using custom env reference in python script shebang: ', conf['custom-env-python'])) if conf['custom-env-python'] is not None: print(GREEN % ('Using custom env reference in python script shebang: ', conf['custom-env-python']))
else: print(YELLOW % ('Looking for best env reference in python script shebang')) else: print(YELLOW % ('Looking for best env reference in python script shebang'))
for miscfile in miscfiles: print(GREEN % ('Installing %s to %s' % (miscfile[0]), conf[miscfile[0]])) for miscfile in miscfiles: print(GREEN % ('Installing ' + miscfile[0] + ' to ', conf[miscfile[0]]))
print() print()
@ -230,11 +230,11 @@ class Setup():
env = conf['custom-env-python'] env = conf['custom-env-python']
if env is None: if env is None:
(out, err) = Popen(['env', 'python', '--version'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate() (out, err) = Popen(['env', 'python', '--version'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()
out += err out = out.decode('utf8', 'replace') + err.decode('utf8', 'replace')
out = out.replace('\n', '') out = out.replace('\n', '')
env = env.split(' ')[1].split('.')[0] env = out.split(' ')[1].split('.')[0]
if int(env) < 3: env = 'python3' if int(env) < 3: env = 'python3'
else env = 'python' else: env = 'python'
mane = False mane = False
for command in commands: for command in commands:
if conf[command] is not None: if conf[command] is not None:
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ class Setup():
data = data.replace('/usr/share/ponysay/' + sharedir, conf[sharedir]) data = data.replace('/usr/share/ponysay/' + sharedir, conf[sharedir])
for sharefile in sharefiles: for sharefile in sharefiles:
data = data.replace('/usr/share/ponysay/' + sharefile[1], conf[sharefile[0]]) data = data.replace('/usr/share/ponysay/' + sharefile[1], conf[sharefile[0]])
data.replace('\nVERSION = \'dev\'', '\nVERSION = \'%s\'' % (VERSION)) data.replace('\nVERSION = \'dev\'', '\nVERSION = \'%s\'' % (PONYSAY_VERSION))
fileout.write(data) fileout.write(data)
finally: finally:
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ class Setup():
ext = conf[key + '-compression'] ext = conf[key + '-compression']
if ext is not None: if ext is not None:
dest = 'manuals/manpage' + lang + '.0.' + ext dest = 'manuals/manpage' + lang + '.0.' + ext
compress(src, dest, ) compress(src, dest, ext)
if conf['info'] is not None: if conf['info'] is not None:
print('makeinfo manuals/ponysay.texinfo') print('makeinfo manuals/ponysay.texinfo')
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ class Setup():
if conf[shell] is not None: if conf[shell] is not None:
src = 'completion/%s-completion.%s' % (shell, 'sh' if shell == 'bash' else shell) src = 'completion/%s-completion.%s' % (shell, 'sh' if shell == 'bash' else shell)
for command in commands: for command in commands:
if conf[shell] in not None: if conf[shell] is not None:
dest = src + '.' + shell dest = src + '.' + shell
(fileout, filein) = (None, None) (fileout, filein) = (None, None)
try: try:
@ -319,21 +319,22 @@ class Setup():
if filein is not None: filein .close() if filein is not None: filein .close()
if conf['quotes'] is not None: if conf['quotes'] is not None:
removeLists([], ['quotes']) self.removeLists([], ['quotes'])
os.mkdir('quotes') os.mkdir('quotes')
file = None ponymap = None
try: try:
file = open('ponyquotes/ponies', 'r') ponymap = open('ponyquotes/ponies', 'r')
ponies = [line.replace('\n', '').split('+') for line in file.readlines()] ponies = [line.replace('\n', '') for line in ponymap.readlines()]
for pony in ponies: for _ponies in ponies:
print('Generating quote files for ' + pony) for pony in _ponies.split('+'):
print('Generating quote files for \033[34m' + pony + '\033[39m')
for file in os.listdir('ponyquotes'): for file in os.listdir('ponyquotes'):
if file.startswith(pony + '.'): if file.startswith(pony + '.'):
if os.path.isfile('ponyquotes/' + file): if os.path.isfile('ponyquotes/' + file):
shutil.copy(ponyquotes/ + file, 'quotes/' + '+'.join(ponies) + file[file.find('.'):] shutil.copy('ponyquotes/' + file, 'quotes/' + _ponies + file[file.find('.'):])
finally: finally:
if file is not None: if ponymap is not None:
file.close() ponymap.close()
''' '''
@ -351,16 +352,16 @@ class Setup():
print('Setting mode for ponysay.install copies to 755') print('Setting mode for ponysay.install copies to 755')
if self.linking == COPY: if self.linking == COPY:
for dest in dests: for dest in dests:
os.chmod(dest, 0755) os.chmod(dest, 0o755)
else: else:
os.chmod(dests[0], 0755) os.chmod(dests[0], 0o755)
if conf['shared-cache'] is not None: if conf['shared-cache'] is not None:
dir = conf['shared-cache'] dir = conf['shared-cache']
pdir = dir[:rfind('/') + 1] pdir = dir[:rfind('/') + 1]
print('Creating intermediate-level directories needed for ' + dir) print('Creating intermediate-level directories needed for ' + dir)
os.makedirs(pdir) os.makedirs(pdir)
print('Creating directory ' + dir + ' with mode mask 777') print('Creating directory ' + dir + ' with mode mask 777')
os.makedir(dir, 0777) os.makedir(dir, 0o777)
for shell in [item[0] for item in shells]: for shell in [item[0] for item in shells]:
if conf[shell] is not None: if conf[shell] is not None:
for command in commands: for command in commands:
@ -499,9 +500,9 @@ class Setup():
for man in manpages: for man in manpages:
if man is manpages[0]: man = '' if man is manpages[0]: man = ''
else: man = '.' + man[0] else: man = '.' + man[0]
files.append('manuals/manpage' + man + '.0' + comp) files.append('manuals/manpage' + man + '.0.' + comp)
for shell in [item[0] for item in shells]: for shell in [item[0] for item in shells]:
for command in commands for command in commands:
files.append('completion/%s-completion.%s.%s' % (shell, 'sh' if shell == 'bash' else shell, command)) files.append('completion/%s-completion.%s.%s' % (shell, 'sh' if shell == 'bash' else shell, command))
self.removeLists(files, dirs) self.removeLists(files, dirs)
@ -532,7 +533,7 @@ class Setup():
os.unlink(file) os.unlink(file)
dir = file dir = file
while True: while True:
dir = dir[:dir.rfind(/) + 1] dir = dir[:dir.rfind('/') + 1]
if ('/ponysay/' in dir) and (len(os.listdir(dir)) == 0): if ('/ponysay/' in dir) and (len(os.listdir(dir)) == 0):
print('Removing newly empty directory %s' % (file)) print('Removing newly empty directory %s' % (file))
os.rmdir(dir) os.rmdir(dir)
@ -544,7 +545,7 @@ class Setup():
if os.path.islink(dir): os.unlink(dir) if os.path.islink(dir): os.unlink(dir)
else: shutil.rmtree(dir) else: shutil.rmtree(dir)
while True: while True:
dir = dir[:dir.rfind(/) + 1] dir = dir[:dir.rfind('/') + 1]
if ('/ponysay/' in dir) and (len(os.listdir(dir)) == 0): if ('/ponysay/' in dir) and (len(os.listdir(dir)) == 0):
print('Removing newly empty directory %s' % (file)) print('Removing newly empty directory %s' % (file))
os.rmdir(dir) os.rmdir(dir)
@ -708,6 +709,8 @@ class Setup():
for key in conf: for key in conf:
if '--with-' + key not in conf:
if opts['--with-' + key] is not None: if opts['--with-' + key] is not None:
if defaults[key] in (False, True): if defaults[key] in (False, True):
conf[key] = True conf[key] = True
@ -780,7 +783,7 @@ class ArgParser():
for arg in argv[1:]: for arg in argv[1:]:
if get: if get:
get = False get = False
if (len(arg) > 2) and (arg[:2] in ('--', '++')): if (arg is argv[-1]) or ((len(arg) > 2) and (arg[:2] in ('--', '++'))):
argqueue.append(None) argqueue.append(None)
else: else:
argqueue.append(arg) argqueue.append(arg)