mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 22:50:08 +01:00
list.py: Moved static functions to module level.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 217 additions and 224 deletions
@ -28,242 +28,235 @@ whether or not you may commercially redistribute an image make use
that line ‘FREE: yes’, is included inside the image between two ‘$$$’
lines and the ‘FREE’ is and upper case and directly followed by
the colon.
File listing functions.
from ucs import *
class List():
File listing functions
def _columnise(ponies):
Columnise a list and prints it
def __columnise(ponies):
Columnise a list and prints it
@param ponies:list<(str, str)> All items to list, each item should have to elements: unformated name, formated name
## Get terminal width, and a 2 which is the space between columns
termwidth = gettermsize()[1] + 2
## Sort the ponies, and get the cells' widths, and the largest width + 2
ponies.sort(key = lambda pony : pony[0])
widths = [UCS.dispLen(pony[0]) for pony in ponies]
width = max(widths) + 2 # longest pony file name + space between columns
## Calculate the number of rows and columns, can create a list of empty columns
cols = termwidth // width # do not believe electricians, this means ⌊termwidth / width⌋
rows = (len(ponies) + cols - 1) // cols
columns = []
for c in range(0, cols): columns.append([])
## Fill the columns with cells of ponies
(y, x) = (0, 0)
for j in range(0, len(ponies)):
cell = ponies[j][1] + ' ' * (width - widths[j]);
y += 1
if y == rows:
x += 1
y = 0
## Make the columnisation nicer by letting the last row be partially empty rather than the last column
diff = rows * cols - len(ponies)
if (diff > 2) and (rows > 1):
c = cols - 1
@param ponies:list<(str, str)> All items to list, each item should have to elements: unformated name, formated name
## Get terminal width, and a 2 which is the space between columns
termwidth = gettermsize()[1] + 2
## Sort the ponies, and get the cells' widths, and the largest width + 2
ponies.sort(key = lambda pony : pony[0])
widths = [UCS.dispLen(pony[0]) for pony in ponies]
width = max(widths) + 2 # longest pony file name + space between columns
## Calculate the number of rows and columns, can create a list of empty columns
cols = termwidth // width # do not believe electricians, this means ⌊termwidth / width⌋
rows = (len(ponies) + cols - 1) // cols
columns = []
for c in range(0, cols): columns.append([])
## Fill the columns with cells of ponies
(y, x) = (0, 0)
for j in range(0, len(ponies)):
cell = ponies[j][1] + ' ' * (width - widths[j]);
y += 1
if y == rows:
x += 1
y = 0
## Make the columnisation nicer by letting the last row be partially empty rather than the last column
diff = rows * cols - len(ponies)
if (diff > 2) and (rows > 1):
c = cols - 1
diff -= 1
while diff > 0:
columns[c] = columns[c - 1][-diff:] + columns[c]
c -= 1
columns[c] = columns[c][:-diff]
diff -= 1
while diff > 0:
columns[c] = columns[c - 1][-diff:] + columns[c]
c -= 1
columns[c] = columns[c][:-diff]
diff -= 1
## Create rows from columns
lines = []
for r in range(0, rows):
for c in range(0, cols):
if r < len(columns[c]):
line = lines[r].append(columns[c][r])
## Print the matrix, with one extra blank row
print('\n'.join([''.join(line)[:-2] for line in lines]))
## Create rows from columns
lines = []
for r in range(0, rows):
for c in range(0, cols):
if r < len(columns[c]):
line = lines[r].append(columns[c][r])
def simplelist(ponydirs, quoters = [], ucsiser = None):
Lists the available ponies
## Print the matrix, with one extra blank row
print('\n'.join([''.join(line)[:-2] for line in lines]))
def simplelist(ponydirs, quoters = [], ucsiser = None):
Lists the available ponies
@param ponydirs:itr<str> The pony directories to use
@param quoters:__in__(str)→bool Set of ponies that of quotes
@param ucsiser:(list<str>)?→void Function used to UCS:ise names
for ponydir in ponydirs: # Loop ponydirs
## Get all ponies in the directory
_ponies = os.listdir(ponydir)
@param ponydirs:itr<str> The pony directories to use
@param quoters:__in__(str)→bool Set of ponies that of quotes
@param ucsiser:(list<str>)?→void Function used to UCS:ise names
for ponydir in ponydirs: # Loop ponydirs
## Get all ponies in the directory
_ponies = os.listdir(ponydir)
## Remove .pony from all files and skip those that does not have .pony
ponies = []
for pony in _ponies:
if endswith(pony, '.pony'):
## UCS:ise pony names, they are already sorted
if ucsiser is not None:
## If ther directory is not empty print its name and all ponies, columnised
if len(ponies) == 0:
print('\033[1mponies located in ' + ponydir + '\033[21m')
List.__columnise([(pony, '\033[1m' + pony + '\033[21m' if pony in quoters else pony) for pony in ponies])
def linklist(ponydirs = None, quoters = [], ucsiser = None):
Lists the available ponies with alternatives inside brackets
@param ponydirs:itr<str> The pony directories to use
@param quoters:__in__(str)→bool Set of ponies that of quotes
@param ucsiser:(list<str>, map<str, str>)?→void Function used to UCS:ise names
## Get the size of the terminal
termsize = gettermsize()
for ponydir in ponydirs: # Loop ponydirs
## Get all pony files in the directory
_ponies = os.listdir(ponydir)
## Remove .pony from all files and skip those that does not have .pony
ponies = []
for pony in _ponies:
if endswith(pony, '.pony'):
## If there are no ponies in the directory skip to next directory, otherwise, print the directories name
if len(ponies) == 0:
print('\033[1mponies located in ' + ponydir + '\033[21m')
## UCS:ise pony names
pseudolinkmap = {}
if ucsiser is not None:
ucsiser(ponies, pseudolinkmap)
## Create target–link-pair, with `None` as link if the file is not a symlink or in `pseudolinkmap`
pairs = []
for pony in ponies:
if pony in pseudolinkmap:
pairs.append((pony, pseudolinkmap[pony] + '.pony'));
pairs.append((pony, os.path.realpath(ponydir + pony + '.pony') if os.path.islink(ponydir + pony + '.pony') else None))
## Create map from source pony to alias ponies for each pony
ponymap = {}
for pair in pairs:
if (pair[1] is None) or (pair[1] == ''):
if pair[0] not in ponymap:
ponymap[pair[0]] = []
target = pair[1][:-5]
if '/' in target:
target = target[target.rindex('/') + 1:]
if target in ponymap:
ponymap[target] = [pair[0]]
## Create list of source ponies concatenated with alias ponies in brackets
ponies = {}
for pony in ponymap:
w = UCS.dispLen(pony)
item = '\033[1m' + pony + '\033[21m' if (pony in quoters) else pony
syms = ponymap[pony]
if len(syms) > 0:
w += 2 + len(syms)
item += ' ('
first = True
for sym in syms:
w += UCS.dispLen(sym)
if first: first = False
else: item += ' '
item += '\033[1m' + sym + '\033[21m' if (sym in quoters) else sym
item += ')'
ponies[(item.replace('\033[1m', '').replace('\033[21m', ''), item)] = w
## Print the ponies, columnised
def onelist(standarddirs, extradirs = None, ucsiser = None):
Lists the available ponies on one column without anything bold or otherwise formated
@param standard:itr<str>? Include standard ponies
@param extra:itr<str>? Include extra ponies
@param ucsiser:(list<str>)?→void Function used to UCS:ise names
## Get all pony files
_ponies = []
if standarddirs is not None:
for ponydir in standarddirs:
_ponies += os.listdir(ponydir)
if extradirs is not None:
for ponydir in extradirs:
_ponies += os.listdir(ponydir)
## Remove .pony from all files and skip those that does not have .pony
ponies = []
for pony in _ponies:
if endswith(pony, '.pony'):
## UCS:ise and sort
## UCS:ise pony names, they are already sorted
if ucsiser is not None:
## Print each one on a seperate line, but skip duplicates
last = ''
for pony in ponies:
if not pony == last:
last = pony
def balloonlist(balloondirs, isthink):
Prints a list of all balloons
@param balloondirs:itr<str> The balloon directories to use
@param isthink:bool Whether the ponythink command is used
## Get the size of the terminal
termsize = gettermsize()
## Get all balloons
balloonset = set()
for balloondir in balloondirs:
for balloon in os.listdir(balloondir):
## Use .think if running ponythink, otherwise .say
if isthink and endswith(balloon, '.think'):
balloon = balloon[:-6]
elif (not isthink) and endswith(balloon, '.say'):
balloon = balloon[:-4]
## Add the balloon if there is none with the same name
if balloon not in balloonset:
## Print all balloos, columnised
List.__columnise([(balloon, balloon) for balloon in list(balloonset)])
## If ther directory is not empty print its name and all ponies, columnised
if len(ponies) == 0:
print('\033[1mponies located in ' + ponydir + '\033[21m')
_columnise([(pony, '\033[1m' + pony + '\033[21m' if pony in quoters else pony) for pony in ponies])
def linklist(ponydirs = None, quoters = [], ucsiser = None):
Lists the available ponies with alternatives inside brackets
@param ponydirs:itr<str> The pony directories to use
@param quoters:__in__(str)→bool Set of ponies that of quotes
@param ucsiser:(list<str>, map<str, str>)?→void Function used to UCS:ise names
## Get the size of the terminal
termsize = gettermsize()
for ponydir in ponydirs: # Loop ponydirs
## Get all pony files in the directory
_ponies = os.listdir(ponydir)
## Remove .pony from all files and skip those that does not have .pony
ponies = []
for pony in _ponies:
if endswith(pony, '.pony'):
## If there are no ponies in the directory skip to next directory, otherwise, print the directories name
if len(ponies) == 0:
print('\033[1mponies located in ' + ponydir + '\033[21m')
## UCS:ise pony names
pseudolinkmap = {}
if ucsiser is not None:
ucsiser(ponies, pseudolinkmap)
## Create target–link-pair, with `None` as link if the file is not a symlink or in `pseudolinkmap`
pairs = []
for pony in ponies:
if pony in pseudolinkmap:
pairs.append((pony, pseudolinkmap[pony] + '.pony'));
pairs.append((pony, os.path.realpath(ponydir + pony + '.pony') if os.path.islink(ponydir + pony + '.pony') else None))
## Create map from source pony to alias ponies for each pony
ponymap = {}
for pair in pairs:
if (pair[1] is None) or (pair[1] == ''):
if pair[0] not in ponymap:
ponymap[pair[0]] = []
target = pair[1][:-5]
if '/' in target:
target = target[target.rindex('/') + 1:]
if target in ponymap:
ponymap[target] = [pair[0]]
## Create list of source ponies concatenated with alias ponies in brackets
ponies = {}
for pony in ponymap:
w = UCS.dispLen(pony)
item = '\033[1m' + pony + '\033[21m' if (pony in quoters) else pony
syms = ponymap[pony]
if len(syms) > 0:
w += 2 + len(syms)
item += ' ('
first = True
for sym in syms:
w += UCS.dispLen(sym)
if first: first = False
else: item += ' '
item += '\033[1m' + sym + '\033[21m' if (sym in quoters) else sym
item += ')'
ponies[(item.replace('\033[1m', '').replace('\033[21m', ''), item)] = w
## Print the ponies, columnised
def onelist(standarddirs, extradirs = None, ucsiser = None):
Lists the available ponies on one column without anything bold or otherwise formated
@param standard:itr<str>? Include standard ponies
@param extra:itr<str>? Include extra ponies
@param ucsiser:(list<str>)?→void Function used to UCS:ise names
## Get all pony files
_ponies = []
if standarddirs is not None:
for ponydir in standarddirs:
_ponies += os.listdir(ponydir)
if extradirs is not None:
for ponydir in extradirs:
_ponies += os.listdir(ponydir)
## Remove .pony from all files and skip those that does not have .pony
ponies = []
for pony in _ponies:
if endswith(pony, '.pony'):
## UCS:ise and sort
if ucsiser is not None:
## Print each one on a seperate line, but skip duplicates
last = ''
for pony in ponies:
if not pony == last:
last = pony
def balloonlist(balloondirs, isthink):
Prints a list of all balloons
@param balloondirs:itr<str> The balloon directories to use
@param isthink:bool Whether the ponythink command is used
## Get the size of the terminal
termsize = gettermsize()
## Get all balloons
balloonset = set()
for balloondir in balloondirs:
for balloon in os.listdir(balloondir):
## Use .think if running ponythink, otherwise .say
if isthink and endswith(balloon, '.think'):
balloon = balloon[:-6]
elif (not isthink) and endswith(balloon, '.say'):
balloon = balloon[:-4]
## Add the balloon if there is none with the same name
if balloon not in balloonset:
## Print all balloos, columnised
_columnise([(balloon, balloon) for balloon in balloonset])
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ from balloon import *
from spellocorrecter import *
from ucs import *
from kms import *
from list import *
import list as _list
from metadata import *
@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ class Ponysay():
@param ponydirs:itr<str>? The pony directories to use
List.simplelist(self.ponydirs if ponydirs is None else ponydirs,
_list.simplelist(self.ponydirs if ponydirs is None else ponydirs,
self.__quoters(), lambda x : self.__ucsise(x))
@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ class Ponysay():
@param ponydirs:itr<str> The pony directories to use
List.linklist(self.ponydirs if ponydirs is None else ponydirs,
_list.linklist(self.ponydirs if ponydirs is None else ponydirs,
self.__quoters(), lambda x, y : self.__ucsise(x, y))
@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ class Ponysay():
@param standard:bool Include standard ponies
@param extra:bool Include extra ponies
List.onelist(self.ponydirs if standard else None,
_list.onelist(self.ponydirs if standard else None,
self.extraponydirs if extra else None,
lambda x : self.__ucsise(x))
@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ class Ponysay():
Prints a list of all balloons
List.balloonlist(self.balloondirs, self.isthink)
_list.balloonlist(self.balloondirs, self.isthink)
def __getBalloonPath(self, names, alt = False):
Add table
Reference in a new issue