mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 23:07:43 +01:00
balloon styles: -b and -B options are implemented
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 116 additions and 41 deletions
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ _ponysay()
local cur prev words cword
_init_completion -n = || return
options='--version --help --list --altlist --pony --wrap --quote'
options='--version --help --list --altlist --pony --wrap --quote --balloonlist --balloon'
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$options" -- "$cur" ) )
if [ $prev = "-f" ] || [ $prev = "--pony" ]; then
@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ _ponysay()
quoters=$('/usr/bin/ponysay' --quoters)
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$quoters" -- "$cur" ) )
elif [ $prev = "-b" ] || [ $prev = "--balloon" ]; then
balloons=$('/usr/bin/ponysay' --balloonlist)
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$balloons" -- "$cur" ) )
elif [ $prev = "-W" ] || [ $prev = "--wrap" ]; then
cols=$(( `stty size | cut -d ' ' -f 2` - 10 ))
COMPREPLY=( $cols $(( $cols / 2 )) 100 60 )
@ -5,17 +5,20 @@
set -g ponies ('/usr/bin/ponysay' --onelist)
set -g quoters ('/usr/bin/ponysay' --quoters)
set -g balloons ('/usr/bin/ponysay' --balloonlist)
complete --command ponysay --short-option h --long-option help --description 'help of ponysay'
complete --command ponysay --short-option v --long-option version --description 'version of ponysay'
complete --command ponysay --short-option l --long-option list --description 'list pony files'
complete --command ponysay --short-option L --long-option altlist --description 'list pony files with alternatives'
complete --command ponysay --short-option l --long-option list --description 'list pony names'
complete --command ponysay --short-option L --long-option altlist --description 'list pony names with alternatives'
complete --command ponysay --short-option B --long-option balloonlist --description 'list balloon style names'
complete --command ponysay --short-option f --long-option pony --arguments "$ponies" --description 'pony'
complete --command ponysay --short-option q --long-option quote --arguments "$quoters" --no-files --description 'pony'
complete --command ponysay --short-option b --long-option balloon --arguments "$balloons" --description 'balloon style'
complete --command ponysay --short-option W --long-option wrap --arguments 'Integer' --description 'specify the column when the message should be wrapped'
complete --command ponysay --arguments 'MESSAGE'
set -e ponies
set -e quoters
set -e balloons
@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
'-v[Show version and exit]'
'-h[Show this help and exit]'
'-l[list ponyfiles]'
'-L[list ponyfiles with alternatives]'
'-f[Select a pony (either a filename or a ponyname]: :_path_files -W '/usr/share/ponysay/ponies' -g "*(\:r)"'
'-l[list pony names]'
'-L[list pony names with alternatives]'
'-B[list balloon style names]'
'-f[Select a pony (either a file name or a pony name]: :_path_files -W '/usr/share/ponysay/ponies' -g "*(\:r)"'
'-q[Select ponies for MLP:FiM quotes]'
'-b[Selecy a balloon style]'
'-W[The screen column where the message should be wrapped]'
_arguments -s : \
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ INFODESC=\''My Little Ponies for your terminal'\'
completions='completion/bash-completion.sh completion/fish-completion.fish completion/zsh-completion.zsh'
shareDirs='ponies ttyponies quotes'
shareDirs='ponies ttyponies quotes balloons'
manFiles='manuals/manpage.6 manuals/manpage.es.6'
@ -159,8 +159,7 @@ supersedes file names.
Specify the balloon style that should used, this can either be a file name or a
balloon name printed by @command{ponysay -B}. This option can be used multiple
times to specify a set of styles from which one will be selected randomly. If no
pony is specified one will be selected randomly. Any existing balloon name
supersedes file names.
balloon style is specified a fallback style will be used.
@item -q [PONY...]
@itemx --quote [PONY...]
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ class Ponysay():
elif args.opts['-v'] is not None: self.version()
elif args.opts['-l'] is not None: self.list()
elif args.opts['-L'] is not None: self.linklist()
elif args.opts['-B'] is not None: self.balloonlist()
elif args.opts['-q'] is not None: self.quote(args)
else: self.print_pony(args)
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ class Ponysay():
Returns one file with full path, names is filter for names, also accepts filepaths.
Returns one file with full path, names is filter for names, also accepts filepaths
def __getponypath(self, names = None):
ponies = {}
@ -160,10 +161,13 @@ class Ponysay():
quoters = self.__quoters()
for ponydir in ponydirs: # Loop ponydirs
print('\033[1mponyfiles located in ' + ponydir + '\033[21m')
print('\033[1mponies located in ' + ponydir + '\033[21m')
ponies = os.listdir(ponydir)
ponies = [item[:-5] for item in ponies] # remove .pony from file name
_ponies = os.listdir(ponydir)
ponies = []
for pony in _ponies:
if (len(pony) > 5) and (pony[-5:] == '.pony'):
width = len(max(ponies, key = len)) + 2 # Get the longest ponyfilename lenght + 2 spaces
@ -176,7 +180,7 @@ class Ponysay():
if x > (termsize[1] - width): # If too wide, make new line
x = 0
@ -188,12 +192,15 @@ class Ponysay():
quoters = self.__quoters()
for ponydir in ponydirs: # Loop ponydirs
print('\033[1mponyfiles located in ' + ponydir + '\033[21m')
print('\033[1mponies located in ' + ponydir + '\033[21m')
files = os.listdir(ponydir)
files = [item[:-5] for item in files] # remove .pony from file name
pairs = [(item, os.readlink(ponydir + item + '.pony') if os.path.islink(ponydir + item + '.pony') else '') for item in files]
_ponies = os.listdir(ponydir)
ponies = []
for pony in _ponies:
if (len(pony) > 5) and (pony[-5:] == '.pony'):
pairs = [(pony, os.readlink(ponydir + pony + '.pony') if os.path.islink(ponydir + pony + '.pony') else '') for pony in ponies]
ponymap = {}
for pair in pairs:
@ -239,7 +246,7 @@ class Ponysay():
for pony in ponies:
spacing = ' ' * (width - widths[index])
index += 1
print(pony + spacing, end='') # Print ponyfilename
print(pony + spacing, end='') # Print pony file name
x += width
if x > (termsize[1] - width): # If too wide, make new line
@ -268,10 +275,13 @@ class Ponysay():
def onelist(self):
last = ''
ponies = []
_ponies = []
for ponydir in ponydirs: # Loop ponydirs
ponies += os.listdir(ponydir)
ponies = [item[:-5] for item in ponies] # remove .pony from file name
_ponies += os.listdir(ponydir)
ponies = []
for pony in _ponies:
if (len(pony) > 5) and (pony[-5:] == '.pony'):
for pony in ponies:
if not pony == last:
@ -285,7 +295,42 @@ class Ponysay():
Returns one file with full path, names is filter for names, also accepts filepaths
Prints a list of all balloons
def balloonlist(self):
termsize = self.__gettermsize()
balloonset = set()
for balloondir in balloondirs:
for balloon in os.listdir(balloondir):
if isthink and (len(balloon) > 6) and (balloon[-6:] == '.think'):
balloon = balloon[:-6]
elif (not isthink) and (len(balloon) > 4) and (balloon[-4:] == '.say'):
balloon = balloon[:-4]
if balloon not in balloonset:
balloons = list(balloonset)
width = len(max(balloons, key = len)) + 2
x = 0
for balloon in balloons:
spacing = ' ' * (width - len(balloon))
print(balloon + spacing, end='')
x += width
if x > (termsize[1] - width):
x = 0
Returns one file with full path, names is filter for style names, also accepts filepaths
def __getballoonpath(self, names):
if names is None:
@ -293,8 +338,14 @@ class Ponysay():
balloons = {}
for balloondir in balloondirs:
for balloonfile in os.listdir(balloondir):
balloon = balloonfile[:-5]
for balloon in os.listdir(balloondir):
balloonfile = balloon
if isthink and (len(balloon) > 6) and (balloon[-6:] == '.think'):
balloon = balloon[:-6]
elif (not isthink) and (len(balloon) > 4) and (balloon[-4:] == '.say'):
balloon = balloon[:-4]
if balloon not in balloons:
balloons[balloon] = balloondir + balloonfile
@ -390,7 +441,9 @@ class Ponysay():
widthtruncation = self.__gettermsize()[1] if env_width not in ('yes', 'y', '1') else None
messagewrap = int(args.opts['-W'][0]) if args.opts['-W'] is not None else None
backend = Backend(message = msg, ponyfile = pony, wrapcolumn = messagewrap if messagewrap is not None else 40, width = widthtruncation, balloon = self.__getballoon(None))
balloon = self.__getballoon(self.__getballoonpath(args.opts['-b']))
backend = Backend(message = msg, ponyfile = pony, wrapcolumn = messagewrap if messagewrap is not None else 40, width = widthtruncation, balloon = balloon)
output = backend.output
if (len(output) > 0) and (output[-1] == '\n'):
@ -1269,7 +1322,7 @@ class ColourStack():
part = self.seq[i]
p = 0 if part == '' else int(part)
i += 1
if p == '': self.stack[0][1:] = [None, None, [False] * 9]
if p == 0: self.stack[0][1:] = [None, None, [False] * 9]
elif (1 <= p) and (p <= 9): self.stack[0][3][p - 1] = True
elif (21 <= p) and (p <= 29): self.stack[0][3][p - 21] = False
elif p == 39: self.stack[0][1] = None
@ -1313,7 +1366,8 @@ linuxvt = os.environ['TERM'] == 'linux'
Whether the script is executed as ponythink
isthink = (len(__file__) >= 8) and (__file__[-8:] == 'think.py')
isthink = (len(__file__) >= 5) and (__file__[-5:] == 'think')
isthink = ((len(__file__) >= 8) and (__file__[-8:] == 'think.py')) or isthink
@ -1354,15 +1408,26 @@ for quotedir in _quotedirs:
The directories where balloon style files are stored
balloondirs = []
_balloondirs = [HOME + '/.local/share/ponysay/balloons/', INSTALLDIR + '/share/ponysay/balloons/']
for balloondir in _balloondirs:
if os.path.isdir(balloondir):
usage_saythink = '\033[34;1m(ponysay | ponythink)\033[21;39m'
usage_wrap = '--wrap \033[4mCOLUMN\033[24m'
usage_listhelp = '(--list | ---altlist | --version | --help)'
usage_balloon = '--balloon \033[4mSTYLE\033[24m'
usage_listhelp = '(--list | --altlist | --balloonlist | --version | --help)'
usage_file = '[--pony \033[4mPONY\033[24m]... ([--] \033[4mmessage\033[24m | <<<\033[4mmessage\033[24m)'
usage_quote = '--quote [\033[4mPONY\033[24m...]'
usage = '%s %s\n%s [%s] %s\n%s [%s] %s' % (usage_saythink, usage_listhelp,
usage_saythink, usage_wrap, usage_file,
usage_saythink, usage_wrap, usage_quote)
usage = '%s %s\n%s [%s] [%s] %s\n%s [%s] [%s] %s' % (usage_saythink, usage_listhelp,
usage_saythink, usage_wrap, usage_balloon, usage_file,
usage_saythink, usage_wrap, usage_balloon, usage_quote)
usage = usage.replace('\033[', '\0')
for sym in ('[', ']', '(', ')', '|', '...'):
@ -1384,13 +1449,15 @@ run `man ponysay`. Ponysay has so much more to offer than described here.''')
opts.add_argumentless(['-h', '--help'], help = 'Print this help message.')
opts.add_argumentless(['-v', '--version'], help = 'Print the version of the program.')
opts.add_argumentless(['-l', '--list'], help = 'List pony files.')
opts.add_argumentless(['-L', '--altlist'], help = 'List pony files with alternatives.')
opts.add_argumented( ['-W', '--wrap'], arg = 'COLUMN', help = 'Specify the column when the message should be wrapped.')
opts.add_argumented( ['-f', '--pony'], arg = 'PONY', help = 'Select a pony.\nEither a file name or a pony name.')
opts.add_variadic( ['-q', '--quote'], arg = 'PONY', help = 'Select a ponies which will quote themself.')
opts.add_argumentless(['-h', '--help'], help = 'Print this help message.')
opts.add_argumentless(['-v', '--version'], help = 'Print the version of the program.')
opts.add_argumentless(['-l', '--list'], help = 'List pony names.')
opts.add_argumentless(['-L', '--altlist'], help = 'List pony names with alternatives.')
opts.add_argumentless(['-B', '--balloonlist'], help = 'list balloon styles.')
opts.add_argumented( ['-W', '--wrap'], arg = 'COLUMN', help = 'Specify the column when the message should be wrapped.')
opts.add_argumented( ['-b', '--bubble', '--balloon'], arg = 'STYLE', help = 'Select a balloon style.')
opts.add_argumented( ['-f', '--file', '--pony'], arg = 'PONY', help = 'Select a pony.\nEither a file name or a pony name.')
opts.add_variadic( ['-q', '--quote'], arg = 'PONY', help = 'Select a ponies which will quote themself.')
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