mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 07:51:28 +01:00
m misc + most of the work for issue 106, except quote support
Signed-off-by: Mattias Andrée <maandree@operamail.com>
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 178 additions and 128 deletions
@ -39,11 +39,13 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
usage_listhelp = '(-l | -L | -B | +l | +L | -A | + A | -v | -h)'
usage_file = '[-f\033[33mPONY\033[39m]* [[--] \033[33mmessage\033[39m]'
usage_xfile = '(+f\033[33mPONY\033[39m)* [[--] \033[33mmessage\033[39m]'
usage_afile = '(-F\033[33mPONY\033[39m)* [[--] \033[33mmessage\033[39m]'
usage_quote = '(-q\033[33mPONY\033[39m)*'
usage = '%s %s\n%s %s %s\n%s %s %s\n%s %s %s' % (usage_saythink, usage_listhelp,
usage_saythink, usage_common, usage_file,
usage_saythink, usage_common, usage_xfile,
usage_saythink, usage_common, usage_afile,
usage_saythink, usage_common, usage_quote)
usage = usage.replace('\033[', '\0')
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
@ -100,4 +100,54 @@ class Metadata():
if logic(meta):
return passed
Get ponies that fit the terminal
@param fitting:add(str)→void The set to fill
@param requirement:int The maximum allowed value
@param file:istream The file with all data
def getfitting(fitting, requirement, file):
data = file.read() # not too much data, can load everything at once
ptr = 0
while data[ptr] != 47: # 47 == ord('/')
ptr += 1
ptr += 1
size = 0
while data[ptr] != 47: # 47 == ord('/')
size = (size * 10) - (data[ptr] & 15)
ptr += 1
ptr += 1
jump = ptr - size
stop = 0
backjump = 0
while ptr < jump:
size = 0
while data[ptr] != 47: # 47 == ord('/')
size = (size * 10) - (data[ptr] & 15)
ptr += 1
ptr += 1
if -size > requirement:
if backjump > 0:
ptr = backjump
while data[ptr] != 47: # 47 == ord('/')
stop = (stop * 10) - (data[ptr] & 15)
ptr += 1
stop = -stop
backjump = ptr
while data[ptr] != 47: # 47 == ord('/')
ptr += 1
ptr += 1
if ptr == jump:
stop = len(data)
ptr = jump
stop += ptr
passed = data[jump : stop].decode('utf8', 'replace').split('/')
for pony in passed:
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
@ -315,14 +315,7 @@ class Ponysay():
self.restriction = args.opts['-r']
## The stuff
if test('-q'):
if (len(args.opts['-q']) == 1) and ((args.opts['-q'][0] == '-f') or (args.opts['-q'][0] == '+f')):
if args.opts['-q'][0] == '-f':
args.opts['-q'] = args.files
if test('-f'):
args.opts['-q'] += args.opts['-f']
elif not self.unrecognised:
if not self.unrecognised:
@ -330,6 +323,7 @@ class Ponysay():
## Methods that run before the mane methods ##
@ -468,83 +462,34 @@ class Ponysay():
Returns one file with full path, names is filter for names, also accepts filepaths
Returns one file with full path and ponyquote that should be used, names is filter for names, also accepts filepaths
@param names:list<str>? Ponies to choose from, may be `None`
@param alt:bool For method internal use...
@param ponydirs:itr<str>? The pony directories to use
@return :str The file name of a pony
@param selection:(name:str, dirs:itr<str>, quote:bool)? Parsed command line arguments as name–directories–quoting tubles:
name: The pony name
dirfiles: Files, with the directory, in the pony directories
quote: Whether to use ponyquotes
@param args:ArgParser Parsed command line arguments
@param alt:bool For method internal use...
@return (path, quote):(str, str?) The file name of a pony, and the ponyquote that should be used if any
def __getponypath(self, names = None, alt = False, ponydirs = None):
if ponydirs is None: ponydirs = self.ponydirs
ponies = {}
## List all pony files, without the .pony ending
for ponydir in ponydirs:
for ponyfile in os.listdir(ponydir):
if endswith(ponyfile, '.pony'):
pony = ponyfile[:-5]
if pony not in ponies:
ponies[pony] = ponydir + ponyfile
## Support for explicit pony file names
if names is not None:
for name in names:
if os.path.exists(name):
ponies[name] = name
Get ponies that fit the terminal
@param fitting:add(str)→void The set to fill
@param requirement:int The maximum allowed value
@param file:istream The file with all data
def getfitting(fitting, requirement, file):
data = file.read() # not too much data, can load everything at once
ptr = 0
while data[ptr] != 47: # 47 == ord('/')
ptr += 1
ptr += 1
size = 0
while data[ptr] != 47: # 47 == ord('/')
size = (size * 10) - (data[ptr] & 15)
ptr += 1
ptr += 1
jump = ptr - size
stop = 0
backjump = 0
while ptr < jump:
size = 0
while data[ptr] != 47: # 47 == ord('/')
size = (size * 10) - (data[ptr] & 15)
ptr += 1
ptr += 1
if -size > requirement:
if backjump > 0:
ptr = backjump
while data[ptr] != 47: # 47 == ord('/')
stop = (stop * 10) - (data[ptr] & 15)
ptr += 1
stop = -stop
backjump = ptr
while data[ptr] != 47: # 47 == ord('/')
ptr += 1
ptr += 1
if ptr == jump:
stop = len(data)
ptr = jump
stop += ptr
passed = data[jump : stop].decode('utf8', 'replace').split('/')
for pony in passed:
def __getpony(self, selection, args, alt = False):
## If there is no selected ponies, choose all of them
if (selection is None) or (len(selection) == 0):
quote = args.opts['-q'] is not None ## TODO +q -Q
standard = (args.opts['-f'] is not None) or (args.opts['-F'] is not None) ## TODO -Q
extra = (args.opts['+f'] is not None) or (args.opts['-F'] is not None) ## TODO +q -Q
ponydirs = (self.ponydirs if standard else []) + (self.extraponydirs if extra else []);
## If there is not select ponies, choose all of them
if (names is None) or (len(names) == 0):
oldponies = ponies
## Get all ponies
oldponies = {}
for ponydir in ponydirs:
for ponyfile in os.listdir(ponydir):
if endswith(ponyfile, '.pony'):
pony = ponyfile[:-5]
if pony not in ponies:
oldponies[pony] = ponydir + ponyfile
## Apply metadata restriction
if self.restriction is not None:
logic = Metadata.makeRestrictionLogic(self.restriction)
ponies = {}
@ -554,7 +499,10 @@ class Ponysay():
ponyfile = ponydir + pony + '.pony'
if oldponies[pony] == ponyfile:
ponies[pony] = ponyfile
oldponies = ponies
if len(ponies) > 0:
oldponies = ponies
## Apply dimension restriction
ponies = {}
(termh, termw) = gettermsize()
for ponydir in ponydirs:
@ -562,52 +510,57 @@ class Ponysay():
if os.path.exists(ponydir + 'widths'):
fitw = set()
with open(ponydir + 'widths', 'rb') as file:
getfitting(fitw, termw, file)
Metadata.getfitting(fitw, termw, file)
if os.path.exists(ponydir + ('onlyheights' if self.ponyonly else 'heights')):
fith = set()
with open(ponydir + ('onlyheights' if self.ponyonly else 'heights'), 'rb') as file:
getfitting(fith, termh, file)
Metadata.getfitting(fith, termh, file)
for ponyfile in oldponies.values():
if ponyfile.startswith(ponydir):
pony = ponyfile[len(ponydir) : -5]
if (fitw is None) or (pony in fitw):
if (fith is None) or (pony in fith):
ponies[pony] = ponyfile
#for ponyfile in os.listdir(ponydir):
# if endswith(ponyfile, '.pony'):
# pony = ponyfile[:-5]
# if pony not in ponies:
# if (fitw is None) or (pony in fitw):
# if (fith is None) or (pony in fith):
# ponies[pony] = ponydir + ponyfile
## Select one pony and set all information
names = list((oldponies if len(ponies) == 0 else ponies).keys())
if len(names) == 0:
printerr('All the ponies are missing, call the Princess!')
pony = names[random.randrange(0, len(names))]
selection = (pony, ponies[pony], quote)
## Select a random pony of the choosen ones
pony = names[random.randrange(0, len(names))]
if pony not in ponies:
if not alt:
autocorrect = SpelloCorrecter(ponydirs, '.pony')
(alternatives, dist) = autocorrect.correct(pony)
limit = os.environ['PONYSAY_TYPO_LIMIT'] if 'PONYSAY_TYPO_LIMIT' in os.environ else ''
limit = 5 if len(limit) == 0 else int(dist)
if (len(alternatives) > 0) and (dist <= limit):
return self.__getponypath(alternatives, True)
sys.stderr.write('I have never heard of anypony named %s\n' % (pony));
if not self.usingstandard:
sys.stderr.write('Use -f/-q or -F if it a MLP:FiM pony');
if not self.usingexta:
sys.stderr.write('Have you tested +f or -F?');
pony = selection[random.randrange(0, len(selection))]
if os.path.exists(pony[0]):
return (pony[0], if pony[2] else None) # FIXME select quote
return ponies[pony]
possibilities = [f.split(os.sep)[-1][:-5] for f in pony[1]]
if pony[0] not in possibilities:
if not alt:
autocorrect = SpelloCorrecter(possibilities)
(alternatives, dist) = autocorrect.correct(pony[0])
limit = os.environ['PONYSAY_TYPO_LIMIT'] if 'PONYSAY_TYPO_LIMIT' in os.environ else ''
limit = 5 if len(limit) == 0 else int(limit)
if (len(alternatives) > 0) and (dist <= limit):
(_, files, quote) = pony
return self.__getpony([(a, files, quote) for a in alternatives], True)
printerr('I have never heard of anypony named %s' % pony[0]);
if not self.usingstandard:
printerr('Use -f/-q or -F if it a MLP:FiM pony');
if not self.usingextra:
printerr('Have you tested +f or -F?');
return (pony[1][possibilities.find(pony[0])], if pony[2] else None) # FIXME select quote
Returns a set with all ponies that have quotes and are displayable
@param ponydirs:itr<str> The pony directories to use
@param quotedirs:itr<str> The quote directories to use
@return :set<str> All ponies that have quotes and are displayable
@param ponydirs:itr<str>? The pony directories to use
@param quotedirs:itr<str>? The quote directories to use
@return :set<str> All ponies that have quotes and are displayable
def __quoters(self, ponydirs = None, quotedirs = None):
if ponydirs is None: ponydirs = self.ponydirs
@ -642,8 +595,8 @@ class Ponysay():
Returns a list with all (pony, quote file) pairs
@param ponydirs:itr<str> The pony directories to use
@param quotedirs:itr<str> The quote directories to use
@param ponydirs:itr<str>? The pony directories to use
@param quotedirs:itr<str>? The quote directories to use
@return (pony, quote):(str, str) All ponies–quote file-pairs
def __quotes(self, ponydirs = None, quotedirs = None):
@ -675,11 +628,10 @@ class Ponysay():
## Listing methods ##
Lists the available ponies
@param ponydirs:itr<str> The pony directories to use
@param ponydirs:itr<str>? The pony directories to use
def list(self, ponydirs = None):
List.simplelist(self.ponydirs if ponydirs is None else ponydirs,
@ -735,6 +687,7 @@ class Ponysay():
## Balloon methods ##
@ -787,11 +740,11 @@ class Ponysay():
autocorrect = SpelloCorrecter(self.balloondirs, '.think' if self.isthink else '.say')
(alternatives, dist) = autocorrect.correct(balloon)
limit = os.environ['PONYSAY_TYPO_LIMIT'] if 'PONYSAY_TYPO_LIMIT' in os.environ else ''
limit = 5 if len(limit) == 0 else int(dist)
limit = 5 if len(limit) == 0 else int(limit)
if (len(alternatives) > 0) and (dist <= limit):
return self.__getballoonpath(alternatives, True)
printerr('That balloon style %s does not exist' % (balloon));
printerr('That balloon style %s does not exist' % balloon)
return balloons[balloon]
@ -825,8 +778,29 @@ class Ponysay():
@param args:ArgParser Parsed command line arguments
def print_pony(self, args):
## Get the pony
(selection, standard, extra) = ([], [], [])
for ponydir in self.ponydirs:
for pony in os.listdir(ponydir):
standard.append(ponydir + pony)
for ponydir in self.extraponydirs:
for pony in os.listdir(ponydir):
extra.append(ponydir + pony)
both = standard + extra
if args.opts['-f'] is not None: for pony in args.opts['-f']: selection.append(pony, standard, False)
if args.opts['+f'] is not None: for pony in args.opts['+f']: selection.append(pony, extra, False)
if args.opts['-F'] is not None: for pony in args.opts['-F']: selection.append(pony, both, False)
if args.opts['-q'] is not None: for pony in args.opts['-q']: selection.append(pony, standard, True)
## TODO +q -Q
(pony, quote) = self.__getpony(selection, args)
## Get message and remove tailing whitespace from stdin (but not for each line)
if args.message == None:
msg = None
if quote is not None:
printinfo('quote file: ' + quote)
with open(quote, 'rb') as qfile:
msg = qfile.read().decode('utf8', 'replace').strip()
elif args.message == None:
msg = ''.join(sys.stdin.readlines()).rstrip()
msg = args.message
@ -854,8 +828,7 @@ class Ponysay():
last = c
msg = buf.replace('\n', '\n\n')
## Get the pony
pony = self.__getponypath(args.opts['-f'])
## Print info
printinfo('pony file: ' + pony)
## Use PNG file as pony file
@ -979,8 +952,8 @@ class Ponysay():
args.message = qfile.read().decode('utf8', 'replace').strip()
args.opts['-f'] = [pair[0]]
elif len(args.opts['-q']) == 0:
sys.stderr.write('Princess Celestia! All the ponies are mute!\n')
printerr('Princess Celestia! All the ponies are mute!')
args.opts['-f'] = [args.opts['-q'][random.randrange(0, len(args.opts['-q']))]]
args.message = 'Zecora! Help me, I am mute!'
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
@ -27,8 +27,12 @@ class SpelloCorrecter(): # Naïvely and quickly ported and adapted from optimise
@param directories:list<str> List of directories that contains the file names with the correct spelling
@param ending:str The file name ending of the correctly spelled file names, this is removed for the name
-- OR -- (emulated overloading [overloading is absent in Python])
@param directories:list<str> The file names with the correct spelling
def __init__(self, directories, ending):
def __init__(self, directories, ending = None):
self.weights = {'k' : {'c' : 0.25, 'g' : 0.75, 'q' : 0.125},
'c' : {'k' : 0.25, 'g' : 0.75, 's' : 0.5, 'z' : 0.5, 'q' : 0.125},
's' : {'z' : 0.25, 'c' : 0.5},
@ -60,11 +64,32 @@ class SpelloCorrecter(): # Naïvely and quickly ported and adapted from optimise
previous = ''
self.dictionary[-1] = previous;
for directory in directories:
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
if (not endswith(filename, ending)) or (len(filename) - len(ending) > 127):
if ending is not None:
for directory in directories:
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
if (not endswith(filename, ending)) or (len(filename) - len(ending) > 127):
proper = filename[:-len(ending)]
if self.dictionaryEnd == 0:
self.dictionaryEnd = len(self.dictionary)
self.reusable = [0] * self.dictionaryEnd + self.reusable
self.dictionary = [None] * self.dictionaryEnd + self.dictionary
self.dictionaryEnd -= 1
self.dictionary[self.dictionaryEnd] = proper
prevCommon = min(len(previous), len(proper))
for i in range(0, prevCommon):
if previous[i] != proper[i]:
prevCommon = i
previous = proper
self.reusable[self.dictionaryEnd] = prevCommon
for proper in directories:
if len(proper) > 127:
proper = filename[:-len(ending)]
if self.dictionaryEnd == 0:
self.dictionaryEnd = len(self.dictionary)
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
Add table
Reference in a new issue