mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 07:51:28 +01:00
splitting into multiple files
Signed-off-by: Mattias Andrée <maandree@operamail.com>
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 2905 additions and 2784 deletions
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ponysay - Ponysay, cowsay reimplementation for ponies
Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Erkin Batu Altunbaş et al.
This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.
from common import *
Option takes no arguments
Option takes one argument per instance
Option consumes all following arguments
Simple argument parser
class ArgParser():
The short description is printed on same line as the program name
@param program:str The name of the program
@param description:str Short, single-line, description of the program
@param usage:str Formated, multi-line, usage text
@param longdescription:str Long, multi-line, description of the program, may be `None`
def __init__(self, program, description, usage, longdescription = None):
self.linuxvt = ('TERM' in os.environ) and (os.environ['TERM'] == 'linux')
self.__program = program
self.__description = description
self.__usage = usage
self.__longdescription = longdescription
self.__arguments = []
self.opts = {}
self.optmap = {}
Add option that takes no arguments
@param alternatives:list<str> Option names
@param help:str Short description, use `None` to hide the option
def add_argumentless(self, alternatives, help = None):
self.__arguments.append((ARGUMENTLESS, alternatives, None, help))
stdalt = alternatives[0]
self.opts[stdalt] = None
for alt in alternatives:
self.optmap[alt] = (stdalt, ARGUMENTLESS)
Add option that takes one argument
@param alternatives:list<str> Option names
@param arg:str The name of the takes argument, one word
@param help:str Short description, use `None` to hide the option
def add_argumented(self, alternatives, arg, help = None):
self.__arguments.append((ARGUMENTED, alternatives, arg, help))
stdalt = alternatives[0]
self.opts[stdalt] = None
for alt in alternatives:
self.optmap[alt] = (stdalt, ARGUMENTED)
Add option that takes all following argument
@param alternatives:list<str> Option names
@param arg:str The name of the takes arguments, one word
@param help:str Short description, use `None` to hide the option
def add_variadic(self, alternatives, arg, help = None):
self.__arguments.append((VARIADIC, alternatives, arg, help))
stdalt = alternatives[0]
self.opts[stdalt] = None
for alt in alternatives:
self.optmap[alt] = (stdalt, VARIADIC)
Parse arguments
@param args:list<str> The command line arguments, should include the execute file at index 0, `sys.argv` is default
@return :bool Whether no unrecognised option is used
def parse(self, argv = sys.argv):
self.argcount = len(argv) - 1
self.files = []
argqueue = []
optqueue = []
deque = []
for arg in argv[1:]:
dashed = False
tmpdashed = False
get = 0
dontget = 0
self.rc = True
self.unrecognisedCount = 0
def unrecognised(arg):
self.unrecognisedCount += 1
if self.unrecognisedCount <= 5:
sys.stderr.write('%s: warning: unrecognised option %s\n' % (self.__program, arg))
self.rc = False
while len(deque) != 0:
arg = deque[0]
deque = deque[1:]
if (get > 0) and (dontget == 0):
get -= 1
elif tmpdashed:
tmpdashed = False
elif dashed: self.files.append(arg)
elif arg == '++': tmpdashed = True
elif arg == '--': dashed = True
elif (len(arg) > 1) and (arg[0] in ('-', '+')):
if (len(arg) > 2) and (arg[:2] in ('--', '++')):
if dontget > 0:
dontget -= 1
elif (arg in self.optmap) and (self.optmap[arg][1] == ARGUMENTLESS):
elif '=' in arg:
arg_opt = arg[:arg.index('=')]
if (arg_opt in self.optmap) and (self.optmap[arg_opt][1] >= ARGUMENTED):
argqueue.append(arg[arg.index('=') + 1:])
if self.optmap[arg_opt][1] == VARIADIC:
dashed = True
elif (arg in self.optmap) and (self.optmap[arg][1] == ARGUMENTED):
get += 1
elif (arg in self.optmap) and (self.optmap[arg][1] == VARIADIC):
dashed = True
sign = arg[0]
i = 1
n = len(arg)
while i < n:
narg = sign + arg[i]
i += 1
if (narg in self.optmap):
if self.optmap[narg][1] == ARGUMENTLESS:
elif self.optmap[narg][1] == ARGUMENTED:
nargarg = arg[i:]
if len(nargarg) == 0:
get += 1
elif self.optmap[narg][1] == VARIADIC:
nargarg = arg[i:]
argqueue.append(nargarg if len(nargarg) > 0 else None)
dashed = True
i = 0
n = len(optqueue)
while i < n:
opt = optqueue[i]
arg = argqueue[i] if len(argqueue) > i else None
i += 1
opt = self.optmap[opt][0]
if (opt not in self.opts) or (self.opts[opt] is None):
self.opts[opt] = []
if len(argqueue) >= i:
for arg in self.__arguments:
if arg[0] == VARIADIC:
varopt = self.opts[arg[1][0]]
if varopt is not None:
additional = ','.join(self.files).split(',') if len(self.files) > 0 else []
if varopt[0] is None:
self.opts[arg[1][0]] = additional
self.opts[arg[1][0]] = varopt[0].split(',') + additional
self.files = []
self.message = ' '.join(self.files) if len(self.files) > 0 else None
if self.unrecognisedCount > 5:
sys.stderr.write('%s: warning: %i more unrecognised %s\n' % (self.unrecognisedCount - 5, 'options' if self.unrecognisedCount == 6 else 'options'))
return self.rc
Prints a colourful help message
def help(self):
print('\033[1m%s\033[21m %s %s' % (self.__program, '-' if self.linuxvt else '—', self.__description))
if self.__longdescription is not None:
print('\033[1mUSAGE:\033[21m', end='')
first = True
for line in self.__usage.split('\n'):
if first:
first = False
print(' or', end='')
print('\t%s' % (line))
maxfirstlen = []
for opt in self.__arguments:
opt_alts = opt[1]
opt_help = opt[3]
if opt_help is None:
first = opt_alts[0]
last = opt_alts[-1]
if first is not last:
maxfirstlen = len(max(maxfirstlen, key = len))
(lines, lens) = ([], [])
for opt in self.__arguments:
opt_type = opt[0]
opt_alts = opt[1]
opt_arg = opt[2]
opt_help = opt[3]
if opt_help is None:
(line, l) = ('', 0)
first = opt_alts[0]
last = opt_alts[-1]
alts = ['', last] if first is last else [first, last]
alts[0] += ' ' * (maxfirstlen - len(alts[0]))
for opt_alt in alts:
if opt_alt is alts[-1]:
line += '%colour%' + opt_alt
l += len(opt_alt)
if opt_type == ARGUMENTED: line += ' \033[4m%s\033[24m' % (opt_arg); l += len(opt_arg) + 1
elif opt_type == VARIADIC: line += ' [\033[4m%s\033[24m...]' % (opt_arg); l += len(opt_arg) + 6
line += ' \033[2m%s\033[22m ' % (opt_alt)
l += len(opt_alt) + 6
col = max(lens)
col += 8 - ((col - 4) & 7)
index = 0
for opt in self.__arguments:
opt_help = opt[3]
if opt_help is None:
first = True
colour = '36' if (index & 1) == 0 else '34'
print(lines[index].replace('%colour%', '\033[%s;1m' % (colour)), end=' ' * (col - lens[index]))
for line in opt_help.split('\n'):
if first:
first = False
print('%s' % (line), end='\033[21;39m\n')
print('%s\033[%sm%s\033[39m' % (' ' * col, colour, line))
index += 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ponysay - Ponysay, cowsay reimplementation for ponies
Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Erkin Batu Altunbaş et al.
This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.
from common import *
Super-ultra-extreme-awesomazing replacement for cowsay
class Backend():
@param message:str The message spoken by the pony
@param ponyfile:str The pony file
@param wrapcolumn:int The column at where to wrap the message, `None` for no wrapping
@param width:int The width of the screen, `None` if truncation should not be applied
@param balloon:Balloon The balloon style object, `None` if only the pony should be printed
@param hyphen:str How hyphens added by the wordwrapper should be printed
@param linkcolour:str How to colour the link character, empty string if none
@param ballooncolour:str How to colour the balloon, empty string if none
@param mode:str Mode string for the pony
@parma infolevel:int 2 if ++info is used, 1 if --info is used and 0 otherwise
def __init__(self, message, ponyfile, wrapcolumn, width, balloon, hyphen, linkcolour, ballooncolour, mode, infolevel):
self.message = message
self.ponyfile = ponyfile
self.wrapcolumn = None if wrapcolumn is None else wrapcolumn - (0 if balloon is None else balloon.minwidth)
self.width = width
self.balloon = balloon
self.hyphen = hyphen
self.ballooncolour = ballooncolour
self.mode = mode
self.balloontop = 0
self.balloonbottom = 0
self.infolevel = infolevel
if self.balloon is not None:
self.link = {'\\' : linkcolour + self.balloon.link,
'/' : linkcolour + self.balloon.linkmirror}
self.link = {}
self.output = ''
self.pony = None
Process all data
def parse(self):
if self.pony.startswith('$$$\n'):
self.pony = self.pony[4:]
if self.pony.startswith('$$$\n'):
infoend = 4
info = ''
infoend = self.pony.index('\n$$$\n')
info = self.pony[:infoend]
infoend += 5
if self.infolevel == 2:
self.message = Backend.formatInfo(info)
elif self.infolevel == 1:
self.pony = Backend.formatInfo(info).replace('$', '$$')
info = info.split('\n')
for line in info:
sep = line.find(':')
if sep > 0:
key = line[:sep].strip()
if key == 'BALLOON TOP':
value = line[sep + 1:].strip()
if len(value) > 0:
self.balloontop = int(value)
if key == 'BALLOON BOTTOM':
value = line[sep + 1:].strip()
if len(value) > 0:
self.balloonbottom = int(value)
self.pony = self.pony[infoend:]
elif self.infolevel == 2:
self.message = '\033[01;31mI am the mysterious mare...\033[21;39m'
elif self.infolevel == 1:
self.pony = 'There is not metadata for this pony file'
self.pony = self.mode + self.pony
Format metadata to be nicely printed, this include bold keys
@param info:str The metadata
@return :str The metadata nicely formated
def formatInfo(info):
info = info.split('\n')
tags = ''
comment = ''
for line in info:
sep = line.find(':')
if sep > 0:
key = line[:sep]
test = key
test = test.replace(c, '')
if (len(test) == 0) and (len(key.replace(' ', '')) > 0):
value = line[sep + 1:].strip()
line = '\033[1m%s\033[21m: %s\n' % (key.strip(), value)
tags += line
comment += '\n' + line
comment = comment.lstrip('\n')
if len(comment) > 0:
comment = '\n' + comment
return tags + comment
Remove padding spaces fortune cookies are padded with whitespace (damn featherbrains)
def __unpadMessage(self):
lines = self.message.split('\n')
for spaces in (8, 4, 2, 1):
padded = True
for line in lines:
if not line.startswith(' ' * spaces):
padded = False
if padded:
for i in range(0, len(lines)):
line = lines[i]
while line.startswith(' ' * spaces):
line = line[spaces:]
lines[i] = line
lines = [line.rstrip(' ') for line in lines]
self.message = '\n'.join(lines)
Converts all tabs in the message to spaces by expanding
def __expandMessage(self):
lines = self.message.split('\n')
buf = ''
for line in lines:
(i, n, x) = (0, len(line), 0)
while i < n:
c = line[i]
i += 1
if c == '\033':
colour = Backend.getcolour(line, i - 1)
i += len(colour) - 1
buf += colour
elif c == '\t':
nx = 8 - (x & 7)
buf += ' ' * nx
x += nx
buf += c
if not UCS.isCombining(c):
x += 1
buf += '\n'
self.message = buf[:-1]
Loads the pony file
def __loadFile(self):
with open(self.ponyfile, 'rb') as ponystream:
self.pony = ponystream.read().decode('utf8', 'replace')
Truncate output to the width of the screen
def __truncate(self):
if self.width is None:
lines = self.output.split('\n')
self.output = ''
for line in lines:
(i, n, x) = (0, len(line), 0)
while i < n:
c = line[i]
i += 1
if c == '\033':
colour = Backend.getcolour(line, i - 1)
i += len(colour) - 1
self.output += colour
if x < self.width:
self.output += c
if not UCS.isCombining(c):
x += 1
self.output += '\n'
self.output = self.output[:-1]
Process the pony file and generate output to self.output
def __processPony(self):
self.output = ''
AUTO_PUSH = '\033[01010~'
AUTO_POP = '\033[10101~'
variables = {'' : '$'}
for key in self.link:
variables[key] = AUTO_PUSH + self.link[key] + AUTO_POP
indent = 0
dollar = None
balloonLines = None
colourstack = ColourStack(AUTO_PUSH, AUTO_POP)
(i, n, lineindex, skip, nonskip) = (0, len(self.pony), 0, 0, 0)
while i < n:
c = self.pony[i]
if c == '\t':
n += 7 - (indent & 7)
ed = ' ' * (8 - (indent & 7))
c = ' '
self.pony = self.pony[:i] + ed + self.pony[i + 1:]
i += 1
if c == '$':
if dollar is not None:
if '=' in dollar:
name = dollar[:dollar.find('=')]
value = dollar[dollar.find('=') + 1:]
variables[name] = value
elif not dollar.startswith('balloon'):
data = variables[dollar].replace('$', '$$')
if data == '$$': # if not handled specially we will get an infinity loop
if (skip == 0) or (nonskip > 0):
if nonskip > 0:
nonskip -= 1
self.output += '$'
indent += 1
skip -= 1
n += len(data)
self.pony = self.pony[:i] + data + self.pony[i:]
elif self.balloon is not None:
(w, h, x, justify) = ('0', 0, 0, None)
props = dollar[7:]
if len(props) > 0:
if ',' in props:
if props[0] is not ',':
w = props[:props.index(',')]
h = int(props[props.index(',') + 1:])
w = props
if 'l' in w:
(x, w) = (int(w[:w.find('l')]), int(w[w.find('l') + 1:]))
justify = 'l'
w -= x;
elif 'c' in w:
(x, w) = (int(w[:w.find('c')]), int(w[w.find('c') + 1:]))
justify = 'c'
w -= x;
elif 'r' in w:
(x, w) = (int(w[:w.find('r')]), int(w[w.find('r') + 1:]))
justify = 'r'
w -= x;
w = int(w)
balloon = self.__getballoon(w, h, x, justify, indent)
balloon = balloon.split('\n')
balloon = [AUTO_PUSH + self.ballooncolour + item + AUTO_POP for item in balloon]
for b in balloon[0]:
self.output += b + colourstack.feed(b)
if lineindex == 0:
balloonpre = '\n' + (' ' * indent)
for line in balloon[1:]:
self.output += balloonpre;
for b in line:
self.output += b + colourstack.feed(b);
indent = 0
elif len(balloon) > 1:
balloonLines = balloon
balloonLine = 0
balloonIndent = indent
indent += Backend.len(balloonLines[0])
balloonLines[0] = None
dollar = None
dollar = ''
elif dollar is not None:
if c == '\033':
c = self.pony[i]
i += 1
dollar += c
elif c == '\033':
colour = Backend.getcolour(self.pony, i - 1)
for b in colour:
self.output += b + colourstack.feed(b);
i += len(colour) - 1
elif c == '\n':
self.output += c
indent = 0
(skip, nonskip) = (0, 0)
lineindex += 1
if balloonLines is not None:
balloonLine += 1
if balloonLine == len(balloonLines):
balloonLines = None
if (balloonLines is not None) and (balloonLines[balloonLine] is not None) and (balloonIndent == indent):
data = balloonLines[balloonLine]
datalen = Backend.len(data)
skip += datalen
nonskip += datalen
data = data.replace('$', '$$')
n += len(data)
self.pony = self.pony[:i] + data + self.pony[i:]
balloonLines[balloonLine] = None
if (skip == 0) or (nonskip > 0):
if nonskip > 0:
nonskip -= 1
self.output += c + colourstack.feed(c);
if not UCS.isCombining(c):
indent += 1
skip -= 1
if balloonLines is not None:
for line in balloonLines[balloonLine:]:
data = ' ' * (balloonIndent - indent) + line + '\n'
for b in data:
self.output += b + colourstack.feed(b);
indent = 0
self.output = self.output.replace(AUTO_PUSH, '').replace(AUTO_POP, '')
if self.balloon is not None:
if (self.balloontop > 0) or (self.balloonbottom > 0):
self.output = self.output.split('\n')
self.output = self.output[self.balloontop : ~(self.balloonbottom)]
self.output = '\n'.join(self.output)
Gets colour code att the currect offset in a buffer
@param input:str The input buffer
@param offset:int The offset at where to start reading, a escape must begin here
@return :str The escape sequence
def getcolour(input, offset):
(i, n) = (offset, len(input))
rc = input[i]
i += 1
if i == n: return rc
c = input[i]
i += 1
rc += c
if c == ']':
if i == n: return rc
c = input[i]
i += 1
rc += c
if c == 'P':
di = 0
while (di < 7) and (i < n):
c = input[i]
i += 1
di += 1
rc += c
while c == '0':
c = input[i]
i += 1
rc += c
if c == '4':
c = input[i]
i += 1
rc += c
if c == ';':
c = input[i]
i += 1
rc += c
while c != '\\':
c = input[i]
i += 1
rc += c
elif c == '[':
while i < n:
c = input[i]
i += 1
rc += c
if (c == '~') or (('a' <= c) and (c <= 'z')) or (('A' <= c) and (c <= 'Z')):
return rc
Calculates the number of visible characters in a text
@param input:str The input buffer
@return :int The number of visible characters
def len(input):
(rc, i, n) = (0, 0, len(input))
while i < n:
c = input[i]
if c == '\033':
i += len(Backend.getcolour(input, i))
i += 1
if not UCS.isCombining(c):
rc += 1
return rc
Generates a balloon with the message
@param width:int The minimum width of the balloon
@param height:int The minimum height of the balloon
@param innerleft:int The left column of the required span, excluding that of `left`
@param justify:str Balloon placement justification, 'c' → centered,
'l' → left (expand to right), 'r' → right (expand to left)
@param left:int The column where the balloon starts
@return :str The balloon the the message as a string
def __getballoon(self, width, height, innerleft, justify, left):
wrap = None
if self.wrapcolumn is not None:
wrap = self.wrapcolumn - left
if wrap < 8:
wrap = 8
msg = self.message
if wrap is not None:
msg = self.__wrapMessage(msg, wrap)
msg = msg.replace('\n', '\033[0m%s\n' % (self.ballooncolour)) + '\033[0m' + self.ballooncolour
msg = msg.split('\n')
extraleft = 0
if justify is not None:
msgwidth = self.len(max(msg, key = self.len)) + self.balloon.minwidth
extraleft = innerleft
if msgwidth > width:
if (justify == 'l') and (wrap is not None):
if innerleft + msgwidth > wrap:
extraleft -= msgwidth - wrap
elif justify == 'r':
extraleft -= msgwidth - width
elif justify == 'c':
extraleft -= (msgwidth - width) >> 1
if extraleft < 0:
extraleft = 0
if wrap is not None:
if extraleft + msgwidth > wrap:
extraleft -= msgwidth - wrap
rc = self.balloon.get(width, height, msg, Backend.len);
if extraleft > 0:
rc = ' ' * extraleft + rc.replace('\n', '\n' + ' ' * extraleft)
return rc
Wraps the message
@param message:str The message to wrap
@param wrap:int The width at where to force wrapping
@return :str The message wrapped
def __wrapMessage(self, message, wrap):
wraplimit = os.environ['PONYSAY_WRAP_LIMIT'] if 'PONYSAY_WRAP_LIMIT' in os.environ else ''
wraplimit = 8 if len(wraplimit) == 0 else int(wraplimit)
wrapexceed = os.environ['PONYSAY_WRAP_EXCEED'] if 'PONYSAY_WRAP_EXCEED' in os.environ else ''
wrapexceed = 5 if len(wrapexceed) == 0 else int(wrapexceed)
buf = ''
AUTO_PUSH = '\033[01010~'
AUTO_POP = '\033[10101~'
msg = message.replace('\n', AUTO_PUSH + '\n' + AUTO_POP);
cstack = ColourStack(AUTO_PUSH, AUTO_POP)
for c in msg:
buf += c + cstack.feed(c)
lines = buf.replace(AUTO_PUSH, '').replace(AUTO_POP, '').split('\n')
buf = ''
for line in lines:
b = [None] * len(line)
map = {0 : 0}
(bi, cols, w) = (0, 0, wrap)
(indent, indentc) = (-1, 0)
(i, n) = (0, len(line))
while i <= n:
d = None
if i < n:
d = line[i]
i += 1
if d == '\033':
## Invisible stuff
i -= 1
colourseq = Backend.getcolour(line, i)
b[bi : bi + len(colourseq)] = colourseq
i += len(colourseq)
bi += len(colourseq)
elif (d is not None) and (d != ' '):
## Fetch word
if indent == -1:
indent = i - 1
for j in range(0, indent):
if line[j] == ' ':
indentc += 1
b[bi] = d
bi += 1
if (not UCS.isCombining(d)) and (d != ''):
cols += 1
map[cols] = bi
## Wrap?
mm = 0
bisub = 0
iwrap = wrap - (0 if indent == 1 else indentc)
while ((w > wraplimit) and (cols > w + wrapexceed)) or (cols > iwrap):
## wrap
x = w;
if mm + x not in map: # Too much whitespace?
cols = 0
nbsp = b[map[mm + x]] == ' ' # nbsp
m = map[mm + x]
if ('' in b[bisub : m]) and not nbsp: # sort hyphen
hyphen = m - 1
while b[hyphen] != '': # sort hyphen
hyphen -= 1
while map[mm + x] > hyphen: ## Only looking backward, if foreward is required the word is probabily not hyphenated correctly
x -= 1
x += 1
m = map[mm + x]
mm += x - (0 if nbsp else 1) ## − 1 so we have space for a hythen
for bb in b[bisub : m]:
buf += bb
buf += '\n' if nbsp else '\0\n'
cols -= x - (0 if nbsp else 1)
bisub = m
w = iwrap
if indent != -1:
buf += line[:indent]
for j in range(bisub, bi):
b[j - bisub] = b[j]
bi -= bisub
if cols > w:
buf += '\n'
w = wrap
if indent != -1:
buf += line[:indent]
w -= indentc
for bb in b[:bi]:
if bb is not None:
buf += bb
w -= cols
cols = 0
bi = 0
if d is None:
i += 1
if w > 0:
buf += ' '
w -= 1
buf += '\n'
w = wrap
if indent != -1:
buf + line[:indent]
w -= indentc
buf += '\n'
rc = '\n'.join(line.rstrip() for line in buf[:-1].split('\n'));
rc = rc.replace('', ''); # remove soft hyphens
rc = rc.replace('\0', '%s%s%s' % (AUTO_PUSH, self.hyphen, AUTO_POP))
return rc
except Exception as err:
import traceback
errormessage = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(type(err), err, None))
rc = '\n'.join(line.rstrip() for line in buf.split('\n'));
rc = rc.replace('\0', '%s%s%s' % (AUTO_PUSH, self.hyphen, AUTO_POP))
errormessage += '\n---- WRAPPING BUFFER ----\n\n' + rc
if os.readlink('/proc/self/fd/2') != os.readlink('/proc/self/fd/1'):
printerr(errormessage, end='')
return message
return message + '\n\n\033[0;1;31m---- EXCEPTION IN PONYSAY WHILE WRAPPING ----\033[0m\n\n' + errormessage
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ponysay - Ponysay, cowsay reimplementation for ponies
Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Erkin Batu Altunbaş et al.
This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.
from common import *
Balloon format class
class Balloon():
@param link:str The \-directional balloon line character
@param linkmirror:str The /-directional balloon line character
@param ww:str See the info manual
@param ee:str See the info manual
@param nw:list<str> See the info manual
@param nnw:list<str> See the info manual
@param n:list<str> See the info manual
@param nne:list<str> See the info manual
@param ne:list<str> See the info manual
@param nee:str See the info manual
@param e:str See the info manual
@param see:str See the info manual
@param se:list<str> See the info manual
@param sse:list<str> See the info manual
@param s:list<str> See the info manual
@param ssw:list<str> See the info manual
@param sw:list<str> See the info manual
@param sww:str See the info manual
@param w:str See the info manual
@param nww:str See the info manual
def __init__(self, link, linkmirror, ww, ee, nw, nnw, n, nne, ne, nee, e, see, se, sse, s, ssw, sw, sww, w, nww):
(self.link, self.linkmirror) = (link, linkmirror)
(self.ww, self.ee) = (ww, ee)
(self.nw, self.ne, self.se, self.sw) = (nw, ne, se, sw)
(self.nnw, self.n, self.nne) = (nnw, n, nne)
(self.nee, self.e, self.see) = (nee, e, see)
(self.sse, self.s, self.ssw) = (sse, s, ssw)
(self.sww, self.w, self.nww) = (sww, w, nww)
_ne = max(ne, key = UCS.dispLen)
_nw = max(nw, key = UCS.dispLen)
_se = max(se, key = UCS.dispLen)
_sw = max(sw, key = UCS.dispLen)
minE = UCS.dispLen(max([_ne, nee, e, see, _se, ee], key = UCS.dispLen))
minW = UCS.dispLen(max([_nw, nww, e, sww, _sw, ww], key = UCS.dispLen))
minN = len(max([ne, nne, n, nnw, nw], key = len))
minS = len(max([se, sse, s, ssw, sw], key = len))
self.minwidth = minE + minE
self.minheight = minN + minS
Generates a balloon with a message
@param minw:int The minimum number of columns of the balloon
@param minh:int The minimum number of lines of the balloon
@param lines:list<str> The text lines to display
@param lencalc:int(str) Function used to compute the length of a text line
@return :str The balloon as a formated string
def get(self, minw, minh, lines, lencalc):
h = self.minheight + len(lines)
w = self.minwidth + lencalc(max(lines, key = lencalc))
if w < minw: w = minw
if h < minh: h = minh
if len(lines) > 1:
(ws, es) = ({0 : self.nww, len(lines) - 1 : self.sww}, {0 : self.nee, len(lines) - 1 : self.see})
for j in range(1, len(lines) - 1):
ws[j] = self.w
es[j] = self.e
(ws, es) = ({0 : self.ww}, {0 : self.ee})
rc = []
for j in range(0, len(self.n)):
outer = UCS.dispLen(self.nw[j]) + UCS.dispLen(self.ne[j])
inner = UCS.dispLen(self.nnw[j]) + UCS.dispLen(self.nne[j])
if outer + inner <= w:
rc.append(self.nw[j] + self.nnw[j] + self.n[j] * (w - outer - inner) + self.nne[j] + self.ne[j])
rc.append(self.nw[j] + self.n[j] * (w - outer) + self.ne[j])
for j in range(0, len(lines)):
rc.append(ws[j] + lines[j] + ' ' * (w - lencalc(lines[j]) - UCS.dispLen(self.w) - UCS.dispLen(self.e)) + es[j])
for j in range(0, len(self.s)):
outer = UCS.dispLen(self.sw[j]) + UCS.dispLen(self.se[j])
inner = UCS.dispLen(self.ssw[j]) + UCS.dispLen(self.sse[j])
if outer + inner <= w:
rc.append(self.sw[j] + self.ssw[j] + self.s[j] * (w - outer - inner) + self.sse[j] + self.se[j])
rc.append(self.sw[j] + self.s[j] * (w - outer) + self.se[j])
return '\n'.join(rc)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ponysay - Ponysay, cowsay reimplementation for ponies
Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Erkin Batu Altunbaş et al.
This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.
from common import *
ANSI colour stack
This is used to make layers with independent coloursations
class ColourStack():
@param autopush:str String that, when used, will create a new independently colourised layer
@param autopop:str String that, when used, will end the current layer and continue of the previous layer
def __init__(self, autopush, autopop):
self.autopush = autopush
self.autopop = autopop
self.lenpush = len(autopush)
self.lenpop = len(autopop)
self.bufproto = ' ' * (self.lenpush if self.lenpush > self.lenpop else self.lenpop)
self.stack = []
self.seq = None
Create a new independently colourised layer
@return :str String that should be inserted into your buffer
def push(self):
self.stack.insert(0, [self.bufproto, None, None, [False] * 9])
if len(self.stack) == 1:
return None
return '\033[0m'
End the current layer and continue of the previous layer
@return :str String that should be inserted into your buffer
def pop(self):
old = self.stack.pop(0)
rc = '\033[0;'
if len(self.stack) == 0: # last resort in case something made it pop too mush
new = self.stack[0]
if new[1] is not None: rc += new[1] + ';'
if new[2] is not None: rc += new[2] + ';'
for i in range(0, 9):
if new[3][i]:
rc += str(i + 1) + ';'
return rc[:-1] + 'm'
Use this, in sequence, for which character in your buffer that contains yor autopush and autopop
string, the automatically get push and pop string to insert after each character
@param :chr One character in your buffer
@return :str The text to insert after the input character
def feed(self, char):
if self.seq is not None:
self.seq += char
if (char == '~') or (('a' <= char) and (char <= 'z')) or (('A' <= char) and (char <= 'Z')):
if (self.seq[0] == '[') and (self.seq[-1] == 'm'):
self.seq = self.seq[1:-1].split(';')
(i, n) = (0, len(self.seq))
while i < n:
part = self.seq[i]
p = 0 if part == '' else int(part)
i += 1
if p == 0: self.stack[0][1:] = [None, None, [False] * 9]
elif (1 <= p) and (p <= 9): self.stack[0][3][p - 1] = True
elif (21 <= p) and (p <= 29): self.stack[0][3][p - 21] = False
elif p == 39: self.stack[0][1] = None
elif p == 49: self.stack[0][2] = None
elif (30 <= p) and (p <= 37): self.stack[0][1] = part
elif (90 <= p) and (p <= 97): self.stack[0][1] = part
elif (40 <= p) and (p <= 47): self.stack[0][2] = part
elif (100 <= p) and (p <= 107): self.stack[0][2] = part
elif p == 38:
self.stack[0][1] = '%s;%s;%s' % (part, self.seq[i], self.seq[i + 1])
i += 2
elif p == 48:
self.stack[0][2] = '%s;%s;%s' % (part, self.seq[i], self.seq[i + 1])
i += 2
self.seq = None
elif char == '\033':
self.seq = ''
buf = self.stack[0][0]
buf = buf[1:] + char
rc = ''
if buf[-self.lenpush:] == self.autopush: rc = self.push()
elif buf[-self.lenpop:] == self.autopop: rc = self.pop()
self.stack[0][0] = buf
return rc
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ponysay - Ponysay, cowsay reimplementation for ponies
Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Erkin Batu Altunbaş et al.
This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.
import os
import shutil
import sys
import random
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
The version of ponysay
VERSION = 'dev' # this line should not be edited, it is fixed by the build system
Hack to enforce UTF-8 in output (in the future, if you see anypony not using utf-8 in
programs by default, report them to Princess Celestia so she can banish them to the moon)
@param text:str The text to print (empty string is default)
@param end:str The appendix to the text to print (line breaking is default)
def print(text = '', end = '\n'):
sys.stdout.buffer.write((str(text) + end).encode('utf-8'))
stderr equivalent to print()
@param text:str The text to print (empty string is default)
@param end:str The appendix to the text to print (line breaking is default)
def printerr(text = '', end = '\n'):
sys.stderr.buffer.write((str(text) + end).encode('utf-8'))
fd3 = None
/proc/self/fd/3 equivalent to print()
@param text:str The text to print (empty string is default)
@param end:str The appendix to the text to print (line breaking is default)
def printinfo(text = '', end = '\n'):
global fd3
if os.path.exists('/proc/self/fd/3') and os.path.isfile('/proc/self/fd/3'):
if fd3 is None:
fd3 = os.fdopen(3, 'w')
if fd3 is not None:
fd3.write(str(text) + end)
Checks whether a text ends with a specific text, but has more
@param text:str The text to test
@param ending:str The desired end of the text
@return :bool The result of the test
def endswith(text, ending):
return text.endswith(ending) and not (text == ending)
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ponysay - Ponysay, cowsay reimplementation for ponies
Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Erkin Batu Altunbaş et al.
This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.
from common import *
Class used for correcting spellos and typos,
Note that this implementation will not find that correctly spelled word are correct faster than it corrects words.
It is also limited to words of size 0 to 127 (inclusive)
class SpelloCorrecter(): # Naïvely and quickly ported and adapted from optimised Java, may not be the nicest, or even fast, Python code
@param directories:list<str> List of directories that contains the file names with the correct spelling
@param ending:str The file name ending of the correctly spelled file names, this is removed for the name
def __init__(self, directories, ending):
self.weights = {'k' : {'c' : 0.25, 'g' : 0.75, 'q' : 0.125},
'c' : {'k' : 0.25, 'g' : 0.75, 's' : 0.5, 'z' : 0.5, 'q' : 0.125},
's' : {'z' : 0.25, 'c' : 0.5},
'z' : {'s' : 0.25, 'c' : 0.5},
'g' : {'k' : 0.75, 'c' : 0.75, 'q' : 0.9},
'o' : {'u' : 0.5},
'u' : {'o' : 0.5, 'v' : 0.75, 'w' : 0.5},
'b' : {'v' : 0.75},
'v' : {'b' : 0.75, 'w' : 0.5, 'u' : 0.7},
'w' : {'v' : 0.5, 'u' : 0.5},
'q' : {'c' : 0.125, 'k' : 0.125, 'g' : 0.9}}
self.corrections = None
self.dictionary = [None] * 513
self.reusable = [0] * 512
self.dictionaryEnd = 512
self.closestDistance = 0
self.M = [None] * 128
for y in range(0, 128):
self.M[y] = [0] * 128
self.M[y][0] = y
m0 = self.M[0]
x = 127
while x > -1:
m0[x] = x
x -= 1
previous = ''
self.dictionary[-1] = previous;
for directory in directories:
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
if (not endswith(filename, ending)) or (len(filename) - len(ending) > 127):
proper = filename[:-len(ending)]
if self.dictionaryEnd == 0:
self.dictionaryEnd = len(self.dictionary)
self.reusable = [0] * self.dictionaryEnd + self.reusable
self.dictionary = [None] * self.dictionaryEnd + self.dictionary
self.dictionaryEnd -= 1
self.dictionary[self.dictionaryEnd] = proper
prevCommon = min(len(previous), len(proper))
for i in range(0, prevCommon):
if previous[i] != proper[i]:
prevCommon = i
previous = proper
self.reusable[self.dictionaryEnd] = prevCommon
#part = self.dictionary[self.dictionaryEnd : len(self.dictionary) - 1]
#self.dictionary[self.dictionaryEnd : len(self.dictionary) - 1] = part
#index = len(self.dictionary) - 1
#while index >= self.dictionaryEnd:
# proper = self.dictionary[index]
# prevCommon = min(len(previous), len(proper))
# for i in range(0, prevCommon):
# if previous[i] != proper[i]:
# prevCommon = i
# break
# previous = proper
# self.reusable[self.dictionaryEnd] = prevCommon
# index -= 1;
Finds the closests correct spelled word
@param used:str The word to correct
@return (words, distance):(list<string>, int) A list the closest spellings and the weighted distance
def correct(self, used):
if len(used) > 127:
return ([used], 0)
return (self.corrections, self.closestDistance)
Finds the closests correct spelled word
@param used:str The word to correct, it must satisfy all restrictions
def __correct(self, used):
self.closestDistance = 0x7FFFFFFF
previous = self.dictionary[-1]
prevLen = 0
usedLen = len(used)
proper = None
prevCommon = 0
d = len(self.dictionary) - 1
while d > self.dictionaryEnd:
d -= 1
proper = self.dictionary[d]
if abs(len(proper) - usedLen) <= self.closestDistance:
if previous == self.dictionary[d + 1]:
prevCommon = self.reusable[d];
prevCommon = min(prevLen, len(proper))
for i in range(0, prevCommon):
if previous[i] != proper[i]:
prevCommon = i
skip = min(prevLen, len(proper))
i = prevCommon
while i < skip:
for u in range(0, usedLen):
if (used[u] == previous[i]) or (used[u] == proper[i]):
skip = i
i += 1
common = min(skip, min(usedLen, len(proper)))
for i in range(0, common):
if used[i] != proper[i]:
common = i
distance = self.__distance(proper, skip, len(proper), used, common, usedLen)
if self.closestDistance > distance:
self.closestDistance = distance
self.corrections = [proper]
elif self.closestDistance == distance:
previous = proper;
if distance >= 0x7FFFFF00:
prevLen = distance & 255
prevLen = len(proper)
Calculate the distance between a correct word and a incorrect word
@param proper:str The correct word
@param y0:int The offset for `proper`
@param yn:int The length, before applying `y0`, of `proper`
@param used:str The incorrect word
@param x0:int The offset for `used`
@param xn:int The length, before applying `x0`, of `used`
@return :float The distance between the words
def __distance(self, proper, y0, yn, used, x0, xn):
my = self.M[y0]
for y in range(y0, yn):
best = 0x7FFFFFFF
p = proper[y]
myy = self.M[y + 1] # only one array bound check, and at most one + ☺
x = x0
while x < xn:
change = my[x]
u = used[x]
if p == u:
# commence black magick … twilight would be so disappointed
x += 1
myy[x] = change
best = min(best, change)
remove = myy[x]
add = my[x + 1]
cw = 1
if my[x] in self.weights:
if p in self.weights[u]:
cw = self.weights[u][p]
x += 1
myy[x] = min(cw + change, 1 + min(remove, add))
if best > myy[x]:
best = myy[x]
if best > self.closestDistance:
return 0x7FFFFF00 | y
my = myy
return my[xn]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ponysay - Ponysay, cowsay reimplementation for ponies
Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Erkin Batu Altunbaş et al.
This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.
from common import *
UCS utility class
class UCS():
Checks whether a character is a combining character
@param char:chr The character to test
@return :bool Whether the character is a combining character
def isCombining(char):
o = ord(char)
if (0x0300 <= o) and (o <= 0x036F): return True
if (0x20D0 <= o) and (o <= 0x20FF): return True
if (0x1DC0 <= o) and (o <= 0x1DFF): return True
if (0xFE20 <= o) and (o <= 0xFE2F): return True
return False
Gets the number of combining characters in a string
@param string:str A text to count combining characters in
@return :int The number of combining characters in the string
def countCombining(string):
rc = 0
for char in string:
if UCS.isCombining(char):
rc += 1
return rc
Gets length of a string not counting combining characters
@param string:str The text of which to determine the monospaced width
@return The determine the monospaced width of the text, provided it does not have escape sequnces
def dispLen(string):
return len(string) - UCS.countCombining(string)
Add table
Reference in a new issue