a few bug fixes for the pony browser

This commit is contained in:
Mattias Andrée 2012-11-05 18:45:11 +01:00
parent f38d3df3fd
commit 2e42541cdc

View file

@ -197,10 +197,10 @@ class PonysayTool():
class Buffer:
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
def write(self, data):
self.parent.buf += data.decode('utf8', 'replace')
def flush(self):
def write(self, data):
self.parent.buf += data.decode('utf8', 'replace')
def flush(self):
self.buffer = Buffer(self)
def flush(self):
@ -246,6 +246,7 @@ class PonysayTool():
oldponies = ponies
ponies = list(ponies)
if len(ponies) == 0:
print('\033[1;31m%s\033[21m;39m' % 'No ponies... press Enter to exit.')
@ -253,6 +254,7 @@ class PonysayTool():
panelw = Backend.len(max(ponies, key = Backend.len))
panely = 0
panelx = termw - panelw
(x, y) = (0, 0)
(oldx, oldy) = (None, None)
@ -269,7 +271,7 @@ class PonysayTool():
ponyindex += len(ponies)
oldpony = ponyindex
ponyfile = (ponydir + '/' + ponies[ponyindex]).replace('//', '/')
ponyfile = (ponydir + '/' + ponies[ponyindex] + '.pony').replace('//', '/')
pony = self.execPonysay({'-f' : ponyfile, '-W' : 'none', '-o' : None}).split('\n')
preprint = '\033[H\033[2J'
@ -280,10 +282,10 @@ class PonysayTool():
AUTO_PUSH = '\033[01010~'
AUTO_POP = '\033[10101~'
modprintpony = '\n'.join(printpony).replace('\n', AUTO_PUSH + '\n' + AUTO_POP)
pony = '\n'.join(pony).replace('\n', AUTO_PUSH + '\n' + AUTO_POP)
colourstack = ColourStack(AUTO_PUSH, AUTO_POP)
buf = ''
for c in modprintpony:
for c in pony:
buf += c + colourstack.feed(c)
pony = buf.replace(AUTO_PUSH, '').replace(AUTO_POP, '').split('\n')
@ -319,7 +321,7 @@ class PonysayTool():
quoteswidth = Backend.len(max(ponyquotes, key = Backend.len))
print(getprint(ponyquotes, quoteswidth, quotesheight, termw, termh, x, y), end='')
elif info:
ponyfile = (ponydir + '/' + ponies[ponyindex]).replace('//', '/')
ponyfile = (ponydir + '/' + ponies[ponyindex] + '.pony').replace('//', '/')
ponyinfo = self.execPonysay({'-f' : ponyfile, '-W' : 'none', '-i' : None}).split('\n')
infoheight = len(ponyinfo)
infowidth = Backend.len(max(ponyinfo, key = Backend.len))
@ -329,13 +331,11 @@ class PonysayTool():
printpanel = -1
if printpanel == -1:
panelx = termw - panelw
cury = 0
for line in ponies[panely:]:
cury += 1
print('\033[%i;%iH\033[%im%s\033[0m' % (cury, panelx + 1, 1 if panely + cury - 1 == ponyindex else 0, (line + ' ' * panelw)[:panelw]), end='')
elif printpanel >= 0:
panelx = termw - panelw
for index in (printpanel, ponyindex):
cury = index - panely
if (0 <= cury) and (cury < termh):