This commit is contained in:
Mattias Andrée 2012-08-18 17:57:50 +02:00
parent 6e754c5509
commit 1dc737fb8b
3 changed files with 17 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -19,4 +19,7 @@ function wtrunc {
# Ponies use UTF-8 drawing characters. Prevent a Perl warning.
"$" "$@" | wtrunc

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@ -40,12 +40,18 @@ The user's home directory
HOME = os.environ['HOME']
Whether the program is execute in Linux VT (TTY)
linuxvt = os.environ['TERM'] == 'linux'
The directories where pony files are stored, ttyponies/ are used if the terminal is Linux VT (also known as TTY)
ponydirs = []
if os.environ['TERM'] == 'linux': _ponydirs = [HOME + '/.local/share/ponysay/ttyponies/', INSTALLDIR + '/share/ponysay/ttyponies/']
else: _ponydirs = [HOME + '/.local/share/ponysay/ponies/', INSTALLDIR + '/share/ponysay/ponies/' ]
if linuxvt: _ponydirs = [HOME + '/.local/share/ponysay/ttyponies/', INSTALLDIR + '/share/ponysay/ttyponies/']
else: _ponydirs = [HOME + '/.local/share/ponysay/ponies/', INSTALLDIR + '/share/ponysay/ponies/' ]
for ponydir in _ponydirs:
if os.path.isdir(ponydir):
@ -320,9 +326,11 @@ class ponysay():
pony = self.__getponypath(args.pony)
if "" in __file__: cmd = 'cowthink'
if '' in __file__: cmd = 'cowthink'
else: cmd = 'cowsay'
if linuxvt:
print('\033[H\033[2J', end='')
os.system(cmd + (' -W ' + args.wrap if args.wrap is not None else '') + ' -f ' + pony + ' \'' + msg + '\'')

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@ -53,12 +53,6 @@ ponyquotes() {
# Function for printing the ponies and the message
say() {
# Ponies use UTF-8 drawing characters. Prevent a Perl warning.
# Clear screen in TTY
( [ "$TERM" = "linux" ] || [ "$TERM" = "-linux-" ] ) && echo -ne '\e[H\e[2J'
# Set PONYSAY_SHELL_LINES to default if not specified
@ -128,12 +122,6 @@ fi
# Parse options
while getopts "f:W:Llhvq" OPT; do
case ${OPT} in
v) version; exit ;;
h) usage; exit ;;
f) ponies+=( $OPTARG ) ;;
l) list; exit ;;
L) linklist; exit ;;
W) wrap="$OPTARG" ;;
q) shift $((OPTIND - 1)); ponyquotes "$*"; exit ;;
\?) usage >&2; exit 1 ;;