mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 07:51:28 +01:00
documenting the code
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 40 additions and 6 deletions
@ -568,18 +568,22 @@ class Ponysay():
Creates the balloon style object
def __getballoon(self, balloonfile):
## Use default balloon if none is specified
if balloonfile is None:
if isthink:
return Balloon('o', 'o', '( ', ' )', [' _'], ['_'], ['_'], ['_'], ['_ '], ' )', ' )', ' )', ['- '], ['-'], ['-'], ['-'], [' -'], '( ', '( ', '( ')
return Balloon('\\', '/', '< ', ' >', [' _'], ['_'], ['_'], ['_'], ['_ '], ' \\', ' |', ' /', ['- '], ['-'], ['-'], ['-'], [' -'], '\\ ', '| ', '/ ')
## Initialise map for balloon parts
map = {}
for elem in ('\\', '/', 'ww', 'ee', 'nw', 'nnw', 'n', 'nne', 'ne', 'nee', 'e', 'see', 'se', 'sse', 's', 'ssw', 'sw', 'sww', 'w', 'nww'):
map[elem] = []
## Read all lines in the balloon file
with open(balloonfile, 'rb') as balloonstream:
data = [line.replace('\n', '') for line in balloonstream.read().decode('utf8', 'replace').split('\n')]
## Parse the balloon file, and fill the map
last = None
for line in data:
if len(line) > 0:
@ -590,6 +594,7 @@ class Ponysay():
value = line[len(last) + 1:]
## Return the balloon
return Balloon(map['\\'][0], map['/'][0], map['ww'][0], map['ee'][0], map['nw'], map['nnw'], map['n'],
map['nne'], map['ne'], map['nee'][0], map['e'][0], map['see'][0], map['se'], map['sse'],
map['s'], map['ssw'], map['sw'], map['sww'][0], map['w'][0], map['nww'][0])
@ -604,6 +609,7 @@ class Ponysay():
Prints the name of the program and the version of the program
def version(self):
## Prints the "ponysay $VERSION", if this is modified, ./dev/dist.sh must be modified accordingly
print('%s %s' % ('ponysay', VERSION))
@ -611,12 +617,14 @@ class Ponysay():
Print the pony with a speech or though bubble. message, pony and wrap from args are used.
def print_pony(self, args):
## Get message and remove tailing whitespace from stdin (but not for each line)
if args.message == None:
msg = ''.join(sys.stdin.readlines()).rstrip()
msg = args.message
if args.opts['-c'] is not None: ## This algorithm should give some result as cowsay's (according to tests)
## This algorithm should give some result as cowsay's (according to tests)
if args.opts['-c'] is not None:
buf = ''
last = ' '
CHARS = '\t \n'
@ -636,8 +644,10 @@ class Ponysay():
last = c
msg = buf.replace('\n', '\n\n')
## Get the pony
pony = self.__getponypath(args.opts['-f'])
## Use PNG file as pony file
if (len(pony) > 4) and (pony[-4:].lower() == '.png'):
pony = '\'' + pony.replace('\'', '\'\\\'\'') + '\''
pngcmd = ('img2ponysay -p -- ' if linuxvt else 'img2ponysay -- ') + pony
@ -645,18 +655,23 @@ class Ponysay():
Popen(pngcmd, stdout=os.fdopen(pngpipe[1], 'w'), shell=True).wait()
pony = '/proc/' + str(os.getpid()) + '/fd/' + str(pngpipe[0])
## If KMS is utilies, select a KMS pony file and create it if necessary
pony = self.__kms(pony)
## If in Linux VT clean the terminal (See info/pdf-manual [Printing in TTY with KMS])
if linuxvt:
print('\033[H\033[2J', end='')
## Width Get truncation and wrapping
env_width = os.environ['PONYSAY_FULL_WIDTH'] if 'PONYSAY_FULL_WIDTH' in os.environ else None
if env_width is None: env_width = ''
widthtruncation = self.__gettermsize()[1] if env_width not in ('yes', 'y', '1') else None
messagewrap = int(args.opts['-W'][0]) if args.opts['-W'] is not None else None
## Get balloon object
balloon = self.__getballoon(self.__getballoonpath(args.opts['-b']))
## Run cowsay replacement
backend = Backend(message = msg, ponyfile = pony, wrapcolumn = messagewrap if messagewrap is not None else 40, width = widthtruncation, balloon = balloon)
output = backend.output
@ -664,6 +679,7 @@ class Ponysay():
output = output[:-1]
## Load height trunction settings
env_bottom = os.environ['PONYSAY_BOTTOM'] if 'PONYSAY_BOTTOM' in os.environ else None
if env_bottom is None: env_bottom = ''
@ -673,9 +689,8 @@ class Ponysay():
env_lines = os.environ['PONYSAY_SHELL_LINES'] if 'PONYSAY_SHELL_LINES' in os.environ else None
if (env_lines is None) or (env_lines == ''): env_lines = '2'
## Print the output, truncated on height is so set
lines = self.__gettermsize()[0] - int(env_lines)
if linuxvt or (env_height is ('yes', 'y', '1')):
if env_bottom is ('yes', 'y', '1'):
for line in output.split('\n')[: -lines]:
@ -691,6 +706,7 @@ class Ponysay():
Print the pony with a speech or though bubble and a self quote
def quote(self, args):
## Get all quotes, and if any pony is choosen just keep them
pairs = self.__quotes()
if len(args.opts['-q']) > 0:
ponyset = {}
@ -707,7 +723,8 @@ class Ponysay():
if pair[0] in ponyset:
alts.append((ponyset[pair[0]], pair[1]))
pairs = alts
## Select a random pony–quote-pair, load it and print it
if not len(pairs) == 0:
pair = pairs[random.randrange(0, len(pairs))]
with open(pair[1], 'rb') as qfile:
@ -724,22 +741,26 @@ class Ponysay():
Indentifies whether KMS support is utilised
Identifies whether KMS support is utilised
def isUsingKMS():
## KMS is not utilised if Linux VT is not used
if not linuxvt:
return False
## Read the PONYSAY_KMS_PALETTE environment variable
env_kms = os.environ['PONYSAY_KMS_PALETTE'] if 'PONYSAY_KMS_PALETTE' in os.environ else None
if env_kms is None: env_kms = ''
## Read the PONYSAY_KMS_PALETTE_CMD environment variable, and run it
env_kms_cmd = os.environ['PONYSAY_KMS_PALETTE_CMD'] if 'PONYSAY_KMS_PALETTE_CMD' in os.environ else None
if (env_kms_cmd is not None) and (not env_kms_cmd == ''):
env_kms = Popen(shlex.split(env_kms_cmd), stdout=PIPE, stdin=sys.stderr).communicate()[0].decode('utf8', 'replace')
if env_kms[-1] == '\n':
env_kms = env_kms[:-1]
## If the palette string is empty KMS is not utilised
return env_kms != ''
@ -747,32 +768,40 @@ class Ponysay():
Returns the file name of the input pony converted to a KMS pony, or if KMS is not used, the input pony itself
def __kms(self, pony):
## If not in Linux VT, return the pony as is
if not linuxvt:
return pony
## KMS support version constant
## Read the PONYSAY_KMS_PALETTE environment variable
env_kms = os.environ['PONYSAY_KMS_PALETTE'] if 'PONYSAY_KMS_PALETTE' in os.environ else None
if env_kms is None: env_kms = ''
## Read the PONYSAY_KMS_PALETTE_CMD environment variable, and run it
env_kms_cmd = os.environ['PONYSAY_KMS_PALETTE_CMD'] if 'PONYSAY_KMS_PALETTE_CMD' in os.environ else None
if (env_kms_cmd is not None) and (not env_kms_cmd == ''):
env_kms = Popen(shlex.split(env_kms_cmd), stdout=PIPE, stdin=sys.stderr).communicate()[0].decode('utf8', 'replace')
if env_kms[-1] == '\n':
env_kms = env_kms[:-1]
## If not using KMS, return the pony as is
if env_kms == '':
return pony
## Store palette string and a clong with just the essentials
palette = env_kms
palettefile = env_kms.replace('\033]P', '')
## Get and in necessary make cache directory
cachedir = '/var/cache/ponysay'
if not os.path.isdir(cachedir):
cachedir = HOME + '/.cache/ponysay'
if not os.path.isdir(cachedir):
## KMS support version control, clean everything if not matching
newversion = False
if not os.path.isfile(cachedir + '/.version'):
newversion = True
@ -790,20 +819,24 @@ class Ponysay():
with open(cachedir + '/.version', 'w+') as cachev:
## Get kmspony directory and kmspony file
kmsponies = cachedir + '/kmsponies/' + palettefile
kmspony = (kmsponies + pony).replace('//', '/')
## If the kmspony is missing, create it
if not os.path.isfile(kmspony):
## Protokmsponies are uncolourful ttyponies
protokmsponies = cachedir + '/protokmsponies/'
protokmspony = (protokmsponies + pony).replace('//', '/')
protokmsponydir = protokmspony[:protokmspony.rindex('/')]
kmsponydir = kmspony[: kmspony.rindex('/')]
## Change file names to be shell friendly
_protokmspony = '\'' + protokmspony.replace('\'', '\'\\\'\'') + '\''
_kmspony = '\'' + kmspony.replace('\'', '\'\\\'\'') + '\''
_pony = '\'' + pony.replace('\'', '\'\\\'\'') + '\''
## Create protokmspony is missing
if not os.path.isfile(protokmspony):
if not os.path.isdir(protokmsponydir):
@ -811,6 +844,7 @@ class Ponysay():
sys.stderr.write('Unable to run ponysay2ttyponysay successfully, you need util-say for KMS support\n')
## Create kmspony
if not os.path.isdir(kmsponydir):
if not os.system('tty2colourfultty -p ' + palette + ' < ' + _protokmspony + ' > ' + _kmspony) == 0:
Add table
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