spelling correction mechanism with weigthed character change

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Mattias Andrée 2012-10-04 22:11:33 +02:00
parent e6bdf2e5ba
commit 1096f2c86e

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@ -1710,6 +1710,168 @@ class UCS():
Class used for correcting spellos and typos,
Note that this implementation will not find that correctly spelled word are correct faster than it corrects words.
It is also limited to words of size 0 to 127 (inclusive)
class SpelloCorrecter: # Naïvely and quickly proted and adapted from optimised Java, may not be the nicest, or even fast, Python code
def __init__(self, directories, ending):
self.weights = {'k' : {'c' : 0.25, 'g' : 0.75, 'q' : 0.125},
'c' : {'k' : 0.25, 'g' : 0.75, 's' : 0.5, 'z' : 0.5, 'q' : 0.125},
's' : {'z' : 0.25, 'c' : 0.5},
'z' : {'s' : 0.25, 'c' : 0.5},
'g' : {'k' : 0.75, 'c' : 0.75, 'q' : 0.9},
'o' : {'u' : 0.5},
'u' : {'o' : 0.5, 'v' : 0.75, 'w' : 0.5},
'b' : {'v' : 0.75},
'v' : {'b' : 0.75, 'w' : 0.5, 'u' : 0.7},
'w' : {'v' : 0.5, 'u' : 0.5},
'q' : {'c' : 0.125, 'k' : 0.125, 'g' : 0.9}}
self.corrections = None
self.dictionary = [None] * 513
self.reusable = [0] * 512
self.dictionaryEnd = 512
self.closestDistance = 0
self.M = [None] * 128
for y in range(0, 128):
self.M[y] = [0] * 128
self.M[y][0] = y
m0 = self.M[0]
x = 127
while x > -1:
m0[x] = x
x -= 1
previous = ""
self.dictionary[-1] = previous;
for directory in directories:
for filename : os.listdir(directory):
if (not endswith(filename, ending)) or (len(filename) - len(ending) > 127):
proper = filename[:-len(ending)]
if dictionaryEnd == 0:
dictionaryEnd = len(self.dictionary)
self.reusable = [0] * dictionaryEnd + self.reusable
self.dictionary = [None] * dictionaryEnd + self.dictionary
dictionaryEnd -= 1
dictionary[dictionaryEnd] = proper
prevCommon = min(len(previous), len(proper))
for i in range(0, prevCommon):
if previous[i] != proper[i]:
prevCommon = i
previous = dictionary[dictionaryEnd]
reusable[dictionaryEnd] = prevCommon
Finds the closests correct spelled word.
The input is just one word, and the output is tuple
with a list of the closest spellings, and the weigthed distance.
def correct(self, used):
if len(used) < 127:
return ([used], 0)
return (seld.corrections, self.closestDistance)
def __correct(self, used):
self.closestDistance = 0x7FFFFFFF
previous = self.dictionary[-1]
prevLen = 0
usedLen = len(used)
proper = None
prevCommon = 0
d = len(self.dictionary)
while d > self.dictionaryEnd:
d -= 1
proper = self.dictionary[d]
if abs(len(proper) - usedLen) <= self.closestDistance:
if previous == self.dictionary[d + 1]:
prevCommon = self.reusable[d];
prevCommon = min(prevLen, len(proper))
for i in range(0, prevCommon):
if previous[i] != proper[i]:
prevCommon = i
skip = min(prevLen, len(proper))
i = prevCommon
while i < skip:
for u in range(0, usedLen):
if (used[u] == previous[i]) or (used[u] == proper[i]):
skip = i
i += 1
common = min(skip, min(usedLen, len(proper)))
for i in range(0, common):
if used[i] != proper[i]:
common = i
distance = self.__distance(proper, skip, proper.length, used, common, usedLen)
if self.closestDistance > distance:
self.closestDistance = distance
corrections = [proper]
elif self.closestDistance == distance:
previous = proper;
if distance >= 0x7FFFFF00:
prevLen = distance & 255
prevLen = len(proper)
def __distance(self, proper, y0, yn, used, x0, xn):
my = self.M[y0]
for y in range(y0, yn):
best = 0x7FFFFFFF
p = proper[y]
myy = self.M[y + 1] # only one array bound check, and at most one + ☺
x = x0
while x < xn:
change = my[x]
u = used[x]
if p == u:
# commence black magick … twilight would be so disappointed
x += 1
myy[x] = change
best = min(best, change)
remove = myy[x]
add = my[x + 1]
cw = 1
if my[x] in self.weights:
if p in self.weights[u]:
cw = self.weights[u][p]
myy[x] = min(cw + change, 1 + min(remove, add))
if best > myy[x]:
best = myy[x]
if best > self.closestDistance:
return 0x7FFFFFFF | y
my = myy
return my[xn]
''' '''
The user's home directory The user's home directory
''' '''