2012-11-12 02:38:23 +01:00
This file is the extrapony counterpart to the pony-checklist.
If you find a non-MLF:FiM pony you would like to be included,
you can list it here, instead of making a pony request in the
issue system, especially if you have many ponies and have
write access to this repo (or is making a pull request anyway).
2013-01-25 22:47:27 -03:00
Super Rainbow Dash (fanfic: Harmonic Spectrum)
Sweetie Belle ("Sweetie Bot") (with red eyes during episode 5 "Neigh, Soul Sister" of Friendship is Witchcraft)
Jappleack (from the PONY.MOV)
2013-02-04 03:50:43 -03:00
Rarity (or Sadity...another NSFW creation like Pinkamina)
Miss lil Rarity (Alternative to Sadity...NSFW too)
2013-01-25 22:47:27 -03:00
Cteno (a pre season 2, NSFW creation, Is strange but I think is a chalenge make they .pony archive)
2013-01-08 04:58:40 -03:00
[Al gender swaped for the remaining important cast]
source of the names: http://trotsworth.deviantart.com/art/Profile-Barbara-255653808?q=gallery:trotsworth/29830774&qo=12
2013-01-25 22:47:27 -03:00
Lord Solaris
Prince Artemis (based on season 2 luna)
Nightterror Nebula
Barbara (or Barbra)
Eris (or Eris Void)
King Nymphamos
Queen Oscura
Bonbon (or Boy Boy) (gender swapped)
Harpsy (or Guy-ra)
2013-01-08 07:51:37 -03:00
-Probably other but only if an issue is filled, else only this ones-
[I thin is enough Gender Swapping]
2013-01-25 22:47:27 -03:00
Rainbow Fat (Fat Rainbow Dash and blank flank from RainbowDash Present: My little Dashie)
Dazler (A pony that mess words) (RDP: Rainbow Fun Factory (but she use other name))
Adult Nyx (fanfic Past Sins)
Pinkie Pie (disguised as a Wonderbolt with a saddle as wings RDP: Cupcakes)
2013-01-26 01:46:25 -03:00
Rainbow Real (A wingless Dash from RDP: Someting that only we know, and from the fanfic)
Fluffle Puff (a Fluffy pony, Dan Mascot from Dan vs FiM)
2013-01-25 22:47:27 -03:00
Rarity (or Cashity (for distinktion) from PONY.MOV)
Pinkie Pie (or Pinkie (for distinktion) from PONY.MOV)
Fluttershy (or Killershy, Murdershy or Flutterbad (for distinktion) from PONY.MOV)
Rainbow Dash (disguised as a gorilla, RDP: Cupcakes)
2013-01-26 01:46:25 -03:00
Spider Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle from fanfic: Spiderses, the RDP is Far more seroius than the Tollfic)
2013-01-25 22:47:27 -03:00
Cloudy Sunrine (fanfic: Cloud Meet Twilight)
Robo Dash (Kill, Destroy, Swag) (from PONY.MOV)
Firewall (with they Smartphone and Ciggarrets if possible) (fanfic: Through the Eyes of Another Pony)
Ashen Blaze, Gale, Soul Mage and Gold Heart (on or more) (fanfic: Order-naries)
LitlePip (Fallout Equestria)
2013-01-26 01:46:25 -03:00
Luna and Celestia (hornless and wingedless) (fanfic: Paradise)
2013-01-25 22:47:27 -03:00
Manie Belle (Anarchy Sweetie Belle) (Tumblr)
Mapplejack (cartoon Network: MAD)
Tick Tock (unicorn friend of DrWhooves) (fanfic: CRISIS Equestria) (Probably a unicorn version of DrHooves is enough)
2013-01-26 01:46:25 -03:00
Sun Flare (Raged Celestia as same way is Nightmare Moon a raged Luna)
Fluttermac (Fusionated as one character.......you watch Dragon Ball Z right?)
2013-01-25 22:47:27 -03:00
2013-01-26 01:46:25 -03:00
Tara Strong OC (As same john De Lancie have an OC, Tara have one too)
Ponysonas or OC from the Ponysay Developers (You have one?, I have one)
[Probably rejectables but ... meh]
Rainicorn (Adventure Time) (In MANY comics is claimed the mother of Rainbow Dash)
2013-02-07 01:37:59 -03:00
Keldeo (pokemon) (Mad max use this pokemon in they resolute form alongside Rarity for they Pokemon-Pony comic ... a pony training a pony or a unicorn training a unicorn, and officially this pokemon is pony related)