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namespace Brick\Math;
use Brick\Math\Exception\DivisionByZeroException;
use Brick\Math\Exception\MathException;
use Brick\Math\Exception\NumberFormatException;
use Brick\Math\Exception\RoundingNecessaryException;
* Common interface for arbitrary-precision rational numbers.
* @psalm-immutable
abstract class BigNumber implements \Serializable, \JsonSerializable
* The regular expression used to parse integer, decimal and rational numbers.
private const PARSE_REGEXP =
'/^' .
'(?<sign>[\-\+])?' .
'(?:' .
'(?:' .
'(?<integral>[0-9]+)?' .
'(?<point>\.)?' .
'(?<fractional>[0-9]+)?' .
'(?:[eE](?<exponent>[\-\+]?[0-9]+))?' .
')|(?:' .
'(?<numerator>[0-9]+)' .
'\/?' .
'(?<denominator>[0-9]+)' .
')' .
')' .
* Creates a BigNumber of the given value.
* The concrete return type is dependent on the given value, with the following rules:
* - BigNumber instances are returned as is
* - integer numbers are returned as BigInteger
* - floating point numbers are converted to a string then parsed as such
* - strings containing a `/` character are returned as BigRational
* - strings containing a `.` character or using an exponential notation are returned as BigDecimal
* - strings containing only digits with an optional leading `+` or `-` sign are returned as BigInteger
* @throws NumberFormatException If the format of the number is not valid.
* @throws DivisionByZeroException If the value represents a rational number with a denominator of zero.
* @psalm-pure
public static function of(BigNumber|int|float|string $value) : BigNumber
if ($value instanceof BigNumber) {
return $value;
if (\is_int($value)) {
return new BigInteger((string) $value);
$value = \is_float($value) ? self::floatToString($value) : $value;
$throw = static function() use ($value) : void {
throw new NumberFormatException(\sprintf(
'The given value "%s" does not represent a valid number.',
if (\preg_match(self::PARSE_REGEXP, $value, $matches) !== 1) {
$getMatch = static fn(string $value): ?string => (($matches[$value] ?? '') !== '') ? $matches[$value] : null;
$sign = $getMatch('sign');
$numerator = $getMatch('numerator');
$denominator = $getMatch('denominator');
if ($numerator !== null) {
assert($denominator !== null);
if ($sign !== null) {
$numerator = $sign . $numerator;
$numerator = self::cleanUp($numerator);
$denominator = self::cleanUp($denominator);
if ($denominator === '0') {
throw DivisionByZeroException::denominatorMustNotBeZero();
return new BigRational(
new BigInteger($numerator),
new BigInteger($denominator),
$point = $getMatch('point');
$integral = $getMatch('integral');
$fractional = $getMatch('fractional');
$exponent = $getMatch('exponent');
if ($integral === null && $fractional === null) {
if ($integral === null) {
$integral = '0';
if ($point !== null || $exponent !== null) {
$fractional = ($fractional ?? '');
$exponent = ($exponent !== null) ? (int) $exponent : 0;
if ($exponent === PHP_INT_MIN || $exponent === PHP_INT_MAX) {
throw new NumberFormatException('Exponent too large.');
$unscaledValue = self::cleanUp(($sign ?? ''). $integral . $fractional);
$scale = \strlen($fractional) - $exponent;
if ($scale < 0) {
if ($unscaledValue !== '0') {
$unscaledValue .= \str_repeat('0', - $scale);
$scale = 0;
return new BigDecimal($unscaledValue, $scale);
$integral = self::cleanUp(($sign ?? '') . $integral);
return new BigInteger($integral);
* Safely converts float to string, avoiding locale-dependent issues.
* @see https://github.com/brick/math/pull/20
* @psalm-pure
* @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall
private static function floatToString(float $float) : string
$currentLocale = \setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, '0');
\setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'C');
$result = (string) $float;
\setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $currentLocale);
return $result;
* Proxy method to access BigInteger's protected constructor from sibling classes.
* @internal
* @psalm-pure
protected function newBigInteger(string $value) : BigInteger
return new BigInteger($value);
* Proxy method to access BigDecimal's protected constructor from sibling classes.
* @internal
* @psalm-pure
protected function newBigDecimal(string $value, int $scale = 0) : BigDecimal
return new BigDecimal($value, $scale);
* Proxy method to access BigRational's protected constructor from sibling classes.
* @internal
* @psalm-pure
protected function newBigRational(BigInteger $numerator, BigInteger $denominator, bool $checkDenominator) : BigRational
return new BigRational($numerator, $denominator, $checkDenominator);
* Returns the minimum of the given values.
* @param BigNumber|int|float|string ...$values The numbers to compare. All the numbers need to be convertible
* to an instance of the class this method is called on.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If no values are given.
* @throws MathException If an argument is not valid.
* @psalm-suppress LessSpecificReturnStatement
* @psalm-suppress MoreSpecificReturnType
* @psalm-pure
public static function min(BigNumber|int|float|string ...$values) : static
$min = null;
foreach ($values as $value) {
$value = static::of($value);
if ($min === null || $value->isLessThan($min)) {
$min = $value;
if ($min === null) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__METHOD__ . '() expects at least one value.');
return $min;
* Returns the maximum of the given values.
* @param BigNumber|int|float|string ...$values The numbers to compare. All the numbers need to be convertible
* to an instance of the class this method is called on.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If no values are given.
* @throws MathException If an argument is not valid.
* @psalm-suppress LessSpecificReturnStatement
* @psalm-suppress MoreSpecificReturnType
* @psalm-pure
public static function max(BigNumber|int|float|string ...$values) : static
$max = null;
foreach ($values as $value) {
$value = static::of($value);
if ($max === null || $value->isGreaterThan($max)) {
$max = $value;
if ($max === null) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__METHOD__ . '() expects at least one value.');
return $max;
* Returns the sum of the given values.
* @param BigNumber|int|float|string ...$values The numbers to add. All the numbers need to be convertible
* to an instance of the class this method is called on.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If no values are given.
* @throws MathException If an argument is not valid.
* @psalm-pure
public static function sum(BigNumber|int|float|string ...$values) : static
/** @var static|null $sum */
$sum = null;
foreach ($values as $value) {
$value = static::of($value);
$sum = $sum === null ? $value : self::add($sum, $value);
if ($sum === null) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__METHOD__ . '() expects at least one value.');
return $sum;
* Adds two BigNumber instances in the correct order to avoid a RoundingNecessaryException.
* @todo This could be better resolved by creating an abstract protected method in BigNumber, and leaving to
* concrete classes the responsibility to perform the addition themselves or delegate it to the given number,
* depending on their ability to perform the operation. This will also require a version bump because we're
* potentially breaking custom BigNumber implementations (if any...)
* @psalm-pure
private static function add(BigNumber $a, BigNumber $b) : BigNumber
if ($a instanceof BigRational) {
return $a->plus($b);
if ($b instanceof BigRational) {
return $b->plus($a);
if ($a instanceof BigDecimal) {
return $a->plus($b);
if ($b instanceof BigDecimal) {
return $b->plus($a);
/** @var BigInteger $a */
return $a->plus($b);
* Removes optional leading zeros and + sign from the given number.
* @param string $number The number, validated as a non-empty string of digits with optional leading sign.
* @psalm-pure
private static function cleanUp(string $number) : string
$firstChar = $number[0];
if ($firstChar === '+' || $firstChar === '-') {
$number = \substr($number, 1);
$number = \ltrim($number, '0');
if ($number === '') {
return '0';
if ($firstChar === '-') {
return '-' . $number;
return $number;
* Checks if this number is equal to the given one.
public function isEqualTo(BigNumber|int|float|string $that) : bool
return $this->compareTo($that) === 0;
* Checks if this number is strictly lower than the given one.
public function isLessThan(BigNumber|int|float|string $that) : bool
return $this->compareTo($that) < 0;
* Checks if this number is lower than or equal to the given one.
public function isLessThanOrEqualTo(BigNumber|int|float|string $that) : bool
return $this->compareTo($that) <= 0;
* Checks if this number is strictly greater than the given one.
public function isGreaterThan(BigNumber|int|float|string $that) : bool
return $this->compareTo($that) > 0;
* Checks if this number is greater than or equal to the given one.
public function isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(BigNumber|int|float|string $that) : bool
return $this->compareTo($that) >= 0;
* Checks if this number equals zero.
public function isZero() : bool
return $this->getSign() === 0;
* Checks if this number is strictly negative.
public function isNegative() : bool
return $this->getSign() < 0;
* Checks if this number is negative or zero.
public function isNegativeOrZero() : bool
return $this->getSign() <= 0;
* Checks if this number is strictly positive.
public function isPositive() : bool
return $this->getSign() > 0;
* Checks if this number is positive or zero.
public function isPositiveOrZero() : bool
return $this->getSign() >= 0;
* Returns the sign of this number.
* @return int -1 if the number is negative, 0 if zero, 1 if positive.
abstract public function getSign() : int;
* Compares this number to the given one.
* @return int [-1,0,1] If `$this` is lower than, equal to, or greater than `$that`.
* @throws MathException If the number is not valid.
abstract public function compareTo(BigNumber|int|float|string $that) : int;
* Converts this number to a BigInteger.
* @throws RoundingNecessaryException If this number cannot be converted to a BigInteger without rounding.
abstract public function toBigInteger() : BigInteger;
* Converts this number to a BigDecimal.
* @throws RoundingNecessaryException If this number cannot be converted to a BigDecimal without rounding.
abstract public function toBigDecimal() : BigDecimal;
* Converts this number to a BigRational.
abstract public function toBigRational() : BigRational;
* Converts this number to a BigDecimal with the given scale, using rounding if necessary.
* @param int $scale The scale of the resulting `BigDecimal`.
* @param int $roundingMode A `RoundingMode` constant.
* @throws RoundingNecessaryException If this number cannot be converted to the given scale without rounding.
* This only applies when RoundingMode::UNNECESSARY is used.
abstract public function toScale(int $scale, int $roundingMode = RoundingMode::UNNECESSARY) : BigDecimal;
* Returns the exact value of this number as a native integer.
* If this number cannot be converted to a native integer without losing precision, an exception is thrown.
* Note that the acceptable range for an integer depends on the platform and differs for 32-bit and 64-bit.
* @throws MathException If this number cannot be exactly converted to a native integer.
abstract public function toInt() : int;
* Returns an approximation of this number as a floating-point value.
* Note that this method can discard information as the precision of a floating-point value
* is inherently limited.
* If the number is greater than the largest representable floating point number, positive infinity is returned.
* If the number is less than the smallest representable floating point number, negative infinity is returned.
abstract public function toFloat() : float;
* Returns a string representation of this number.
* The output of this method can be parsed by the `of()` factory method;
* this will yield an object equal to this one, without any information loss.
abstract public function __toString() : string;
public function jsonSerialize() : string
return $this->__toString();