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namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades;
* @method static \Closure getRouteResolver()
* @method static \Closure getUserResolver()
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\Request capture()
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\Request createFrom(\Illuminate\Http\Request $from, \Illuminate\Http\Request|null $to = null)
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\Request createFromBase(\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request)
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\Request duplicate(array|null $query = null, array|null $request = null, array|null $attributes = null, array|null $cookies = null, array|null $files = null, array|null $server = null)
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\Request instance()
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\Request merge(array $input)
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\Request replace(array $input)
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\Request setJson(\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag $json)
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\Request setRouteResolver(\Closure $callback)
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\Request setUserResolver(\Closure $callback)
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile|\Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile[]|array|null file(string|null $key = null, mixed $default = null)
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Route|object|string route(string|null $param = null, string|null $default = null)
* @method static \Illuminate\Session\Store session()
* @method static \Illuminate\Session\Store|null getSession()
* @method static \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag|mixed json(string|null $key = null, mixed $default = null)
* @method static array all(array|mixed|null $keys = null)
* @method static array allFiles()
* @method static array except(array|mixed $keys)
* @method static array ips()
* @method static array keys()
* @method static array only(array|mixed $keys)
* @method static array segments()
* @method static array toArray()
* @method static array validate(array $rules, ...$params)
* @method static array validateWithBag(string $errorBag, array $rules, ...$params)
* @method static bool accepts(string|array $contentTypes)
* @method static bool acceptsAnyContentType()
* @method static bool acceptsHtml()
* @method static bool acceptsJson()
* @method static bool ajax()
* @method static bool anyFilled(string|array $key)
* @method static bool exists(string|array $key)
* @method static bool expectsJson()
* @method static bool filled(string|array $key)
* @method static bool fullUrlIs(mixed ...$patterns)
* @method static bool has(string|array $key)
* @method static bool hasAny(string|array $key)
* @method static bool hasCookie(string $key)
* @method static bool hasFile(string $key)
* @method static bool hasHeader(string $key)
* @method static bool hasValidSignature(bool $absolute = true)
* @method static bool is(mixed ...$patterns)
* @method static bool isJson()
* @method static bool matchesType(string $actual, string $type)
* @method static bool offsetExists(string $offset)
* @method static bool pjax()
* @method static bool prefers(string|array $contentTypes)
* @method static bool prefetch()
* @method static bool routeIs(mixed ...$patterns)
* @method static bool secure()
* @method static bool wantsJson()
* @method static mixed filterFiles(mixed $files)
* @method static mixed offsetGet(string $offset)
* @method static mixed user(string|null $guard = null)
* @method static string decodedPath()
* @method static string fingerprint()
* @method static string format($default = 'html')
* @method static string fullUrl()
* @method static string fullUrlWithQuery(array $query)
* @method static string method()
* @method static string path()
* @method static string root()
* @method static string url()
* @method static string userAgent()
* @method static string|array old(string|null $key = null, string|array|null $default = null)
* @method static string|array|null cookie(string|null $key = null, string|array|null $default = null)
* @method static string|array|null header(string|null $key = null, string|array|null $default = null)
* @method static string|array|null input(string|null $key = null, string|array|null $default = null)
* @method static string|array|null post(string|null $key = null, string|array|null $default = null)
* @method static string|array|null query(string|null $key = null, string|array|null $default = null)
* @method static string|array|null server(string|null $key = null, string|array|null $default = null)
* @method static string|null bearerToken()
* @method static string|null ip()
* @method static string|null segment(int $index, string|null $default = null)
* @method static void flash()
* @method static void flashExcept(array|mixed $keys)
* @method static void flashOnly(array|mixed $keys)
* @method static void flush()
* @method static void offsetSet(string $offset, mixed $value)
* @method static void offsetUnset(string $offset)
* @method static void setLaravelSession(\Illuminate\Contracts\Session\Session $session)
* @see \Illuminate\Http\Request
class Request extends Facade
* Get the registered name of the component.
* @return string
protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
return 'request';