mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 14:10:06 +01:00
317 lines
8 KiB
317 lines
8 KiB
if (!defined('IN_PONEPASTE')) {
die('This file may not be accessed directly.');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/config.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/functions.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/passwords.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/captcha.php');
use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;
use PonePaste\Helpers\SessionHelper;
use PonePaste\Models\IPBan;
use PonePaste\Models\PageView;
use PonePaste\Models\Paste;
use PonePaste\Models\User;
use PonePaste\Helpers\AbilityHelper;
/* View functions */
function javascriptIncludeTag(string $name) : string {
if (PP_DEBUG) {
return "<script src=\"/assets/bundle/{$name}.js\"></script>";
return "<script src=\"/assets/bundle/{$name}.min.js\"></script>";
function urlForPage($page = '') : string {
$page .= '.php';
return (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/\\') . '/' . $page;
function urlForPaste(int | Paste $paste) : string {
if (!is_int($paste)) {
$paste = $paste->id;
return "/{$paste}";
return "/paste.php?id={$paste}";
function urlForReport(Paste $paste) : string {
return "/{$paste->id}/report";
return "/report.php?id={$paste->id}";
function urlForMember(int | User $user) : string {
if (is_int($user)) {
$user = User::find($user);
return '/user/' . urlencode($user->username);
return '/user.php?name=' . urlencode($user->username);
* @throws Exception if the names and values aren't the same length
function optionsForSelect(array $displays, array $values, string $currentSelection = null) : string {
$size = count($displays);
if (count($values) !== $size) {
throw new Exception('Option names and option values must be the same count');
$html = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
$html .= '<option value="' . pp_html_escape($values[$i]) . '"';
if ($currentSelection === $values[$i]) {
$html .= ' selected="selected"';
$html .= '>' . pp_html_escape($displays[$i]) . '</option>';
return $html;
* @throws Exception if the flash level is invalid
function flash(string $level, string $message) : void {
if (!isset($_SESSION['flashes'])) {
$_SESSION['flashes'] = [
'success' => [],
'warning' => [],
'error' => []
if (!array_key_exists($level, $_SESSION['flashes'])) {
throw new Exception('Invalid flash level ' . $level);
$_SESSION['flashes'][$level][] = $message;
function flashError(string $message) : void {
flash('error', $message);
function flashWarning(string $message) : void {
flash('warning', $message);
function flashSuccess(string $message) : void {
flash('success', $message);
function getFlashes() {
if (!isset($_SESSION['flashes'])) {
return ['success' => [], 'warning' => [], 'error' => []];
$flashes = $_SESSION['flashes'];
return $flashes;
function outputFlashes($flashes) : void {
function __outputFlash($level, $flash) : void {
echo '<div class="notification is-' . $level . ' flash">
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i>'
. pp_html_escape($flash) .
foreach ($flashes['success'] as $flash) {
__outputFlash('info', $flash);
foreach ($flashes['warning'] as $flash) {
__outputFlash('warning', $flash);
foreach ($flashes['error'] as $flash) {
__outputFlash('danger', $flash);
/* Database functions */
function getSiteInfo() : array {
return require(__DIR__ . '/../config/site.php');
* Specialization of `htmlentities()` that avoids double escaping and uses UTF-8.
* @param string $unescaped String to escape
* @return string HTML-escaped string
function pp_html_escape(string $unescaped) : string {
return htmlspecialchars($unescaped, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false);
function isRequesterLikelyBot() : bool {
$userAgent = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) : '';
// Don't count bots
if (empty($userAgent)
|| str_contains($userAgent, 'bot')
|| str_contains($userAgent, 'spider')
|| str_contains($userAgent, 'crawl')) {
return true;
return false;
/* I think there is one row for each day, and in that row, tpage = non-unique, tvisit = unique page views for that day */
function updatePageViews() : void {
global $redis;
if (isRequesterLikelyBot()) {
$date = date('jS F Y');
$last_page_view = PageView::orderBy('id', 'desc')->limit(1)->first();
if ($last_page_view && $last_page_view->date == $date) {
if (!$redis->sIsMember('page_view_ips', $ip)) {
$redis->sAdd('page_view_ips', $ip);
} else {
// New date is created
$new_page_view = new PageView(['date' => $date]);
$redis->sAdd('page_view_ips', $ip);
function setupCsrfToken() : string {
if (isset($_SESSION[SessionHelper::CSRF_TOKEN_KEY])) {
return $_SESSION[SessionHelper::CSRF_TOKEN_KEY];
$token = pp_random_token();
$_SESSION[SessionHelper::CSRF_TOKEN_KEY] = $token;
return $token;
function verifyCsrfToken($token = null) : bool {
if ($token === null) {
$token = $_POST[SessionHelper::CSRF_TOKEN_KEY];
if (empty($token) || empty($_SESSION[SessionHelper::CSRF_TOKEN_KEY])) {
return false;
return hash_equals($_SESSION[SessionHelper::CSRF_TOKEN_KEY], $token);
/* Set up the database and Eloquent ORM */
$capsule = new Capsule();
'driver' => 'mysql',
'host' => $db_host,
'database' => $db_schema,
'username' => $db_user,
'password' => $db_pass ,
'charset' => 'utf8mb4',
'prefix' => ''
// Check if IP is banned
if (IPBan::where('ip', $ip)->first()) {
die('You have been banned.');
/* Set up Redis */
$redis = new Redis();
// Setup site info
$site_info = getSiteInfo();
$global_site_info = $site_info['site_info'];
$row = $site_info['site_info'];
$site_name = trim($row['site_name']);
$email = trim($row['email']);
// Setup theme
$default_theme = 'bulma';
// Site permissions
$site_permissions = $site_info['permissions'];
$site_is_private = false;
$site_disable_guests = false;
if ($site_permissions) {
$site_is_private = (bool) $site_permissions['private'];
$site_disable_guests = (bool) $site_permissions['disable_guest'];
// CAPTCHA configuration
$captcha_enabled = (bool) $site_info['captcha']['enabled'];
$total_pastes = Paste::count();
$total_page_views = PageView::select('tpage')->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first()->tpage;
$total_unique_views = PageView::select('tvisit')->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first()->tvisit;
$current_user = SessionHelper::currentUser();
$start = microtime(true);
function can(string $action, mixed $subject) : bool {
global $current_user;
static $current_ability = null;
if ($current_ability === null) {
$current_ability = new AbilityHelper($current_user);
return $current_ability->can($action, $subject);
$script_bundles = [];
/* Security headers */
header('X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN');
header('X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff');
header("Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' data: 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self' data: " . implode(' ', $site_info['allowed_image_hosts']));