2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Symfony\Component\Translation ;
use Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface ;
* This translator should only be used in a development environment .
final class PseudoLocalizationTranslator implements TranslatorInterface
private const EXPANSION_CHARACTER = '~' ;
private $translator ;
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private bool $accents ;
private float $expansionFactor ;
private bool $brackets ;
private bool $parseHTML ;
* @ var string []
private array $localizableHTMLAttributes ;
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* Available options :
* * accents :
* type : boolean
* default : true
* description : replace ASCII characters of the translated string with accented versions or similar characters
* example : if true , " foo " => " ƒöö " .
* * expansion_factor :
* type : float
* default : 1
* validation : it must be greater than or equal to 1
* description : expand the translated string by the given factor with spaces and tildes
* example : if 2 , " foo " => " ~foo ~ "
* * brackets :
* type : boolean
* default : true
* description : wrap the translated string with brackets
* example : if true , " foo " => " [foo] "
* * parse_html :
* type : boolean
* default : false
* description : parse the translated string as HTML - looking for HTML tags has a performance impact but allows to preserve them from alterations - it also allows to compute the visible translated string length which is useful to correctly expand ot when it contains HTML
* warning : unclosed tags are unsupported , they will be fixed ( closed ) by the parser - eg , " foo <div>bar " => " foo <div>bar</div> "
* * localizable_html_attributes :
* type : string []
* default : []
* description : the list of HTML attributes whose values can be altered - it is only useful when the " parse_html " option is set to true
* example : if [ " title " ], and with the " accents " option set to true , " <a href= " #" title="Go to your profile">Profile</a>" => "<a href="#" title="Ĝö ţö ýöûŕ þŕöƒîļé">Þŕöƒîļé</a>" - if "title" was not in the "localizable_html_attributes" list, the title attribute data would be left unchanged.
public function __construct ( TranslatorInterface $translator , array $options = [])
$this -> translator = $translator ;
$this -> accents = $options [ 'accents' ] ? ? true ;
if ( 1.0 > ( $this -> expansionFactor = $options [ 'expansion_factor' ] ? ? 1.0 )) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( 'The expansion factor must be greater than or equal to 1.' );
$this -> brackets = $options [ 'brackets' ] ? ? true ;
$this -> parseHTML = $options [ 'parse_html' ] ? ? false ;
if ( $this -> parseHTML && ! $this -> accents && 1.0 === $this -> expansionFactor ) {
$this -> parseHTML = false ;
$this -> localizableHTMLAttributes = $options [ 'localizable_html_attributes' ] ? ? [];
* { @ inheritdoc }
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public function trans ( string $id , array $parameters = [], string $domain = null , string $locale = null ) : string
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$trans = '' ;
$visibleText = '' ;
foreach ( $this -> getParts ( $this -> translator -> trans ( $id , $parameters , $domain , $locale )) as [ $visible , $localizable , $text ]) {
if ( $visible ) {
$visibleText .= $text ;
if ( ! $localizable ) {
$trans .= $text ;
continue ;
$this -> addAccents ( $trans , $text );
$this -> expand ( $trans , $visibleText );
$this -> addBrackets ( $trans );
return $trans ;
public function getLocale () : string
return $this -> translator -> getLocale ();
private function getParts ( string $originalTrans ) : array
if ( ! $this -> parseHTML ) {
return [[ true , true , $originalTrans ]];
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$html = mb_encode_numericentity ( $originalTrans , [ 0x80 , 0xFFFF , 0 , 0xFFFF ], mb_detect_encoding ( $originalTrans , null , true ) ? : 'UTF-8' );
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$useInternalErrors = libxml_use_internal_errors ( true );
$dom = new \DOMDocument ();
$dom -> loadHTML ( '<trans>' . $html . '</trans>' );
libxml_clear_errors ();
libxml_use_internal_errors ( $useInternalErrors );
return $this -> parseNode ( $dom -> childNodes -> item ( 1 ) -> childNodes -> item ( 0 ) -> childNodes -> item ( 0 ));
private function parseNode ( \DOMNode $node ) : array
$parts = [];
foreach ( $node -> childNodes as $childNode ) {
if ( ! $childNode instanceof \DOMElement ) {
$parts [] = [ true , true , $childNode -> nodeValue ];
continue ;
$parts [] = [ false , false , '<' . $childNode -> tagName ];
/** @var \DOMAttr $attribute */
foreach ( $childNode -> attributes as $attribute ) {
$parts [] = [ false , false , ' ' . $attribute -> nodeName . '="' ];
$localizableAttribute = \in_array ( $attribute -> nodeName , $this -> localizableHTMLAttributes , true );
foreach ( preg_split ( '/(&(?:amp|quot|#039|lt|gt);+)/' , htmlspecialchars ( $attribute -> nodeValue , \ENT_QUOTES , 'UTF-8' ), - 1 , \PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE ) as $i => $match ) {
if ( '' === $match ) {
continue ;
$parts [] = [ false , $localizableAttribute && 0 === $i % 2 , $match ];
$parts [] = [ false , false , '"' ];
$parts [] = [ false , false , '>' ];
$parts = array_merge ( $parts , $this -> parseNode ( $childNode , $parts ));
$parts [] = [ false , false , '</' . $childNode -> tagName . '>' ];
return $parts ;
private function addAccents ( string & $trans , string $text ) : void
$trans .= $this -> accents ? strtr ( $text , [
' ' => ' ' ,
'!' => '¡' ,
'"' => '″' ,
'#' => '♯' ,
'$' => '€' ,
'%' => '‰' ,
'&' => '⅋' ,
'\'' => '´ ' ,
'(' => '{' ,
')' => '}' ,
'*' => '⁎ ' ,
'+' => '⁺' ,
',' => '،' ,
'-' => '‐ ' ,
'.' => '·' ,
'/' => '⁄ ' ,
'0' => '⓪' ,
'1' => '①' ,
'2' => '②' ,
'3' => '③' ,
'4' => '④' ,
'5' => '⑤' ,
'6' => '⑥' ,
'7' => '⑦' ,
'8' => '⑧' ,
'9' => '⑨' ,
':' => '∶ ' ,
';' => '⁏' ,
'<' => '≤' ,
'=' => '≂' ,
'>' => '≥' ,
'?' => '¿' ,
'@' => '՞' ,
'A' => 'Å' ,
'B' => 'Ɓ' ,
'C' => 'Ç' ,
'D' => 'Ð' ,
'E' => 'É' ,
'F' => 'Ƒ' ,
'G' => 'Ĝ' ,
'H' => 'Ĥ' ,
'I' => 'Î' ,
'J' => 'Ĵ' ,
'K' => 'Ķ' ,
'L' => 'Ļ' ,
'M' => 'Ṁ' ,
'N' => 'Ñ' ,
'O' => 'Ö' ,
'P' => 'Þ' ,
'Q' => 'Ǫ' ,
'R' => 'Ŕ' ,
'S' => 'Š' ,
'T' => 'Ţ' ,
'U' => 'Û' ,
'V' => 'Ṽ' ,
'W' => 'Ŵ' ,
'X' => 'Ẋ' ,
'Y' => 'Ý' ,
'Z' => 'Ž' ,
'[' => '⁅' ,
'\\' => '∖ ' ,
']' => '⁆' ,
'^' => '˄ ' ,
'_' => '‿' ,
'`' => '‵ ' ,
'a' => 'å' ,
'b' => 'ƀ' ,
'c' => 'ç' ,
'd' => 'ð' ,
'e' => 'é' ,
'f' => 'ƒ' ,
'g' => 'ĝ' ,
'h' => 'ĥ' ,
'i' => 'î' ,
'j' => 'ĵ' ,
'k' => 'ķ' ,
'l' => 'ļ' ,
'm' => 'ɱ' ,
'n' => 'ñ' ,
'o' => 'ö' ,
'p' => 'þ' ,
'q' => 'ǫ' ,
'r' => 'ŕ' ,
's' => 'š' ,
't' => 'ţ' ,
'u' => 'û' ,
'v' => 'ṽ' ,
'w' => 'ŵ' ,
'x' => 'ẋ' ,
'y' => 'ý' ,
'z' => 'ž' ,
'{' => '(' ,
'|' => '¦' ,
'}' => ')' ,
'~' => '˞' ,
]) : $text ;
private function expand ( string & $trans , string $visibleText ) : void
if ( 1.0 >= $this -> expansionFactor ) {
return ;
$visibleLength = $this -> strlen ( $visibleText );
$missingLength = ( int ) ( ceil ( $visibleLength * $this -> expansionFactor )) - $visibleLength ;
if ( $this -> brackets ) {
$missingLength -= 2 ;
if ( 0 >= $missingLength ) {
return ;
$words = [];
$wordsCount = 0 ;
foreach ( preg_split ( '/ +/' , $visibleText , - 1 , \PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ) as $word ) {
$wordLength = $this -> strlen ( $word );
if ( $wordLength >= $missingLength ) {
continue ;
if ( ! isset ( $words [ $wordLength ])) {
$words [ $wordLength ] = 0 ;
++ $words [ $wordLength ];
++ $wordsCount ;
if ( ! $words ) {
$trans .= 1 === $missingLength ? self :: EXPANSION_CHARACTER : ' ' . str_repeat ( self :: EXPANSION_CHARACTER , $missingLength - 1 );
return ;
arsort ( $words , \SORT_NUMERIC );
$longestWordLength = max ( array_keys ( $words ));
while ( true ) {
$r = mt_rand ( 1 , $wordsCount );
foreach ( $words as $length => $count ) {
$r -= $count ;
if ( $r <= 0 ) {
break ;
$trans .= ' ' . str_repeat ( self :: EXPANSION_CHARACTER , $length );
$missingLength -= $length + 1 ;
if ( 0 === $missingLength ) {
return ;
while ( $longestWordLength >= $missingLength ) {
$wordsCount -= $words [ $longestWordLength ];
unset ( $words [ $longestWordLength ]);
if ( ! $words ) {
$trans .= 1 === $missingLength ? self :: EXPANSION_CHARACTER : ' ' . str_repeat ( self :: EXPANSION_CHARACTER , $missingLength - 1 );
return ;
$longestWordLength = max ( array_keys ( $words ));
private function addBrackets ( string & $trans ) : void
if ( ! $this -> brackets ) {
return ;
$trans = '[' . $trans . ']' ;
private function strlen ( string $s ) : int
return false === ( $encoding = mb_detect_encoding ( $s , null , true )) ? \strlen ( $s ) : mb_strlen ( $s , $encoding );