2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
2023-02-24 06:26:40 -05:00
if ( 'cli' !== \PHP_SAPI ) {
throw new Exception ( 'This script must be run from the command line.' );
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
$usageInstructions = <<< END
Usage instructions
$ cd symfony - code - root - directory /
# show the translation status of all locales
$ php translation - status . php
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
# only show the translation status of incomplete or erroneous locales
$ php translation - status . php -- incomplete
# show the translation status of all locales, all their missing translations and mismatches between trans-unit id and source
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
$ php translation - status . php - v
# show the status of a single locale
$ php translation - status . php fr
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
# show the status of a single locale, missing translations and mismatches between trans-unit id and source
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
$ php translation - status . php fr - v
$config = [
// if TRUE, the full list of missing translations is displayed
'verbose_output' => false ,
// NULL = analyze all locales
'locale_to_analyze' => null ,
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
// append --incomplete to only show incomplete languages
'include_completed_languages' => true ,
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
// the reference files all the other translations are compared to
'original_files' => [
'src/Symfony/Component/Form/Resources/translations/validators.en.xlf' ,
'src/Symfony/Component/Security/Core/Resources/translations/security.en.xlf' ,
'src/Symfony/Component/Validator/Resources/translations/validators.en.xlf' ,
$argc = $_SERVER [ 'argc' ];
$argv = $_SERVER [ 'argv' ];
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
if ( $argc > 4 ) {
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
echo str_replace ( 'translation-status.php' , $argv [ 0 ], $usageInstructions );
exit ( 1 );
foreach ( array_slice ( $argv , 1 ) as $argumentOrOption ) {
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
if ( '--incomplete' === $argumentOrOption ) {
$config [ 'include_completed_languages' ] = false ;
continue ;
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
if ( str_starts_with ( $argumentOrOption , '-' )) {
$config [ 'verbose_output' ] = true ;
} else {
$config [ 'locale_to_analyze' ] = $argumentOrOption ;
foreach ( $config [ 'original_files' ] as $originalFilePath ) {
if ( ! file_exists ( $originalFilePath )) {
echo sprintf ( 'The following file does not exist. Make sure that you execute this command at the root dir of the Symfony code repository.%s %s' , \PHP_EOL , $originalFilePath );
exit ( 1 );
$totalMissingTranslations = 0 ;
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
$totalTranslationMismatches = 0 ;
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
foreach ( $config [ 'original_files' ] as $originalFilePath ) {
$translationFilePaths = findTranslationFiles ( $originalFilePath , $config [ 'locale_to_analyze' ]);
$translationStatus = calculateTranslationStatus ( $originalFilePath , $translationFilePaths );
$totalMissingTranslations += array_sum ( array_map ( function ( $translation ) {
return count ( $translation [ 'missingKeys' ]);
}, array_values ( $translationStatus )));
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
$totalTranslationMismatches += array_sum ( array_map ( function ( $translation ) {
return count ( $translation [ 'mismatches' ]);
}, array_values ( $translationStatus )));
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
printTranslationStatus ( $originalFilePath , $translationStatus , $config [ 'verbose_output' ], $config [ 'include_completed_languages' ]);
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
exit ( $totalTranslationMismatches > 0 ? 1 : 0 );
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
function findTranslationFiles ( $originalFilePath , $localeToAnalyze )
$translations = [];
$translationsDir = dirname ( $originalFilePath );
$originalFileName = basename ( $originalFilePath );
$translationFileNamePattern = str_replace ( '.en.' , '.*.' , $originalFileName );
$translationFiles = glob ( $translationsDir . '/' . $translationFileNamePattern , \GLOB_NOSORT );
sort ( $translationFiles );
foreach ( $translationFiles as $filePath ) {
$locale = extractLocaleFromFilePath ( $filePath );
if ( null !== $localeToAnalyze && $locale !== $localeToAnalyze ) {
continue ;
$translations [ $locale ] = $filePath ;
return $translations ;
function calculateTranslationStatus ( $originalFilePath , $translationFilePaths )
$translationStatus = [];
$allTranslationKeys = extractTranslationKeys ( $originalFilePath );
foreach ( $translationFilePaths as $locale => $translationPath ) {
$translatedKeys = extractTranslationKeys ( $translationPath );
$missingKeys = array_diff_key ( $allTranslationKeys , $translatedKeys );
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
$mismatches = findTransUnitMismatches ( $allTranslationKeys , $translatedKeys );
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
$translationStatus [ $locale ] = [
'total' => count ( $allTranslationKeys ),
'translated' => count ( $translatedKeys ),
'missingKeys' => $missingKeys ,
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
'mismatches' => $mismatches ,
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
$translationStatus [ $locale ][ 'is_completed' ] = isTranslationCompleted ( $translationStatus [ $locale ]);
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
return $translationStatus ;
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
function isTranslationCompleted ( array $translationStatus ) : bool
return $translationStatus [ 'total' ] === $translationStatus [ 'translated' ] && 0 === count ( $translationStatus [ 'mismatches' ]);
function printTranslationStatus ( $originalFilePath , $translationStatus , $verboseOutput , $includeCompletedLanguages )
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
printTitle ( $originalFilePath );
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
printTable ( $translationStatus , $verboseOutput , $includeCompletedLanguages );
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
echo \PHP_EOL . \PHP_EOL ;
function extractLocaleFromFilePath ( $filePath )
$parts = explode ( '.' , $filePath );
return $parts [ count ( $parts ) - 2 ];
function extractTranslationKeys ( $filePath )
$translationKeys = [];
$contents = new \SimpleXMLElement ( file_get_contents ( $filePath ));
foreach ( $contents -> file -> body -> { 'trans-unit' } as $translationKey ) {
$translationId = ( string ) $translationKey [ 'id' ];
$translationKey = ( string ) $translationKey -> source ;
$translationKeys [ $translationId ] = $translationKey ;
return $translationKeys ;
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
* Check whether the trans - unit id and source match with the base translation .
function findTransUnitMismatches ( array $baseTranslationKeys , array $translatedKeys ) : array
$mismatches = [];
foreach ( $baseTranslationKeys as $translationId => $translationKey ) {
if ( ! isset ( $translatedKeys [ $translationId ])) {
continue ;
if ( $translatedKeys [ $translationId ] !== $translationKey ) {
$mismatches [ $translationId ] = [
'found' => $translatedKeys [ $translationId ],
'expected' => $translationKey ,
return $mismatches ;
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
function printTitle ( $title )
echo $title . \PHP_EOL ;
echo str_repeat ( '=' , strlen ( $title )) . \PHP_EOL . \PHP_EOL ;
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
function printTable ( $translations , $verboseOutput , bool $includeCompletedLanguages )
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
if ( 0 === count ( $translations )) {
echo 'No translations found' ;
return ;
$longestLocaleNameLength = max ( array_map ( 'strlen' , array_keys ( $translations )));
foreach ( $translations as $locale => $translation ) {
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
if ( ! $includeCompletedLanguages && $translation [ 'is_completed' ]) {
continue ;
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
if ( $translation [ 'translated' ] > $translation [ 'total' ]) {
textColorRed ();
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
} elseif ( count ( $translation [ 'mismatches' ]) > 0 ) {
textColorRed ();
} elseif ( $translation [ 'is_completed' ]) {
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
textColorGreen ();
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
echo sprintf (
'| Locale: %-' . $longestLocaleNameLength . 's | Translated: %2d/%2d | Mismatches: %d |' ,
$locale ,
$translation [ 'translated' ],
$translation [ 'total' ],
count ( $translation [ 'mismatches' ])
) . \PHP_EOL ;
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
textColorNormal ();
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
$shouldBeClosed = false ;
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
if ( true === $verboseOutput && count ( $translation [ 'missingKeys' ]) > 0 ) {
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
echo '| Missing Translations:' . \PHP_EOL ;
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
foreach ( $translation [ 'missingKeys' ] as $id => $content ) {
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
echo sprintf ( '| (id=%s) %s' , $id , $content ) . \PHP_EOL ;
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
$shouldBeClosed = true ;
if ( true === $verboseOutput && count ( $translation [ 'mismatches' ]) > 0 ) {
echo '| Mismatches between trans-unit id and source:' . \PHP_EOL ;
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
2022-03-14 16:22:30 -04:00
foreach ( $translation [ 'mismatches' ] as $id => $content ) {
echo sprintf ( '| (id=%s) Expected: %s' , $id , $content [ 'expected' ]) . \PHP_EOL ;
echo sprintf ( '| Found: %s' , $content [ 'found' ]) . \PHP_EOL ;
$shouldBeClosed = true ;
if ( $shouldBeClosed ) {
2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
echo str_repeat ( '-' , 80 ) . \PHP_EOL ;
function textColorGreen ()
echo " \033 [32m " ;
function textColorRed ()
echo " \033 [31m " ;
function textColorNormal ()
echo " \033 [0m " ;