2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
< ? php
namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Concerns ;
use Closure ;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder ;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause ;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr ;
use InvalidArgumentException ;
trait CanBeOneOfMany
* Determines whether the relationship is one - of - many .
* @ var bool
protected $isOneOfMany = false ;
* The name of the relationship .
* @ var string
protected $relationName ;
* The one of many inner join subselect query builder instance .
* @ var \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder | null
protected $oneOfManySubQuery ;
* Add constraints for inner join subselect for one of many relationships .
* @ param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $query
* @ param string | null $column
* @ param string | null $aggregate
* @ return void
abstract public function addOneOfManySubQueryConstraints ( Builder $query , $column = null , $aggregate = null );
* Get the columns the determine the relationship groups .
* @ return array | string
abstract public function getOneOfManySubQuerySelectColumns ();
* Add join query constraints for one of many relationships .
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* @ param \Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause $join
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* @ return void
abstract public function addOneOfManyJoinSubQueryConstraints ( JoinClause $join );
* Indicate that the relation is a single result of a larger one - to - many relationship .
* @ param string | array | null $column
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* @ param string | \Closure | null $aggregate
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* @ param string | null $relation
* @ return $this
* @ throws \InvalidArgumentException
public function ofMany ( $column = 'id' , $aggregate = 'MAX' , $relation = null )
$this -> isOneOfMany = true ;
$this -> relationName = $relation ? : $this -> getDefaultOneOfManyJoinAlias (
$this -> guessRelationship ()
$keyName = $this -> query -> getModel () -> getKeyName ();
$columns = is_string ( $columns = $column ) ? [
$column => $aggregate ,
$keyName => $aggregate ,
] : $column ;
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $keyName , $columns )) {
$columns [ $keyName ] = 'MAX' ;
if ( $aggregate instanceof Closure ) {
$closure = $aggregate ;
foreach ( $columns as $column => $aggregate ) {
if ( ! in_array ( strtolower ( $aggregate ), [ 'min' , 'max' ])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( " Invalid aggregate [ { $aggregate } ] used within ofMany relation. Available aggregates: MIN, MAX " );
$subQuery = $this -> newOneOfManySubQuery (
$this -> getOneOfManySubQuerySelectColumns (),
$column , $aggregate
if ( isset ( $previous )) {
$this -> addOneOfManyJoinSubQuery ( $subQuery , $previous [ 'subQuery' ], $previous [ 'column' ]);
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if ( isset ( $closure )) {
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$closure ( $subQuery );
if ( ! isset ( $previous )) {
$this -> oneOfManySubQuery = $subQuery ;
if ( array_key_last ( $columns ) == $column ) {
$this -> addOneOfManyJoinSubQuery ( $this -> query , $subQuery , $column );
$previous = [
'subQuery' => $subQuery ,
'column' => $column ,
$this -> addConstraints ();
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$columns = $this -> query -> getQuery () -> columns ;
if ( is_null ( $columns ) || $columns === [ '*' ]) {
$this -> select ([ $this -> qualifyColumn ( '*' )]);
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return $this ;
* Indicate that the relation is the latest single result of a larger one - to - many relationship .
* @ param string | array | null $column
* @ param string | null $relation
* @ return $this
public function latestOfMany ( $column = 'id' , $relation = null )
return $this -> ofMany ( collect ( Arr :: wrap ( $column )) -> mapWithKeys ( function ( $column ) {
return [ $column => 'MAX' ];
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}) -> all (), 'MAX' , $relation );
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* Indicate that the relation is the oldest single result of a larger one - to - many relationship .
* @ param string | array | null $column
* @ param string | null $relation
* @ return $this
public function oldestOfMany ( $column = 'id' , $relation = null )
return $this -> ofMany ( collect ( Arr :: wrap ( $column )) -> mapWithKeys ( function ( $column ) {
return [ $column => 'MIN' ];
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}) -> all (), 'MIN' , $relation );
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* Get the default alias for the one of many inner join clause .
* @ param string $relation
* @ return string
protected function getDefaultOneOfManyJoinAlias ( $relation )
return $relation == $this -> query -> getModel () -> getTable ()
? $relation . '_of_many'
: $relation ;
* Get a new query for the related model , grouping the query by the given column , often the foreign key of the relationship .
* @ param string | array $groupBy
* @ param string | null $column
* @ param string | null $aggregate
* @ return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
protected function newOneOfManySubQuery ( $groupBy , $column = null , $aggregate = null )
$subQuery = $this -> query -> getModel ()
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-> newQuery ()
-> withoutGlobalScopes ( $this -> removedScopes ());
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foreach ( Arr :: wrap ( $groupBy ) as $group ) {
$subQuery -> groupBy ( $this -> qualifyRelatedColumn ( $group ));
if ( ! is_null ( $column )) {
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$subQuery -> selectRaw ( $aggregate . '(' . $subQuery -> getQuery () -> grammar -> wrap ( $subQuery -> qualifyColumn ( $column )) . ') as ' . $subQuery -> getQuery () -> grammar -> wrap ( $column . '_aggregate' ));
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$this -> addOneOfManySubQueryConstraints ( $subQuery , $groupBy , $column , $aggregate );
return $subQuery ;
* Add the join subquery to the given query on the given column and the relationship ' s foreign key .
* @ param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $parent
* @ param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $subQuery
* @ param string $on
* @ return void
protected function addOneOfManyJoinSubQuery ( Builder $parent , Builder $subQuery , $on )
$parent -> beforeQuery ( function ( $parent ) use ( $subQuery , $on ) {
$subQuery -> applyBeforeQueryCallbacks ();
$parent -> joinSub ( $subQuery , $this -> relationName , function ( $join ) use ( $on ) {
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$join -> on ( $this -> qualifySubSelectColumn ( $on . '_aggregate' ), '=' , $this -> qualifyRelatedColumn ( $on ));
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$this -> addOneOfManyJoinSubQueryConstraints ( $join , $on );
* Merge the relationship query joins to the given query builder .
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* @ param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $query
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* @ return void
protected function mergeOneOfManyJoinsTo ( Builder $query )
$query -> getQuery () -> beforeQueryCallbacks = $this -> query -> getQuery () -> beforeQueryCallbacks ;
$query -> applyBeforeQueryCallbacks ();
* Get the query builder that will contain the relationship constraints .
* @ return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
protected function getRelationQuery ()
return $this -> isOneOfMany ()
? $this -> oneOfManySubQuery
: $this -> query ;
* Get the one of many inner join subselect builder instance .
* @ return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder | void
public function getOneOfManySubQuery ()
return $this -> oneOfManySubQuery ;
* Get the qualified column name for the one - of - many relationship using the subselect join query ' s alias .
* @ param string $column
* @ return string
public function qualifySubSelectColumn ( $column )
return $this -> getRelationName () . '.' . last ( explode ( '.' , $column ));
* Qualify related column using the related table name if it is not already qualified .
* @ param string $column
* @ return string
protected function qualifyRelatedColumn ( $column )
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return str_contains ( $column , '.' ) ? $column : $this -> query -> getModel () -> getTable () . '.' . $column ;
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* Guess the " hasOne " relationship ' s name via backtrace .
* @ return string
protected function guessRelationship ()
return debug_backtrace ( DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS , 3 )[ 2 ][ 'function' ];
* Determine whether the relationship is a one - of - many relationship .
* @ return bool
public function isOneOfMany ()
return $this -> isOneOfMany ;
* Get the name of the relationship .
* @ return string
public function getRelationName ()
return $this -> relationName ;