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< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Symfony\Contracts\Translation ;
use Symfony\Component\Translation\Exception\InvalidArgumentException ;
* A trait to help implement TranslatorInterface and LocaleAwareInterface .
* @ author Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
trait TranslatorTrait
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private ? string $locale = null ;
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public function setLocale ( string $locale )
$this -> locale = $locale ;
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public function getLocale () : string
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return $this -> locale ? : ( class_exists ( \Locale :: class ) ? \Locale :: getDefault () : 'en' );
public function trans ( ? string $id , array $parameters = [], string $domain = null , string $locale = null ) : string
if ( null === $id || '' === $id ) {
return '' ;
if ( ! isset ( $parameters [ '%count%' ]) || ! is_numeric ( $parameters [ '%count%' ])) {
return strtr ( $id , $parameters );
$number = ( float ) $parameters [ '%count%' ];
$locale = $locale ? : $this -> getLocale ();
$parts = [];
if ( preg_match ( '/^\|++$/' , $id )) {
$parts = explode ( '|' , $id );
} elseif ( preg_match_all ( '/(?:\|\||[^\|])++/' , $id , $matches )) {
$parts = $matches [ 0 ];
$intervalRegexp = <<< 'EOF'
/^ ( ? P < interval >
({ \s *
( \ - ? \d + ( \ . \d + ) ? [ \s * , \s * \ - ? \d + ( \ . \d + ) ? ] * )
\s * })
( ? P < left_delimiter > [ \ [ \ ]])
\s *
( ? P < left >- Inf | \ - ? \d + ( \ . \d + ) ? )
\s * , \s *
( ? P < right > \ + ? Inf | \ - ? \d + ( \ . \d + ) ? )
\s *
( ? P < right_delimiter > [ \ [ \ ]])
) \s * ( ? P < message >.* ? ) $ / xs
$standardRules = [];
foreach ( $parts as $part ) {
$part = trim ( str_replace ( '||' , '|' , $part ));
// try to match an explicit rule, then fallback to the standard ones
if ( preg_match ( $intervalRegexp , $part , $matches )) {
if ( $matches [ 2 ]) {
foreach ( explode ( ',' , $matches [ 3 ]) as $n ) {
if ( $number == $n ) {
return strtr ( $matches [ 'message' ], $parameters );
} else {
$leftNumber = '-Inf' === $matches [ 'left' ] ? - \INF : ( float ) $matches [ 'left' ];
$rightNumber = is_numeric ( $matches [ 'right' ]) ? ( float ) $matches [ 'right' ] : \INF ;
if (( '[' === $matches [ 'left_delimiter' ] ? $number >= $leftNumber : $number > $leftNumber )
&& ( ']' === $matches [ 'right_delimiter' ] ? $number <= $rightNumber : $number < $rightNumber )
) {
return strtr ( $matches [ 'message' ], $parameters );
} elseif ( preg_match ( '/^\w+\:\s*(.*?)$/' , $part , $matches )) {
$standardRules [] = $matches [ 1 ];
} else {
$standardRules [] = $part ;
$position = $this -> getPluralizationRule ( $number , $locale );
if ( ! isset ( $standardRules [ $position ])) {
// when there's exactly one rule given, and that rule is a standard
// rule, use this rule
if ( 1 === \count ( $parts ) && isset ( $standardRules [ 0 ])) {
return strtr ( $standardRules [ 0 ], $parameters );
$message = sprintf ( 'Unable to choose a translation for "%s" with locale "%s" for value "%d". Double check that this translation has the correct plural options (e.g. "There is one apple|There are %%count%% apples").' , $id , $locale , $number );
if ( class_exists ( InvalidArgumentException :: class )) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( $message );
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( $message );
return strtr ( $standardRules [ $position ], $parameters );
* Returns the plural position to use for the given locale and number .
* The plural rules are derived from code of the Zend Framework ( 2010 - 09 - 25 ),
* which is subject to the new BSD license ( http :// framework . zend . com / license / new - bsd ) .
* Copyright ( c ) 2005 - 2010 Zend Technologies USA Inc . ( http :// www . zend . com )
private function getPluralizationRule ( float $number , string $locale ) : int
$number = abs ( $number );
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return match ( 'pt_BR' !== $locale && 'en_US_POSIX' !== $locale && \strlen ( $locale ) > 3 ? substr ( $locale , 0 , strrpos ( $locale , '_' )) : $locale ) {
'af' ,
'bn' ,
'bg' ,
'ca' ,
'da' ,
'de' ,
'el' ,
'en' ,
'en_US_POSIX' ,
'eo' ,
'es' ,
'et' ,
'eu' ,
'fa' ,
'fi' ,
'fo' ,
'fur' ,
'fy' ,
'gl' ,
'gu' ,
'ha' ,
'he' ,
'hu' ,
'is' ,
'it' ,
'ku' ,
'lb' ,
'ml' ,
'mn' ,
'mr' ,
'nah' ,
'nb' ,
'ne' ,
'nl' ,
'nn' ,
'no' ,
'oc' ,
'om' ,
'or' ,
'pa' ,
'pap' ,
'ps' ,
'pt' ,
'so' ,
'sq' ,
'sv' ,
'sw' ,
'ta' ,
'te' ,
'tk' ,
'ur' ,
'zu' => ( 1 == $number ) ? 0 : 1 ,
'am' ,
'bh' ,
'fil' ,
'fr' ,
'gun' ,
'hi' ,
'hy' ,
'ln' ,
'mg' ,
'nso' ,
'pt_BR' ,
'ti' ,
'wa' => ( $number < 2 ) ? 0 : 1 ,
'be' ,
'bs' ,
'hr' ,
'ru' ,
'sh' ,
'sr' ,
'uk' => (( 1 == $number % 10 ) && ( 11 != $number % 100 )) ? 0 : ((( $number % 10 >= 2 ) && ( $number % 10 <= 4 ) && (( $number % 100 < 10 ) || ( $number % 100 >= 20 ))) ? 1 : 2 ),
'cs' ,
'sk' => ( 1 == $number ) ? 0 : ((( $number >= 2 ) && ( $number <= 4 )) ? 1 : 2 ),
'ga' => ( 1 == $number ) ? 0 : (( 2 == $number ) ? 1 : 2 ),
'lt' => (( 1 == $number % 10 ) && ( 11 != $number % 100 )) ? 0 : ((( $number % 10 >= 2 ) && (( $number % 100 < 10 ) || ( $number % 100 >= 20 ))) ? 1 : 2 ),
'sl' => ( 1 == $number % 100 ) ? 0 : (( 2 == $number % 100 ) ? 1 : ((( 3 == $number % 100 ) || ( 4 == $number % 100 )) ? 2 : 3 )),
'mk' => ( 1 == $number % 10 ) ? 0 : 1 ,
'mt' => ( 1 == $number ) ? 0 : ((( 0 == $number ) || (( $number % 100 > 1 ) && ( $number % 100 < 11 ))) ? 1 : ((( $number % 100 > 10 ) && ( $number % 100 < 20 )) ? 2 : 3 )),
'lv' => ( 0 == $number ) ? 0 : ((( 1 == $number % 10 ) && ( 11 != $number % 100 )) ? 1 : 2 ),
'pl' => ( 1 == $number ) ? 0 : ((( $number % 10 >= 2 ) && ( $number % 10 <= 4 ) && (( $number % 100 < 12 ) || ( $number % 100 > 14 ))) ? 1 : 2 ),
'cy' => ( 1 == $number ) ? 0 : (( 2 == $number ) ? 1 : ((( 8 == $number ) || ( 11 == $number )) ? 2 : 3 )),
'ro' => ( 1 == $number ) ? 0 : ((( 0 == $number ) || (( $number % 100 > 0 ) && ( $number % 100 < 20 ))) ? 1 : 2 ),
'ar' => ( 0 == $number ) ? 0 : (( 1 == $number ) ? 1 : (( 2 == $number ) ? 2 : ((( $number % 100 >= 3 ) && ( $number % 100 <= 10 )) ? 3 : ((( $number % 100 >= 11 ) && ( $number % 100 <= 99 )) ? 4 : 5 )))),
default => 0 ,
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