2021-08-27 06:46:27 -04:00
< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Symfony\Contracts\Service ;
use Psr\Container\ContainerExceptionInterface ;
use Psr\Container\NotFoundExceptionInterface ;
// Help opcache.preload discover always-needed symbols
class_exists ( ContainerExceptionInterface :: class );
class_exists ( NotFoundExceptionInterface :: class );
* A trait to help implement ServiceProviderInterface .
* @ author Robin Chalas < robin . chalas @ gmail . com >
* @ author Nicolas Grekas < p @ tchwork . com >
trait ServiceLocatorTrait
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private array $factories ;
private array $loading = [];
private array $providedTypes ;
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* @ param callable [] $factories
public function __construct ( array $factories )
$this -> factories = $factories ;
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public function has ( string $id ) : bool
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return isset ( $this -> factories [ $id ]);
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public function get ( string $id ) : mixed
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if ( ! isset ( $this -> factories [ $id ])) {
throw $this -> createNotFoundException ( $id );
if ( isset ( $this -> loading [ $id ])) {
$ids = array_values ( $this -> loading );
$ids = \array_slice ( $this -> loading , array_search ( $id , $ids ));
$ids [] = $id ;
throw $this -> createCircularReferenceException ( $id , $ids );
$this -> loading [ $id ] = $id ;
try {
return $this -> factories [ $id ]( $this );
} finally {
unset ( $this -> loading [ $id ]);
public function getProvidedServices () : array
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if ( ! isset ( $this -> providedTypes )) {
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$this -> providedTypes = [];
foreach ( $this -> factories as $name => $factory ) {
if ( ! \is_callable ( $factory )) {
$this -> providedTypes [ $name ] = '?' ;
} else {
$type = ( new \ReflectionFunction ( $factory )) -> getReturnType ();
$this -> providedTypes [ $name ] = $type ? ( $type -> allowsNull () ? '?' : '' ) . ( $type instanceof \ReflectionNamedType ? $type -> getName () : $type ) : '?' ;
return $this -> providedTypes ;
private function createNotFoundException ( string $id ) : NotFoundExceptionInterface
if ( ! $alternatives = array_keys ( $this -> factories )) {
$message = 'is empty...' ;
} else {
$last = array_pop ( $alternatives );
if ( $alternatives ) {
$message = sprintf ( 'only knows about the "%s" and "%s" services.' , implode ( '", "' , $alternatives ), $last );
} else {
$message = sprintf ( 'only knows about the "%s" service.' , $last );
if ( $this -> loading ) {
$message = sprintf ( 'The service "%s" has a dependency on a non-existent service "%s". This locator %s' , end ( $this -> loading ), $id , $message );
} else {
$message = sprintf ( 'Service "%s" not found: the current service locator %s' , $id , $message );
return new class ( $message ) extends \InvalidArgumentException implements NotFoundExceptionInterface {
private function createCircularReferenceException ( string $id , array $path ) : ContainerExceptionInterface
return new class ( sprintf ( 'Circular reference detected for service "%s", path: "%s".' , $id , implode ( ' -> ' , $path ))) extends \RuntimeException implements ContainerExceptionInterface {