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/*! \file main.h
* \brief Headers of main file of SuperDerpy engine.
* Contains basic functions shared by all views.
* Copyright (c) Sebastian Krzyszkowiak <dos@dosowisko.net>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef MAIN_H
#define MAIN_H
#include <allegro5/allegro.h>
#include <allegro5/allegro_audio.h>
#include <allegro5/allegro_acodec.h>
#include <allegro5/allegro_image.h>
#include <allegro5/allegro_font.h>
#include <allegro5/allegro_ttf.h>
#include "allegro_utils.h"
/*! \brief Declares variables used by displaying progress bar on loading screen.
* Takes number of loading steps as parameter.
#define PROGRESS_INIT(a) float load_p = 0, load_a = a;
/*! \brief Increments progress of loading. */
#define PROGRESS if (progress) (*progress)(game, load_p+=1/load_a);
struct Game;
/*! \brief Enum of all available gamestates. */
enum gamestate_enum {
/*! \brief Resources used by moonwalk level placeholder. */
struct Moonwalk {
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *fade_bitmap; /*!< Bitmap used on fade-in and fade-out animations. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *image; /*!< Background texture. */
int derpy_frame; /*!< Current frame of Derpy animation. */
int derpy_frame_tmp; /*!< Counter used to slow down Derpy animation. */
double derpy_pos; /*!< Position of Derpy on screen. */
/*! \brief Structure representing obstacles and power-ups flying through the level. */
struct Obstacle {
ALLEGRO_BITMAP **bitmap; /*!< Pointer to bitmap used by obstacle. */
float x; /*!< Horizontal position on the screen, in range 0-100. */
float y; /*!< Vertical position on the screen, in range 0-100. */
float speed; /*!< Horizontal speed of obstracle. */
float angle; /*!< Angle of bitmap rotation in radians. */
int points; /*!< Number of points given when hit by player. Positive gives HP to power, negative takes it. */
bool hit; /*!< Indicates if this obstacle was already hit by the player or not. */
int cols; /*!< Number of columns in spritesheet. */
int rows; /*!< Number of rows in spritesheet. */
int pos; /*!< Current position in spritesheet. */
int blanks; /*!< Number of blank frames at the end of the spritesheet. */
float tmp_pos; /*!< Temporary counter used to slow down spritesheet animation. */
float anim_speed; /*!< Speed of spritesheet animation. */
void (*callback)(struct Game*, struct Obstacle*); /*!< Pointer to function called to update obstacle position, animate it, etc. */
void *data; /*!< Pointer passed to callback function. */
struct Obstacle *prev; /*!< Previous obstacle on the list. */
struct Obstacle *next; /*!< Next obstacle on the list. */
/*! \brief Structure representing one spritesheet animation of Derpy. */
struct Spritesheet {
char* name; /*!< Readable name of the spritesheet. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP* bitmap; /*!< Spritesheet bitmap. */
int rows; /*!< Number of rows in the spritesheet. */
int cols; /*!< Number of columns in the spritesheet. */
int blanks; /*!< Number of blank frames at the end of the spritesheet. */
float speed; /*!< Speed modifier of spritesheet animation. */
float aspect; /*!< Aspect ratio of the frame. */
float scale; /*!< Scale modifier of the frame. */
struct Spritesheet* next; /*!< Next spritesheet in the queue. */
/*! \brief Resources used by Level state. */
struct Level {
int current_level; /*!< Level number. */
float speed; /*!< Speed of the player. */
float speed_modifier; /*!< Modifier of the speed of the player. */
float bg_pos; /*!< Position of the background layer of the scene. */
float st_pos; /*!< Position of the stage layer of the scene. */
float fg_pos; /*!< Position of the foreground layer of the scene. */
float cl_pos; /*!< Position of the clouds layer of the scene. */
float derpy_x; /*!< Horizontal position of Derpy (0-1). */
float derpy_y; /*!< Vertical position of Derpy (0-1). */
float derpy_angle; /*!< Angle of Derpy sprite on screen (radians). */
float hp; /*!< Player health points (0-1). */
bool handle_input; /*!< When false, player looses control over Derpy. */
bool failed; /*!< Indicates if player failed level. */
float meter_alpha; /*!< Alpha level of HP meter. */
int sheet_rows; /*!< Number of rows in current spritesheet. */
int sheet_cols; /*!< Number of cols in current spritesheet. */
int sheet_pos; /*!< Frame position in current spritesheet. */
int sheet_blanks; /*!< Number of blank frames at the end of current spritesheet. */
float sheet_tmp; /*!< Temporary counter used to slow down spritesheet animation. */
float sheet_speed; /*!< Current speed of Derpy animation. */
float sheet_speed_modifier; /*!< Modifier of speed, specified by current spritesheet. */
float sheet_scale; /*!< Scale modifier of current spritesheet. */
ALLEGRO_FONT *letter_font; /*!< Font used in letter from Twilight on first level. */
ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *sample; /*!< Sample with background music. */
ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *music; /*!< Sample instance with background music. */
unsigned int music_pos; /*!< Position of sample instance. Used when pausing game. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *owl; /*!< Owlicious bitmap. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *background; /*!< Bitmap of the background layer of the scene. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *stage; /*!< Bitmap of the stage layer of the scene. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *foreground; /*!< Bitmap of the foreground layer of the scene. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *clouds; /*!< Bitmap of the clouds layer of the scene. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *welcome; /*!< Bitmap of the welcome text (for instance "Level 1: Fluttershy"). */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP **derpy_sheet; /*!< Pointer to active Derpy sprite sheet. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *derpy; /*!< Derpy sprite. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *meter_bmp; /*!< Bitmap of the HP meter. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *meter_image; /*!< Derpy image used in the HP meter. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *letter; /*!< Bitmap with letter from Twilight. */
bool debug_show_sprite_frames; /*!< When true, displays colorful borders around spritesheets and their active areas. */
struct Spritesheet* derpy_sheets; /*!< List of sprite sheets of Derpy character. */
struct Spritesheet* pony_sheets; /*!< List of sprite sheets of character rescued by Derpy. */
struct {
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *pie1; /*!< Pie bitmap. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *pie2; /*!< Pie bitmap (crossed). */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *muffin; /*!< Good muffin bitmap. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *badmuffin; /*!< Bad muffin bitmap. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *cherry; /*!< Cherry bitmap. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *pig; /*!< Pig spritesheet bitmap. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *screwball; /*!< Screwball spritesheet bitmap. */
} obst_bmps; /*!< Obstacle bitmaps. */
struct Obstacle *obstacles; /*!< List of obstacles being currently rendered. */
struct Moonwalk moonwalk; /*!< Moonwalk placeholder data. */
/*! \brief Enum of menu states in Menu and Pause game states. */
enum menustate_enum {
/*! \brief Resources used by Menu state. */
struct Menu {
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *menu_fade_bitmap; /*!< Screenshot bitmap used for fades. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *image; /*!< Bitmap with lower portion of menu landscape. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *cloud; /*!< Bitmap with bigger cloud. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *cloud2; /*!< Bitmap with small cloud. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *pie; /*!< Unscaled bitmap with pie. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *pie_bitmap; /*!< Scaled and "rendered" bitmap with pies. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *pinkcloud_bitmap; /*!< Scaled bitmap with pinkcloud and home. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *pinkcloud; /*!< Unscaled bitmap with pinkcloud and home. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *rain; /*!< Unscaled bitmap with rain drop. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *rain_bitmap; /*!< Scaled and "rendered" bitmap with rain drops. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *mountain; /*!< Flashing mountain in background bitmap. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *logo; /*!< Logo displayed in the background. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *logoblur; /*!< Prerendered blurred logo. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *glass; /*!< Texture used for glass effect in the logo. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *blurbg; /*!< Temporary bitmap used for blur effect in glass logo. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *blurbg2; /*!< Temporary bitmap used for blur effect in glass logo. */
float cloud_position; /*!< Position of bigger cloud. */
float cloud2_position; /*!< Position of small cloud. */
int mountain_position; /*!< Position of flashing mountain. */
ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *sample; /*!< Background music sample. */
ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *rain_sample; /*!< Rain sound sample. */
ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *click_sample; /*!< Click sound sample. */
ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *music; /*!< Sample instance with background music. */
ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *rain_sound; /*!< Sample instance with rain sound. */
ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *click; /*!< Sample instance with click sound. */
ALLEGRO_FONT *font_title; /*!< Font of "Super Derpy" text. */
ALLEGRO_FONT *font_subtitle; /*!< Font of "Muffin Attack" text. */
ALLEGRO_FONT *font; /*!< Font of standard menu item. */
ALLEGRO_FONT *font_selected; /*!< Font of selected menu item. */
int selected; /*!< Number of selected menu item. */
enum menustate_enum menustate; /*!< Current menu page. */
bool loaded; /*!< True if Menu state has been already loaded. */
struct {
bool fullscreen;
int fps;
int width;
int height;
} options; /*!< Options which can be changed in menu. */
/*! \brief Resources used by Loading state. */
struct Loading {
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *loading_bitmap; /*!< Rendered loading bitmap. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *image; /*!< Loading background. */
/*! \brief Resources used by Pause state. */
struct Pause {
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *bitmap; /*!< Bitmap with screenshot. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *derpy; /*!< Derpy on foreground. */
/*! \brief Resources used by About state. */
struct About {
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *fade_bitmap; /*!< Bitmap with screenshot, used in fades. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *image; /*!< Background bitmap. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *text_bitmap; /*!< Bitmap with scrolled text. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *letter; /*!< Paper bitmap. */
ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *sample; /*!< Sample with background music. */
ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *music; /*!< Sample instance with background music. */
ALLEGRO_FONT *font; /*!< Font used in the text on letter. */
float x; /*!< Horizontal position of the text. */
int fadeloop; /*!< Loop counter used in fades. */
/*! \brief Resources used by Map state. */
struct Map {
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *map; /*!< Background table bitmap. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *map_bg; /*!< Map bitmap. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *highlight; /*!< Level highlights bitmap. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *arrow; /*!< Arrow bitmap. */
int selected; /*!< Number of currently selected level. */
int available; /*!< Number of highest available level. */
float arrowpos; /*!< Vertical position of the arrow. */
ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *sample; /*!< Sample with backgrond music. */
ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *click_sample; /*!< Sample with click sound. */
ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *music; /*!< Sample instance with background music. */
ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *click; /*!< Sample instance with click sound. */
/*! \brief Resources used by Intro state. */
struct Intro {
int position; /*!< Position of the page. */
int page; /*!< Current page number. */
bool in_animation; /*!< Animation as in page transition animation. */
float anim; /*!< Counter used for spritesheet animations. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *table; /*!< Background paper bitmap, two pages long. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *table_bitmap; /*!< Unscaled background paper bitmap. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *frame; /*!< Bitmap with frame around the screen. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *animsprites[5]; /*!< Array with spritesheet bitmaps. */
ALLEGRO_FONT *font; /*!< Font used for text. */
ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *sample; /*!< Background music sample. */
ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *music; /*!< Sample instance with background music. */
ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *audiostream; /*!< Audiostream used for Celestia voice. */
/*! \brief Resources used by Game state. */
struct Game {
ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display; /*!< Main Allegro display. */
ALLEGRO_FONT *font; /*!< Main font used in game. */
ALLEGRO_FONT *font_console; /*!< Font used in game console. */
enum gamestate_enum gamestate; /*!< Current game state. */
enum gamestate_enum loadstate; /*!< Game state to be loaded. */
ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE *event_queue; /*!< Main event queue. */
ALLEGRO_TIMER *timer; /*!< Main FPS timer. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *console; /*!< Bitmap with game console. */
bool showconsole; /*!< If true, game console is rendered on screen. */
int fx; /*!< Effects volume. */
int music; /*!< Music volume. */
int voice; /*!< Voice volume. */
bool fullscreen; /*!< Fullscreen toggle. */
bool debug; /*!< Toggles debug mode. */
int fps; /*!< FPS limit */
int width; /*!< Width of window as being set in configuration. */
int height; /*!< Height of window as being set in configuration. */
bool shuttingdown; /*!< If true then shut down of the game is pending. */
bool restart; /*!< If true then restart of the game is pending. */
struct Menu menu; /*!< Resources used by Menu state. */
struct Loading loading; /*!< Resources used by Menu state. */
struct Intro intro; /*!< Resources used by Intro state. */
struct About about; /*!< Resources used by About state. */
struct Map map; /*!< Resources used by Map state. */
struct Level level; /*!< Resources used by Level state. */
struct Pause pause; /*!< Resources used by Pause state. */
struct {
ALLEGRO_VOICE *v; /*!< Main voice used by the game. */
ALLEGRO_MIXER *mixer; /*!< Main mixer of the game. */
ALLEGRO_MIXER *music; /*!< Music mixer. */
ALLEGRO_MIXER *voice; /*!< Voice mixer. */
ALLEGRO_MIXER *fx; /*!< Effects mixer. */
} audio; /*!< Audio resources. */
/*! \brief Preloads gamestate set in game->loadstate. */
void PreloadGameState(struct Game *game, void (*progress)(struct Game*, float));
/*! \brief Unloads gamestate set in game->gamestate. */
void UnloadGameState(struct Game *game);
/*! \brief Loads gamestate set in game->loadstate. */
void LoadGameState(struct Game *game);
/*! \brief Print some message on game console.
* Draws message on console bitmap, so it'll be displayed when calling DrawConsole.
* If game->debug is true, then it also prints given message on stdout.
* It needs to be called in printf style.
void PrintConsole(struct Game *game, char* format, ...);
/*! \brief Draws console bitmap on screen. */
void DrawConsole(struct Game *game);
/*! \brief Loads bitmap into memory and scales it with software linear filtering. */
ALLEGRO_BITMAP* LoadScaledBitmap(char* filename, int width, int height);
/*! \brief Draws console bitmap on screen. */
float tps(struct Game *game, float t);
/*! \brief Draws frame from current gamestate. */
void DrawGameState(struct Game *game);
/*! \brief Load shared resources. */
int Shared_Load(struct Game *game);
/*! \brief Unload shared resources. */
void Shared_Unload(struct Game *game);